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1、about, but cant catch anything in prison. Lost landscapes, dispersed the crowd, cant wait to . As such, they really dare to stick to principle, done speaking and strict management. Remember Wan Zhen Street, 400 metres of cement concrete surface, for whatever reason, appears poor flatness, slab, cove

2、ring the film traces and human imprinting and other quality issues, * gay after inquiry, immediately rushed to the scene to verify the situation, on personnel management, construction, supervision units held emergency meetings, it needs rework. Construction units put on construction reasons such as

3、time constraints, economic loss continue to intercede, * comrades did not budge. He said, now popular saying, in front of discipline and rules, no rules, your construction team not complying with the technical specifications for construction and quality problems that must be corrected. Quality respo

4、nsibility is weightier than mount Tai, if our Administration on the quality of care if, this time we learn two statutes what? what kind of Communist? Finally, at his insistence, after reworking of the sections, addresses these quality problems. Under the new comrades and the efforts of all members o

5、f the project, after 4 months of fighting, the pavement of the projects major project is finally completed, and passed inspection. Ice, snow flying thousands of miles, this is a spectacular and romantic scene. But, ice roads, but it is a disaster, a serious threat to traffic safety. In January this

6、year, a big cold wave sweeping across centuries, blowing the snow into Guangdong, also blow to play * road people. The night of January 23, the citys temperatures, lianping lingxia2du, large plunge sleet, DART S341 pilot before and after the tunnel section of pavement with snow, leading to skid in t

7、he past, access is blocked. Faced with this sudden natural disasters, city and County Highway Department immediately activated disaster contingency plans. As the fronts main forces, Lian Ping Road Council, all party members and cadres in mind the responsibility of party member, braving the cold, imm

8、ediately rushed to the scene, to salt the icy road disposal. Due to the low temperatures, melt water quickly freezes, ice increased the difficulty of work. In order to ensure traffic safety, road people braving the cold reflective cones and warning placed warning signs, suffering from cold, deep in

9、2 or 3 degrees below zero pilot patrolling back and forth until daybreak. Dawn, lianping road again organizers salt melting ice on icy roads, until a little after 10 oclock, ice-melting ice success, the road was gradually returning to normal traffic. On a cold winter night, who do not stay in the wa

10、rm blanket, which people do not stay in the warm House. However, our road to the road owner crowd home early, fought through the night to protect the highway safe, fulfilled its responsibility. XI told each and every party member cadre, General Secretary said: iron also needs stiff. The two statutes

11、, is a test of our own hard-soft criteria, also agonize over every Member of the party members and cadres of the fire. We will continue to strengthen the two statutes, earnestly in practical work, the sureness of the road people, fight for highway development in Heyuan. . Town had Street sections ti

12、mes carried out concentrated regulation action, clear has residual wall, and brick, building structure real and illegal stacked real, regulation has along accounted for road business, and accounted for road placed lightbox advertising and the电烙铁是最常用的焊接工具。我们使用20W内热式电烙铁。新烙铁使用前,应用细砂纸将烙铁头打光亮,通电烧热,蘸上松香后用


14、下电源插头。冷却后,再将电烙铁收回工具箱。2、焊锡和助焊剂焊接时,还需要焊锡和助焊剂。(1)焊锡:焊接电子元件,一般采用有松香芯的焊锡丝。这种焊锡丝,熔点较低,而且内含松香助焊剂,使用极为方便。(2)助焊剂:常用的助焊剂是松香或松香水(将松香溶于酒精中)。使用助焊剂,可以帮助清除金属表面的氧化物,利于焊接,又可保护烙铁头。焊接较大元件或导线时,也可采用焊锡膏。但它有一定腐蚀性,焊接后应及时清除残留物。3、辅助工具为了方便焊接操作常采用尖嘴钳、偏口钳、镊子和小刀等做为辅助工具。应学会正确使用这些工具。尖嘴钳 偏口钳 镊子 小刀二、焊前处理焊接前,应对元件引脚或电路板的焊接部位进行焊前处理。1、清

15、除焊接部位的氧化层可用断锯条制成小刀。刮去金属引线表面的氧化层,使引脚露出金属光泽。印刷电路板可用细纱纸将铜箔打光后,涂上一层松香酒精溶液。2、元件镀锡在刮净的引线上镀锡。可将引线蘸一下松香酒精溶液后,将带锡的热烙铁头压在引线上,并转动引线。即可使引线均匀地镀上一层很薄的锡层。导线焊接前,应将绝缘外皮剥去,再经过上面两项处理,才能正式焊接。若是多股金属丝的导线,打光后应先拧在一起,然后再镀锡。刮去氧化层 均匀镀上一层锡三、焊接技术做好焊前处理之后,就可正式进行焊接。1、焊接方法。焊接 检查 剪短(1)右手持电烙铁。左手用尖嘴钳或镊子夹持元件或导线。焊接前,电烙铁要充分预热。烙铁头刃面上要吃锡,



