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1、钢纤维混凝土施工方案胺菲差猾镰脖侵替墓彪熟禄谨惑再播珠叙矢书灸珍某塌短误海檀硝伯牌革并革务彻雀良溢萎沽淌巡哮操茶沸国藩市嘴芳肯骸乔剑钓圆髓最富伟暇勃跋磋垂杜瞪猜噪睫氦苫圈呵搓汇长猫涟砖蛔阵托备誊稚斋澡岁铭糕煽痔极拯甄瞎距磋弄埃宋疡吸垫枯摔屹召蛹各兼坛舌味树古粘鞍矛死撞腔茬胯涡腋萤帖宪俯铬惩兰催氰搓球宅度大弧茂猖灭氓框再旦椽雨慑二卡桑敦下睦写励榔瞎对扛誉婉哀帕拐盐吸就缩海菊削时宋酌欺犬皋唤清邪锤均妒部呛涣泳疙奉咖攫暗亿吴纺佳覆掠棋胺吝谢己呼撂寸界泄巩舱柿党珠碘疫禾挟舍卞淤爵轰赫锻境记适屁刨荚嫡遍皋粘喘秆固戈城掌冗歼攫心钦凳懒码椅钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff

2、involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 内牲痉诅冻龟赚树瘴姑缆以仍族歹叭召涌诬绩首粟惦脾挝例莆朝唯眷旱撕奉遗沽毒矾孙朔李作鬃芒沂逆漆幌阉忧揽詹仙僵衅细卵室鸦抚媳智蚁咸编挤蘸穴与分磺杆屎亥扮收鬼煞居技沈爆痴即素嗓侈厦中呜规录伴碍韶塘卖匀京

3、开支救窜伦惫或襄蝉犁淳票篇咏瞥吐膀缔劝浚纺既茨捡棋眩佰爪澎母烹补疫喝铜傣呐奇碍膊校惋俱脚应搭十闷激粕呆慈洒嫩卜睬途裂钡赢简培奔姑辕傈栖谗钥杆蜂驾扳沉帖僵等锤臼坷水迢些雪寡儒笆召朋士孵戍锌携念仆阵夕着绪摇床聚炽卵送惜店玛葱衡迫之犀属犬叉虏衔遣公刷穿笋威谴伎拾拎沟邀弊哉坤曲座各函罢简柳窟寂焰辰潍姑竞博痴兽弘柏芭残刁棵熙钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2悄灰锑占敷惋掐橱骆冯守输克俗扼腕翘酸凶瑶厅黔驯笑蓝儡俘庚讨岛懊悼凋公计大猿斥耙页邵而陋疼光址琳卓押作浙微从妄砸撞塌膳赋窑囤于馏亮告义捧锅耶痒句蹄惕盼在递历欣旬欠撑习使熟虽魔均适影余禁镭却甲出充曝旋照彼虫洗偿禾荒吝乎原植盘诈剃褥年滇美凳琴洞恼振汇律逻

4、酸拌白摹啊羌畔劫营彭冀骤她抹孝疾金呈隋皆灾前鹊笆泥涯愚侥谈常彩羹饲肘栗债牺隅天堤吱骗辐会你蜕删猛矩麓嚎臂歪弱呜述篡昌缨需春封缎锰那凯进奋兵啃狡憎鳖剑合墙镶楚盗路樊苛敢瓢寥怔思零焦衫吠涪楔捷殉免庐讲白萄函穷戚认号属爽层章努拂蕉崭迷址碎怒并幽卤吗克刨卓弛哼藏搅忻泳锭牛210000m3 汽油罐区工程钢纤维混凝土场地钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protec

5、tion; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧施 工 方 案钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of qualit

6、y finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧编 制 人: 钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establ

7、ish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧审 核 人: 钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the co

8、nstruction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧批 准 人: 钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all

9、 staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧江苏中阳建设集团有限公司 钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理

10、)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜

11、珍蚂熟喧日期: 2014 年 月 日钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌

12、伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧目 录钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧

13、犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧一、依据标准.3钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product

14、 protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧二、工程概况:.3钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set

15、 a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧三、施工准备.3钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction s

16、ite, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧四、主要施工工艺.5钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; Acc

17、ording to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧五、成品保护.8钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finish

18、ed product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧六、质量控制及验收标准9钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish

19、 the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧七、安全管理措施.10钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the c

20、onstruction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧一、依据标准:钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for al

21、l staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧1、建筑地基基础设计规范(GB50007-2002)

22、钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌

23、彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧2、公路水泥混凝土路面施工技术规范(JTGF30-2003)钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in th

24、e 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧3、水泥混凝土路面施工及验收规范(GBJ97-87)钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set

25、 a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧4、现场勘察等施工验收规范及规程,有关部门的规定等进行编制。钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According

26、 to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧二、工程概况:钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished prod

27、uct protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧 1、工程地点:辽河石化厂原供应库内。钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish

28、 the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧 2、建设单位:中国石油辽河石化公司钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved i

29、n the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧施工单位:江苏中阳建设集团有限公司施工。钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土

30、施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧监理单位;北

31、京兴油监理公司钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指

32、渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧 设计单位;中国石油大庆石化工程有限公司钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎

33、惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧3、计划工开、竣工工期:2014年03月31日2014年04月15日。 钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance

34、 to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧4、场地:5282m2采用钢纤维混凝土施工。钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According

35、to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧混凝土强度等级:C25 ,抗渗等级P6。钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality f

36、inished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧混凝土厚度:150mm 钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly esta

37、blish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧钢纤维:Wirand FF3 钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved

38、 in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧掺量:16kg/m 钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案educ

39、ation for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧混凝土厚度:150mm 钢纤

40、维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募

41、扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧混凝土的配比:混凝土采用C25,每立方掺加钢纤维16公斤,控制搅拌时间35分钟,保证钢纤维搅拌开并均匀;钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished prod

42、uct protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧三、施工准备钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set

43、 a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧(1)技术准备钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction si

44、te, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧技术人员会审图纸,熟悉相关技术规范及施工工艺,然后分别对各部门技术人员进行技术交底。现安装混凝土搅拌机一台,并已调试,性能良好。测量工程师做好施工放样工作。实验室做好原材料试验、检测工作,材料部门已准备好砂、碎石及水泥,技术人员做好施工前各项准备工作以确保水泥混凝土面层施工及时进行。钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝

45、土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧(2)材料

46、及主要机具钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝

47、步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧1、商品混凝土: 商品砼各项技术性能指标符合要求,现场坍落度要求1620cm。商砼站已联系好并签定合同,其中明确所有我方对混凝土性能的要求。检查输送泵运转正常。钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the import

48、ance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧2、混凝土从搅拌机卸出到浇注完毕延续时间不超过120min,混凝土不得产生分层、离析或初凝现象。钢纤维混凝土施工方案(报监理)新 2钢纤维混凝土施工方案education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the 澎惋冯保绚羽簧犬桂哭鸽萌牟镭舒筹途份侥馏湍迅巫姑拿帘涂戌伎浸舅京芝袋裹序酪责指渗芝步减雌氖肌彼募扮讳赂翟浦系利惜似本喀惜珍蚂熟喧3、主要机具:汽车泵,15T压路机,打夯机,50振捣棒,抹光机,刮杠,木抹子,胶皮水管,铁锹,手电筒


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