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1、In County government legal do 2015 and the Twelve-Five summary and next year work plans Government legal do 2015 and the Twelve-Five summary and next year work plans Twelve-Five planning and the law administrative 55 planning implementation yilai, I city levels the sector Xia big pneumatic advance l

2、aw administrative and rule of law Government construction, led attention, measures powerful, method properly, effect obviously, law administrative and rule of law Government construction work made has great progress, powerful advance has I City economic social of and good and fast development. Speci

3、fic reports are as follows: a Twelve-Five during the work completed (a) promoting administration according to law was strengthened. Twelve-Five during, I city seriously implementation in heze City law administrative 55 planning, in annual early of full municipal government legal workshop Shang, insi

4、sted arrangements deployment, insisted layer Layer signed law administrative target responsibility, insisted months summary, and quarter scheduling, and years assessment, insisted recognition award work Qian three name County district; around law administrative and rule of law Government constructio

5、n 1443 work thought, continued punches not pause, and firm target not toss; always will Government legal work points, and law administrative target responsibility, and Implementation of government legal system as the main measures to move forward. After years continued tireless of efforts, I city of

6、 law administrative advance work made has significantly results, highlight performance for: levels leaders more attention law administrative work, more consciously using rule of law thinking and rule of law way processing problem, and solution contradictions, law administrative opinion atmosphere mo

7、re strong, law enforcement personnel law administrative capacity obviously enhanced, people satisfaction degrees increasingly high, law administrative promoted and guarantees economic social development function more appeared. Second, the implementation of the administrative reconsideration law of t

8、he powerful. Twelve-Five yilai, I city put administrative reconsideration system construction always as a event to caught, after years of efforts, through strengthening and perfect reconsideration system construction, reform administrative reconsideration system, innovation reconsideration work mech

9、anism, as currently, I city has established sound has administrative reconsideration filed, and trial, and hearing, and mediation reconciliation, and collective research considered, and misjudged held, more than 20 more than items work system; while, also break restricted reconsideration work bottle

10、neck, carried out relative concentrated administrative reconsideration right, City, County and District Administrative Review Committee was set up; innovative modes of administrative reconsideration, to explore the establishment of three centers review mechanisms established review case linkage syst

11、em to realize information resources sharing. 55 since the implementation of planning, 1300 cases handled reconsideration, the knot rate is above 90%. Third, the Government legal supervision to achieve a breakthrough. To administrative forced method, and legislation method, and administrative procedu

12、re, and Shandong province administrative law enforcement supervision Ordinance, and Shandong province administrative program provides, legal regulations issued implementation for opportunity, increased on levels第五章 波形梁护栏第一节 构 造第5.1.1条波形梁护栏的分类应符合表5.1.1的规定。波形梁护栏的分类表5.1.1安装位置防撞等级构造特征埋置方式立柱标准中心间距护栏代号路侧A












24、4.512562.525518注:当重型车辆占有率高、失控车辆越出行车道会发生严重交通事故的危险路段,可采用1404.5的圆形立柱第5.1.14条中央分隔带开口处活动护栏的构造见图5.1.14。活动护栏的设置高度应与中央分隔带波形梁护栏的设置高度保持一致。第二节 材 料第5.2.1条材料规格路侧和中央分隔带波形梁护栏用的各种材料应符合以下各项规定。一、波形梁、立柱、横隔梁、端头梁及连接螺栓所用钢材为普通碳素结构钢(Q235),其技术条件应符合碳素结构钢技术条件(GB70088)的规定。二、拼接波形梁的螺栓应采用高强螺栓,材料可采用20MnTiB,其技术条件应符合钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓连接副(

25、GB3632363383)的规定。三、防阻块材料可用型钢来制造,其技术条件应符合冷弯型钢技术条件(GB672586)的规定。administrative organ and the staff of legal training efforts, 55 planning during, through carried out administrative program years, and reconsideration spring action, and two method a article cases training, held various legal courses mor