18、要点介绍一下: 1. 电烙铁的选择 电烙铁的功率应由焊接点的大小决定,焊点的面积大,焊点的散热速度也快,所以选用的电烙铁功率也应该大些。一般电烙铁的功率有20W 25W 30W 35W 50W 等等。选用30W左右的功率比较合适。 电烙铁经过长时间使用后,烙铁头部会生成一层氧化物,这时它就不容易吃锡,这时可以用锉刀锉掉氧化层,将烙铁通电后等烙铁头部微热时插入松香,涂上焊锡即可继续使用,新买来的电烙铁也必须先上锡然后才能使用。 2. 焊锡和助焊剂 选用低熔点的焊锡丝和没有腐蚀性的助焊剂,比如松香,不宜采用工业焊锡和有腐蚀性的酸性焊油,最好采用含有松香的焊锡丝,使用起来非常方便。 3 焊接方法 元

19、件必须清洁和镀锡,电子元件在保存中,由于空气氧化的作用,元件引脚上附有一层氧化膜,同时还有其它污垢,焊接前可用小刀刮掉氧化膜,并且立即涂上一层焊锡(俗称搪锡),然后再进行焊接。经过上述处理后元件容易焊牢,不容易出现虚焊现象。 焊接的温度和焊接的时间 焊接时应使电烙铁的温度高于焊锡的温度,但也不能太高,以烙铁头接触松香刚刚冒烟为好。焊接时间太短,焊点的温度过低,焊点融化不充分,焊点粗糙容易造成虚焊,反之焊接时间过长,焊锡容易流淌,并且容易使元件过热损坏元件。 焊接点的上锡数量 焊接点上的焊锡数量不能太少,太少了焊接不牢,机械强度也太差。而太多容易造成外观一大堆而内部未接通。焊锡应该刚好将焊接点上

20、的元件引脚全部浸没,轮廓隐约可见为好。 注意烙铁和焊接点的位置 初学者在焊接时,一般将电烙铁在焊接处来回移动或者用力挤压,这种方法是错误的。正确的方法是用电烙铁的搪锡面去接触焊接点,这样传热面积大,焊接速度快。4.焊接后的检查 焊接结束后必须检查有无漏焊、虚焊以及由于焊锡流淌造成的元件短路。虚焊较难发现,可用镊子夹住元件引脚轻轻拉动,如发现摇动应立即补焊电烙铁的基本使用方法 电烙铁是电子焊接中最常用的工具,作用是将电能转换成热能对焊接点部位进行加热焊接,其是否成功很大一部分是看对它的操控怎么样了,因此某种角度上来说电烙铁的使用依靠的是一种手法感觉。 一般来说,电烙铁的功率越大,热量越大,烙铁头

21、的温度也就越高。一般的晶体管、集成电路电子元器件焊接选用20W的内热式电烙铁足够了,功率过大容易烧坏元件,因为二极管、三极管结点温度超过 200就会烧坏。但以搭棚焊为主的胆机制作中,电烙铁功率要大些,可在35W-45W中选择,甚至可以更大。 值得注意的是,线路焊接时,时间不能太长也不能太短,时间过长也容易损坏,而时间太短焊锡则不能充分融化,造成焊点不光滑不牢固,还可能产生虚焊,一般来说最恰当的时间必须在1.5s4s内完成。 焊锡是一种易熔金属,最常用的一般是焊锡丝。焊锡的作用是使元件引脚与印刷电路板的连接点连接在一起,焊锡的选择对焊接质量有很大的影响。现在最常用的一般是含松香焊锡丝,但细分起来

22、也颇有讲究,其中真正不掺水份的含银焊锡丝当然是上等品了。 另外值得一提的是吸锡器,其对于新手来说十分实用,初次使用电烙铁总是容易将焊锡弄得到处都是,吸锡器则可以帮你把电路板上多余的焊锡处理掉。另外,吸锡器在拆除多脚集成电路器件时十分奏效有用,它能将焊点全部吸掉,而对于能熟练使用烙铁的人来说就完全没有必要了,用烙铁完全可以代替其功能,将焊点熔掉就可以很容易的将元件取出。 焊接前,应对元件引脚或电路板的焊接部位进行焊前处理。 清除焊接部位的氧化层-可用断锯条制成小刀,刮去金属引线表面的氧化层,使引脚露出金属光泽。印刷电路板可用细纱纸将铜箔打光后,涂上一层松香酒精溶液。 元件镀锡-在刮净的引线上镀锡

23、。可将引线蘸一下松香酒精溶液后,将带锡的热烙铁头压在引线上,并转动引线。即可使引线均匀地镀上一层很薄的锡层。导线焊接前,应将绝缘外皮剥去,再经过上面两项处理,才能正式焊接。若是多股金属丝的导线,打光后应先拧在一起,然后再镀锡。 做好焊前处理之后,就可正式进行焊接 (1)右手持电烙铁。左手用尖嘴钳或镊子夹持元件或导线。焊接前,电烙铁要充分预热。烙铁头刃面上要吃锡,即带上一定量焊锡。 (2)将烙铁头刃面紧贴在焊点处。电烙铁与水平面大约成60角。以便于熔化的锡从烙铁头上流到焊点上。烙铁头在焊点处停留的时间控制在23秒钟。 (3)抬开烙铁头。左手仍持元件不动。待焊点处的锡冷却凝固后,才可松开左手。 (

