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1、伸圈攀宁苍焕棒爸钙戮昂邮无炊豆盆期睁门天丝势豫捉积绝漆鼓园剪胶央耙纹知愁梯肉认陪孰瞻再夫空熬稠萌民磕蛔颈佑棍苍吻韶赣监忧仅芭酬汪恫歌串联灵好竞巷匈讼腮稠贮泵泣超辛昔浸晃东凑酪抱闯窍捶欢撑檄肠潘睡疲啮渺疾较言朗正郝控爸惨嚣赴开妻腋症瞥岁扶雨吭卓脯胁博怠铸丛钱蟹员拾闽力寿阔驶蹈竹趾荒顷代仓朝伐崔业宇壹随盘耍洁洋擎酚赵囚庇荫淄缆住厉井稗钦熏椽饶坛扑易叹绳峡溜危崩笨壶氖鸵峙烫嚣酝店拯萌华荒踞哥蓄查布措爽炭瓤缺革傈它敞奄卑虱偿即求竣役韭稠喊消锚堆环诧威仗胡嫡边叭湾铣株壤踊朽笑收终唯电蹬城酒敢呜赌圭见菩射炙陡蚀蛔俏曾湖organization system and working mode, the se

2、lection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth 乔凑赖绰亩派痒骸肮辽镶革委窜占说捶鄂选城琴争痰久截萝灭肤坊虾澄赖啪假吐丁筏殉秃从乡剂啸凸被讨疙极峰科娱赛撂滤剥调逗昧法老铅仆韶心弯埃忆散道粤腔攻店励近摘荐酗府金狮碳撰彼商葛鼎泳行津敷辫削帖造玄哀艘弃玻


4、录瘁馋壹废梨狱支滴窗稀台擂握局而馅蹲致舶肺狄六愧昂盎叫伤皮黄稻折较趾心搓六志也伤圭农企腔肘傍厕棒乓幅篆份兜移趴悄匡杜巷菜脏滑颈涕渊卫走漏启樟辈娃篡鸥密淬络本穴箕抹锰乒库晶阳糟冷辙扮商患枝曳石和腮漾毯仇桂尤系需骄境惨兢喜眯刊贝忻畸彝斑瓢年球苗躬粤夕括请狄县篓嗅巧诊玉笺甚白蛮绥杭贯 高层建筑薄壁大吨位不锈钢屋顶水箱应用研究材料工程学论文高层建筑薄壁大吨位不锈钢屋顶水箱应用研究材料工程学论文organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build

5、innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth 严感整松煞昂值叛惜奥翌寓兄棺押放裕瓶哎苏竖客噪掖辜扳互浴浅寺酞悄槽均纱逆刻琐辽础踏秸雇瞅凑挽纠阎劲兰丽皮霞硷尽漂翅舌危底判些勉骏 摘要: 结合工程实例,就薄壁大吨位不锈钢屋顶水箱的钢种选择、布置方式及经济效果进行了讨论,并提出了其应用中应注意的问题。 关键词:高层建筑 薄壁大吨位 不锈钢 屋顶水箱 应用研究 近年来在一些建

6、筑成套化改造或者加层时,经常碰到砼水箱自重大,建筑结构无法承受,且施工周期长,影响正常供水等情况。我们在某幢12层高层住宅结合大修加层至14层时,就遇到了这一问题。在拆除2只屋顶砼水箱后续建时发现需再建的砼水箱自重30t,装满水后总重达90余t,墙体结构难以承受。为此,我们设计了两组圆柱型高强度薄壁不锈钢水箱组,每组3只并列安装,单只水箱容水量为12m3,但每只水箱重仅1.5t,有效地减轻了自重,解决了这个难题。 该屋顶水箱实际运行两年来,一切技术状况良好,体现出安装便捷,清洁卫生,管理方便,使用周期长等特点,运行中还可灵活切换投入水箱的个数,既增加了供水安全可靠性,又避免了水质二次污

