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1、up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on violations of the clean disciplinary integrity disc

2、ipline has been 18 since the construction of a clean government and combat corruption the focus of the work. The amendment, a clean discipline this adjustment is the largest, most new, of which 8 of the original provisions of the code of prohibition and 52 not included in this section. (1) eight Cen

3、tral rules and requirements incorporated in the new regulation 18 of the party since the Central Government to implement the eight provisions and pay close attention to inform the node, intensive, recreational activities, tourism, public cars for private purposes, and public money showers, large . C

4、ard behavior to make it simple, such as catch-all, but rather distinguishes different situations is provided for. First, according to article 83rd, receiving may affect the impartiality of official gifts, gifts, cards, and so on, depending on the seriousness of the offender, that is to say, that may

5、 affect the impartiality of official gifts, gifts, cards, etc will be allowed to receive. 192 according to article 83rd, receive significantly exceeds the normal return gifts, gifts, cards, to be disciplined. This is a new provision, that daily life is reciprocity, acceptance of colleagues, students

6、, fellow, friends, gift, gifts, gift cards, and so on, although unrelated to just carrying out their duties, be dealt with also depends on the situation, the situation is significantly beyond the normal reciprocity. The so-called reciprocity, one is at a ceremony about a bit, in other words you are

7、going to have me do, I also told you how, not just to not to. B refers to the significantly beyond the normal economic level, custom, personal gifts, gifts of value. Given sanctions according to a variety of factors when considering a discretionary process. Third, according to the 84th section to co

8、rporate officers and their spouses children, childrens spouses and other relatives and certain other persons donated significantly beyond the normal courtesy of gifts, gifts, cards, plot heavy, warning placed on probation within the disciplinary action. In accordance with the above provisions, gift

9、significantly beyond the normal reciprocity, givers also constitutes a disciplinary offence. (4) on the illegal sale of stock or other securities investment in the 88th was about breaches of the relevant provisions of profit disposition provisions of the Act. Among them, the 3rd sale of stock or oth

10、er securities investment was listed as one of indiscipline. You first need to clear is, the Ordinance does not change the provisions of the Ordinance. The original Ordinance provides, the 77th article personal violations of selling stock is one of the disciplinary cases, with the beginning of the fi

11、rst paragraph of this article contrary to the relevant provisions of 20 anti- words repeated. Amendments, just removed from the legislative technique violation, which does not alter the requirement. Needs to be clear is that sale of stock or other securities investment refers to violation of the rel

12、evant provisions was in April 2001 a CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued on party workers individual investment behavior of securities regulations. According to the provisions of article III, working hours, office facilities and selling stocks and securities 中国锅炉烟气脱硫制酸市场营销现状深度分析与未来发展趋

13、势预测报告观研天下(北京)信息咨询有限公司investment funds belong to the irregularities. The fourth question, about violations of mass rule would violate the new regulations people discipline are a separate category, restored the three rules of discipline and the eight points for attention on the fine tradition of mass

14、rule. New Ordinance Chapter Nineth for violation of disciplinary punishment of the masses, mainly to the destruction of the party disciplinary sanctions provisions of the flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, perfect full-standard and beyond to the group . Discipline and strict adherence to politica

15、l and political rules in the first place. Third, we should insist on discipline and rules was in the forefront of breakthrough discipline bottom line should not be allowed. Four serious awareness of organizational learning in the citys members create a disciplined, show good manners in a thick atmos

16、phere. (B) the Commission for discipline inspection at all levels (discipline inspection group) should be revised as an important basis for both party regulations, adhere to blame, intensify the supervision and discipline, more accountability. One is based on two regulations as an important basis in

17、 the party, adhere to the responsibilities entrusted to the party Constitution, with strict discipline and protecting its authority. Combining the two is to adhere to high standards and keep the bottom line, adhere to the discipline, the discipline of strict law in front of the law, and rules in the

18、 discipline front, caught is small, and it is caught early, and using a combination of supervision and discipline of four types reflect strict in discipline and care, stood up, tight and strict discipline. Third, to disciplinary review work carried out by Jamie rules. Increase the disciplinary inves

19、tigation, clues to GE, the investigation and trial of cases stick with disciplinary control. The focus does not converge, dont hand-serious disciplinary offences at the same time, more emphasis on general discipline review 24, gradually increase the proportion of light discipline and organization to

20、 address. Four is to control two provisions of inner-party regulations, combined with the actual situation of the sector in the region, centralized clearing of clean-related laws and regulations, timely research to make, modify, repeal, interpretation, avoid discipline based on conflict, banded syst