24、4)用镊子转动引线,确认不松动,然后可用偏口钳剪去多余的引线。 焊接质量-焊接时,要保证每个焊点焊接牢固、接触良好。要保证焊接质量,其典型特征是锡点光亮,圆滑而无毛刺,锡量适中。锡和被焊物融合牢固,不应有虚焊和假焊。 虚焊是焊点处只有少量锡焊住,造成接触不良,时通时断。假焊是指表面上好像焊住了,但实际上并没有焊上,有时用手一拔,引线就可以从焊点中拔出。 焊接电路板时,一定要控制好时间。太长,电路板将被烧焦,或造成铜箔脱落。从电路板上拆卸元件时,可将电烙铁头贴在焊点上,待焊点上的锡熔化后,将元件拔出。 如何拆换元件-其实拆换元件再简单不过了,用吸焊器很容易就能完成,将元件管脚上的焊锡全部吸掉,这

25、里告诉大家一个小诀窍,现在的电路板大多做工精细,焊锡使用很少,很难熔掉,那么我们可以加点焊锡在管脚上再去利用吸焊器就容易多了。 另一个方法就是前面提到的,直接使用电烙铁熔掉焊锡,但这样就存在不小的危险性,既要小心焊点没完全被熔掉,又怕接触的太久烧坏元件。常用的方法是在加温的时候就用镊子夹住元件外拉,当温度达到时,元件就会被拉出,但切记不要太用力了,否则管脚断在焊锡中就麻烦了。 当然,为保险起见,两种方法结合起来使用是再好不过了,因为有时由于元件插孔太小,吸焊很难被吸干净,此时撤走吸焊器就会粘住,故可以用电烙铁加热取掉。 焊接其实并没那么可怕,或许对新手来说,初试比较难以掌握,然而练得多也就自然

26、熟练了。总之,对于喜爱动手的发烧友来说,只要你多多实践那么掌握其中的窍门是早晚的事vehicles maintenance, and wash car, behavior, specification and purification Highway sides of advertising brand, non-highway logo, I city country province Road Highway basic elimination has dirty, and mess, and poor, and blocking, phenomenon, highway traffic

27、environment get purification, and landscaping. (B) strengthening inner management 1. attach importance to data management. Archives management in strict accordance with the relevant provisions, development of the file management system of highways, highways archive was established, implemented the A

28、rchivist, archives collecting, filing, sorting, archiving, confidentiality, safekeeping, borrowing, identified the destruction of standardization. 2. Second, specification management, enhanced services (a) the assessment system further improved to strengthen and regulate the County (district) Counci

29、l highways management guidance and evaluation, I developed the * City Highway Bureau of Highways Management appraisal implementation procedures (trial implementation). In periodic checks, half a year end assessment combined with occasional random, on-site inspections on the road, road inspection, re

30、ports, access to archives, County (district) Council Highways Management implementation of the special examination. According to the results of the annual assessment evaluation score, evaluation of excellent, fine, standard and substandard four grades. And in accordance with the assessment grade, Hi

31、ghways Management funds to award. Total score of 95 points or more for the excellent, award of 100,000 yuan; total 90-94 for good reward 80,000 total 80-89 points as standard, awarded 50,000 yuan. Total 79, criticized for substandard units. (B) inspections on the road further specification is to ens

32、ure that the inspection is in place. State trunk highway inspections not less than 20 days a month, national road no less than 3 times a week, DART for not less than 2 times a week. Second, exploring advance electronic patrol monitoring. Highway patrol vehicles in the city are highway patrol vehicle

33、 monitoring system is installed; highways, law enforcement personnel are equipped with the recorders, on supervision and law enforcement, to ensure evidence plays an effective role in the process. Third, standardized inspection record ledgers, inspection of equipment management and custody of electr

34、onic inspection information. Four is the establishment of highways maintenance mechanism for joint inspections. The citys 19 national and provincial trunk highways Committee of officials, Conservation Center is equipped with a road, and a keeper of the roads Committee post duty. According to statist

35、ics, 2015 (the road . . 天, Mileage, suppression of acts 17 road; cleanup road debris 20, dismantle the billboards 30, dismantle the lift hut 3, hawking cleaning road 15. ) (Iii) highways licensing work was further strengthened 1. Implementation of the administrative licensing system, strengthening t

36、he licensing regulation. Measures for the implementation of strict implementation of the Guangdong Province highways licensing, the highways under examination and approval procedures and processes for the highways licensing, administration and law license, approval according to law. Is a collective approval, strengthen supervision. Highways with the separation of administrative examination and approval of business technology reviewed, more complex road-related license matters focuses . Nine a are of serious general discipline, I seriously learning has CPC clean self-discipline


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