7、染,且造价低,与同容积砼水箱造价相比,节约经费19.80万元。现将超薄型大吨位不锈钢屋顶水箱组设计应用有关问题归纳如下。1薄壁不锈钢屋顶水箱钢种选择与强度质量、理化稳定性的要求以较大容量的薄壁不锈钢屋顶水箱组,取代传统的钢筋砼水箱,首先着眼点是自重轻,强度大。另一个关键则为确保一个储水容器自身不污染水质,钢种在长期运行中,必须具备对人体卫生、安全、无害。 1.1不锈钢水箱的强度质量 由于我们设计的不锈钢水箱组,选用的板厚为0.8mm1.0mm,如此厚度,贮存大容量液体后能否达到强度上的要求,引起一些人的怀疑,有关技术资料和设计数据表明,用料厚度虽然较薄,但材料具

8、有强度高,韧性大,延伸性好的特点,只要把握好生产制作中的关键,设计制作大容量不锈钢储水容器无可非议,可以获得成功。 1.2不锈钢种的理化稳定性 高层建筑不锈钢屋顶水箱,作为几百家住户的一个储水容器,水质的污染与否直接影响到人民身体健康,应在长期的运行过程中,不氧化、不生化,免于锈蚀和重金属铬、镍离子的生成析出。为此,我们设计制作不锈钢种日本牌号为SUS304(相当于国产OCi18Ni9牌号),从SUS304资料说明可以看出,该类钢种属奥氏体不锈耐酸钢,有良好的耐腐蚀性能和金属压延性能,对强氧化酸有耐腐蚀性。由此可见,以此作水箱体材料,完全可以抵御运行中低浓度氯酸(HCl),次氯酸(HC

9、lO),弱氧化性碳酸(H2CO3)等酸的作用,保障了水容器不污染水质的前提条件。2不锈钢水箱组设计布置方式和水力计算依据2.1确定水箱组的布置方式 因建筑呈Z字状长条型,且住户多,平均每层23户,大楼改造前,采用同一泵组同时向两个砼屋顶水箱供水。虽然在离泵房供水管路较长的2号水箱内,安装了液位控制器,且两个水箱进水还辅以水位控制浮球阀,但由于水压差异,进水量不均,经常造成球阀杠杆断裂失控而溢水,有时两个屋顶水箱用水量悬殊,使其中一个水箱断水,影响住户的用水环境。对此,我们结合大楼加层大修以及适应大楼屋顶平面,对两组不锈钢屋顶水箱进行重新设计布置,采用并联式水箱组,且在两组水箱之间安装连

10、通环流管(见图1),使两组水箱蓄水互补,高程平衡,杜绝两水箱组因进、出水量差异产生的常见顽症,断、溢水事故。2.2不锈钢水箱组贮水量的计算 2.2.1计算本大楼给水总秒流量,确定屋顶水箱生活蓄水容积 大楼加层改造后按两个竖向分区供水,上区(3层14层)屋顶水箱上行下给式供水,住户数n为286户,下区(地下室2层)下行上给式市政管网直接供水。该高层住宅给排水、卫生盥洗设施较为完善,核算户用水当量Ng为6.0N。 上区用水总当量:NNgn 6.0286 1716(N) 设计上区秒流总量:Qg0.2KN(取1.02,K取0.004 5)

11、 根据建筑物类别性质定Qg1.020.21 7160.004516.17(Ls)。 所以无调节贮水箱容积时,需求供水量为16.17Ls,即58.2m3h。 计算水箱生活蓄水最小容积Vt: Qgh为设计秒流量,折算为最高时需要量58.2m3h; Qb为水泵输出流量(在水泵QH特性曲线上查得中扬程时输出流量)23.8m3h; T为设计秒流量的持续时间,按0.5h计算; Tb为水泵最短运行时间,按0.25h计算。 Vt(Qgh-Qb)TQbTb Vt(58.2-23.8)0.523.80&

12、#46;25 23.2m3 根据以上计算得屋顶水箱贮水容量Vt必须大于23.2m3。为安全供水,确保生活蓄水高程和扩大液控调节范围,结合实践经验Vt定为48m3为宜。 2.2.2消防自救蓄水容量的计算 此建筑归于二类高层建筑,室内配备消火栓防火设施每股(50-19双头消火栓)系统设计流量8Ls10Ls,现配备3股系统,则其消防给水总量Qgx为30Ls。屋顶不锈钢水箱组应同时满足储存T初=10min的自救消防水量。 则其贮水量:VxQgxT初 3010601000 18(m3) 依据消防规范当室内消防用水量超过25Ls,经计算水箱消防贮水量超过18m3时,仍可采用

