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1、Learn to pronounce a new word目标:认读元音音素 学习拼读规律 学会拼读单词,Lets compare:妈 m mother m,Lets compare:three tree pen pan white wide,1.单词拼写的最小单位是什么?2.什么是音素?3.英语中有几个音素?元音多少个?辅音多少个?辅音按声带振动情况分为_辅音和_辅音.4.什么是音标?5.怎样区别音标和字母?,1.单词拼写的最小单位是字母。2.音素是语言发音的最小单位。3.48个。元音20。辅音28个 清辅音,浊辅音。4.音标是标注音素的符号。5.将音标放在两条斜线/或 内。,Please

2、try to do the following.You can refer to Students Book one on page 90 to find the answer.,练一练,mother m m m,单词字母音标(元和辅)音素重音符号,他们的名字?,Please try to do the following.You can refer to students Book one on page 92 to find the answer.,1 英语单词分有 _ 音节词、_ 音节词和 _ 音节词。2 什么是英语的音节?3 英语单词的重音怎样表示?,单 双 多,响亮音素的声音片段,d

3、ocumentary,dkjumentri,练一练,apple/pl/mother m mother m documentary,dkjumentri,intnnl funetik lfbit,international phonetic alphabet,发音、形式、词义、使用,国际音标,ef,i:,di:,si:,bi:,ei,u,en,em,el,kei,d3ei:,ai,eit,d3i:,ti:,eks,dblju:,vi:,ju:,es,a:,kju:,pi:,zed;zi:,找规律,wai,Revision,26个字母中含有 音素的字母及音标26个字母中含有 音素的字母及音标,ei

4、,i:,e,Aa,ei,eit,Hh,Jj,d3ei:,Kk,kei,Bb,bi:,Dd,di:,Pp,pi:,Cc,si:,Tt,ti:,Vv,vi:,Zz,zi:,Gg,d3i:,Ff Ll Mn Nn Ss Xx Zz,ef,el,em,en,es,eks,zed,3.26个字母中含有 音素的字母及音标,4.其它,Ii Yy Oo Uu Qq Ww Rr,wai,kju:,dblju:,a:,Ee,i:,ai,u,ju:,i:,O o,u,a:,I i,ju:,Uu,eks,ei,d3ei:,em,kei,en,el,eit,R r,E e,A a,ai,es,ef,si:,di:,d3

5、i:,pi:,ti:,bi:,vi:,dblju:,zi:,kju:,wai,练一练,ei,i:,ai,u:,u,a:,e,ju:,i:,O o,u,a:,I i,ju:,Uu,Xx,Mm,Nn,Ll,R r,E e,A a,ai,Ss,Ff,Cc,Dd,Gg,Pp,Tt,Bb,Vv,W w,Zz,Q q,Y y,ei,e,i:,K k,J j,H h,ju:,ai,ei,i:,ai,u,ei:,e,a:,练一练,ju:,u:,E e M m R r W w,A a I i O oU u,练一练,i,:,:,big,bird,ball,bad,ago,dog,cook,1,6,5,3,2,4,

6、7,sit bigshipelephantbusygym,i,applecatmapbag familyfactory,girlherbirdnursepursework,:,aagoruler teachercolorbananapicture,ballwalltalldoorsportstorywaterwarm,:,doghotshopcoffeeclockstopwatchwash,cookgoodfootputpushwomencouldcookie,练一练,i,:,:,i:,ai,u,ei:,e,a:,练一练,u:,i,:,:,练一练,1.请大声读出下列单词或字母中的元音音素并写出

7、他们:it cat sir ago ball dog cool look but get E U A I O,练一练,au,i,i,ei:,u,ai,Boy.Coin.Choice.Joy.Oil.Soil.Toy.Voice.,i,out aboutaround house how mousenow,au,i,eardear fear beercheerhereidea,poor tour sure pure,airbearhaircaresquaretheirtherewhere,i,u,:,:,练一练,au,i,i,i:,ai,ei:,e,a:,练一练,u:,i,:,:,i,a,i,练一

8、练,1.Go to find the vowels(元音因素)that you cant pronounce well.2.Make sentences by using as many words with those vowels(元音因素)as possible.,练一练,Try to make sentences:cook good cookie could,How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies?,The man has one bad ear.You must speak l

9、oud and clear.If he still cant hear,you have to go near him and speak to his ear.,趣味拼读/i/,There is something wrong with his ear.ear;clear;hear;near;,i:,I,eI,aI,u:,a:,au,e,e,c,ou,找规律,Boys and girls like new toys.Theyll bring many joys.Come along and join the fun.Bring your toys and play with your fri

10、ends.a sunny boy with a nice voice.,趣味拼读,/i/,In my house lives a mouse.When Im out,it runs about.I got a cat to chase the mouse.Now I hear meow,meow around the house.I dont know if the cat ate the mouse.Or if the mouse is still in the house.,趣味拼读/au/,趣味阅读,Be care of the hare in the yard.He stares and glares very hard.But it is rare for him to bite,so dont be scared or given a fright.,趣味拼读/,Are you sure you can cure the poor tourist who toured the moor in February?,i:,I,eI,aI,u:,a:,au,e,e,c,ou,Learn to pronounce a new word 1 字母表 2 汉语拼音 3 已经会读的单词,


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