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1、Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator applic

2、ation began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this

3、 robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set

4、 for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standa

5、rds. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of ind

6、ustrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of autom

7、ation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opp

8、ortunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm r

9、esearch began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic ar

10、m spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like wel

11、ding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand目录第一章

12、 表3第1节 5#标施工周期表3第2节 5#试验仪器7第3节 5#标管理曲线8第4节 5#标用地9第5节 5#标机械表12第6节 5#横道16第7节 5#标斜率18第二章 工艺流程图19第1节 管涵施工工艺框图19第2节 工艺框图(disc)20第三章 框图22第1节 组织机构框图22第四章 施组26第1节 北京六环路投标施工组织设计261、 工程概况262、 施工部署373、 主要工程项目施工方法和技术措施494、 冬、雨季施工措施875、 质量保证措施896、 工期保证措施967、 安全措施1008、 文明施工及环保措施1039、 工程保修承诺和措施106第一章 表第1节 5#标施工周期表

13、表6 分项工程生产率和施工周期表第 5 合同段序号工程项目单位数量平均每生产单位( 人,各种机械 台)平均每单位生产率(数量/每周)每生产单位平均施工时间(周)生产单位总个数(个)1特殊路基处理万m2250 70.67312路基填筑万m327.525 80.761233二灰砂砾底基层万m25.4525 80.91324水泥稳定砂砾基层万m24.425 72.2215路面底面层万m24.8630 94.86116路基防护及排水项125 30.04837涵洞m20540 441518桥梁基桩棵7015 48.75429承台座1720 42.134210桥台座830 31.336111墩柱棵1525

14、 253112盖梁片940 22.254113T梁安装片8020 41081说明:互通立交、分体立交的匝道、匝道涵洞、通道、桥梁分别归入表中相关的项目mix carefully, 30 min at 60 c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min.

15、 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separ

16、atory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloro

17、acetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spect

18、rophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully

19、, 30 min at 60 c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tubemanipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment, but

20、 also more common. Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned, simple (or simple) industrial equipment. So he can see them now, however these two control modes (relay and discrete electronic circuits) are these fatal flaws: (1) cannot adapt to the complex logic control, (2)

21、 only for the current project, the lack of compatibility and (3) not reforming the system with equipment improvements. Spring for the development of Chinas modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation, completed the perfect relay of the compu

22、ter too much. In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages: (1) each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors; (2) the official designer of the software writing content control is all about. Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation ca

23、n often be seen in three ways: (1) Programmable Logical Controller (referred to as IPC); (2) Distributed Control System (DCS for short), and (3) the Programmable Logical Controller (PLC for short). 2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1, each of the three technologies of origins and devel

24、opment requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer. The men brought in terms of hardware there, using a high level of standardization, can use more compatibility tools, is a rich software resources, especially the need for immediacy in operational systems. So the computer ca

25、n effectively control is used to control and meet its speed, on the virtual model, real-time and in computational requirements. Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control, whereas now it is successfully developed into industrial control compu

26、ter used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue handling, loop control, has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage. Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation, but only as a means of continuous process con

27、trol. Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born, its main use in the work order control, early primary is replaced relay this hulking system, focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions. Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerg

28、ed, micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly, people soon microelectronics processing technology will be used in the Programmable Logical Controller (that is103第2节 5#试验仪器表3 拟投入本合同工程的主要施工机械表机械名称规格型号额定功率(KW)或容量()或吨位(t)厂牌及出厂时间数量新旧程度(%)预计进场时间小计其中拥有新购租赁第3节 5#标管理曲线第4节 5#标用地表6 临时用地计划表用途面积()需用时间 年

29、 月至 年 月用地位置菜地水田旱地果园桩号左侧(m)右侧(m)一、临时工程1.临时便线49002004.32004.110+0000+700700二、生产及生活临时设施1.临时住房14002004.32004.11K7+2501002.办公等公用房屋6002004.32004.11K7+2501003.料库16002004.32004.11K7+2502004.设备停放场地10002004.32004.11K7+2502005.钢筋加工场地9002004.32004.11K7+2502006.木工场5002004.32004.11K7+250200租用面积合计10900第5节 5#标机械表表3

30、拟投入本合同工程的主要施工机械表机械名称规格型号额定功率(Kwa)或容量(m3)或吨位(t)厂牌及 出厂时间数量(台)新旧程度(%)预计进厂时间小计其中双钢轮压路机DD110美国 英格索兰22280%2004.8.4振动压路机DD130美国 英格索兰222、2004.8.22振动压路机YZ18B洛阳66、2004.3.20胶轮压路机YL-16徐州222、2004.8.41t振动压路机80AD宝马111、2004.8.22平地机PY160天津33、2004.3.20推土机T180徐州66、2004.3.20挖掘机HD220大宇44、2004.3.20装载机ZL50成工55、2004.3.20洒水

31、车8t长春33、2004.3.20载重车自卸式斯太尔815青岛3030、2004.3.20摊铺机ABG423德国22、2004.8.4汽车起重机16t浦元22、2004.3.22汽车起重机30t浦元11、2004.3.22汽车起重机50t浦元11、2004.5.8汽车起重机80t浦元22、2004.5.8表3拟投入本合同工程的主要施工机械表机械名称规格型号额定功率(Kwa)或容量(m3)或吨位(t)厂牌及 出厂时间数量(台)新旧程度(%)预计进厂时间小计其中拥有新购租赁发电机组120KW北京22、2004.3.20旋挖钻R-518意大利33、2004.3.22空压机XAS160200122、2