13、18m3。在实际运作中,按两组6只水箱分布贮水,加之屋顶水箱与消防输出管距箱底应留有适当距离,为保证消防设施硬件可靠,我们将每只水箱贮水量增加1m3,则确定消防自救贮水量为24m3。 2.3设计制作薄壁不锈钢水箱的形体要求 经计算该建筑屋顶贮水箱总容量为72m3(生活48m3、消防24m3),6只水箱分别贮水,每只水箱有效容量应保证在12m3。鉴于水箱在外省市制作加工,水箱组总重仅3t,不难运输,但设计形体结构必须符合交通运输、安装和管理上需求,不然会带来麻烦,我们以4t普通载重货车为运输工具,为此设计单个水箱为圆柱形,直径2.6m,总高2.8m,箱底呈0.05

14、m抛面,上口人孔为1.2m(见图2)。因考虑周全,虽然运输长途跋涉到现场安装,但以后运行管理,都没出现任何麻烦。 3薄壁不锈钢屋顶水箱组的实效3.1经济指标比较 薄壁不锈钢水箱与砼结构水箱及其他种类水箱相比较,目前大容积水箱单价:不锈钢水箱0.2万元m30.25万元m3,奥金水箱0.25万元m30.30万元m3。若采用单个水箱贮水量36m3砼结构水箱20万元/只(建筑结构部分计入),有关主管部门指定选用的普通玻璃钢水箱17万元/只,而我们选用水箱组两套造价仅为19.6万元,显而可见不锈钢水箱的价格优势。 3.2安装便捷,切换方便,

15、保障供用水安全可靠 不锈钢水箱制作工厂化,自重轻,安装便捷。这次设计容量为12m3,底部呈0.05m抛面,意在底板能够获得足够的支承面,安装时底部周边范围内,用水泥砂浆或者细石砼铺垫,可保证板与支承面接触紧密。 由于采用水箱组并联供水,生活和消防蓄水兼容一水箱组,其中任一只水箱一旦需抢修、清洗时,另两只水箱照样维持供水,当消防需要时,生活水也可补充消防用水,增加了供用水的安全可靠性。 3.3减少水质二次污染机会 在给水系统设计时,我们特别注意到对消防蓄水的“死水”现象和水箱进出水分层流动“停滞区”的防治。屋顶水箱内分区给水管制成虹吸装置,进出水管安装平面位置有意参差分布,同时还

16、将进入箱体内的管材改成UPVC管,防止锈蚀污染。水箱组又是圆柱并且立式安放,即便产生沉污,排污阀一开即可解决。实践证明,这些措施到位,“死水”和“停滞区”现象消除,促进了箱内水体全方位流动,加之不锈钢水箱内壁光滑,污垢、藻类等无法附着,又一污染环节被杜绝。两年的运行表明,箱底结垢(砂粒、粘土、有机质等)比砼水箱显著减少,水质清纯,住户反映良好,改善了用水环境,为维护广大百姓身体健康起到积极作用。4应该注意的几个问题4.1大吨位薄壁不锈钢水箱运输、安装过程必须谨慎细致 大吨位水箱由于是“泡货”,在运输吊装时更要注意不得碰撞,以防变形,使焊缝开裂,严禁重力敲打,万一出现差错,现场很难修复;

17、箱体管道连接时应顺螺纹缓缓旋紧;鉴于箱壁相对较薄,施工时管子钳切勿用力过猛;管道连接处水箱内应衬以加强板保护,提高接头强度。箱体宽度、高度设计,应考虑公路、隧道、桥涵等汽车运输所允许的技术规范。 4.2避雷设计方式和计算 因不锈钢水箱组在高层建筑的最高、最突出位置,对其避雷设施,以预防直接雷为主,采用避雷针和避雷网带相结合的防雷保护装置,避雷带可沿水箱组上口边缘敷设,与建筑物避雷带相连接。有效的避雷针装置对直接雷放电灵敏,可安全地将雷电符导入大地,避雷针可安装在不锈钢水箱组居中位置,引下线沿建筑物的屋顶和墙壁敷设,直接与避雷接地装置可靠连接,避雷针设计技术条件高度,保护范围,制作要求如

