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1、administration of justice into the big picture. Economic and social development without a stable social environment. To this end, we will further play to functional advantages, innovation and excellence, find the right entry point, the initiative into the overall work of the district, the District G

2、overnment, the District Government plans to carry out all aspects of the administration of Justice, for the steady and rapid economic development in the autonomous region to create good atmosphere for the rule of law. One is to continue to increase 65 law popularization work intensity. Fully 65 Fran

3、co-German final examination. Supervision, assistance, evaluation, all localities and departments to seriously control the province, acceptance criteria, look for deficiencies and weaknesses, added to the examination at all levels do not lose more points. Organization 65 final acceptance of the Franc

4、o-Prussian mobilization and key departments to check special deployment Conference, concentrate manpower and material resources, in accordance with the sequence requires high quality, high standards to promote 65 Franco-German final working, XX striving for 65 Franco-German national advanced city to

5、 lay a solid foundation. Actively promoting law enforcement legal accountability. The second half of the set issued the legal publicity and education work leading group of member functions. Perfecting the system of rule of law advocacy group, adjusting the legal publicity and education leading group

6、 members, preaching full legal team, Vice President of legal force, fully equipped with strong legal liaison officers and legal publicity, growing community of legal popularization work teams. Second is to continue improving the depth of peoples mediation work. Peoples mediation work in front of the

7、 gate, Center of gravity down and early entry, catching small catch, catch the signs early. Focus on source control. Thoroughly implement the district to promote the rule of law The latest requirements, advocates using the thought of rule by law and the rule of law to prevent and resolve social conf

8、licts and disputes, constantly innovating the mechanism of contradictions and disputes resolved, and constantly enhance the level of disputes mediation law. To further strengthen the construction of industry, professional organization of peoples mediation, and coordinated organization of peoples med

9、iation, professional mediation agencies at all levels, and constantly improve the contradictions multiple joint integrated mediation mechanism, deepening disputes grid troubleshooting warning system. I further mediation information platform, the role of mediation video command system, increase the i

10、ntensity of school mediation network operation and management, innovative carrier, to create highlights. Strengthening the construction of standardization Commission. Continuation of the town and village peoples Mediation Committee standardization activities, ensuring level normalization Commission

11、to be completed during the year was 100%. Fully equipped with strong professional mediators, implemented a full-time mediator annual performance assessment, promote the Organization of peoples mediation at all levels involved in social difficulties, resolve conflict hot spots, practical, pragmatic,

12、down-to-earth nature of mediation to accelerate the realization of larger mediation organization specialization, standardization, social development. Introduction of mediation evaluation approach, exploring the implementation of mediation agreement Appendix provisions of 土钉墙边坡支护技术在营口中储粮工程中的应用土钉墙边坡支护

13、技术在中储粮工程中的应用xxxx (xxxxxxxxx公司 鞍山 114039)摘要:重点介绍了土钉墙边坡支护技术在营口中储粮工程中的应用,主要从土钉墙支护设计、施工两大方面进行阐述。设计方面包括土钉墙设计方案和计算书,施工方面详细阐述了施工工艺流程、质量验收标准、施工注意事项和支护结构检测。关键词:深基坑、土钉墙、洛阳铲、注浆、挂网、喷射砼。1.前言土钉墙是采用土钉加固的基坑侧壁土体与护面等组成的支护结构。土钉墙由被加固原位土体、设置在土中的密集的土钉群、喷射的混凝土面和必要的防水系统组成。土钉就是置入于土体中以较密间距排列的钢筋或钢管,通长与周围土体接触并以群体起作用,与周围土体形成一个组





18、对标高-0.5m,主楼基底标高-7.35m,地下车库基底标高-6.9m。2.1工程特点 本工程位于鲅鱼圈经济技术开发区繁华地带,三面环路,北面为正在施工的中储粮大厦。城市道路底部有各种市政管网,周边环境比较复杂。基坑东侧距施工中的道路5m;南邻河北路及二道河,距河北路最近处4m;西侧距平安西街4m;北邻正在施工的中储粮大厦,最近处距建筑物5m。施工场地狭窄,无法正常放坡。为防止施工对周边建筑物、城市道路和地下管线造成不利影响,需要采取支护措施。基坑周围环境见下图:2.2地质条件 根据东北岩土工程勘察总公司提供的辽宁营口中储粮地块住宅项目岩土工程勘察报告(详细勘察)表明,拟建场地地貌为山前坡地,

