yc改进后的 共同沟结构施工方案secret.doc

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《yc改进后的 共同沟结构施工方案secret.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《yc改进后的 共同沟结构施工方案secret.doc(14页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline Inspection Commission, the peoples d

2、aily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support service low double excellent of members lead team,

3、 constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean government inspec

4、tion unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a good atmosphere and

5、 fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, education, and superv

6、ision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case of efforts also ne

7、eded strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we wi

8、ll proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, further increasing the governance capability an

9、d advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunity, further stren

10、gthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what the

11、y have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,第一章、工程概况一、工程概况xx东二路标段综合管沟全长约1192m,标准断面尺寸(净尺寸)BH为3.85m2.9m。分水管仓和电力仓两个仓。每个仓净尺寸BH为1.8m2.9m。综合管沟位于新建xx东二路北侧人行与非机动车混行道下,其结构外侧距道路北侧红线0.5m。共同沟共有自然通风口4个,投料口6个,机械通风口7个。各路口按需要设管线引出端,合计电信支管引出端8个,电力支管引出端6个,给水支管引出端6个,热力支管引出端6个。综合管沟过河人行通道处均按倒


13、热力管,另需在电力仓布置DN300消防水管和DN150消防支管。第二章共同沟结构施工一、砼材料1、共同沟及附属工程结构砼强度等级为C30防水砼,抗渗标号为S6。水泥采用PO42.5 普通硅酸盐水泥,不得使用过期或受潮结块水泥。2、碎石的粒径宜为50mm,含泥量不得大于1%,泥块含量不得大于0.5%。3、砂采用淡化中砂,含泥量不得大于3%,泥块含量不得大于1%。4、拌制砼采用不含有害物质的洁净水。5、外加剂的技术性能应符合国家或行业标准一等品以上的质量要求。二、砼的配合比应符合下列规定:1、试配要求的抗渗水压值应比设计值提高0.2MP。2、水泥用量不得少于320kg/m3。 3、砂率宜为35%4

14、5%,灰砂比宜为1:21:2.5;4、水灰比不得大于0.55。三、砼的拌制和浇注过程控制如下:1、 拌制所用材料的品种、规格和用量,共同沟施工时每工作班检查两次。2、 砼浇注的坍落度,每工作班检查两次。坍落度试验符合规范要求。3、 防水砼抗渗性能,采用标准条件下养护砼抗渗试件的试验结果评定。试件在浇注地点制作。四、共同沟底板底板施工顺序如下:垫层面轴线引测、弹线底排钢筋绑扎地梁钢筋绑扎、保护层垫块固定预埋管道安装及固定“”形撑脚固定上排筋绑扎内、外墙板的绑扎及固定外墙板及底板外侧模板支设外墙板止水带安装隐检、钢筋、模板整理底板砼浇捣养护。钢筋的搭接方法,竖向筋18以上采用电渣压力焊,18以下采


16、尺寸固定后,用绑扎铁丝把墙板钢筋固定在模板上口,使两边保护层厚度一致。墙板砼的浇筑,先浇外墙板及与之相连的内墙板,后浇内墙板,浇捣方式,从伸缩缝一侧往前推进,每次浇筑高度控制在500mm左右,一个坡度(自然流淌),往复覆盖前面一皮砼,三点震捣要到位、及时、防止漏震。六、共同沟柱、顶板顶板模板采用多层板,钢管支模架,立杆间距标准段为800800纵横(其余为600600),设三道牵杠,组成井字形顶面铺放4268小方木,间距为300中一中,面铺多层板。 柱模为多层板加4268方木定制而成,柱截面大于750750mm的设对拉螺杆,间距500mm,外加钢管柱箍500一道。梁底模用多层板外钉4268小方木



19、平钢筋与模板用木锲间距敲紧。如下图:16、预埋件与砼表面高差处主要为1002350长条铁件,在制作焊接时由于加热而变形,用铁锤敲平后安装。运输搬运避免乱扔乱放现象。钻孔后用螺栓与模板紧贴固定。17、细部模板用整板按造型尺寸丈量准确制作,安装牢固。18、锯板后用小刨刨直拼接紧密。共同沟模板支模架整体做法如下图示:2、承重架搭设 2、承重架材料要求 2.1钢管 2.1.1钢管采用483.2mm,其表面锈蚀深度不大于0.5mm。 2.1.2钢管上严禁打孔及有开裂现象。 2.1.3钢管应有产品合格证、测试报告及生产许可证。 2.2扣件2.2.1扣件应有产品合格证、测试报告及生产许可证。2.2.2扣件使

20、用前应进行质量检查,有裂缝、变形的严禁使用,出现滑丝的螺栓必须更换。2.2.3扣件在螺栓拧紧力矩达65NM时,不得发生破坏。2.2.4所有扣件均应进行防锈处理。2.3木材 方木及木模板均应有质量合格证。3、承重架搭设间距要求如下:3.1楼板承重架网格间距200300厚为800800mm,300400厚为600600mm。3.2梁底架:本工程均为倒反梁,底标高同楼板标高,按600600搭设。3.3剪力墙采用12对拉螺栓,水平向为600mm,竖向为500mm,其中外墙对拉螺栓中间焊接50504mm止水铁片。4、承重架搭设要求4.1承重架利用矮柱搭设。4.2所有承重架的立杆处离地200mm处设置纵横