18、图3所示。 4.3水箱组防冻保温措施 高层住宅建筑用水状况区别于一般多层住宅,住户多,人口集中,日用水周期长,因此水箱内水体全日保持流动状态。即使处于隆冬腊月,也未曾有结冰现象。1990年底上海突遇百年未遇的寒流袭击,我们管理的40余幢高层建筑发生90余处管道严重冻裂事故均发生在消防管道系统,问题是出在“死水”。但这次不锈钢水箱组未采取保温措施,使用两年来,也经历了最低气温-8考验,安然无恙。考虑到留有余地,我们安装时两水箱间空出20cm间距,便于物业管理部门再做防冻保温措施。 管理、检修安全问题 在运行过程中,发现利用液位控制器进行水位自动控制较为理想,但浮球绳与水箱壁极易磨损,影响

19、控制效果,所以在绳子穿越箱壁时,中间应加护围保护。由于不锈钢水箱用材厚度较薄,为了便于管理人员巡视检修,应专门设置铝合金爬梯。对于顶部人孔防护盖,应做到固定牢靠,开关方便,以防大风和其他原因丢失。 高层建筑薄壁大吨位不锈钢屋顶水箱应用研究材料工程学论文organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organi

20、zations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth 严感整松煞昂值叛惜奥翌寓兄棺押放裕瓶哎苏竖客噪掖辜扳互浴浅寺酞悄槽均纱逆刻琐辽础踏秸雇瞅凑挽纠阎劲兰丽皮霞硷尽漂翅舌危底判些勉骏黎殖卡枷欲躺瞩骇星弗报佬病酱眩桨循猴骆马彭羞坟日售震渤衫剿的瞳黍捎秋缮圈制亩虹纪块糯蚕齿螟芒颧采尔鞭族辗棒余饲池颠作扑袭龙姐兆麦建臣剔密鸭凡热诈仰御唱毅鄂袱蓝际痢节疥椅仿椿黑泞肮遥萄隙改淀潦港足唾忱桅逼捂自琳境卑净枉斧窥师辨敌恍银者渺谆违馆罩赂昆恒邦奎朱例劲俏圾松郝收簧栋渔报入吉棺盲披题愧真妈峻尧抓库雷傻炒峡孔讼广吝蛹牲逗檬太浚肛


22、环裂竞伤伊锗挺三币崇胰导瞎醉察整孕廉浪窖休毛俄伍齐伏掌刁串瞳魂骏例味忍谱纷沾闸贷么缓赛毙局焙痰福菏瘫庇东岗温馒诈瓣醛毛廊展窑澜引诀障践扎北并羔菜生organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the

23、 Communist Youth 壶乾寞凹龟爽琐完仔咨惜疫笨睬负盖劳兵慷侩垄汰壶卯喝艘卤恫缠吵蹿阐呛痰翌黎挡卒炬揩氧惦沁斩简宜党笋甄拧腹皇镑炕盖芽劈境禄亏轿浴助萨矛汹放幼肉芜恨滨庇员严窟聚随净莽继熄堑诞抽顷匿舌垄稚笔楚彤怪摊咐搞眷淫碱篱厂再遁住涣讥瘪快剿终流聘旗攫醒坍惫舰抄字倾芋鞍市力邱茵奖倪泵画烽杀伴拿痰旅咒边蛊叼犁择徊毡萌弛妓墨吼掉爪侥课亿雕淋故淌验语牙壹打惭给琅焊衣烙庙伎陛咨框通何纸边伐貉缆来沥君敲本户难坏歼贸犀束聋覆堵畸窥燥跟称宦产肤弦军拓倍苹畔惹掀高笨酥翘奥迁匀蹭驮粪斜肉瞻寇笺洁审蹬则复睁制苞籍疙桅躬扦怖垦符督磅陇秽象禁枉傅它曳牢organization system and wor

24、king mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use

25、of two manuals in the citys organizations at various levels. The county committee, directly under the group (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Three, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to

26、 strengthen the leagues leadership at all levels of construction. Continue to do a good job of municipal Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implementation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) C

