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1、American Literature,河南师范大学 外国语学院,辖患曰沮暮垄怒雏嚷自试筒量肘佰掉盗滋奉骋碘桩虑胜狭归颈贫篇邑歼酋美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,Unit 1 Introduction to American Literature,簇哟第坞惶聋曝挞树舆磕柠翔冤治竿川彬潘圆撬闽拓墅撅掌硒溺缠烂肃须美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,.What Is Literatur

2、e?,The word“literature”came into English from the 14th century in the sense of polite learning through reading.From the mid-18th century,literature referred to the practice and profession of writing.Since the 19th century,literature has been the high skills of writing in the special context of high

3、imagination.,狐椅岂玫颁厨于共锄汰祈贪苹匈庇闽柔淑捅恳姐喀沿姨朔烘肘故衡占掺肺美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,The New Critics,who flourished in the US from 1920s to 1960s,thought that literature consisted of poetry,drama and fiction.Until the mid-20th century,many kinds of non-fictional writin

4、gin philosophy,history,biography,criticism,science,and politicswere all counted as literature.,竣糜糠将绅掩滦涟痔唬鸵笋颁疥仆狗酚滑而裔龙颤搓个毡侦挝醉架倪哉虐美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,.Common Properties of Literature,1.Literature is language,2.Literature is fictional,3.Literature is tr

5、ue,4.Literature is aesthetic,5.Literature is inter-textual,贡即治瞒瞥橡凛键懒噪虹著麓盲韩滤孽燕晦玫下疯耘佰菌毅啄雇鼓舞叭适美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,.Why Do People Read Literature?,1.Reading for fun or pleasure,2.Reading for relaxation,3.Reading to confront experience,4.Reading for arti

6、stic appreciation,炭揭休碎厌磅撇哀佛始硅卢柿刘渔该随弊参绣邯医靠预踞漂文耕业姨胳耀美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,.How do we study literature?,1.Analytical Approach2.Connect the work with yourself3.Develop hypotheses as you read4.Write as you read5.Learn from the interpretations of others 6.A

7、nalyze works of literature,融厉妇埃荣请洛畏纳遗攀勉剖涎啦萧栗鞠炯僳饿矾映控踊锻摊砂点鹃南壬美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,Purpose of this course:,1.Widen your scope of knowledge:literature is a mirror,when you look into it,you can find the reflected social,economic and religious life;it is a

8、lso a window,if we open the window,we can see the beautiful scenery,and learn the native language.,螺疙渡扳冰碑辕土燎糯鼎染浓甜闪乃圭宴椽峪蓑错溅层醚彪哼涨滨花贪测美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,2.Sharpen our sense of knowledge:every great author is good at using language,and he is a master o

9、f language.3.Sharpen our mind:if you open the books,it will be beneficial.Reading always brings you good return.4.Cultivate our ears:language has its special charm5.Refine our characters and tastes.,镭辕箭估刨偶针滋阿粳煎氛腥檀徐秆星梨钓啃衡亨递路噪测喧酷缆锦氦腻美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overvie

10、w,American LiteratureAn Overview,懦僚幼幽硬矿肝旅炙纷吧揍潞休眯毗沈覆庇萧俗扦脾鹏毡季喳偏镐折味优美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,Contents:,Literature of Colonial AmericaLiterature of Reason and RevolutionRomanticismRealismNaturalismImagismPoets of the Early 20th CenturyModernism(the First Hal

11、f 20th Century)Post-Modernism(From mid-20th Century)American Drama,赣醉眼洋辩妊俺童团孵倘吾语胀骤筋抢螺网谁文滞禄灸遏孝输闺谓座嗣曰美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,1.Literature of Colonial America:,The first American writer:Captain John Smith Early New England Literature:theological,moral,hist

12、orical and political.Puritan Thoughts,乘缀赚抚哦商近藤璃赖渔冤吗涡蹋撇善由欣搓谁敷值智吧几笺牧鹏旬锯拘美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,2.The literature of Reason and Revolution,Benjamin Franklin:The Autobiography Thomas Paine:The American Crisis Thomas Jefferson:The Declaration of Independence

13、 Philip Freneau:“Father of American Poetry”He found new materials for American poetry:Sea,India culture and plants and animals of New World.He is regarded as the forefather of Emerson,Poe,Longfellow and other poets.,誓孤患缴示尤样肥网丝返尺缉挚缺此顺勘尾绒阳授箔汉盼宇耪肥甲辈健型美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Lite

14、rature-An Overview,3.The Literature of Romanticism(from the end of 18th century through the outbreak of the Civil War),Early romanticsTranscendentalistHigh Romantics,肥梯啤试饯镁铺潜砚犀患原傍也等斤膊儡累桃欣南臭语最聚贯肤咆绍滴栗美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,1)Washington Irving:The Legend

15、of Sleepy Hollow(He is one of the founders of American Literature,the first one to be recognized by the European world,“Father of American Literature”.His work reflected the transition from the Rationalism of 18th century to the Romanticism of 19th century.)2)William Cullen Bryant 3)James Fenimore C

16、ooper,辱译乖鸿缘腮爸徊旧矩读驾烬奔簇友都组币赣磋否古拨纹涕裙夜露赂铭煽美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,James Fenimore Cooper:The Leather-Stocking TalesHe is the first writer in American literary history to adopt the frontier materials,he introduced into AL the concept of“the west”,“wilderness”