21、em cages, formed from rotten, not rot, dont want to rot of the system and work mechanism. (C) the party members and cadres should play the leading role, leading practice the self-discipline norm, the seriousness and authority of the lead in maintaining discipline. More than one is to rate, model lea

22、d, lead to learn the guidelines and the requirements of the Ordinance and regulations, deep thorough understanding of, and apply what they have learned. The second is to be a model of discipline model, lead to practice self-discipline norm, firmly establish are equal before discipline, not before th

23、e system privilege, discipline awareness is no exception, consciously do standards higher, more strict requirements, more real. Three is to consciously accept the supervision model, take part in democratic life and progress in accountability and anti-corruption, truthfully to the party organization

24、reports related to personal matters, conscientiously accept supervision work as normal, accustomed to working under the supervision of the exercise of power,. Four is to enforce strict discipline model. Leading cadres should take the lead in maintaining discipline, seriousness and观研天下 (北京)信息咨询有限公司 企

25、业发展咨询第一站中国锅炉烟气脱硫制酸市场营销现状深度分析与未来发展趋势预测报告【报告目录】第一章中国锅炉烟气脱硫制酸行业发展概述第一节锅炉烟气脱硫制酸行业发展情况一、锅炉烟气脱硫制酸定义二、锅炉烟气脱硫制酸行业发展历程第二节锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产业链分析一、产业链模型介绍二、锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产业链模型分析第三节中国锅炉烟气脱硫制酸行业经济指标分析一、赢利性二、成长速度三、附加值的提升空间四、进入壁垒退出机制五、风险性六、行业周期七、竞争激烈程度指标八、当前行业发展所属周期阶段的判断 【报告来源】观研网- 【交付方式】Email电子版/特快专递 【价 格】纸

26、介版:7200元 电子版:7200元 纸介+电子:7500元第二章锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产品生产工艺及技术趋势研究第一节质量指标情况第二节国外主要生产工艺第三节国内主要生产方法第四节国内外技术对比分析第五节国内外最新技术进展及趋势研究第三章国际锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产品市场运行态势分析第一节国际锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产品市场现状分析一、国际锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产品市场供需分析二、国际锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产品价格走势分析三、国际锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产品市场运行特征分析第二节国际锅炉烟气脱硫制酸产品主要国家及地区发展情况分析一、美国二、亚洲三、欧洲第三节国际锅炉烟气脱硫制酸重点企业分析一、康世富科技环保有限公司二、韩国汉城夏普








34、(一)企业偿债能力分析(二)企业运营能力分析(三)企业盈利能力分析三、企业竞争优势分析四、企业主营产品分析五、企业经营情况分析六、企业发展新动态与战略规划分析第十一章锅炉烟气脱硫制酸地区销售情况及竞争力深度研究第一节 华北市场分析第二节 中南市场分析第三节 华东市场分析第四节 东北市场分析第十二章锅炉烟气脱硫制酸下游应用行业发展分析第一节下游应用行业发展状况第二节下游应用行业市场集中度第三节下游应用行业发展趋势图表详见正文报告样本下文试读版本来自其他行业,仅用于说明报告内容和形式。第四节 顺丁橡胶产业链分析一、产业链模型介绍资料来源:中国报告网,2013年顺丁橡胶以丁二烯为单体,采用不同催化剂

35、和聚合方法合成。目前,我国顺丁橡胶主要用于轮胎、制鞋、高抗冲聚苯乙烯(HIPS)以及ABS树脂的改性等方面,其中轮胎制造业是我国顺丁橡胶最大的消费领域,占比约70%。二、顺丁橡胶产业链模型分析1.上游丁二烯通常指1, 3-丁二烯,又称乙烯基乙烯,是一种重要的石油化工基础原料,是C4馏分中最重要的组分之一,在石油化工烯烃原料中的地位仅次于乙烯和丙烯。目前,世界丁二烯的来源主要有两种,一种是从乙烯裂解装置副产的混合C4馏分中抽提得到,这种方法价格低廉,经济上占优势,是目前世界上丁二烯的主要来源。另一种是从炼油厂C4馏分脱氢得到,该方法只在一些丁烷、丁烯资源丰富的少数几个国家采用。世界上从裂解C4馏

36、分抽提丁二烯以萃取精馏法为主,根据所用溶剂的不同生产方法主要有乙睛法(ACN法)、二甲基甲酰胺法(DMF法)和N-甲基吡咯烷酮法(NMP法)3种。近年来,随着乙烯工业的不断发展,世界丁二烯的生产能力不断增加。目前我国丁二烯的生产主要是从乙烯副产C4馏分中抽提丁二烯,也有采用丁烯氧化脱氢法的装置在运行。我国从乙烯副产C4馏分中抽提丁二烯主要有乙腈法、DMF法和NMP法,乙腈法由我国兰化公司研究开发,DMF和NMP法均为引进技术。1995年以前引进的丁二烯抽提技术均为日本瑞翁公司的DMF法,1995年后又引进了德国BASF的NMP技术。表 1-2008-2012年我国丁二烯产量及进出口情况(单位:



