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1、Unit8Is there a post office near here?,Period2(2a2d),Is there a _near here?,A,C,D,B,E,Wencheng Street,a supermarket,a pay phone,a bank,a post office,a restaurant,Qiang is the bear,on,Qiang is the bears.,in front of,Qiang is the bears,behind,Qiang is the two bears,between,between and,The big bear is

2、the little bear,across from,The big bear is the little bear,next to,near,The pay phone is across from the library.The pay phone is next to the library.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.The pay phone is on Green street.The pay phone is in front of the library.The pay phone is b

3、ehind the library.,1,4,6,3,5,2,across from,Where is the pay phone?,Its across from the library.,Where is the pay phone?,Its next to the library.,next to,The pay phone is on Green Street.,next to,across from,between and,=opposite,Can you make a sentence with?,Listen and fill in the blanks with the wo

4、rds in the box.,next to in front of between behind across from on,The police office is the restaurant and the hospital.The park is the bank.The hospital is Bridge Street.The pay phone is the post office.The restaurant is the post office.The hotel is the police station.,between,across from,on,next to

5、,in front of,behind,Look at the picture.Theres a school in the picture.Its_ School Street.The book store is_ the school.The bank is _ _ the school.The pay phone is_ the school and the hospital.Can you see the post office?Its_ _the school.There is a supermarket.Its_ _ _ the park.,on,behind,next to,be

6、tween,across from,in front of,GAME,A:Excuse me.Is there a restaurant near/around here?Im hungry.B:Yes.Its between the supermarket and the bank.A:Where is the nearest post office?B:Its next to the pay phone,across from the hotel.A:Thank you very much.B:Not at all.,A.B.C.,hotel,park,house,park,hotel,h

7、ouse,hotel,park,house,Tell the differences between the two maps.,Map 1,school,library,pank,bark,hotel,supermarket,bookstore,Pay phone,super-market,post office,Map 2,Xinglong Street,Wencheng Street,Wencheng Street,Exercise,1.-Excuse me,_there a hotel near here?-Yes,there _.Its over there.2.Hello,Mum!_my T-shirt?-Oh,its_the bed in your bedroom.3.Hi,_me.-Yes?Can I help you?-Is there a fast food restaurant_here?-Its _long Street.-Thank you very much.-Youre _.,Draw a map of where you live,then write it down.,画一画,写一写:,Thank you for listening!,


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