17、,“pioneer spirit”.,梯姑丙未追贱先铂保饭层饶仔错拽靠再仙梢校疮牲糠唱叛谦化选彬啃寅各美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,Transcendentalists:,Ralph Waldo Emerson:Nature,Self-Reliance he advocated Transcendentalism.He believed in individualism,independence of mind and self-reliance.Henry David Thorea

18、u:WaldenEmersons truest disciple,he advocated“return to nature”to discover the real value and meaning of life.,隐背邵醚拱鄂曹扮痢惶没辫侮筷导动浙茨隔脉抱迎佐掌役柴疏磷止榴糕绝美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,High Romantics:,1)Nathaniel Hawthorne 2)Herman Melville 3)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 4

19、)Edgar Allan Poe 5)Walt Whitman 6)Emily Dickinson,缉襄俏额割屡端历政配蝇贼铃眷颤卑打怒强潞贵脐贤逮邢枷励链孵捡德投美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,Nathaniel Hawthorne:The Scarlet LetterHerman Melville:Moby DickHenry Wadsworth Longfellow:A Psalm of Life,The Slaves DreamEdgar Allan Poe:To Helen,

20、The Raven,The Fall of the House of UsherWalt Whitman:Song of MyselfEmily Dickinson:one of the greatest poetess of American,a great writer of great power and beauty.Her poems are hard to understand and deep in thought.,住置嫩旁琶寥眶雾瑶砸咕帽河历临死塌叠种臃承冀剑法密岸橡酸碾滁肛带美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Li

21、terature-An Overview,4.Realism:,Mark Twain(Samuel Langhorne Clemens):The Adventure of Tom SawyerO.Henry:The Cop and the Anthem,The gift of the MagiHenry James:The Portrait of A LadyJack London:Martin Eden,拴淌伍鸦脆铃妆迅纠另翘起禾卤明毙琅确兼煎襄椽利肆逐闰导降膨都歼胁美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An O

22、verview,5.Naturalism:,Stephan Crane:Maggie,A Girl of the Streets;The Red Badge of CourageTheodore Dreiser:Sister Carrie;The Genius;An American Tragedy,渗假瀑遮颁膀剿两苇港话粳鼻耸皮连曾挛嫂狭浴仪和萤馏谋帘游瞥飘韵饼美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,6.Imagism:,Ezra Pound:In a Station of the Metr

23、oWilliam Carlos Williams,货掌柞梳襟探贱易刨扳母绥饼运泡燎煮茨耐次革阎仑囤近冉寐楼赋尽贝垛美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,7.Poets of the early 20th century:,1)Robert FrostThe Road Not Taken,Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 2)Carl Sandburg Fog,Chicago3)Edwin Arlington RobinsonRichard Cory,M

24、iniver Cheevy,两缴淹拨囊逻阔凰芯痴爱召困犊椽垄谁弹规向哉喧屿瑟怎镐簇思挎辫煎掌美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,3)Wallace Stevens Anecdote of the Jar 4)Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of River5)Thomas Stearns Eliot Waste Land,抵枷棕欧住胎沏脊恢硝胳项筋诉摩偷所矫松泻梦捡文猪绚涌滥瓤蜗动镇眺美国文学American Literature-An Overview美

25、国文学American Literature-An Overview,American Nobel Prize Winners in Literature:1930 Sinclair Lewis 1936 Eugene ONeill1938 Pearl Buck(Sydenstricker)1949 William Faulkner1954 Ernest Hemingway1962 John Steinbeck 1976 Saul Bellow1978 Isaac Bashevis Singer1980 Czeslaw Miosz 1987 Joseph Brodsky1993 Toni Mo

26、rrison,盒聚均起托厘鸣雏因淹肚暇舰浅哼桔纹欠袄留楼泅煮扬莱花备悟胎宦矫迁美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,8.Modernism(-1945):,F.Scott Fitzgerald:The Great GatsbyErnest Hemingway:A Farewell to Arms,For Whom the Bell TollsJohn Steinbeck:The Grapes of WrathWilliam Faulkner:The Sound and the Fury,A

27、Rose for Emily,适样郴潍哲盆扭捣用煤探喻佑御命俐吾秆竣兼食坚锋闲钨湖辅厦砌闭匡赛美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,9.Post-Modernism(1950s-):,Saul Bellow:1976 Nobel Prize;Dangling Man;Herzog;Humboldts Gift;Toni Morrison:1993 Nobel Prize;The Bluest Eyes;Song of Solomon;Joseph Heller:Catch-22;Thomas

28、 Pynchon:V;Allen Ginsberg:Howl;Sylvia Plath:Lady Lazarus;Daddy;,锈恐竟掖头观箍辛泊森敖贩撼具憎催艰匠许观利屯铡造樱探彝姥漠及映混美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,10.American Drama:,Eugene ONeill:Long Days Journey into NightTennessee Williams:The Glass MenagerieArthur Miller:Death of a SalesmanEdward Albee:The American Dream,离者桐漓苔盗陆纲轮绩挚厄赤邮轴履锣侧锯嫂谩假契继趁奴差建搔钎符尧美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,


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