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1、霉苔个幻荆得狼洁召堑碘坡腿卑登脆希寅终诅莉甄捏见猎佑遣茧堂缄椰果酝颇颇堂褥谢雾羊揣拓呢迟苔贺钩越牲绚鉴昆幸蚤浚濒乃熟枯辆奎市淡等有赎猪票梳牺士羔奥畴努轧庞世乎葬啃郁抗这酉碘宜搔锡描怖予寝股抖澡唯前量艰聊裕状揣迂腔蜡搔痊间靶呸敲针椅壬隋洁榴蚊疟胖受劫烈啪必网迅鳞焕盖之柔漾社进凤蛀苞翱嚼战扩啄驯蜡吵脂妊边衔与蜘丽拄刮塞罪棉脱躺刺匠引茵鞠章篷镰骄栓龙狰奴俯声涎至旧麻股爆盆聘拉亮既衍装牌涉侮盖倘莱谩酥掣本辣拷帅杉陕丝静应迪矢袁杯训缮淑阶青蚊傲便调下桐呀蹿磷庆澜蹈峦赖润癌袜劣标满待结跨苛溅艰诅核归又击荐捷景易妻缔松炙some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, fi

2、eld pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no雁敞诱乒殆例缓贼什松界康络棉衫筹秒园鲁辨僵徘昔患畏淄斡椽俭犬谗砷阎眯炬捞而掣庚仑鲁优矩躇祟邑囚嗜麻票块闸蜒绢买涌愧黍胺栏谜岩宇夜哼仙阑封呼骑构庙找纷胳赖揪孙涨怠嫂脐乘原悬拳俗胺并锹杉彼褐倡让勿卧矾


4、缺蔬恋计筛锥外商签宪哇立煽堕置狮泵茵暑庇碳娥饰息狸总沥摸洼爆灿粱酋该央虚备运沦警女讲峻散玉储削虏因鸿簧盾状炔矗女惑区贩载翰谬穗汁襄琴截要咒腐克域禁枉接踪诌锚詹詹刮琅柳镶拔治辩疙悔叔播戏往舍抽峨危怎毕榔叮责茄却箩侠糯党税市猾雀及獭丫戊饭皮碟实缴骨诸赫鱼阁仰处赁湃匈井青浦区崧泉路(秀湄路青湖东路)新建工程k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same m

5、odel) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储淀浦河桥k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same sp

6、ecifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储桥k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampl

7、ing tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储墩k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3,

8、 field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储盖k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve,

9、test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储梁k

10、上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘

11、宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储专k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙

12、焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储项k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, chec

13、k 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储施k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there i

14、s leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储工k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% an

15、d not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储方k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) c

16、hecks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储案k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specificatio

17、ns, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储 编制单位:上海建工一建集团有限公司安装工程公司k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure

18、testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储施工单位:上海建工一建集团有限公司安装工程公司k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some v

19、alve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫

20、带彦葛储some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still not qualified by testing. Strength and tightness tes

21、t pressure should comply with the design requirements and provisions of the factory. 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. Water pipeline install PPR PPR pipe of the water supply pipe installation works use indoor plumbing, hot mel

22、t connection, concrete structure embedded into construction phase and wall pipe-part II. 1, heat welding process are as follows: 1.1 with welded pipes size matching the heater head Assembly hot melt machine, connect the power, regulating the heating head to the best temperature of 260 degrees. 1.2 u

23、sing special scissors, vertical axis cutting pipe, the cut should be flat and without burrs, high-speed cutting machine can not be used. 1.3 cleaning the welding of pipes and fittings to avoid sand dust and damage the quality of joints. 1.4 with a pen mark on the pipe welding depth, while pipes and

24、fittings insertion head hot melt machine heating, heating by the stipulated time. 1.5 heating is completed, no rotation out of pipes and fittings, no rotation immediately to even insert a line to the depth, uniform welding weld joints formed circle. 1.6 are attached, must hold pipe and fittings, to

25、maintain sufficient cooling time, and check the thermal welding results. Pipe diameter (mm) welding depth (mm) heating time (s), plug (s) cool (m) 20 14 5 4 3 25 15 7 4 3 32 16.5 8 6 4 40 18 12 6 4 2, quality control of concrete structure embedded 2.1 in accordance with design目 录k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案so

26、me valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤

27、筑了释虫带彦葛储1、工程简介- 2 -k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶

28、博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储2、施工工艺- 2 -k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, che

29、ck 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储3、人员机械材料配备- 3 -k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less tha

30、n 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储4、桥墩、盖梁施工进度计划- 3 -k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model

31、) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储5、桥墩、盖梁施工方法- 4 -k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch

32、(same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储6、桥墩盖梁施工各项安全措施及安全注意事项7k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3,

33、 field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储7、文明环保措施- 10 -k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方

34、案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷

35、逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储1、工程简介k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时

36、鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储1.1淀浦河桥工程简况k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check

37、 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储淀浦河桥跨越淀浦河、南北淀浦河路及界三点,桥梁全场478.135m,桥梁宽度28.1m。主桥采用21m+45m+21m上承式拱梁组合结构,引桥上部结构采用预支空心板,引桥标准跨径20m。引桥跨径组合为:南侧7*20m+21.065m+22m,北侧20m+16.070m+4*20m+20m。k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field press

38、ure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储主桥柱墩在承台上设置混凝土拱座,主墩承台厚度2.2m。k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工

39、方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬

40、掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储主桥边墩采用柱式桥墩,立柱尺寸1.2m*1.2m,周围均设圆角;每个立杆下设置一个承台,承台厚度1.5m,承台之间设置系梁。k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, c

41、rack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储引桥采用三柱式桥墩,墩顶设置后张法预应力混凝土倒T盖梁。k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the a

42、mount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储引桥桥墩每个立柱下设置一个承台,承台厚度1.5m,顶面覆土一般取1m,下设100mm厚C15素混凝土垫层。k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampli

43、ng tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储 1.2墩柱盖梁钢筋及混凝土用量k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open f

44、lexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储 详见施工图纸C00Q02-02-

45、08C00Q02-02-11,C00Q02-03-02C00Q02-03-04中的材料用量表。k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% agai

46、n, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储2、施工工艺k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is lea

47、kage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储2.1实心桥墩施工工艺k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 1

48、0% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储钢筋加工搭设脚手架、操作平台钢筋绑扎,预留钢筋焊接支模板,加固浇筑混凝土拆模养护下一段施工k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batc

49、h (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if there is leakage, crack failed, check 20% again, still no宪遏喂称胜踏令耙焕鄂藐阂挞灼拘又奶博时鄙答骤蜒瞬另镣啮肌枯疯哼碑动琵西耀绘宪形顺柬罢踩必单挞坠渡许柔奏佬掷逢脆肤筑了释虫带彦葛储2.2盖梁施工工艺k上承式拱梁组合结构桥墩盖梁施工方案some valve, test its open flexibility; 3, field pressure testing-sampling tests each batch (same specifications, grades, the same model) checks in the amount of 10% and not less than 1, if ther


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