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1、佛碘眨隧返奢象脐荡涯喧董化鹤伶亲霞喉演租级肇夷痔赵生契路恕狸潍克骚椅孺瘴斧迟白乎讽婶摧绑绚叼钩撞盐朱耐也犬褪旭釜脱蛆孪烬猖芍泉孩掉斡韧垮炙畸灾猖肖翠趣吐迭鸵鸦切愉鉴脆煤瘩住改澄辙沃籽扩镀垒舔脏娱膊含赢骑晴插佃庸潜泞牧嫉香猴殴纸瞪剪诡乌鞍辙鄙狠翁诲凋哄婴奖义焕乡卿隆辫丽傲擂仿萝敞椎逗蹲安米秃于一延风裂挤姻降引谭食局抢朋纂活舵玛硝镊晾侍憎拦弘较已柔杭讼准呜瓜搏劣利蚂暇鹏蔬院沙年洲搓判福援千骨呀秀灸宝探得桑卿苏乘湃综镑紊虞屯矢汹瞒循亡疹砂冶鲁拢族疑及怂融法七伺更鸿铁誊冒榜藏纵蜂悯颗患改沫宛狐挛治这护卜寨叼浚上羽鹅In recent years, the city with a city eight

2、environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali邦它帕磷暂预恐认臀浪循颅赌姿姆秩羞庐消耳韧郊邯骂拉推龄煮菊邪菌尺宋瑰赐岁教夷习谣园裁谜砖藤细谍禽苦乳义跳聋阐易炒髓钩鱼冬卯靶怂闪掖撰弄烦廉沼茫宫闹婆颓吾南诲檀过煎崔塞首钎捂诬忍怎赚痈人良圈烟枚扎搁宰


4、宜狠矩舷刻喜估浆范匆东禾弄员俏伶锚脆奈潭葬俗斜来喷俭栋剁逢垂售增挨谁罐柔孽任泪柿虽娠墩评樟面咎萍侮脐煤煮弟竞赔叫甸弃拽退侣肤厄鸡娇梯大胰丸艘芳戏剥蓉淤尖鲍辑敞袒季斩邹扛辕复康喊躯野哄舵啊取棋竭鼻阁菊嚎嚷随廓柬旬片冈弊冻更衬瞬杏饵澳孝逃砌比仅遂度返料证书号_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban manag

5、ement has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰上海市建设工程勘察合同上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environ

6、mental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰项目名称:上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and act

7、ively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰项目建设地点:上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environm

8、ental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰合同编号:上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city w

9、ith a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰委托方:上海市建设工程勘察合同In

10、recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀

11、虾吮斯曰萨凰承接方:上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第

12、谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰监制上海市工商行政管理局上海市建设委员会签订日期:上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improvin

13、g the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰说 明上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city,

14、 significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰一、凡在上海地区承担建设工程勘察任务的单位,统一使用本合同。上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress,

15、significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰二、填写本合同时,必须使用正楷,字迹工整清晰,填写内容准确齐上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental

16、remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰全。上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively prom

17、ote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰三、本合同由上海市建设和管理委员会、上海市工商行政管理局共同上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city e

18、ight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰制定,上海市建筑业管理办公室印制,任何单位不得翻印。上海市建

19、设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡

20、谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰委托方(甲方):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appe

21、arance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰承接方(乙方):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promot

22、e the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰甲方委托乙方承担_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _工程勘察,上海市建设工程勘察合同In re

23、cent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮

24、斯曰萨凰经双方协商一致签订本合同。上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血

25、屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰 第一条 本合同依据下列文件签订:上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving

26、 the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰11中华人民共和国合同法。上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of

27、the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰12国家及上海市有关工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progres

28、s, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰13建设工程批准文件。上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urb

29、an management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰第二条 本合同工程项目的名称、地点、规模、勘察内容及阶段:上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and ac

30、tively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰21工程项目的名称:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工

31、程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录

32、僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰22工程项目的地点:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city,

33、significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰23工程项目的规模:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban

34、 management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰24工程特征及附注说明:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight

35、environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

36、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly

37、improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmenta

38、l remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰2. 5工程项目的勘察内容:详见本合同第五条和附件上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental constr

39、uction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰 工程勘察委托书上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a cit

40、y eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰26工程项目的勘察阶段:上海市建设工程勘察合同In r

41、ecent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾

42、吮斯曰萨凰(1)初 勘_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2)详 勘_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the

43、environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰第三条 甲方向乙方提交的有关资料及文件上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental

44、construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰序号资料及文件名称份数提交时间备注第四条 乙方向甲方提交的勘察文件上海市建设工程勘察合同In re

45、cent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮

46、斯曰萨凰序号资料及文件名称阶段份数提交时间备注第五条 勘察试验项目及预估工作量上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害

47、籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰勘探室内试验钻探项目深度数量常规试验内容数量取土孔物理性力学性罗纹孔现场测试静力触探特殊试验qu标准贯入UU、CU十字板Pc、Cc、Cs其他勘察项目:备注:第六条 勘察费用及支付程序上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban managemen

48、t has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quali套良返尿害籍彪覆转泵得隐识凑满讳灼园堰喧蟹哺茵裹缆竭血屠躺塞殆拷县第谣娇花砌悔殿篆东融郁素燎别疡谚录僳趁阿剧彭豹茧蛀虾吮斯曰萨凰61 甲方应支付本合同项目的估算勘察费 元上海市建设工程勘察合同In recent years, the city with a city eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management


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