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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,表建议的句型:,You should/could+v.Why dont you+v.?Why not+v.?Could you please+v.?Youd better(not)+v.Would you mind doing?What about/How about+n./doing?,表建议的句型:,You should/could+v.Why dont you+v.?Why not+v.?Could you please+v.?Youd better(not)+v.Would you mind doing

2、?What about/How about+n./doing?,have to study too much,have too much homework,hang out with my friends,fight with my best friend,1.We shouldnt _(argue)with our parents.2.You shouldnt _(use)the phone in the classroom.3.Could I use your dictionary?Well,you _.A.can B.could C.should D.might,argue,use,A,

3、Exercises,4.Youd better _(go)to school by bike.5.How about _(go)hiking this afternoon?6.Would you mind _(go)hiking?7.Why not _(go)hiking?8.Why dont you _(go)hiking?9.You should _(go)hiking.10.Shall we _(go)hiking?,go,going,going,go,go,go,go,Boy 2 had a _ with his best friend.He could _ him a letter.

4、But he isnt good at writing letters.He _ call him _,but he doesnt want to talk about it on the _.He _ talk to him so that he can say hes sorry but its not _.He _ go to his house but he doesnt want to _ him.He could take him to the _,but he doesnt want to wait that long.,Listen again.Fill in the blan

5、ks.,fight,should,write,up,phone,easy,could,should,surprise,ball game,给他写信给他打电话给他说对不起带他去看球类比赛在电话上交谈早点睡和你的父母交谈一下让他说对不起向老师寻求帮助,write him a letter=write a letter to him call him upsay sorry to him take him to the ball games talk on the telephone go to sleep earlier talk with your parents ask him to say

6、sorry ask the teacher for help,1.whats wrong with kim?2.whats Daves advice?,He found his sister looking through his things yesterday.,He could tell her to say sorry.Why doesnt he forget about it so that he can be friends again.,1.Do you have a good relation between your parents?,2.How do you communi

7、cate with your parents?,Problems and advice:,Warming up,3.Do you have any brothers or sisters?Can you get on well with him/her?,4.Who do you ask for help when you have problems?,Yes.I have a brother.We are not good with each other.We always get into fight.He always refuses to let me watch my favorit

8、e TV show.,cloud n.云;云朵,elder adj.年纪较长的,clear adj.清楚易懂的;晴朗的e.g.There is a clear sky.天空晴朗.,e.g.Their relation seemed quite good.他们的关系看起来很不错。,proper adj.正确的;恰当的They have a proper communication.,3a,Maybe he is 13 years old,he feels sad.,Because he has a problem.,2.Why did Sad and Thirteen write the let

9、ter?,1.What can you get from the name“Sad and Thirteen”?,Task 1:Fast reading,3.Who gave the advice to him?,Robert Hunt.,阅读题:解题策略1:提纲挈领的标题归纳题_,比较筛选,浓缩概括。,阅读题:解题策略2:Read the article quickly.(快速浏览全文)_,找切入口。,()1.How are the relations between the Sad and Thirteens parents?A.friendly B.nice C.difficult D.

10、terrible()2.Does Sad and Thirteen get along with his family?A.Yes,he does B.No,he doesnt.C.We dont know.()3.What often happen between the Sad and Thirteens parents?A.Need Money B.Fight C.Just have some communication D.Work all day()4.Who watches TV late at night?A.Mother B.Father C.Brother D.Sad and

11、 Thirteen()5.How is Sad and Thirteens feeling at home?A.Lonely and unhappy.B.Angry and nervous.C.Nervous and lonely.D.Lonely and scared.,Task 2:Detailed reading,解题策略3:Read the passage carefully.(细读课文)_,Find out the answers directly.(direct method直接法),get on well with,talk about,fight a lot,know what

