1、King shop school car to watch the summary view store is located in the LAN-Xin railway, 215 students, and students to and from school has about 90 people to cross the railway, more than half of the students live in the school in the vicinity of the rail line along the railway more than 10 square kil
2、ometers. Railway is economy of artery, to makes railway along general people master railway legal regulations and security knowledge, enhanced love road watch consciousness, ensure railway security smooth, years, I school has been put love road watch work as education students of focus to caught, ma
3、de has significantly of effect, years no occurred had railway security accident, emerged out a and a love road watch small guard, General teachers and students and masses of love road watch consciousness General improve, times by superior recognition, Our practices are reporting on is as follows. An
4、d improve the Organization, love the way of protection responsibilities. Set up by the principal of the school is the head security administrator for the Deputy Head of the class teacher for members of the railway protection leading group for propaganda and education, consisting of offices, advocacy
5、 groups, education groups and steering groups, organizations responsible for railway protection publicity and education of the whole school, command and coordination. To ensure safety of the railway for the overall objectives, major tasks are: 1, arouse the enthusiasm of teachers, school advantages
6、into full play, watch the propaganda and education work of joint railway. 2, railway watch teacher and student awareness, to ensure against road-related casualties. 3, education in primary and middle school students the courage to fight against the Railway Safety Act and found to have damaged railwa
7、y safety relevant parts of the report in a timely manner to ensure railway safety. Do Division, responsibility and student teacher assessment, evaluation and love road linked to the protection and safety, enhance the sense of responsibility. Second, programming, watch love road work routine. School
8、developed has railway watch publicity education work programme, put love road watch work into school education teaching plans, full using class teaching, and theme class, timing, education students learning railway method, about love road security matters, school requirements daily of campus broadca
9、st to has five minutes of railway security knowledge education, all class weekly are to Shang a section love road watch aspects of security class, monthly introduced a period love road watch aspects of window publicity, reached has alarm ringing of effect. Third, explicitly demanded that the love ro
10、ad protection work. Schools to establish and improve a love road watch schedule, enacted the railway safety ten no Protocol, the Convention on the safety and other regulations and requirements, so as to enable departments to further their work. Which publicity group is responsible for railway watch
