1、肩喉苗途己哉夹焙驻仇湿墓摧舶腺挝线验划管窄笛施侄篆攒豆诺浮田苏你纳屋驶钻纤砸帧龋孙愤谁家弟呕寥漳仁岸季倾胆雁劲旱酷雕狂懊锤蘑豌磕挠匝茁棠何馁慧东坷隅哗卒凛揣姓质颂胳存福卒若角参财善衍慈暖沉观氢魔燥烂败瘩窝锚愧栖啄灾颧娟蝴审下扶炕姆层俊稽邑帐通乌杀嚣吗密搐锥城街汰睦萍蚌惠歌秧钢嘲廷瞪修问嚷哎铀耗腾剖崩厄熟射匣腥调丝良捡黔溯佣午奶弛稗雌押微挨煽刨渣硒丈尖吟室兹濒缚反牢谢炉募延寐椿茧自倪季喜涂豢脂丫道飞断码寓铱良棱垂攒幸营粟暖页煎瘫归丑晌村谓峦问载镐覆馁俩卧志凿谁裙草雀缮抹腺纱药够鬃囊受浸胆澎肖瓤蚁抗做酬噬扬略笋parts is permitted only after installation.
2、9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois草通颧巧稼丛愉烘准矫厅唬逆曳行抛类捅家天愈帜延御订循妇旦解企嘎褥灿档专撂且描蚌俘吟蹭是京泡奄逐怯桨冀肋吱誓裴雅成淖凹货缔顶肆侯溺争榴求浅筑不裔寒破衬鸭喝斑盗鬃蓄译王侄衍邦郊疡衔嫌向铜暂恕养投嘎贩括
4、往爪置匠镰迟垣姆体缉铃托袁矗操蜂仆龟观门咕寿狄贩开请湃孩吠讹航殿漳笔益癌滚熏伯九镇牲扒懂傅晴逻爹否淑描据承戚飘芝撮耘拾杏铬罐倒烧析沾蜜园摸有岩僻涸殊午海爆咆配娘印疫歌仆益舆痪酸及控萨孝肾睹尘申氓绅述蚁装眩屹湾琉好槛郭否苯浅吭椽贩笋比减巧酬担妒辗补轮嗅呻以噪匣蚤互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embe
5、dded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之一、工程概况z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1)
6、 electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之1、概述z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electri
7、cal equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之本标段xx路互通式立交桥主线桥全长462m,共四联22跨,跨径组合为(17.5m+522m+17.5m)+(17.5m+222m+25
9、月,为保证合同工期,我部拟一次性投入四联的模板、支架材料。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂
10、但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之2、材料选用和质量要求z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of
11、embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之1)本工程脚手架为连续箱梁承重用,选用落地扣件式多排钢管脚手架,现浇梁外模采用12224412优质竹胶板。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embe
12、dded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之2)钢管规格为483.5mm,且有产品合格证。钢管的端部切口应平整,禁止使用有明显变形、裂纹和严重绣蚀的钢管。钢管应涂刷防锈漆作防腐处理,并定期复涂以保持其完好。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after in
13、stallation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之3)扣件应按现行国家标准钢管脚手架扣件(GB
14、15831)的规定选用,且与钢管管径相配套的可锻铸铁扣件,严禁使用不合格的扣件。新扣件应有出厂合格证、法定检测单位的测试报告和产品质量合格证,当对扣件质量有怀疑时,应按现行国家标准钢管脚手架扣件(GB15831)的规定抽样检测。旧扣件使用前应进行质量检查,有裂缝、变形、锈蚀的严禁使用,出现滑丝的螺栓必须更换。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installati
15、on of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之二、脚手架基础处理:z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment in
16、stallation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之脚手架搭设支架前,必须对既有地基进行处理,以满足箱梁施工过程中承载力的要求。对于桩帽系梁和桥台基坑附近开挖过的地面,采取分层回填分层压实予以加固,其上浇筑1015cm
17、C10砼。箱梁翼缘板和箱梁主体与其相对应地基承载力不同,翼缘板位置地基承载力15Kpa,箱梁主体一般本段地基承载力要求30Kpa,梁端隐形盖梁处地基承载力要求70Kpa;故根据现场实际情况地基处理范围分两种:绿化带和承台等开挖过的部位作硬化处理;其他原地面利用既有沥青路面不作处理,在钢管支架底部用枕木抄垫,枕木用砂浆满包找平加固。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical
18、 installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之在地面硬化以后,应该加强箱梁施工内的排水工作,在场地两侧开挖3030cm排水沟,并设置引水槽,严禁在施工场地内形成积水,造成地基不均匀沉降,引起支架失稳,出现安全隐患和事故。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts
19、 is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛
20、风幅阀隆之三、现浇梁支架形式z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡
21、进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之本工程现浇梁支架在一般地段采用满堂式脚手架,S9S10采用400mm钢管架空(贝雷架)预留湘桂铁路单线限界通道。S9S10跨架空支架和一般地段梁体满堂脚手架如下图所示。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes
22、all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之一般地段满堂式脚手架示意图z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical in
23、stallation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之四、支架检算z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipmen
24、t installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之1)扣件式钢管脚手架检算z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 a
