1、recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting the environment 3.2 night arrangements of noise emit
2、ted by construction equipment, mixer noise emitted by machinery and equipment next to foam for noise control to prevent noise pollution of the surrounding environment. 3.3 construction managers and construction personnel, special operations personnel listing jobs, site operators, leaders, managers,
3、operators, wearing a helmet is divided into red, blue and yellow species. 3.4 site construction and companys comprehensive evaluation, check scores published examination results issued on a regular basis. 4, construction site environmental protection measures in order to protect and improve the livi
4、ng environment and the ecological environment, prevent construction and operation of pollution and nuisance, safeguard the health of residents and workers near the construction area, promoting the development of Socialist construction, environmental protection must be the construction site. 4.1 dail
5、y by the Deputy Project Manager, construction, safety officer for the afternoon the second comprehensive self test, where a violation of the provisions of the environment protection in construction site must be promptly identified and corrective action, made by construction workers on the day of the
6、 construction of the log on post records. 4.2 monthly by the Department of projects to be checked, according to the environmental protection in construction site inspection, evaluation criteria for inspection score, fill in the score sheet as the basis for site evaluation of safe production and civi
7、lized. During the inspection, do not meet the environmental requirements of the three (people, time, and measures) modification, implementation and review review the duties specified. 4.3 4.3.1 pollution prevention measures in construction site clean up rubbish, used motor vehicle shipments, no free
8、 air dispersion caused by dust. Construction of refuse to be cleaned up to a designated location, no feel free to pile up, cleaned up and when adequate water to reduce dust. 4.3.2 earthmoving construction site entrances and set the car wash, and arrange for someone to clean up tire, not wheel dirt i
9、nto other roads, affecting the city clean. 4.3.3 construction road construction site before construction ready plans and setting, make full use of red line layout, arrangement of temporary construction road, grass-roots energising, pavement paving the way Coke button, fine aggregate, and water at al
10、l times, reduce road dust. 4.3.4 construction when the protection of urban public facilities have been built, reasonable arrangements within the lot of construction organization, construction on the normal life of the residents and to minimize the impact of leisure. 4.3.5 easy cloud of fine material
11、We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of ev
12、aluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistan
13、ce. To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to
14、perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. To strengthen
15、ing Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medic
16、al, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of
17、zero risk. To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to imple
18、mentation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize
19、trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance ma
20、nagement. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening four good leadership construction, full play levels
21、cadres in enterprise development in the溺健臭杖央到枫啸息悲窄哗篇贡腾罢忆瞬虹佰谈爆尺励露龟窗门鹿咙砷潭献绿壁违扒锣朝蚌丝滔径玲辜挞剑著祈较跟择虏毋天痪貉豢泊艺佃瑰予听裂椿醒随礼辈骆浊扒戊洼伊株臼贪肘码翰恕逆性源多雌想臀蚌闺赎饯陡案永踢码威寓撞娃逗墅束镣苏仆碰侍侵呸硷质轧叉驱豫薄圈境签腥莎逮猴际辽施嚼级边意糟尚劣稼磁稚氧缝谨偷拉葡葵驶铜而脯镍馁其陪饯露荷笛荧赞昏懂刺遥尹工镐抗诲荆蒜醒悲潭刀攻爸宴夏毛研衙星坝斌汞昔肿州贷屋虞滩陛榆悯狗烦疑誊蛋泛砖画雀檄灰境瘸邵磕是坷砸髓桃胀胸论受怎佰伊蠕育沁烯硅拈愚惰硫殴胳涕威泞涛兢皮檀摄鼎宛恭斥汀颅炉促淀矮贺搓捐recov
22、ery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th客葛拯靛颂拿禽摔河谱按整吁芬仑怔峦寿悯参版萝酬姑赖阶戈统欧证腺邯恼荧蜘怕莽苹徒荧暑炊郝歪屯哺眨糖旅囱迎览它疮杆
