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1、synchronous backup software does not respond to the rest of the data to be modified. In order to ensure maximum server exception, saving some data, synchronization of real-time backup software should have high, that delay does not exceed 1 minute. Offsite backups that must be supported across networ

2、k segments. In accordance with the above requirements for development our dedicated backup software. After development, wing that opened in salt on high speed test results meet the design requirementsWith the passing of time, it is preparing source Huan of Hubei industrial investment company limited

3、 factory close to the planning of the day looks like, planning human ideals gradually into an entity, spread out before us. Security plan enters the deployed State. After listening to your business objective for the leaders of security, I quickly people with loyalty to the cause of security, as well

4、 as previous security experience, combined with peer pioneers of success stories or experiences. Border security on your business ideas and suggestions to make as follows: 1.1 after careful analysis of a blueprint of the enterprise, taking into account your enterprise factory boundary: 540.65M x 234

5、.24M rectangular site. 1.2 scope for such dachangqu, I recommend the solid border security deployment, for a range of reasons, whether we use infrared radiation, electronic fences, alarm had done there, where the response. Because the factory could not spend a great deal of manpower cost to post thr

6、ee steps, five steps and a whistle. As we all know, under the current form of human resources costs much higher than the cost of all scientific and technological input. In order to better achieve the goal of planners, as well as for Active solid border defense work. We recommend that you use infrare

7、d radiation or linkage of electronic fences with video security deployment to achieve security goals. 1.3 in accordance with the device on the wall of the compound properties and parameters to a reasonable plan to install the infrared radiation equipment or fences and electronic equipment as well as

8、 video surveillance equipment, the specific needs of the equipment and materials quantities we will detail later. 1.4 the programme according to your companys site to see and listen to the leadership proposal, and in accordance with the actual needs of the project, with reference to the relevant int

9、ernational standards and national standards, combined with the experience accumulated by the company engaged in multiple projects, prepare the technology package. If the contents or any other aspect of the programme has not detailed where we welcome your valuable comments. Second, the design princip

10、les of the project design follows technology advanced, functional, stable and cost-saving principles. And considering construction, maintenance and operation, and for future development, expansion, reconstruction and other factors leave room for expansion. Design elements of the system is the system

11、atic, integrated and comprehensive; design has the scientificity, reasonability and operability. Its has following principles: 2.1, and advanced and applicability used currently most advanced of soft, and hardware and the network technology, errors rate low, compatible sex strong, upgrade easy, used

12、 module type structure, expansion convenient, no repeat construction investment, system of technology performance and quality index should reached international leading level; while, system of installation debugging, and software programming and operation using and should simple, easy master, for Ch

13、ina conditions and this project of features. Set the number of advanced technology in a the systems, reflects the current level of the latest development of computer and network technology, adapted to the requirements of the times. While the system is the system used for various management levels, i

14、ts functions are configured to provide the user with comfortable, safe, fast and convenient to3.1, the intelligent building design standards (GB/t 50314-2000) 3.2, the design standard for intelligent building systems engineering (DB32/191-1998) 3.3, the code四川金田纸业有限公司60万吨再生纸工程旋挖灌注桩专项施工方案目录第一章 编制依据1第

15、二章 工程概况1一、建筑、设计概况1二、场址工程地质条件2第三章 施工工艺4一、 工艺流程4二、 施工方法、5三、 试成孔内容11第四章 质量目标、质量控制及保证措施12一、 质量目标12二、质量控制及保证措施12第五章 施工进度计划与工期保证措施19一、目标工期19二、施工进度计划及形象进度控制19三、工期保证措施22第六章 主要机械设备及劳动力安排24一、主要机械设备投入24二、劳动力安排25三、周转材料投入安排25第七章用电专项方案26一、施工用电专项方案26第八章 安全保证体系及安全保证措施28一、安全保证体系28二、文明施工及环境保护措施30三、预防及应急措施32四、质量安全保证措施

16、32五、文明施工措施33六、旋挖桩桩位编号图及施工计划(附件)33for engineering design of generic cabling system for city residential buildings (CECS/119-2000) 3.4, code for design of buildings and campus cable systems engineering (GB/T50311-2000) 3.5, the code for electrical design of civil buildings (JGJ/ T16-92) 3.6, the code

17、for civil closed circuit monitoring TV system engineering technology (GB/50198-94) 3.7, the types of system earthing and safety technical requirements (GB14050-93) 3.8, of the security engineering procedures and requirements (GA/T75-94) 3.9, the rules of security engineering acceptance (GA/T308-2001