32、004.3.22第6节 5#横道 表7 施工总体计划表 第 5 合同段第7节 5#标斜率表2 分项工程进度率计划(斜率图)第 5 合同段第二章 工艺流程图第1节 管涵施工工艺框图管 涵 施 工 工 艺 框 图上报方案批准测量放线工程师验收挖 槽质量检查验收地基钎探垫层施工管材原材料验收下管 稳管制作混凝土试块浇筑包封混凝土抹 带试块试压合格管侧回填土质量检查验收管顶回填土质量检查验收第2节 工艺框图(disc)项 目 经 理 部 组 织 机 构 图项 目 经 理项目总经济师项目副经理项目总工程师办 公 室经营部安保部技质部材料部工程部计量负责人财务负责人机械设备管理负责人工程计划负责人文明施工

33、负责人工程拆迁负责人采购供应负责人材料计划负责人工程技术负责人施工技术管理文件负责人工程测量负责人工程质量控制负责人工现场保卫负责人施工安全负责人第三章 框图第1节 组织机构框图第四章 施组第1节 北京六环路投标施工组织设计1、 工程概况1 工程简介1.1.1 建设地点、建设规模国道主干线北京绕城公路(六环路)XX 至XX 段工程起自昌平区八达岭高速公路与六环路相交的XX 立交西侧,终点与现况军温路相接,路线全长19.6 公里。全线按全封闭、全立交的高速公路标准设计,设计行车速度为100km/h,设计荷载标准为汽车-超20 级,挂车-120 级。本工程为第五合同段,道路位于京密引水渠东侧约40

34、0 米,斜穿史家桥村,道路起点桩号为K5+800,终点桩号为K7+700,标段全长1.9 公里,道路面积为48620 m2。本段六环路主要以路基填方为主,约27.5 万m3。在史家桥村附近设通道桥一座,跨史家桥河设跨河桥一座,在上庄北路与六环路相交处设分离式立交一座,桥梁面积为3920m2。道路采用雨水边沟排水,本段共设置排水涵洞8 道。1.1.2 分项工程简述道路工程:本标段主路横断面为两幅路形式,双向四车道:中央分隔离带宽2.5m,土路肩宽0.75m;单侧机动车道宽为0.5+23.75+3.0=11m,路基标准宽度为26m。道路红线宽度为80m。路面采用向外直线两面坡形式,横坡度为2%,土

35、路肩坡度为3%。为保证路基边坡的稳定,路基两侧设2.0m 宽护坡道,路基边坡坡度为1:1.5。路基填方大于3 米边坡采用六角形预制砼网格护砌,小于3 米采用三维喷播植草护坡。上庄北路规划为城市次干路,上跨六环路,路基宽12m。行车道宽9m,两侧路肩宽1.5m。主路横断面如下图所示:主路路面结构形式及工程量(不含中、表面层)结构类型厚度(cm)面积()密级配粗粒式沥青混凝土AC-25742590乳化沥青封层-42590上基层水泥稳定砂砾1844021下基层石灰粉煤灰砂砾1845379底基层石灰粉煤灰砂砾2047454总厚度74上庄北路路面结构形式及工程量结构类型厚度(cm)面积()密级配细粒式沥

36、青混凝土AC-1346030粗粒式沥青混凝土AC-3076030乳化沥青封层-6030上基层石灰粉煤灰砂砾混合料156399下基层石灰粉煤灰砂砾混合料156667底基层石灰粉煤灰砂砾混合料157069总厚度56道路填方及挖方工程量填方数量()挖方数量()六环主路22.3 万1422上庄北路5.2 万714合计27.5 万2136硬路肩结构与主路采用相同的路面结构。在K6+700K7+000 段设置路面结构排水防渗设施。桥梁工程:本标有K6+012.126 通道桥,史家桥河跨河桥及上庄北路分离式立交桥各一座。K6+012.126 通道桥主桥宽26m,与被交9m 宽道路斜交角度为67.3528,桥

37、全长24m。上部结构采用一孔16m 预制简支宽腹T 梁,90cm 高T 梁共14 片,下部结构为重力式桥台及D=1.2m 钻孔灌注桩共24 棵。桥面结构为11cm 厚沥青砼铺装层,防水层及10cm 厚砼铺装层。桥梁面积624。K6+478.085 史家桥河桥主桥宽26m,道路中线与规划河底宽9m的史家桥河河道中线交角37.0271,桥全长88m。上部结构为25+30+25m 预制简支T 梁共42 片,中跨30m 梁高1.6m,边跨25m 梁高1.4m。下部结构边墩采用重力式桥台及D=1.2m 钻孔灌注桩共24棵,4 片预应力砼盖梁下设D=1.2m 双柱墩共8 根,基础采用承台加砼系梁及D=1.

38、5m 钻孔灌注桩共8 棵。在左右半幅桥间设桥台间挡墙。桥面结构为11cm 厚沥青砼铺装层,防水层及10cm 厚砼铺装层。桥梁面积2288。K7+281.874 上庄北桥跨线桥宽12m,上庄北路中线与六环路中线交角63.2757,桥全长84m。上部结构为420m 预制简支T 梁共24 片,20m 梁高1.1m。下部结构边墩采用肋板式桥台,2 片预应力砼盖梁下设肋板式柱墩共4 根,边墩基础采用承台加砼系梁及D=1.2m钻孔灌注桩共8 棵。中墩基础采用承台及D=1.2m 钻孔灌注桩共6 棵,3 片预应力砼盖梁下设D=1.5m 双柱墩共3 根。桥面结构为9cm 厚沥青砼铺装层,防水层及7cm 厚砼铺装层。桥梁面积1008。桥梁工程主要工程量名称结构尺寸单位数量钻孔灌注桩D=1.2m棵62钻孔灌注桩D=1.5m棵8承台座17墩柱D=1.2m棵8墩柱D=1.5m棵3肋


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