19、地形较平坦。拟建场地地层共分6层,场地自上至下依次为:耕土层粉质粘土层卵石层全风化混合花岗岩层强风化混合花岗岩层中风化混合花岗岩层,各土层叙述如下: 耕土(Q4ml):普遍分布。褐色,松散,饱和,主要由粘性土组成,含较多植物根系,厚度0.40.6m。 粉质粘土(Q4al+pl):普遍分布。褐色黄褐色,可塑,饱和。含少量铁锰质结核及斑块,属中压缩性,干强度中等,韧性中等,稍有光泽,无摇震反应。厚度0.61.6m。 卵石(Q4al+pl):普遍分布。黄褐色,稍密中密。一般粒径20mm60mm,含量占35%左右,最大粒径1300mm。颗粒形状为亚圆形,母岩成分中风化混合花岗岩。粘性土、砾砂充填,粘性

20、土呈可塑状态。各组分含量不稳定。厚度11.2520.7m。 全风化混合花岗岩():普遍分布。黄褐色,风化物呈砂土状,中粒变晶结构,手掰即碎。厚度0.21.9m。 强风化混合花岗岩():普遍分布。黄褐色灰白色暗红色,中粒变晶结构,片麻状构造,岩芯呈块状及块状,敲击易碎。属于较硬岩,岩体基本质量等级为级。厚度1.810.9m。 中风化混合花岗岩():普遍分布。黄褐色灰白色暗红色,中粒变晶结构,片麻状构造,岩芯多呈短柱状,局部为块状,锤击可断。节理裂隙较发育。属于较硬岩,岩体基本质量等级为级。揭露厚度2.28m,未揭穿。土层参数如下表:参 数土层名称重力密度r(KN/m3)平均厚度(m)粘聚力标准值



23、计基坑深度6.85m,土钉墙坡度1:0.3。土钉排数共3排,第一排土钉距坡顶2.5m,土钉水平间距1.5m,垂直间距1.5m,各排土钉之间梅花形布置。土钉采用钢筋土钉,每排土钉长度均8m,三级20钢筋。土钉倾角15。注浆孔直径100mm,土钉全长设置对中定位支架,间距2.5m。见下图。3.2.2砼面层设计注浆采用纯水泥浆,水灰比1:0.5,采用P.O 32.5水泥,水泥浆浆体强度大于20Mpa。然后在表面铺设钢筋网10200200三级钢筋,包括坡顶水平部位500mm宽。每排土钉位置设置20通长加强筋,与土钉尾部的水平钢筋焊接,采用单面焊,焊接长度200mm。垂直方向加强筋通过土钉部位,即与基坑

24、底面呈63.5角,压在水平加强筋底部。喷射混凝土厚度为6080mm,混凝土强度等级为C30,采用细石砼。见下图。坡顶水平段为500mm,距基坑边500mm设置一个截水沟,截水沟深0.3m、宽0.2m,采用实心砖砌筑,内侧抹1:3水泥砂浆。3.3土钉墙基坑支护计算书重要参数如下:1.基坑深度: 6.850(m)2.基坑侧壁安全等级 二级3.支护结构重要性系数: 1.04.土钉荷载分项系数: 1.255.土钉抗拔安全系数: 1.66.整体滑动稳定安全系数: 1.37.卵石层与锚固体摩阻力: 120(kPa)3.3.1土钉长度计算按各个工况受力最大的土钉拉力进行计算,见下表:支锚号计算长度(m)取用

25、长度(m)拉力标准值(kN)破裂角()第一排土钉5.9438 117.153.1第二排土钉7.4348144.8第三排土钉2.551845.73.3.2整体稳定性验算按照建筑基坑支护技术规程JGJ120-99的规定进行土钉墙的整体稳定性验算。采用圆弧滑动条分法,简图和公式如下:经计算,得出各工况的安全系数及各参数如下表:工况号安全系数(k)圆心坐标x(m)圆心坐标y(m)半径(m)11.711 -2.7029.251 7.6221.447-4.52210.014 10.98831.519-2.7959.85810.246安全系数均大于规范要求的1.3,整体稳定性符合要求。3.3.3土钉选筋计算