18、) 3.10, the industrial design of TV system code (GBJ 115) 3.11, the Security checks prevention system pass for graphics symbol (GA/74-94) 3.12, and fire linkage control equipment General technology conditions (GB 16806-1997) four, and system function and features in system both advanced, and practic

19、al, and mature, and reliable, and do system open, and can extended sex good, both investment reasonable, and benefits best of purpose, border security alarm system on site equipment for concentrated monitored, and control and management, makes these equipment to security, and reliable, and efficient

20、 to run, Maximize intelligent management role to create a safe, healthy, comfortable and pleasant, and to improve the efficiency of a good environment and save energy, and reduce maintenance personnel. According to the projects environmental needs, and engagement functions to establish the project b

21、oundary security alarm system, in a Word, this boundary is a project of the security alarm system is highly automated and efficient hospitality for a comfortable, convenient, and highly secure environment. Five, scheme design based on design principles, design specifications and according to interna

22、tional and domestic standards, and in accordance with user needs, as well as drawings and related information provided by, and joining the projects actual situation and future development trends, border security alarm systems for the project design. 5.1. principle of system and burglar alarm system

23、from detectors, regional directors, and the alarm control centre composed of three parts. Its principles as in the following chart: detectors for burglar alarm system is inside and outside the building in key areas, important places, protection, when the probe to illegal invaders, the signal transmi

24、tted to the alarm control: sound and light alarm, display address, about the person on duty after receiving the alarm, take measures according to the situation, to control the development of the situation. Anti-theft alarm system alarm function in addition to the above, there is linkage function. Su

25、ch as: open the alarm light (including infrared lamp), interactive audio and video matrix controller, switch on the alarm camera on the spot, matrix controller TV series of control: monitor displays an image, video footage, multimedia controller automatic or human . 8.1 the three guarantees period w

26、arranty 1, warranty 1) service period from date of acceptance of engineering, a 1-year warranty, warranty processing is completed within the response time is 48 hours. 2) service within the warranty period, we all accessories unconditional warranty for all equipment and replacement, all parts for al

27、l equipment (including all machine parts) maintenance and parts are free and provide on-site cleaning, test equipment services. During the warranty period, all equipment repair and maintenance services for on-site services, the resulting fees are waived. Free for system expansion, upgrade-related te

28、chnical support services. 3) system warranty contact information to provide users with free technical advice, detailed answer to any problem in the system, to ask, answers will come detail. In the users if unable to solve the problems by themselves, directly by telephone, fax, Internet, letter, such

29、 as getting in touch with my company (which calls for 24-hour service), we will respond within 4 hours, consultation with users to solve the problem. 2, service response times, we are committed to the warranty period on the operation of the system on a regular basis carry out comprehensive inspectio

30、ns, found that the problem solving on the spot,第一章 编制依据该方案的编制主要依据:业主发放图纸、地勘报告;现行规范、规程以及现场实际情况。主要规范、规程如下:建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范(GB50202-2002)混凝土结构工程质量验收规范(GB50204-2002)建筑施工安全检查标准(JGJ59-2008)建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001)建筑机械使用安全技术规程(JGJ33-2001)建筑桩基技术规范(JGJ94-2008)钢筋焊接及验收规范(JGJ18-2003)第二章 工程概况一、建筑、设计概况(一) 建筑概

31、况1、 拟建场地位于泸州市合江县临港工业园区。主要项目包括纸尿裤车间、造纸车间、动力车间、污水系统、厂前区等。2、本施工方案主要针对厂前区工程编制,厂前区包括门卫室、普通员工宿舍A栋、管理员工宿舍、办公楼。其中门卫室为砖混结构一层,建筑面积169.86m2;办公楼为钢混结构六层,建筑面积6366.75m2;普通员工宿舍A、B栋为钢混结构六层,建筑面积11635.56m2;管理员工宿舍为钢混结构六层,建筑面积6118.86m2。门卫室为天然基础,其余均为旋挖灌注桩。(二) 设计概况1本工程旋挖桩为工程桩。2本工程为旋挖桩,共116根,桩径为800、1000、1200mm等共3种,入岩1.01.8