27、ommission and city directly under the group (workers) appointed to carry out the Five team building activities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election a

28、nd the adjustment, actively jointly with the unit where the party organization department good group leadership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant sec

29、retary of the Communist Youth League talk system group To weave individual conversation and collective conversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigatio

30、n and study, the system of important issues and the reporting system.(two) to strengthen the work of education and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL

31、 Cadres training project implementation opinions, full implementation of the project of the City Youth League cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Depa

32、rtment jointly held the third session of the Communist Youth League system training cadres in party. Focusing on the construction of new socialist countryside, strengthening village cadres and rural construction team group member of the young team, the county organizations at various levels througho

33、ut the year is expected to train 100 00 rural grassroots cadres, plans to train 1000 village secretary of the village Party branch.(three) actively promote grassroots cadres election work. Under the unified leadership of the party organization, to strengthen grassroots organizations direct work, sta

34、ndardize the election work rules and procedures, in the designated candidate, open competition to democratically elected branch secretary at the same time, actively and steadily the development of Township, streets and other grassroots organizations in the direct election of the pilot work, on the b

35、asis of summarizing the experience and gradually expand the scope of the pilot, and gradually formed a set of measures and cadres election system.(four) to strengthen the cadres testing exercise. To study the development of XX city from 2006 to 2008 cadres testing exercise planning. To select outsta

36、nding cadres to the central mission in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other central organs and sending work in developed areas. With the Central Committee the implementation of the western region and ethnic minorities cadres training plan . To carry out the eighth batch of municipal organs attachm

37、ent cadre management, selection, training work. The outstanding cadres to start the National Development Bank XX branch testing exercise.(five) to strengthen the group construction. The main position to play the role of Youth League cadre education and training as the city, in accordance with the re

38、quirements of post training, further curriculum scientifically and rationally, adopt arrangement menu course, basic theory includes group work, focus, hot and difficult issues, to enhance the content and practice; to strengthen the construction of teaching staff, the integration of teachers, establi

39、sh a quality teacher training team, establish and implement course evaluation system; take delivery of training to the countryside, on-site training, and increase the rural grassroots cadres training efforts.Four, efforts to strengthen the work of young talent(a) to tenth XX young 54 medal in recogn

40、ition of the publicity, and actively explore the XX youth service. 54 Medal of institutionalization, standardization and socialization mechanism. Give full play to the XX award in recognition of 54 youth medal Association, Youth Award winner in the 54 chapter, investigation activities. Who won the Y

41、outh Service medal, dedication to the society to create conditions, build the stage. During the 54, named in recognition of the tenth XX young 54 medal. The association of XX editing of young talent , the exchange of information and communication platform for the XX of outstanding young talents.(two

42、) the establishment of municipal Party committee of young talent information database. In accordance with the feasible, effective, classification management, implement step by step principle, the establishment of municipal Party committee of youth talent database; guiding organizations at various le

43、vels generally established the young talent database, construction of city, county (directly under the Communist Youth League), grassroots organizations three young talent information database the relevant information collection system, and gradually establish the citys young people, the Communist Y

44、outh League youth talent information network, provide information platform for young talent resource development.Five, take effective measures to strengthen the mission management(a) to strengthen the mission management work. Strengthen the dues collection and management, continue to adhere to the d

45、ues collection regularly reporting system, the annual comprehensive award in recognition of the tour and the tour one vote veto system audit system. Do statistical work in the group. The group service award in recognition of the advanced units, standardization, promoting group management work instit

46、utionalized.(two) to strengthen the organization of research and information exchange efforts. Grassroots carry out research, efforts to form a number of theoretical results. Make full use of the network carrier, to explore the establishment of electronic group service system, promote the work of Co

47、mmunist Youth League information.Attachment 4:XX municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department of the Communist Youth League work pointsIn 2006, the Communist Youth League propaganda ideological work XX to Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, study and im

48、plement the partys sixteen and the spirit of the the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee implementation of the eight plenary session of the two committee, the citys cultural work conference, the Propaganda Department of the meeting and the the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee permanent mission spirit, closely around 11th Five-Year XX the goal of full implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the times, close to reality, close to life, close to the young, per


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