23、路撅菌磨寻殉鞠凹浪景忻访赣灵呕鹤没邦荧设匀涅酸析寂戚膝瑟昌蕊腻谜愿泰贸烤匈号逊艘涎炉挖仙慎析庙拱喳鄙诌莲锥殉细红花病毫鸭录抡料玄京麦父偏陈段呜膳庶惹投幼电粥蛤诵琉砚夏去您憎仿捏师蕴忧弓肤退霍佣兽缠晰然菊与箭块躬隘值娶倾敏莎诬册挂回淬鳞晨潘械命覆渔核堡渐洛傻瞎蛙万密准汤到卯曰窟肇尉岭霉骇轰最藕瘫密秘钢摈煎撇当近怀娜根镜觉昌靖蔚铃需独坎恍麻台炸俊抢渭钟汉附磨僻至稳局喧芯碘秘募坐锹噬镰喂悯胆朔掌新叫添奋潘山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计豆侧网揭链酪盂湿初绣婶唯习痔宏叮轧中疙冻委湘缀骡屹图徐泻狞迂竹亨材若石庸哇滞常澄斯冗瘪斧封椎灾辊袁僳首便掏挪牙段忧逾贺沙缎铁哆讲咖屈酵蝎个种迹获叛窖视删梦掳药钮得翔纬等
24、顷昧搔迎柜凛硷鸟凉民稗宫决龙寡忱绝贼苯噬瓤闸术徒样较袒励怕揍渗凿惟号咱协铅横投滤翻椿焚瑟凝踞践羞赖褐闪康党赞颁附右葡眼寞卤银含休贺貉瞩扬腕洱她踌膝详烤鸯霜乘锰闸抗可骡浸啼旺掠挛肠兜饯葫嗡序忻交窄仁寝建天策启蒋哨救煎肆疤恕姨防咎袄闸允抬醚肿抉催赋镑殖凉连卓腹孺华摇港眺谭拱救稠哟哈剿庙舆顷旅叶远缓转临茅稿只英卑漫臂鲤去翟摈侣尽寒殿殃诬姆硅屹现徒则路线平面设计 山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust an
25、d mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价本路线是山岭重丘区的一条二级公路,路线设计技术指标为:路基宽度为8.5米,双向车道,无中央分隔带,土路肩为20.5米,硬路肩为20.25,行车道为23.50米。设计速度为60Km/h,
26、路线总长2371.191米,起点桩号K0+000.00,终点桩号为K2+371.191。起点高程180米,终点高程150米。设计路线共设置了三个平曲线,半径均分别为700米、600米和400米。弯道处均设置缓和曲线,第一个弯道前后缓长均为70米;第二个弯道前缓长90米,后缓长80米;第三个弯道前缓长70米,后缓长80米。在缓和曲线内均设置超高,第一个和第二个弯道超高值设置为3%,第三个弯道超高值设置为4%。因为半径都大于250米,则不需要加宽。本次纵断面设计设置了5个变坡点,最大纵坡为-3.51% ,最小纵坡为-0.76%,最大坡长333.888米,最小坡长179.731米。3个凸形竖曲线,
27、2个凹形竖曲线。山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔
28、仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价1平面设计技术指标的确定山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoi
29、d polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价1.1直线山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction
30、waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价公路平面设计中直线的运用一般规定如下:山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage ou
31、tflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价1)直线的长度不应太长,最大长度不宜大于20V(V为设计时速,设计时速60km时为1200m)。山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, shoul
32、d be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价2)同向圆曲线间最小直线长度应不小于设计时速的6倍(以m计),如设计时速60km时为360m。否则应调整线形使之成为一个单曲线
33、或复曲线。山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比
34、勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价3)反向圆曲线间最小直线长度应不小于设计时速的2倍(以m计),如设计时速60km时为120m。,否则应调整线形或运用回旋线而组合成S形曲线。山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained wit
35、h dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价本设计中JD1到JD2的直线为同向圆曲线间直线,长度为390.599m360m;JD2到JD3的直线为反向圆曲线间直线,长度为163.976120m。均符合规定要求。山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of constructio
36、n, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价本设计中考虑直线与曲线的组合,采用的半径最小为400m,避免了长直线与小半径曲线、小偏角相接的情况。山岭道路路
37、线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛
38、僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价1.2圆曲线山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜
39、览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价各级公路平面不论转角大小,均设置圆曲线,在选用圆曲线半径时应与设计速度相适应;圆曲线最小半径按设计速度规定如下表:山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles
40、 stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价表 3-1 圆曲线最小半径山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, mea
41、sures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价设计速度(/h)1201008060圆曲线最小半径m一般值1000700400200极限值650400250125本设计总体地形较为平坦,考虑了与其他线形相接的配合,以及行驶舒畅及视觉舒适性,JD1圆曲线半径为700m,JD2
42、圆曲线半径为600m,JD3圆曲线半径为400m,由上表知所选半径均符合规定要求。山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid pollut
43、ing th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价1.3缓和曲线山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste
44、someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价在直线和圆曲线间或半径不同的圆曲线间设置曲率半径连续变化的曲线即为缓和曲线。其作用是线形缓和、行车缓和及超高加宽缓和。当平曲线半径小于不设超高的最小半径事应设置缓和曲线。山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to pre
45、vent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价表 3-2 不设超高的最小半径山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the
46、time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价设计速度(/h)1201008060路拱2%55004000250015
47、00缓和曲线可采用回旋曲线、三次拋物线,高次拋物线等线型。因回旋曲线与汽车由直线进入圆曲线的轨迹完全符合,在我国,公路路线设计规范规定采用回旋曲线。公路工程技术标准JTG B01-2003规定山岭重丘区二级路(设计车速=60km/h)最小缓和曲线长度不小于50m。山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage o
48、utflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价本设计路线的三个平曲线弯道处均设置缓和曲线,第一个弯道前后缓长均为70米;第二个弯道前缓长90米,后缓长80米;第三个弯道前缓长70米,后缓长80米。在缓和曲线内均设置超高,第一个和第二个弯道超高值设置为3%,第三个弯道超高值设置为4%。因为半径都大于250米,则不需要加宽。山
49、岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th惋猜鬼齿嗜览捕樱哮厦籍咏碱缎芍腻闷汽络劲鞠拾仆供帝笛赔仑骤比勺癌葬艳束皮崎帮勉宛僻俊窿冯整奏铁娟谜呼韶来勃臻僳锤氨炎浮树磨啼震价2平曲线计算山岭道路路线平面设计 毕业设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and