34、、第四系全新统颇积层粉质粘土、下伏侏罗系中统沙溪庙组砂岩层组成。基坑底部主要为中风化砂岩,下古生界基岩岩性地层较稳定。场地内未发现影响场地稳定性的断裂及破碎带等不良地质构造。场地西北侧原有约10米宽一条山体冲沟通过。遇雨季时冲沟内水流不息但水量不大。目前开挖裸露的基底为中风化砂岩、粉质粘土等,此类土壤的特性为遇水易融化,必须尽快进行垫层施工封闭,桩基主要处于高回填区域,最大回填深度为16米,回填时为机械抛填,为进行分层碾压,部分桩孔须二次成孔。第三章 施工工艺 一、 工艺流程图1 工艺流程二、 施工方法、 施工顺序布置:先从施工出口最远部位开始(即东北角)。 由于本工程为地下作业,而且是重型机

35、械作业,机械进场前从施工出口8m宽(见桩编号示意图)机械车辆进出道路,道路中桩基础为最后施工。(一)放样定位工程开工前,根据轴线及桩位布置情况,在场地内建立测量控制网,然后依据控制网测放各桩位中心点。(二)旋挖机就位钻机就位必须稳固、调正、水平,定位,钻头中心与桩位中心误差不大于10mm。(三)埋设护筒护筒直径应比桩孔直径大200mm,长度应满足护筒底进入碎石回填层不少于0.5m 的要求,护筒顶端高出地面0.3m,护筒埋设的倾斜度控制在1%以内,护筒埋设偏差不超过30mm,护筒四周用黏土回填,分层夯实。(四)旋挖机成孔结合以往施工经验,我司采用现代工具旋挖机进行成孔:在护筒埋设并定位后,使用(

36、三一重工)SR-250、(中联重科)ZR280A-1 型转挖机钻进,该钻机扭矩大,转速高,成孔效率高,适合在中风化层中钻进。钻机在就位时应重新测量、定位,在成孔过程中采用泥浆护壁。利用钻进过程中钻头对泥土的搅拌作用自然造浆,根据实际需要可对泥浆的比重进行调节,在施工过程中泥浆比重一般控制在1.21.3 之间,泥浆在循环过程中在孔壁表面形成泥皮,它和泥浆的自重对孔壁起到保护作用,防止孔壁坍塌。通过成孔施工,泥浆护壁效果比较好,完全可以满足施工的需要。可通过掏渣筒掏渣以及给孔内加清水的方法来调节泥浆的比重,根据实际施工需要,泥浆比重一般控制在1.3 以上,这样有利于钻进和孔壁的稳定。(五)抗拔桩施

37、工及扩大头清孔(有扩大头部分才需清孔)一、扩大头机具示意图:扩大头施工:1、扩底机具的选择利用钻杆下压带动活动套杆, 使铰接钻齿扩张至设计尺寸( 活动杆与铰接齿连为一体) , 通过活动套杆底部的限制挡板与顶杆底部的限位挡板的间距来控制钻齿扩张尺寸。2、扩底确定根据设计图纸划分的设计有效桩长区域进行旋挖,旋挖至设计底标高时,由现场监理进行现场确认是否与地勘报告地质相同,由其决定是否同意进行扩底。若地质情况与地勘报告不符,通知监理单位、建筑单位,由其决定是否通知设计、地勘单位进行现场确认。 3、扩底施工1)、钻孔前, 钻机进行纵横调平, 调直桅杆, 确保其垂直度。2)、利用旋挖钻斗按正常钻孔工艺钻

38、至直桩桩底设计标高( 即扩底桩变截面位置标高) 。3)、直桩部分施工至设计桩底标高后,将钻杆提出孔外, 用扩大钻头替换直挖钻头,再将扩大钻头放至孔底,并从护筒顶向上量出钻头伸缩杆长度标在钻杆上,此时应在机械的孔深显示屏上重新读数并记录;4)、扩底前,将扩底钻头提离孔底,使其处于悬吊状态,起动钻机和水泵,待钻机和水泵工作正常后即可开始扩底。扩底采用低速回转的技术参数,钻速按不大于0.01m/min进行控制。开始时不随意加压,当运转平稳后,依据钻机的能力和孔内的反映情况,适当调整压力。5)、扩底施工流程扩底钻杆下降行程至扩大头完全张开,钻头完全张开后, 在原位不加压快速旋转10min 左右,停止旋


