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1、Lesson 33 2800 Years of Sports,Lets talk about our class records.,The Olympics,What do you know about the history ofOlympics?,Listen and answer:1 When did the Olympics begin?2 Where did the ancient Olympics begin?3 When did the modern Olympics begin?,In 776 BC.,In Greece.,In 1896.,Read and answer:1

2、What is the difference between the ancient and modern Olympics?2 How often did the Olympics take place?3 When did China host the 29th Olympics?,4 What has not changed about the games?5 What would the ancient Greeks be amazed at?,1 What is the difference between the ancient and modern Olympics?2 How

3、often did the Olympics take place?3 When did China host the 29th Olympics?,Every four years.,In 2008.,Women couldnt take part in the ancient Olympics.Married women couldnt even watch the game.,4 What has not changed about the games?5 What would the ancient Greeks be amazed at?,Athletes compete in a

4、spirit of fair play.They also represent their countries at the highest level.,They would be amazed at how the Olympics have grown to become a world event.,1 London is an old but modern city.It was the host of the 30th Olympic Games.Over 200 hundred countries and districts(地区)_(参赛)in the games2 In 20

5、12,London _(主办)the 30th Olympics.3 She is _(吃惊)at the great changes in our city.4 My parents have been _(结婚)for over 30 years so far.5 The class meeting _(举行)on Monday afternoon.,competed,hosted,amazed,married,takes place,Listen and fill in the blanks:The Olympic Games are _ and _.The ancient Olympi

6、cs started in 776 BC andlasted for more than a thousand years.They took place every four years._ could not compete in the ancient Olympics.In 1896,a _ started the modern Olympic Games.He believed the games would help bring _ and fair playto people all over the world.Now there are _ and _ Olympics ev

7、ery four years.,new,old,Women,Frenchman,friendship,Summer,Winter,Pierre de Coubertinthe father of modern Olympics,What else do you know about the history of the Olympics?,1932年刘长春作为中国体育代表团的唯一成员,首次参加第10届洛杉矶奥运会。,Task,1984年7月29日,中国射击运动员许海峰摘取了洛杉矶奥运会的首枚金牌,成为中国奥运会历史上的首位奥运冠军。,Task,Homework:Find more facts

8、about the Olympics and talk about them.,compete v.竞争 比赛compete against 与对抗He is worried,because he will compete against a famous player.,Knowledge Point,Follow me,spirit n.精神Athletes compete in a spirit of fair play.运动员以公平竞争的精神展开竞争。fair adj.公平的 fair play 公平竞争Its not fair to judge people by outward a

9、ppearance.,Knowledge Point,Follow me,represent v.代表They also represent their countries at the highest level.他们也要以最高水平代表他们的国家。John was chosen to represent his school at the meeting,Knowledge Point,Follow me,host v.主办 Do you know which country will host the next Olympics?,Knowledge Point,Follow me,mar

10、ried adj.已婚的Although Guo Wenjun was married andhad a baby,she still practiced hard for the Olympics and finally won a gold medal.,Follow me,be amazed at 惊讶于-Why are you so amazed at the result?-Because its too amazing.,Knowledge Point,Follow me,take place 举行The modern Olympics began in 1896 and took place every four years.,Knowledge Point,Follow me,


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