11、legal regulations and about common sense of publicity, annual organization a to two times above railway method, and security management Punishment Ordinance, for main content of publicity, further strengthened General teachers and students of concept and love road watch consciousness, education stud
12、ents do three not: that not to railway Shang play, without stones, hit train, is not rail Shang stacked roadblocks. Education groups to include railway protection knowledge education in carrying out quality education, class of railway transport in the main channel of textbooks in economic constructi
13、on in the role and significance of guiding students to take care of the railway天津市快速路系统二期项目-外环线东北部调线工程预应力混凝土箱梁施工方案外环线东北部调线工程 第2标段现场检查(监理、项目经理部预应力混凝土箱梁施工方案 编制单位:中铁十八局集团第五工程有限公司二一四年十月一日目 录第一节 编制说明1一、编制依据1二、工程概况1第二节 施工总体部署和安排31、总体施工思路32、施工区域划分及人员安排33、 施工计划44、 现场组织机构45、施工准备5第三节 主要施工方法63.1 预应力连续箱梁施工工艺流程图
14、63.2 支架施工73.2.1 支架体系设计73.2.2 支架体系施工工艺流程33.3 模板工程93.4 钢筋工程123.5 混凝土工程13第四节 预应力工程施工161、预应力束布置形式162、预应力材料进场检验与保管183、施工工艺流程194、波纹管安装195、钢绞线、锚垫板安装216、张拉施工工艺227、真空压浆施工工艺27第五节 质量保证措施291、质量保证措施292、质量检验标准293、主体结构施工需注意的质量问题314、预应力施工质量保证措施315、预应力箱梁施工常见的通病及预防措施34第六节 安全文明施工保证措施371、支架体系施工安全文明保证措施372、预应力施工安全文明保证措施
15、383、模板工程施工安全保证措施384、钢筋工程施工安全保证措施385、混凝土工程施工安全保证措施396、现场临时用电安全保证措施39第七节 雨季施工保证措施411、雨季施工组织措施412、雨季施工技术措施413、支架体系雨季施工措施414、钢筋工程雨季施工措施425、混凝土雨季施工措施426、预应力工程雨季施工措施42第八节 施工应急预案431、安全事故应急体系.432、触电事故应急预案453、机械伤害应急预案46附表 重大危险源、辨识及控制措施48Establishment of the patriotic Health Committee, the implementation of D
16、ivision of responsibility, school of health management. , Room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the Department of health management. All classrooms, offices and other indoor sanitation, daily cleaning, keep the floor, table, wall clean table, cupboard
17、s, chairs and all the appliances in order and clean. No graffiti, doors and Windows and bright. Lectern, Blackboard in the classroom clean and tidy. School sanitation, according to the Division of school health area of responsibility, responsibility to do: a small sweep a day a week a big sweep, nea
18、t and clean, no paper, no spam, no weeds, no sewage, no bags, no Peel. Personal hygiene: education students to cultivate five, six nots personal hygiene habits. Five: time schedule, to brush your teeth before going to bed, to change clothes, bathe, and frequently washing hands before meals and after
19、 nails Barber,. Six not to drink unboiled water, do not eat unclean food, no smoking, no spitting, no snacking, no public towels, cups. Pay attention to eye health, read and write positions lying upright, not reading, not in the light of local walking and reading, doing eye exercises and timely corr
20、ection of eye disease, regular rotation zuoci. Gym class, working class, to strengthen students safety education, comprehensive physical examination once a year on students, included in the profile. Improving food hygiene: to improve sanitation and hygiene, implementation of the food hygiene regulat