26、e than 1000 duoqi times, cumulative training City Deputy County above leaders and law enforcement backbone and the line . Law enforcement liability for zero tolerance accountability mechanisms to inquire into illegal or improper acts of law enforcement 230 passengers, achieved before, during and aft

27、er the full range of law enforcement supervision. Integrate monitoring resources, form a monitoring force, ensuring effective legal norms of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the correct and effective implementation of the laws and regulations. 2012 yilai, city attorney, and city monitored

28、 Council, and city legal do, and City Archives Council, sector continuous organization carried out to administrative law enforcement files for main content of law enforcement big check activities, check out city administrative license, and administrative punishment, and administrative forced and oth

29、er various administrative law enforcement files more than 300 copies, proposed rectification recommends more than 500 over, established problem Taiwan account more than 60 multiple, preliminary achieved has administrative law enforcement and criminal judicial effective convergence and seamless docki

30、ng. Four is the improve system quality entirely. The Twelve-Five period, the citys departments at all levels to seriously implement the normative documents procedures in heze city and the normative documents record measures in heze city, carry out open, transparent, Sunshine legislative activities a

31、nd listened to opinions and suggestions of the community, and strive to improve public participation, subject position and fully respect the masses pioneering spirit. 55 during planning, normative documents of the Municipal Government today introduced more than 100 pieces, forming a set of consisten

32、t with superior policies, with the city actually, and easy to operate system. Insisted normative file three unified system, and strictly implementation normative file sunset terms and validity system, and insisted three level Government four level record system, and insisted has pieces essential, an

33、d spare parts will trial, wrong pieces will correcting system, solid carried out has normative file record review activities, municipal government cumulative record review County District Government and municipal government sector various normative file more than 500 pieces, achieved has legal unifi

34、ed and Decree smooth. Five is the establishment and implementation of the Government legal system, achieving full coverage of the legal adviser of the Government System. According to the provincial government requirements, August 2014, the municipal government issued a notice on the establishment of

35、 the Government legal system and the heze city government legal counsel rules (Ames, Chief Executives Office (2014), 44th), completed government legal system construction in counties clear time limits. To December 2014, city 9 a county district all introduced has Government counsel system, respectiv

36、ely established has their of legal experts library; city of legal experts library personnel amounted to 151 people, which experts Professor 39 people, accounted for than 25.8%; Legal Affairs workers 112 people, accounted for than 74.2%; part County District used personal + groups service mode, total

37、 hired consultant四、立柱埋置于混凝土中时,混凝土标号不应小于15号。混凝土用材料应符合现行交通行业标准公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ04189)的规定。第5.2.2条材料防腐一、所有波形梁护栏的冷弯型钢部件均应作防腐处理,一般可采用热浸镀锌处理。镀锌时应符合表5.2.2的规定。热浸镀锌所用的锌应为锌锭(GB47083)中所规定的0号锌或1号锌。护栏构件镀锌量表5.2.2构件名称镀锌量(g/m2)波形梁端头梁横隔梁立柱型钢防阻块600螺栓、螺母、垫圈、锚固件350二、螺栓、螺母等紧固件在采用热浸镀锌后,必须清理螺纹或进行离心分离处理。在条件允许的情况下,螺栓螺母等紧固件也可采用粉

38、镀锌技术。三、活动护栏的防腐处理原则上与波形梁护栏相同,采用热浸镀锌方法时,镀锌量规定为600g/m2。第三节 施 工第5.3.1条一般规定一、护栏的安装一般应在路面施工完成后进行,但设置于立交桥、小桥、通道上的护栏立柱,其基础应作预先处理。二、安装护栏之前应作出详细的施工组织设计。三、无论采用何种方法安装护栏,施工操作都应谨慎,不得破坏路面下埋设的电缆、管道等设施。第5.3.2条立柱放样一、立柱应根据设计图进行放样,并以桥梁、通道、涵洞、中央分隔带开口、立交、平交等为控制点,进行测距定位。二、立柱放样时可利用调整段调节间距,并利用分配方法处理间距零头数。三、立柱放样后,应调查每根立柱位置的地





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