1、Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator applic
2、ation began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this
3、 robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set
4、 for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standa
5、rds. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of ind
6、ustrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of autom
7、ation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opp
8、ortunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm r
9、esearch began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic ar
10、m spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like wel
11、ding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand异形柱与短
12、肢剪力墙结构设计中的几个问题摘要: 对异形柱与短肢剪力墙结构设计中的一些 问题 ,如 计算 方法 、异形柱受力性能及其轴压比控制、短肢剪力墙结构中转换层的设置高度及框支柱等进行探讨,提出建议,供结构设计人员 参考 。 关键词: 异形柱 短肢剪力墙 结构设计 现代 住宅建筑要求大开间,平面及房间布置灵活、方便,室内不出现柱楞、不露梁等。异形柱与短肢剪力墙结构能较好地满足现代住宅建筑的要求,因而逐渐得到了推广 应用 。 目前 ,现行国家规范或规程中尚未给出有关异形柱与短肢剪力墙结构设计的条款,因此,结构设计人员在设计中常会遇到一些规范或规程尚未论及的问题,需要设计人员积累经验,利用正确的概念进行设
13、计。 本文旨在对异形柱与短肢剪力墙结构设计中的一些问题进行探讨,提出个人看法,供结构设计人员参考。 1 异形柱结构型式及其计算 异形柱结构型式有异形柱框架结构、异形柱框架剪力墙结构和异形柱框架核心筒结构。 异形柱结构自身的特点决定了其受力性能、抗震性能与矩形柱结构不同。由于异形柱截面不对称,在水平力作用下产生的双向偏心受压给承载力带来的 影响 不容忽视。因此,对异形柱结构应按空间体系考虑,宜优先采用具有异形柱单元的计算程序进行内力与位移 分析 。因异形柱和剪力墙受力不同,所以计算时不应将异形柱按剪力墙建模计算。 当采用不具有异形柱单元的空间分析程序(如 TBSA 5.0)计算异形柱结构时,可按
14、薄壁杆件模型进行内力分析。 对异形柱框架结构,一般宜按刚度等效折算成普通框架进行内力与位移分析。当刚度相等时,矩形柱比异形柱的截面面积大。一般,比值( A 矩 A 异 )约在1.10-1.30之间 1 。因此,用矩形柱替换后计算出的轴压比数值不能直接应用于异形柱,建议用比值(A 矩 A 异 )对轴压比计算值加以放大后再用于异形柱。 对有剪力墙(或核心筒)的异形柱结构,由于异形柱分担的水平剪力很小,由此产生的翘曲应力基本可以忽略,为简化计算,可按面积等效或刚度等效折算成普通框架剪力墙(或核心筒)结构进行内力与位移分析。按面积等效更能反映异形柱轴压比的情况,且面积等效计算更为简便。但应注意,按面积
15、等效计算时,须同时满足下面两式: (1)A 矩 =A 异 ;(2)b/h=(I x异 I y异 ) 1/2 式中, A 矩 、A 异 分别为矩形柱和异形柱的截面面积; b、h分别为矩形截面的宽和高; I x异 、I y异 分别为异形柱截面x、y向的主形心惯性矩。 一般,按面积等效计算时,矩形柱的惯性矩比异形柱的小。但对有剪力墙(或核心筒)的异形柱结构,计算分析表明 2 ,按面积等效与按刚度等效的计算结果是接近的。 异形柱的截面设计,可根据上述方法得出的内力,采用适合异形柱截面受力特性的截面计算方法进行配筋计算。 2 短肢剪力墙结构及其计算 短肢剪力墙结构是适应建筑要求而形成的特殊的剪力墙结构。
16、其计算模型、配筋方式和构造要求均同于普通剪力墙结构。在 TAT、TBSA中,只需按剪力墙输入即可,而且TAT、TBSA更适合用来计算短肢剪力墙结构。TAT、TBSA所用的计算模型都是杆件、薄壁杆件模型,其中梁、柱为普通空间杆件,每端有个自由度,墙视为薄壁杆件,每端有个自由度(多一个截面翘曲角,即扭转角沿纵轴的导数),考虑了墙单元非平面变形的影响,按矩阵位移法由单元刚度矩阵形成总刚度矩阵,引入楼板平面内刚度无限大假定减少部分未知量之后求解,它适用于各种平面布置,未知量少,精度较高。但是,薄壁杆件模型在分析剪力墙较为低宽、结构布置复杂(如有转换层)时,也存在一些不足,主要是薄壁杆件 理论 没有考虑
17、剪切变形的影响,当结构布置复杂时变形不协调。而短肢剪力墙结构由于肢长较短(一般为墙厚的-倍),本身较高细,更接近于杆件性能,所以,用TAT、TBSA计算短肢剪力墙结构能较好地反映结构的受力,精度较高。 对设有转换层的短肢剪力墙结构,一般都只是将电梯间、楼梯间、核心筒和一少部分剪力墙落地,其于剪力墙框支。框支剪力墙是受力面向受力点过渡,由于薄壁杆件的连接处是点连接,所以用薄壁杆件模型不能很好地处理位移的连续和力的正确传递。因此,带有转换层的短肢剪力墙结构宜优先采用墙元模型软件(如 SATWE)进行计算。当然,从整体上的内力(特别是下部支承柱的内力)分布情况来看,如果将剪力墙加以适当的处理,还是可

- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 异形 剪力 结构设计 中的 几个问题
