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1、八上Unit 1 语法,taller,tallest,smaller,smallest,一般情况下直接加”er”或者”est”,nicer,nicest,finer,finest,以“e”结尾的形容词直接加”r”或者“st”,prettier,prettiest,easier,easiest,以辅音字母+“y”结尾的形容词吧“y”改“i”加“er”或“est”,slimmer,slimmest,bigger,biggest,重读闭音节并且只有一个辅音字母结尾的形容词双写加“er”或者“est”,more beautiful,most beautiful,部分双音节词或者多音节词直接加“more

2、”或者“most”,Irregular forms,slow,slower,safe,safer,exciting,more exciting,good,better,happy,happier,Adjectives,bad,worse,hungry,hungrier,worst,slowest,the most exciting,safest,best,hungriest,happiest,Superative,Fill in the blanks,Comparative,A test,funnier,funniest,better,best,happier,happiest,more in

3、teresting,most interesting,larger,largest,smarter,smartest,thinner,thinnest,比较级+than,This bridge is longer than that one.,Our school is larger than theirs.,一:比较级常用句型,表示两者之间的选择,可使用“Which is+比较级,or?”,表示不及另一方时,使用“less+原级+than”或者“not as+原级+as”,Which is longer,this one or that one?,This park is less beau

4、tiful than that one.He is not as tall as I am.,“The+比较级,the+比较级”,“比较级+and+比较级”,The smaller the house is,the less it will cost us.The harder we work,The fewer mistakes well make.,In spring,the days are getting longer and longer.more and more beautiful,形容词比较级的常用句型,1.Our school is _(large)than theirs.2

5、.Which is _(thin),this one or that?3.This park is _(不如美)than that one.4.The _(small)the house is,the _(little)it will cost us the heat.5.The days are getting _(long)and _(long)in spring.6.My drawing is beautiful.His drawing is even _(beautiful).7.Jim is _(tall)of the two.,less beautiful,larger,thinn

6、er,smaller,less,longer,longer,more beautiful,the taller,修饰比较级的程度副词有:,much a little even a lot far a bit,But very quite,1.The_(many)trees you plant,the_(green)our country will be.2.Andy is _(tall)of the two girls.3.Our country is becoming _and_(strong).,more,greener,the taller,stronger,stronger,the+比

7、较级,the+比较级 意为:越,越,当出现of the two之类的短语时,用the+比较级,比较级and 比较级,意为:越来越,Tony is tall.Richard is taller than him.Scott is the tallest of them three.,形容词的比较级和最高级,50kg,200kg,400kg,The first box is_.,The second box is _than the first one.,The third box is _of all.,heavy,heavier,the heaviest,Compare the things.

8、,strong,stronger,strongest,The baby is strong.,The boy is stronger than the baby.,Superman is the strongest of the three.,Li Mei,Kate,beautiful,Lily,Li Mei is beautiful.,Lily is more beautiful than Li Mei.,Kate is the most beautiful of all.,more beautiful,most beautiful,3.one of the+最高级+名词复数,形容词最高级的

9、常用句型,2.Which is+最高级,A,B or C?,5.This is/was the最高级+名词+that定语从句,4.the+序数词+最高级,三者或三者以上范围,最高级+in/of=among,Exercise:1.Of all the movie stars,I think Zhang Ziyi is _(good).2.This is _(bad)film that I have seen these years.3.Lu Xun was one of _(great)writers last century.4.He watched the films _(careful)o

10、f the three.5.长江是世界第三长的河流Changjiang is the third longest river in the world,最高级和比较级的相互转换:,Shanghai is the biggest city in China.=Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.=Shanghai is bigger than the other cities in China.区别:Shanghai is larger than any city in Jiangsu.比较时要把自己排除在外,注意比较的范围,Shang

11、hai is larger than _ in Jiangsu,形容词比较级和最高级的句型互换,the largest,any city,(比较时要把自己排除在外。注意比较的范围)Shanghai is _(large)city in China.Shanghai is larger than _in China.,any other city,Shanghai is larger than _in China.,the other cities,一、翻译:Andy是我班个子最高的女生。Andy is _.2.这是这家店里最贵的自行车。This is _.3.Millie的头发比我的短。_ h

12、air is _.4.Daniel的书比他的有趣。_ books _.,the tallest girl in my class,the most expensive bike in the shop,Millies,shorter than mine,Daniels,are more interesting than his,二、用括号所给词的适当形式填空Hangzhou is _(beautiful)than Suzhou.2.Which is _(fast),a bike,a bus or a plane?3.Wangfang is _(brave)than me.I must lear

13、n from her.4.I have _(bad)memory in my class.5.He is one of my _(good)friends.,more beautiful,the fastest,braver,the worst,best,Jane is _Sam.(tall)Mel is _person I know.(lazy)Carl is _Jack.(clever)He is _ person in our family.(interesting)5.This book is _that one.(good)The flower is_ that one.(beautiful),taller than,the laziest,cleverer than,the most interesting,better than,more beautiful than,


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