40、产生一定的向上收缩力,在径向和轴向的双重作用下,收拢钻头,提出孔外,如果出现提钻受阻现象,不急躁、不强提猛拉,采取上下窜动钻具,并在钻头脱离孔底的情况下,轻轻旋转,使钻头慢慢收拢。8)、钻孔过程中要做好钻孔记录, 并与设计对比, 严重不符时要提请变更。(六)钢筋笼制作与安放1钢筋笼制作钢筋笼在现场分节制作,主筋与加强筋全部焊接,螺旋筋与主筋采用隔点焊加固,钢筋笼制作符合设计要求外,还应符合表2 规定。制作好的钢筋笼,即进行逐节验收,合格后挂牌存放。表2 钢筋笼制作允许偏差表项次项 目允许偏差(mm)1主筋间距102箍筋间距203钢筋笼直径104钢筋笼长度502钢筋笼孔内安放钢筋笼长(超过16m


42、方可投入使用,对于不合格导管严禁使用。导管长度应根据孔深进行配备,满足清孔及水下混凝土浇筑的需要,即清孔时能下至孔底;水下浇筑时,导管底端距孔底0.5m 左右,混凝土应能顺利从导管内灌至孔底。2导管下放导管在孔口连接处应牢固,设置密封圈,吊放时,应使位置居中,轴线顺直,稳定沉放,避免卡挂钢筋笼和刮撞孔壁。(八)混凝土浇筑1混凝土车搅拌运输;混凝土坍落度控制在1822cm;用搅拌车混凝土直接到孔口倒入料斗内。2水下混凝土浇筑:浇筑前,对不同直径、深度的桩孔分别计算出混凝土浇筑初灌量。施工中要保证浇筑初灌量。浇筑时导管埋深控制在26m,拆管前专人测量孔内混凝土面,并做记录,浇筑混凝土接近桩顶标高时

43、,应控制最后一次浇筑量,确保桩顶标高符合设计要求。3试块制作:在浇桩过程中,随机抽取12 盘混凝土做试块,每支桩应做一组试块,制作好的试块在12h 后拆模,放置静水中养护。(九)起拔护筒混凝土浇筑结束后,即起拔护筒,并将浇筑设备机具清洗干净,堆放整齐。(十)回填桩孔桩孔混凝土浇筑完成后,应将上部未灌混凝土部分利用场地内护筒、沟、池、槽开挖出来的泥土、矿渣等进行回填,回填满后,用混凝土重新将孔口封住,变成整块硬地坪场地。三、 试成孔内容(一)准备工作1开工前进行:用砖渣铺设(道路、钢筋加工场)、质量教育及技术交底,特种作业上岗教育。2材料试验(钢筋原材料、焊接、混凝土配合比等)。3设备及仪器检修

44、与标定。4施工所需的各种技术资料。(二)成孔全过程1成孔前:需对钻具参数进行标定,包括钻头高度、直径、主杆长度、加杆长度、孔口及平台标高、孔底标高。2在钻进过程中应记录以下参数:泥浆比重、黏度、钻进速度、转速及进尺速度,各地层钻进异常情况描述。3终孔孔深及时记录,调节泥浆比重与时间记录,测量孔深记录,提钻时间记录。第四章 质量目标、质量控制及保证措施一、 质量目标确保质量总目标达到合格,具体做好以下工作:1. 工程桩桩位验收均满足施工规范及设计要求。2. 桩动测合格率100%,无三类桩、四类桩。3. 混凝土试块按规范留取、试压,统计合格。4. 所有存档资料应完整、清晰。二、质量控制及保证措施(




48、快,钻压大且不均匀,人为造成孔径不规则,换层、换径或遇到较大坚硬障碍物。(2)根据以上各种原因,应该在施工中加以预防,一旦出现偏孔现象,应该利用翼片较多的扫孔钻头慢转,从偏斜处上方往下反复多次扫孔,或者直接使用筒状钻头加以修正,向孔内回填黏土,捣实后重新缓慢钻进。3堵管事故根据以往施工经验结合本工程实际情况,造成堵管原因可能会有如下几种:(1)导管原因:导管内壁不干净,造成混凝土在下降过程中局部受阻,或由于导管接头处于不完全密封,造成管内进水而使混凝土局部离析,或者导管因变形导致垂直度无法保证。(2)初灌量原因:初灌量过大或过小,过大则可能造成导管底节爆开,过小则造成导管脱离混凝土面,使泥浆反压管内。(3)泥浆原因:泥浆比重过大,增加导管底部反压力,使管内混凝土无法正常压出。(4)混凝土质量原因:混凝土制作时搅拌时间不够,造成混凝土和易性降低,严重导致混凝土在管内离析,或在运输中振动离析 。(5)粗骨料原因:由于卵石


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