27、Y2.943154.1392.745.56.8545.7X2.993156.8392.7Y3.801201.3392.74.土钉墙支护施工4.1施工材料及机具4.1.1原材料土钉钢筋、加强筋及网片钢筋采用HRB400级,使用前经复试合格。水泥采用P.O 32.5级普通硅酸盐水泥。细骨料采用干净、坚硬耐久的中粗砂,细度模数不小于2.5,含泥量小于5%;粗骨料采用坚硬耐久的碎石,粒径不大于15mm;速凝剂质量符合现行标准JC477喷射混凝土用速凝剂的规定,并做与水泥相容性试验及水泥浆凝结效果试验;电焊条采用E50系列,与钢筋级别对应。4.1.2施工机具,投入到本工程中的施工机具见下表:序号机械名称

28、型号规格数量1泥浆泵BW-150型1台2喷射砼罐转子式1台3空气压缩机6m1台4洛阳铲10m8把5经纬仪J61台6水准仪DS32台7电焊机BX-5002台8钢筋调直机GT4/142台9钢筋切断机GQ402台10钢筋成型机GW402台4.2施工工艺流程施工工艺流程见下图:4.2.1.边坡开挖:采用反铲挖土机,预留1520cm 人工修坡,开挖深度在土钉孔位下50cm,开挖宽度保证10m 以上,以确保土钉成孔机械钻机的作业面。土方开挖严格按设计规定的分层开挖深度按作业顺序施工,在完成上层作业面的土钉及喷混凝土以前,不得进行下一层土方的开挖。4.2.2.修坡:采用人工清理修坡,为确保喷射混凝土面层的平

29、整,此工序进行挂线定位。对于土层含水量较大的边坡部位,在边坡上插入长度为500mm,直径40mm包滤网的水平排水管,其外端伸出支护面层,间距为1.5m,以便将喷混凝土面层后的积水排出。4.2.3.定位放线:按设计图纸由测量人员用10(三级)、长30cm 的钢筋放出每一个土钉的位置。4.2.4.成孔:施工人员采用洛阳铲成孔。成孔后进行清孔检查,对个别渗水塌孔或掉落松土的孔立即进行压浆处理,随后安设土钉钢筋并注浆。见下图。4.2.5.插土钉:主筋采用20钢筋,按设计长度加20cm 下料,外端为90角、长20cm的拐,并焊接一个对称的拐,主筋每隔2.5m 焊对中支架,防止主筋偏离土钉中心。见下图。4


31、.61.0m,通过外加速凝剂控制混凝土初凝和终凝时间在510min,喷射厚度68cm。见下图。4.2.9.养护:根据当地的气温,采取洒水养护,当日平均气温连续5天低于5时,进入冬期施工,覆盖草帘保温养护。见下图。4.3质量验收检验标准土钉墙支护结构工程质量验收检验标准见下表:项 目检查项目允许偏差检查方法主控项目土钉长度/mm30用钢尺量一般项目土钉位置/mm100用钢尺量成孔倾角/()1测土钉钢筋浆体强度设计要求送样检验注浆量大于理论计算用浆量检查计量数据土钉面层厚度10用钢尺量墙体强度设计要求送样检验4.4施工注意事项1.按设计要求及规定控制挖土深度,否则可能会出现塌方、滑坡等情况。2.对

32、于破碎、滑移的土体立即进行初喷,使表层固结,确保安全。3.在基坑顶部宜设置宽度为0.51m的喷射混凝土护顶。4.喷射混凝土面层宜插入基坑底部以下,插入深度不少于0.2m,以提高支护结构的稳定性。5.根据工程具体情况设置泄水孔。6.根据支护的监测和巡查结果,调整设计参数和施工措施。7.土钉墙支护工程的设计、施工、监测宜由同一个施工单位负责。4.5基坑监测在基坑开挖过程与支护结构使用期内,进行支护结构的水平位移监测和基坑开挖影响范围内建筑物、道路的沉降监测。监测方案如下:4.5.1.观测点的布置:在坡顶上每隔20m 布置一个水平位移观测点,距基坑边0.2m,监测支护结构的水平位移。在道路边的道牙上