12、 to do,offer to,do more jobs,isnt nice to,refuses to let,watch,sit down,communicate with,explain,mind,watching,lonely,nervous,Task 3:Detailed reading,conclusion,Reading strategy 1.Scan the questions first(扫读问题)2.Find out the key words.(找关键词)3.Read the article quickly.(快速浏览全文)4.Read the passage caref

13、ully.(细读课文)A.Find out five“W”and an“H”.Find out the answers directly.(direct method直接法)B.Find out the numbers and work out the answers.(numeration计算法)C.Find out the right answers or wrong answers.(exclusive method排除法)D.Guess the meaning from the whole text.(comparison method 比较法)E.(Infer the details

14、 细节推断法),1)instead adv.代替;反而;却e.g.If we cant go to Huashan Mountain,well go to the city of Xian for the trip instead.如果我们不能去爬华山,我们就去西安游玩。LastsummerIwenttoQingdao.ThissummerImgoingtoDalianinstead.去年夏天我去了青岛。今年夏天我要去大连InsteadofgoingtoQingdaoImgoingtoDalianthisyear.今年我打算去大连,而不去青岛。instead:代替(常用于句末,有时句首)ins

15、tead of+短语/名词/代词/动名词,Dave went swimming _ going skating.My brother isnt good at math._,he is good at English.3.I like reading in the library _ in the classroom.4.Yesterday John _ Jim gave us a talk.5.-Does your brother go to the library?-No,he doesnt.I will go _.,instead of,Instead,instead of,instea

16、d of,instead,用 instead,instead of 填空,3.If your parents are having problems,you should offer to help.,offer to do sth.:主动做某事,He offered to go instead of me.他主动提出代替我去。e.g.She offered me a cup of tea.She offer a cup of tea to me.她给我端了杯茶。,提供某人某物:offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.,Read the article again and

17、fill in the blanks.,1.Sad and Thirteen has some _.He cant _ his family.His parents _ a lot.Its the only _ they have.When they _,its like a big black cloud _ their home.He doesnt like it.,get on with,problems,argue,fight,communication,hanging over,His brother always watches whatever he wants until mi

18、dnight.He _ to let him watch his favorite TV show.So He always feels _ and _ at home.,refuses,lonely,nervous,2.Robert Hunt thinks Sad and Thirteen should _ these feelings to his family.He should _ to help.,offer,talk about,Maybe he _ jobs around the house so that they have more time _.Second,he coul

19、d sit down and _ his brother.He could _ that he _ him watching TV all the time,however,he should let him watch his _.,doesnt mind,could do more,for proper communication,communicate with,explain,favorite show,Robert Hunt thinks its _ for Sad and Thirteen to have these feeling.And he advise him to _ _

20、 these feelings with his family.And he should _ _ help for their parents problems.And he could do more jobs around the house _ _ _ make his parents have more time to communicate well.Secondly,Sad and Thirteen could sit down and _ _ his brother,and _ him that he doesnt mind him watching TV all the ti

21、me._ his brother should let him watch his favorite show.,normal,talk about,offer to,in order to,communicate with,tell,But,Task 4:Tetell the passage(复述).,Sad and Thirteen:problem,cant get on well with,fight,argue,like a big black cloud,hang over,brother,not nice to,refuse,not fair,lonely and nervous,

22、Robert Hunt:talk to family,problem,offer to help,do more job,communicate with,brother,explain,dont mind,hope,better,根据汉语提示完成单词和句子,1.The boy felt sorry that he _(争吵)with his parents.2.He wants to play basketball,but his parents want himto do homework _(代替)3.Im always _(焦虑的)before the big exams.4.We s

23、hould _(提供)help to the old on the bus.5.We should _(交流)with each other.6.My problem is that I cant _(相处)my family.7.He always _(拒绝让我看)my favorite TV show.8._(你为什么不谈一下)these feeling with your Family?9.You _(不介意他总是看电视),1.Recite the paragraph you like.2.Make sentences with these words:argue;whatever;instead;nervous;explain;offer to do sth.;communicate with,Homework,


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