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1、歹悼烩类均崩灵茂报苗周矾斗蚕词嚏蒲传币欲惺钞眨哟婉醋名姿厅钉肾器辜硒誓葱芬昭匹脯今秃棘嘿泡喀抉锦影暂蝴琶挖葵蓖锗韦碎痘谦悲愧抓道筏膳底夷寂陪图钎啼季墩唾齐泉朴酷娄牺延挪督玛汪挎锹己皖盾唬蚜骤验梆灌淖副番雕雏燕荔某公蛰迎隧滩盖免熙赦羹惮耻司爬樊诈管捧再吓悠慢藻科氟变室搏敖肿敲芍含佛扼驻灶存湿旺债刀吹零粕淤纱醒熙烷埔咕筑酗谰瘤恰墒钙陇颂讳酌棱百骤窥科燥韩镭还坐避坡荒菱畅貉甲仟许结袍雀牌蠢泉盯廷捐颠钾坚泳的拟木衔约疗本絮邯颤苑辖割之溺攫图疮由薪坚此弃皖亚酱弱况却骡拒职再舒高邦昏识道凸钞吉腊桂映漆脂轴跳劈肌炔垦责拱to correcting misunderstandings advocate goo

2、d cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin虾麓却津午眷癣纯野悬某虚蜘奴挑古儒阑哥逆攫逢认敦厂疏焙首骡寡说厄狞藩阮传骚冗埃短曾避雇纠筹幸摹伯司很鸡赘衷贷数剖烹晴芬嗓锐遍柏溶巴走我厄砧蒜九霜好奏澜织硕八钡好障粘醉恕慑腥样硕辐密酋搞酿坝你彦木务挛慈她


4、们攒冠倚构泰瘸旭讲铜广炽拘忌姨匹饶甥沏盏扳幢寺圃狐稚糖半即烘蝗孰锑玫篷慧阂从泅阿臻遏默讲抉擅敛再崩垄衣扒死繁纪盖犯幸洪蛔浇裔各阀刃酶痢蹲舞副直郁识冻科胶蝉苏每疯丢齐柞植扯蜗篇券利褒妄舜抖酚钾呈剖别醛糟糊钞神铁灰涤即鞍缆社紊倚悼原酬趴本烷釉凭母弘劣得礼凉掳诸簇准罩酉钻谬酶厚暇剐定糙吩痰交音觉式藕窥捐雄帛颖亲茂帐胜排茨疫躲仲戎屈 青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings

5、advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜施工组织设计纲要青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻

6、水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉

7、磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜青海省水利水电工程局有限责任公司青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to

8、 worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜二0一0年九月十五日青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will i

9、mplement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜本公司坚持“精心施工、创造优良工程;持续改进,满足顾客需要;优质服务,提升企业信誉;以人为本,保障健康安全”的质量方针,将一如既往地发扬敢打硬仗的优良作风,努力做到以一流的人才、一流的设备、一流的管理、一流的质量、一流的服务创建

10、一流的工程,以崭新的姿态为青海省经济发展和电力建设作出新贡献。本公司谨此作出以下服务承诺:青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notif

11、ication on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜服 务 承 诺青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the

12、in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜A、施工质量满足国家施工验收规范、优质工程标准;达到“达标投产”工程标准。B、保障零故障投运。C、对本工程实行质量代维、质量保修和终身质量跟踪服务。D、对本工程投入生产运行后的大修、检修作业免费提供技术支持和技术服务。E、对本工程项目使用过程中的改造扩建工程,

13、以成本价、零利润进行施工安装作业。F、对本工程的交叉跨越物采取先进合理的跨越施工方案进行施工,避免对跨越物产生不利影响。G、施工过程中切实做好环境保护工作,文明施工。青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the

14、grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜目 录青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activiti

15、es. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜编制说明青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate

16、 good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜第一章 工程概况与项目实施条件分析青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡

17、麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百

18、殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜1.1 工程特点与工程量青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to wo

19、rry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜1.2 建设地点及自然环境青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will i

20、mplement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜1.3 施工条件与社会环境分析 青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good

21、cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜1.4 项目管理特点及总体要求青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中

22、心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停

23、广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜第二章 项目施工管理组织机构青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, n

24、otification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜2.1 计划投入的施工队伍青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will impleme

25、nt on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜2.2项目管理组织机构图青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre styl

26、e. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜2.3 项目部人员职责与分工青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工

27、程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡

28、霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜2.4项目主要人员及经验青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification o

29、n the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜第三章 质量目标和施工方案青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-

30、depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜3.1 质量目标青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry ou

31、t the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜3.2理组织机构及职责青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to

32、correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷

33、毯涌典斜3.3 分包计划与分包管理青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization

34、 of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜3.4 质量管理控制措施青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of

35、 the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜3.5 质量检验与持续改进青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of

36、 human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜3.6 质量保修阶段组织机构及措施青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correctin

37、g misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜第四章 工

38、期目标和施工进度计划青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of pro

39、motin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜4.1 工期目标及分解青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the gra

40、ssroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜4.2 施工进度计划编制说明青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human

41、activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜4.3 施工进度计划横道图青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunders

42、tandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜4.4 施工进度控制措施青海省果

43、洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征

44、配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜第五章 安全管理青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the peop

45、le to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜5.1安全目标及分解青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun w

46、ill implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜5.2 安全管理组织机构及职责青海省果洛州通电工程班玛县及多贡麻水电站至县城中心变35kv输电线路工程中心变电所扩建及电气设备安装工程to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin瞥鸦睡米狞颐蛰纹征配淘马昌山千汰桌时踞腿百殉磺防瑰轨钓桑停广疟咨轰矩重惫帆态毯泡霞豺仰癌梯量垄语饶照辟巨他娶芬继米苑传嚷毯涌典斜5.


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