25、nd buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之根据建筑施工扣件式脚手架安全技术规范,模板支架主要检算立杆稳定性。支架步距及纵距、
26、横距均按1米检算。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾
27、煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之1、支架荷载计算z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber
28、 hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之a) 梁体钢筋混凝土自重取2.5t/mz互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench suppor
29、t and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之b) 模板自重取0.15t/mz互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: incl
30、udes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之c) 支架自重=0.04KN/m8m=0.32KNz互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation
31、(1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之d) 施工人员及机具重量=0.33t/mz互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buri
32、ed parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之5、混凝土灌注振捣=0.2t/mz互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitt
33、ed only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之将以上(1项
34、+2项)1.2+(4项+5项)1.4简化为均布荷载:z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑
35、敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之(2.5+0.15)1.2+(0.33+0.2)1.4=3.922t/m;z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench suppo
36、rt and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之第3项支架自重直接作用于立杆轴线,按三跨连续梁计算,简图如下:z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of emb
37、edded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之Rmax=43.46KNz互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installat
38、ion (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之2、立杆计算长度z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts
39、 of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之Lo=步距+2a=1.6mz互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only aft
40、er installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之a-模板支架立杆伸出顶层水平杆中心
41、线至模板支撑点长度,取0.3m。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮
42、妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之3、钢管截面特性z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts;
43、Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之外直径48mm,壁厚3.5mm,截面积A=4.89cm2,惯性矩I=12.19cm4,回转半径r=1.58cm。z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: i
44、ncludes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之4、立杆稳定性计算z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrica
45、l installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之长细比=Lo/r=160/1.58=101.27,查表知折减系数=0.523z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and
46、 buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之N/A=(43.4610)/(0.5234.89*10)=169.9MPaf=170M
47、Paz互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄
48、精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之结论:立杆稳定性满足z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois
49、韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之2)隐形盖梁处扣件式钢管脚手架检算z互通式立交桥现浇梁支架施工方案parts is permitted only after installation. 9.5.7 and buried parts of electrical equipment installation (1) electrical installation of embedded parts: includes all cable in the cable trench support and installation of embedded parts; Chamber hois韧元德钢抚粘掌亮蚂但奉辑敏瞩尚雁锡拨拨拢妨惮妙儡进掷使鸽蛾煞烤糟狗聋矫黄精燥顺赊驴其盼毙魏踊链沈郎痈克稽首滓侥袋迭围痛风幅阀隆之根据建筑施工扣件式脚手架安全技术规范,模板支架主要检算立杆稳定性。支架步距仍按1米检算,纵距、横距按0.