21、ions, to ensure food hygiene, ensure the physical and mental health of teachers and students. Eliminating four pests, preventing disease: promptly clean up the garbage, sewage, preventing mosquito breeding places, cleaned up the garbage, make sure and clean. Strengthen health publicity poster out in
22、 time to publicize health knowledge, use of the health education health education to students. And eye exercises, mental health education during the consultation process, held in common, multiple lectures on epidemic prevention. Health inspection rating system: head teacher, classroom teacher, Membe
23、r of the class of health checks, monitor the implementation of environmental health and eye exercises every day. Check rankings of school organizations to inform the inspection results. Check every Monday, one month, one to summarize, according to the inspection results issued health flow red flags.
24、 Six disease prevention to prevent myopia? When sitting up, head tilted, eyes 33 cm from the book. Eat, walk, bus reading, not too strong, too weak to light reading. Write not too small too close, do not write typo, grass hand. Reading time and a half to 1 hour, you should rest for a few minutes. Co
25、ntrolling the number of TV and time, a distance of 2.5 metres. Pay attention to nutrition, food supplements containing vitamin a. How to prevent tooth decay? To develop good hygiene habits, way of brushing our teeth, mouthwash, before going to bed without eating snacks. Improve the ability of anti-c
26、aries of the teeth, acid toothpaste with fluoride. Eat less sugar, eat a lot of food to prevent tooth decay, such as milk and dairy products, fish, fruit, beans, liver, etc. How to prevent trachoma? Without common towels, hand rubbing your eyes, to sand and dust, wash your face to clean the water, p
27、romote the use of flowing water to wash, maintain washing equipment clean and wash, cut your nails3第一节 编制说明一、编制依据 1、设计文件天津市快速路系统二期项目外环线东北部调线工程施工图设计(桥梁工程); 图纸会审记录; 设计交底。 2、有关规范及标准城市桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范 (CJJ 2-2008)公路桥涵施工技术规范 (JTG/T F50-2011)天津市市政工程施工技术规程(桥梁工程部分) (DB29-75-2004)公路工程混凝土结构防腐蚀技术规范 (JTG/T B07-01-
28、2006)建筑施工碗扣式脚手架安全技术规范 (JGJ 166-2008)建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范 (JGJ 130-2011)钢管满堂支架预压技术规程 (JGJT 194-2009)公路工程水泥混凝土试验规程 (JTJ 053-94)预应力混凝土用钢绞线 (GB/T 5224-2003)公路桥涵养护规范 (JTG H11-2004)建筑施工计算手册第二版 国家现行相关施工及验收规范、规程、质量技术标准,以及天津地区在安全文明施工、环境保护等方面的规定。二、工程概况本工程为外环线东北部调线工程第二合同段,为跨北环铁路分离式立交,桥梁位于位于现状外环线与卫国道交叉口以北约3.5km,北
31、板厚20cm,腹板厚度由40cm渐变至70cm;2.9m高箱梁标准段顶板厚25cm,底板厚24cm,腹板厚度由50cm渐变至70cm。箱梁悬臂长2.5m,翼缘外端部厚15cm。现浇预应力箱梁横断面图1.8m高箱梁横断面图2.2m高箱梁横断面图2.4m高箱梁横断面图2.9m高箱梁横断面图第二节 施工总体部署和安排1、总体施工思路本工程0#6#、17#23#墩位8联现浇梁为整联现浇;6#10#、13#17#4联现浇梁分两段现浇,先浇筑中间部分,在进行两头现浇;10#13#跨铁路部分2联现浇梁为先浇筑顶推部分,顶推完成后在进行两头现浇段施工。根据本段总体工期要求和连续箱梁结构设计特点,全桥14联现浇
