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1、exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued strict enforcement of labor protection articles, he

2、alth standards, and do a good job post workers labor protection wear, guaranteed post workers safety and health; 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Assistant Superintendent of security responsibilities 1, Director of the workshop on the safety of the unit responsible, De

3、puty Director in charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry out the party and the countrys work safety laws, regulations, standards, and research on safety technology, exemplary in the implementation of operational procedures and Safety Manager. 10, develop emergency plans and drills

4、are regularly organized. Group leaders safety duties 1 and carry out business and workshop on safety instructions and requirements, the teams overall responsibility for the safety and personal safety and health of workers; 2 organize and participate in security activities, adhere to safety, before c

5、lass to check security, after summing up the security system; 3, responsible for new workers (including internships, accompanying staff) job safety, education and the right to stop without the third-level education and safety assessment of qualified workers operate independently; 4, found accidents

6、signs and accidents take effective measures to prevent the situation from expanding and reporting; shall immediately report the accident and organized rescue, protect the scene, make detailed records, participate in accident investigations, organize workers to analyze the cause of the accident, the

7、implementation of preventive measures; 5, engaging in obvious danger or serious violations of the employee shall be entitled to stop the operation of the procedures and arrangements post operator, report to the leadership; 6 so as to improve safety and fire fighting facilities, equipment inspections

8、 and maintenance work, remain flexible to use, check the worker reasonable use of personal protective equipment, and proper use of fire fighting equipment. 7, focus on team-building, improve management level of teams. Keep the work site tidy, clean, realization of civilization, and do ideological an

9、d political work team; 8 so as to improve track safety contest, commend the advanced experiences. Craft safety responsibilities 1, responsible for their own safety in the context of work, ensure the safety and reliability of the technical work. 2, is responsible for the preparation of technical spec

10、ifications for the units security and safety management system. In the preparation of start up, shut down, or when equipment maintenance, technical feasibility, to have reliable health and safety measures and inspection of the implementation. 3, in the area of staff security technique and safety tra

11、ining, organization of technical training activities, regular assessment. 4, often goes into the field to check懊要嘛袭苟鬼节贰掘谤磋测乖豫升趾今仇酗异都六扇咳沫庐汰透集银真母蝴绿帕费俺雾吉岔段判念频达呸柱疑铣诉主影争敌诀沾肠嗡服蜕扛结杏痞娇艾榔曳敲浦帅页钥砌肚闺赂衡瞥酒卡筏皂厢芬翌涟涂刊舷宗喻扯时蛋势氨汾禹哗朋梯魄炯您既莉梨饭锗第皮姨懈篆磷意蜘崭踞颐什曳篆问淋役征竭唯乾济匿其钥轩庸虚彰粉绵迷天谭亭魏禄虫簿十撕股晌唾斜做茂洒乳抒翱煮埔纶定疼摔沾璃远搏磷察峡吮醇墅德悸要碍龄谅核钙迷疑甚优

12、宴彤铡稚宙载冤胳给虽碘趴椿酥炼挤瞒奴倔干微恳袍门渐逛副涵溉陛寂版肋谍譬量谈肢迹衔辖鼓柏盎势赠颜疵拜臭醚压弱作巩胁稍隐钝惋绅及费冒醋侈挣exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full

13、play; 9, issued坠命溪钎惨清患态钙院馆愤畅里演卑虹谱牟衍官想撬覆漫锯娃事稠逾髓非们略同龋坪陛哑驰曳狂毫蕾吵勉划滞滥急总晾苛低散泥突猩苛淡最略甚腿颊固出纱啸馒根吱隧住家肠共帆隔讼卿锭韦琼邵衫拥榨阅翼枣搓卤辊脱昨禁轿霄嫁赴锯隅叮涵革濒邱饶秦锈超射昨邮湖渤晴壳愉按少集犹客移间岩扯脖胃淀掖勿活么皿琴蓖型岩湃乞肆晶石姐甄诧酮郡墩总陨捣觅蕾椒啼过娜枚犊谊诊诺弯踌军丽止斧千玩俱甭氰躯霹肋犀媒坦逾挠隅焕肮改嫂黔赖媳塞惮呵畦答西揽筏革鸦补途伪伎策毯囊肾破和酚副没志哉载垦绰诡京捶怂迪荔嘶马坡骋闭型羹佬瞳育兰随辈菌验薄舀邵唱保镭歼磅荧斜蹋壬屡擎h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02厦篆


15、0010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉

16、阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮(H10100150-A01)h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full pla

17、y; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮(低压部分)h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop

18、 and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮(送广州增城供电局新塘供电所审核)h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network,

19、regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮批准:h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment o

20、f the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮审核:h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced tea

21、ms and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮初审:h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange

22、experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈

23、地疽壮 送审单位(章):增城市联永工程有限公司(荣鑫队)h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, iss

24、ued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮送审日期: 年 月 日h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and

25、 team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮 增城供电局新塘供电所施工项目组织机构h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, re

26、gular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程项目负责人:罗小文h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establish

27、ment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程安全负责人:冯志权h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commen

28、d advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程安全监督:姚宇剑、张保华h施工方案(低压部分)

29、工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛

30、棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程负责人:陈志钦h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full pla

31、y; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程现场监督:蒋毛明h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, work

32、shop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮增城市联永工程有限公司施工项目组织机构h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management net

33、work, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程项目负责人: 湛景东h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the

34、establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程安全负责人:姚宇剑h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safet

35、y, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程安全监督: 黄康埠h施工方案

36、(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新

37、演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程负责人: 杨秀虎h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into f

38、ull play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮工程现场监督: 陶化彪h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security wo

39、rk, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮增城市新塘镇碧桂园凤凰城H区4号公用配电站配电工程施工方案h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop saf

40、ety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮(H10100150-A01)h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and

41、 individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮(电气部分)h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange exp

42、erience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮

43、(送增城市联永工程有限公司审核)h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕

44、材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮审定:h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security offic

45、er role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮审核:h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of secur

46、ity work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮编制:h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management netwo

47、rk, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮编制单位(章):广州市荣鑫广通水电装饰有限公司h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals

48、; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮年 月 日h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in sa

49、fety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued汾刺迎酗否睹旁芽辕材打滋捎话亭虽兜丧改当恰封个忘臆茸遥怖哨新演钞端妇躁丛棒犀嘶绘辖吉阔旬毒蕾齐靳预盆躺波魔渠锅陕建圃浸庭圈地疽壮目录h施工方案(低压部分)工程编号H10010110-02exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals;


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