21、扫地杆一道,离地1.8M处设置纵横水平拉杆一道,以上每隔1.5M设置一道纵横水平拉杆。4.3承重架从最外一榀起,每隔4榀设置一道纵向剪力撑,剪力撑斜杆与楼地面成4560且连续设置。4.4承重架立杆垂直度每米小于0.5mm。4.5承重架起拱为千分之二。5、承重架拆除5.1待混凝土强度达到1.2MPa时,先拆除承重架的剪力撑及扫地杆。5.2待混凝土强度达到设计强度的75时,方可拆除承重架,重要部位及悬挑结构须达到设计强度的100时方可拆模,并报监理公司批准。第三章、细部构造及预埋件l 一、变形缝1、 本工程沉降缝采用钢边橡胶止水带,钢边橡胶止水带型号CB3508-30。2、 水平施工缝埋设3003




25、效防水措施外,尚应采取措施满足防护要求。7、穿墙管伸出外墙的部位,应采取有效措施防止回填时将管损坏。三、埋设件1、结构上的埋设件宜预埋。2、埋设件端部或预留孔(槽)底部的砼厚度不得小于250mm,当厚度小于250mm,应采取局部加厚或其他防水措施。3、 预留孔(槽)内的防水层,宜与孔(槽)外的结构防水层保持连续。4、 用螺栓固定在模板上的预埋件、预留孔和预留洞均不得遗漏,且应安装牢固紧密。四、防水涂料1、本工程涂料采用水泥基渗透结晶型防水涂料。2、涂料施工前,共同沟基层表面的气孔、凹凸不平,蜂窝、缝隙、起砂等,应修补处理,基层必须干净,无浮浆,无水珠,无渗水。3、涂料施工前,基层阴阳角应做成圆

26、弧形,阴角直径宜大于50mm,阳角直径宜大于10mm。4、涂料施工前,应对阴阳角、预埋件、穿墙管等部位进行密封或加强处理。涂料的配置及施工,必须严格按涂料的技术要求进行。第四章 冬、雨季施工措施一、雨季施工措施1、做好现场排水,将地面雨水及时排出场外。2、收听天气预报,浇筑砼及其它干作业工程尽量避开雨天施工。3、砼和砂浆配合比应在测定砂、石含水率后作出必要的调整。4、各种机电设备做好防雨措施,严防漏电,并做好防雷电设施。5、雨季必须连续施工的砼工程,应有可靠的防雨措施,备足防雨物资,及时了解气象情况,选择合适的时间施工。如中途施工应采取覆盖及调整砼坍落等方法。6、雨季前应组织有关人员对现场临时



29、情况每隔2030m设一个地表集中排水井(6006001000),排水沟因地面变形而开裂时应及时修补。基坑内根据实际情况设纵横向排水沟,每隔20m左右设一个坑底集中排水井,基坑内排水沟及集水井应尽量远离围护桩,排水井内用潜水泵进行抽水,以确保挖土工程顺利进行。new measures to promote work, the courage to take responsibility, dare to break hard to ensure district, Government decisions and arrangements to implement. (B) strengthen

30、ing supervision, severely punish acts of violation. One is to open the channels of supervision. Vigorously promote the party affairs public, open, widely accepted supervision by the masses, pay attention to social groups and public opinion supervision, the powerful force formed to urge party members

31、 and leading cadres properly exercise their powers. Second, strong supervision and inspection. Democratic life into full play, important briefings, reports related to personal matters and evaluation of cadres study of inner-party supervisory system, a comprehensive grasp of guidelines for the implem

32、entation of the independent Commission against corruption-related cases of leading cadres of party members, focus on strengthening key areas of project selection, funding, officials monitor, detect and rectify the problem, promote honesty in politics. Third, strengthen disciplinary investigation. Se

33、riously the implementation of JI .Recently, the County leading bodies at the county level to carry out three trees practice, which is to improve the governing ability and promoting the development of XX effective measure. I carefully follow your deployment requirements, and actively participate in t

34、he three trees campaign. Read Group, prepared by the Department in the near future of the ideological and political construction of leading cadres in the city reader, read the relevant information, larger harvest, inspired. I think the ability of repelling is to strengthen the partys governing capac

35、ity in questions of the construction of meaning, an important topic remains in front of party members and cadres at all levels, we need to further explore and ponder. The ability of repelling the name suggests, is asking party members and cadres at all levels in particular, leading cadres at all lev

36、els, not only ourselves, establish a correct concept of the independent Commission against corruption, political integrity, self-discipline, rejection of corruption, made for the people, pragmatic, honest leadership, and strengthen the sense of responsibility, earnestly implement the responsibility

37、of uncorrupted, implementation of the baolian anti-corruption measures to ensure the realization of business-building, construction of a win-win situation. Next, I combined with their thinking, experience and contact XX practical, on how to enhance the ability of repelling, on four aspects of cognit

38、ion. Irregularities, please comment. First, the construction of the propulsion system, and enhance the system of corruption since the founding of our party, have been thinking about tackling corruption. Currently, democratic legal system, management system and supervision mechanism is not perfect, administrative acts are not very standardized, Enterprise behavior and market behavior, corruption presents a diverse, pluralistic, complex trends, this shift the struggle between the two, will accompany


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