33、每隔30m布置一个沉降观测点。4.5.2.观测精度:DS1或更高级别及以上的水准仪,按国家二等水准测量的技术要求施测4.5.3.监测频次:1.基坑向下开挖期间,每天监测1次,直至开挖停止后连续三天的监测数值稳定。2.当路面、周边建筑物、支护结构出现裂缝、沉降,遇到降雨、降雪、气温骤变,基坑出现异常的渗水坑边增加荷载等异常情况时,立即进行连续监测,直至连续三天的监测数值稳定。3.当位移速率大于或等于前次监测的位移速率时,则进行连续监测。4.5.4.现场巡查:重点检查有无下列现象及其发展情况。 1.基坑外路面开裂、沉陷。 2.基坑周边建筑物开裂、倾斜。 3. 土钉墙的土钉滑脱,土钉墙面层开裂和错动

34、。 4.基坑侧壁渗水、漏水、流砂。4.5.5.及时整理和反馈基坑监测数据、现场巡查结构,当出现下列危险征兆时立即报警: 1.支护结构位移达到设计规定的位移限值,且有机械增长的趋势 2.支护结构位移速率增长且不收敛。 3.基坑周边建筑物、道路的沉降达到设计规定的沉降限值,且有继续增长的趋势。 4.基坑开挖面出现隆起现象。6.结束语土钉墙施工成功解决了基坑边坡的强度及稳定性问题,保证了施工的安全。此外,由于土钉墙能充分利用土体的自承能力的特点,与喷锚支护相比,其工期短、造价低、施工方便。由此可见,土钉墙边坡支护具有安全可靠、设备简单、施工方便、工期短、造价低等独特的优势,所以在工程中得到了广泛的应

35、用。附照片:土钉墙支护完成后照片applicable laws, improve the social credibility of mediation agreement. Strengthening judicial confirmation of the conciliation agreement, enhancing conciliation authority. Three efforts to strengthen community corrections, placement assistance and education. Standard law enforcement

36、, investing in special crowd control management. Learn General Secretary stressed that law enforcement agencies to complete the glorious mission entrusted by the party and the people, must be strictly law enforcement, fair administration of Justice. Advancing community corrections penalty, the key i

37、s to carry out standardization, strictly implement the measures for the implementation of community correction, and the provisions of the regulations on community corrections in Jiangsu Province, with a focus on ensuring safety and stability in order to improve the quality of correction as the core,

38、 actively improve the mechanisms and innovation initiatives, enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement of penalty such as Community Corrections Act. Improve the professional quality of law enforcement. Thoroughly implement the opinions on strengthening the construction of professional social work

39、ers, improving community corrections law enforcement personnel examination and assessment and permit issuance system, further optimize the structure. Efforts to increase education and training. Held community correction work business courses, organization business skills level test, improve line com

40、munity correction staff of penalty implementation professional level and combat capacity, on received declared, and management education, and assessment rewards and punishments, and lifted terminated, law enforcement behavior specification unified, strictly implementation supervision management and

41、education correction measures, ensure community correction law enforcement work of seriousness, promote law enforcement quality consciousness and law enforcement responsibility consciousness of improve, upgrade community correction law enforcement effectiveness. Strengthening science and technology

42、changing work. Strengthen risk assessment and classification management active information management system of community correction function, ensure the object monitor rate of 100%. In accordance with the unified arrangement of the City Office, fully intelligent platform for enabling integration of

43、 the administration of Justice, placement assistance and education of community correction system and strengthen law enforcement records management and other law enforcement equipment, law enforcement links with multi-sectoral for internal and external coordination and joint supervision and manageme

44、nt, advance the settlement in the pipe is not controlled problem. Penalty released personnel placement help and education, continue to deepen, . Peoples needs as the starting point of the work of legal services, promote, and further deepen the Government legal system, promoting the construction of p

45、ublic legal service system that covers both urban and rural residents and strengthen the livelihood of legal services in the field, improving the legal aid system, expanding the scope of legal aid. Optimize free legal service channel. To spent big strength, and Xia really Kung Fu continues to perfect one-on-one government counsel system, established sound school, and hospital, and focus Enterprise counsel system, adjustment Government Counsel mission members, perfect legal consultant mission participate in system, in full implementation a11


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