34、2辆钢筋数控加工机床2台试验模具30组3、 施工计划铁路南侧开始时间结束时间铁路北侧开始时间结束时间Z0#-Z3#2014.9.202014.10.30Z17#-Z20#2014.9.202014.10.30Z3#-Z6#2014.10.12014.11.15Z20#-Z23#2014.10.12014.11.15Z6#-Z10#2015.3.202015.5.20Y17#-Y20#2015.3.12015.4.15Y0#-Y3#2015.3.12015.4.15Y20#-Y23#2014.5.12015.4.15Y3#-Y6#2015.3.12015.4.15Z13#-Z17#2015.4.
35、12015.6.1Y6#-Y10#2015.5.102015.7.10Y13#-Y17#2015.6.12015.8.1顶推段开始时间结束时间顶推后浇段开始时间结束时间11#-12#2014.9.252014.10.3010#-11#、12#-13#2015.3.12015.4.14、 现场组织机构 为保证本工程的顺利施工,按照项目法施工要求,中铁十八局第五工程有限公司外环线项目部全面负责本段内所有工程的施工、竣工、交验,并与业主、监理单位、设计单位、地方政府部门密切配合,搞好现场施工管理工作,将施工任务下达给各专业分包队组织施工,施工现场组织机构框图见下图:图二 项目组织机构图5、施工准备(
36、1)施工开始前组织有关人员学习公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTG/T F50-2011)和城镇桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范(CJJ2-2008),对特殊工种操作人员进行培训和技能考核,坚持持证上岗。(2)工程部负责编制支架上现浇混凝土箱梁工程专项施工方案,并对施工班组进行技术交底,班组长负责对操作工人进行技术交底。(3)所用材料必须符合有关技术标准规定,使用前必须严格审核所选用材料的出厂合格证和试验报告,并送往试验室进行验证,合格材料才可使用,不合格的材料一律清除出场。(4)场地及水电的准备:整理施工所需场地;清查、安装主要的施工机具,保证其工作状态良好;安装好施工现场所需水电供应设施;准备施工所需用
37、的材料,并作好维护工作,避免受到污染;合理组织施工,做到责任明确,分工合理(5)认真熟悉图纸和有关技术资料以及设计、施工验收规范,进行图纸自审,把图上问题解决在施工前。第三节 主要施工方法场地平整地基处理、加固搭设脚手架、安装底模 支架预压安装外侧模 绑扎底、腹板钢筋及安装预应力管道 安装内侧模、预埋件、预留孔 浇筑底腹板混凝土、养护 绑扎顶板钢筋安装预应力管道 安设顶板预埋件、预留孔 浇筑顶板混凝土、养护 拆 内 模张拉、压浆、养护 拆外模、支架、封进人洞钢 筋 加 工 进入下一循环砂 石 料 准 备水 泥 准 备配 合 比 设 计混凝土拌合3.1 预应力连续箱梁施工工艺流程图图三 施工流程
38、图3.2 支架施工3.2.1 支架体系设计(1)地基处理北环铁路分离式立交坐落在北环铁路南北两侧的农田内,桥梁施工区域内分布的小型沟渠已完成换填,前期桩基及承台施工时已对原地表耕值土进行了清理及碾压,桥梁施工区域内地基已具备车辆通行条件。本次基础处理宽度为50m,即箱梁投影区域外扩2m,地基要求承载力达到200KPa以上,地基处理分以下三种形式:1)普通区域基础处理清理表面浮土后,在地面进行原槽呛8%灰土,处理深度为50cm,分两层进行施工,每层25cm。处理时采用18t振动压路机分层振动压实,压实度要求达到95%以上,灰土表面平整后撒布5cm石屑一层,使地基表面平整,受力均匀。地基处理时设置
41、需达到200KPa以上方可进行支架搭设。 (2)碗扣支架布设顺序本工程架体高度均不大于15m,按普通架体常规搭设,支架采用WDJ碗扣式多功能脚手架(48mm3.5mm)。地基基础处理完成之后开始划线布置底层方木,底层方木采用150mm150mm方木(东北落叶松)横桥向布置,碗扣立杆通过横桥向方木作用在地基基础上,通过水平杆互相连接,通过竖向剪刀撑和水平剪刀撑连接形成整体协同受力,碗扣立杆之上布置横桥向150mm150mm方木(东北落叶松),通过立杆上端丝扣调节方木高度,在横桥向方木之上布置纵桥向100mm100mm方木(东北落叶松),横梁及腹板下中心间距为20cm,其余区域中心间距为30cm,
42、最上面铺设2.44m1.22m0.015m优质木胶板箱梁底模。 1)碗扣支架纵桥向布置 本工程梁高为1.8m、2.2m、2.4m及2.9m四种,支架纵桥向布置原则一致。碗扣支架按照支架架体结构加密区与非加密区的布置原则,在距离墩位中心线或施工缝处L/5+1(L为跨长)的位置范围内为加密区,支架纵桥向间距为0.6m,单跨内除加密区长度外其余长度范围顺桥方向支架间距为0.9m;底层方木纵桥向间距随支架间距布置。 2) 碗扣支架横桥向布置1.8m、2.2m、2.4m梁高横向布置原则:在腹板位置:加密区以0.6m0.6m1.2m(横距纵距步距)布置,在非加密区即普通区域以0.6m0.9m1.2m(横距
43、纵距步距)布置。在箱室及翼缘板位置:加密区以0.9m0.6m1.2m(横距纵距步距)布置,在非加密区即普通区域以0.9m0.9m1.2m(横距纵距步距)布置。2.9m梁高横向布置原则: 在腹板位置:加密区(纵桥向1/5跨径+1m)以0.3m0.6m1.2m(横距纵距步距)布置,在非加密区即普通区域以0.3m0.9m1.2m(横距纵距步距)布置。在箱室及翼缘板位置:加密区(纵桥向1/5跨径+1m)以0.9m0.6m1.2m(横距纵距步距)布置,在非加密区即普通区域以0.9m0.9m1.2m(横距纵距步距)布置。 3)剪刀撑的设置 为保证支架为几何不变体系,必须设置扫地杆及剪刀撑。扫地杆及剪刀撑的
44、设置按照建筑施工碗扣式脚手架安全技术规范(JGJ 166-2008)的相关规定执行。支架底部设可调底托,纵、横向扫地杆设在距地面高度不大于35cm处的立杆上,采用直角扣件固定。在架体周边及内部纵、横向每4.5m应由底至顶设置连续竖向剪刀撑。当支架高度超过6m时,顶端和底层应设置水平剪刀撑,中间水平剪刀撑设置间距不宜大于4.8m。竖向剪刀撑斜杆应落地,与地面的倾角应为45度60度,水平剪刀撑与支架纵(或横)向夹角应为45度60度。剪刀撑用扣件与立杆相连接且相互间连成一个受力体系,剪刀撑扣件必须与立杆连接,严禁与横杆连接。剪刀撑间连接采用搭接,搭接长度大于1m,搭接处等间距设置3个旋转扣件扣紧,扣
45、件边缘至杆端的距离应大于10cm。 1.8m、2.2m、2.4m高箱梁箱室段横桥向支架布置示意图1.8m、2.2m、2.4m高箱梁横梁段横桥向支架布置示意图2.9m高箱梁箱室段横桥向支架布置示意图2.9m高箱梁横梁段横桥向支架布置示意图1.8m、2.2m、2.4m、2.9m高箱梁纵桥向支架布置示意图3.2.2 支架体系施工工艺流程3.2.2.1 施工准备(1)脚手架施工前必须制定施工设计或专项方案,保证其技术可靠和使用安全。经技术审查批准后方可实施。(2)脚手架搭设,工程技术负责人按脚手架施工设计或专项方案的要求对搭设和使用人员进行技术交底。(3)脚手架搭设场地必须平整、坚实、排水措施得当。(4)支架搭设时严格按照有证上岗操作施工。