39、展,对顺丁橡胶的需求量也迅速增加。目前我国顺丁橡胶主要用于轮胎、制鞋、高抗冲击聚苯乙烯(HIPS)改性等方面,其消费结构为:轮胎方面对顺丁橡胶的需求量约占总需求量的64.9%,制鞋约占10.2%,高抗冲击聚苯乙烯(HIPS)约占9.7%,胶管、胶带约占8.8%,其他方面约占6.4%。我国顺丁橡胶产品主要应用于轮胎和力车胎行业,因此,轮胎工业的发展对我国顺丁橡胶的市起着非常重要的作用。随着对“绿色轮胎”认识的不断提高,以及轮胎结构逐步向子午化、无内胎化和扁平化方向发展,使得轮胎行业对橡胶的性能提出了更高的要求,从而对传统的橡胶品种牌号提出了新的挑战。第四章 顺丁橡胶市场供需现状分析第一节 顺丁橡


41、用镍系催化剂体系,也采用锂系生产少量低顺式顺丁橡胶产品;美国固特异轮胎和橡胶公司是世界上第三大顺丁橡胶生产厂家,产能约占世界总产能的7.8%,采用钛系和锂系两种催化剂生产高顺式顺丁橡胶、中乙烯基顺丁橡胶和低顺式顺丁橡胶,也生产少量的溶聚丁苯橡胶;美国American Synthetic公司是世界上第四大顺丁橡胶生产厂家,产能约占世界总产能的5.3%,采用钛系催化剂体系,生产高顺式顺丁橡胶产品。预计今后几年世界顺丁橡胶的消费量将以年均约2.2%的速度增长,其中西欧地区的消费量将以年均约2.4%的速率增长;北美地区将以年均约1.8%的速率增长;亚太地区将以年均约3.9%的速率增长;非洲和中东地区将

42、以年均约5.2%的速率下降;拉丁美洲将以年均约3.0%的速率增加;其他地区将以年均约2.5%的速率增加。世界各国顺丁橡胶的消费结构有所不同。美国:轮胎及轮胎制品占76.9%,抗冲击改性剂占18.8%,工业制品约占4.0%;西欧地区:轮胎及轮胎制品占74.2%,抗冲击改性剂占20.5%,工业制品占5.3%;日本:轮胎及轮胎制品占62.2%,抗冲击改性剂占20.0%,制鞋方面占2.2%,工业制品等其他方面占15.6%。第二节 顺丁橡胶产能概况一、2009-2012年中国顺丁橡胶产能分析资料来源:国家统计局,中国报告网,2013年2010年和2011年,是我国顺丁橡胶生产能力增长最快的两年,先后有多


44、公司新建的15万吨/年装置、茂名石化新建的10万吨/年装置、扬子石化金浦橡胶公司新建的10万吨/年装置、辽宁胜友橡胶科技公司新建的3万吨/年装置等。预计到2017年,我国顺丁橡胶的产能大约220万吨/年,而届时的需求量只有不到120万吨/年。资料来源:国家统计局,中国报告网,2013年第三节 顺丁橡胶产量概况一、2009-2012年中国顺丁橡胶产量分析资料来源:国家统计局,中国报告网,2013年2008年,在金融危机的影响下,我国顺丁橡胶行业产量也有所下滑,同比负增长12.89%;近些年来,尤其是2010-2011年我国顺丁橡胶装置如雨后春笋般落地建成,国内产能大幅增加,因而国内供应量大幅攀升

45、,2009-2012年三年间,国内顺丁橡胶产量复合增长20.6%。二、2013-2017年中国顺丁橡胶产量预测资料来源:国家统计局,中国报告网,2013年第四节 顺丁橡胶市场需求概况一、2009-2012年中国顺丁橡胶市场需求量分析资料来源:国家统计局,中国报告网,2013年随着我国橡胶制品工业的快速发展,对顺丁橡胶的需求量也迅速增加。目前我国顺丁橡胶主要用于轮胎、制鞋、高抗冲击聚苯乙烯(HIPS)改性等方面,其消费结构为:轮胎方面对顺丁橡胶的需求量约占总需求量的64.9%,制鞋约占10.2%,高抗冲击聚苯乙烯(HIPS)约占9.7%,胶管、胶带约占8.8%,其他方面约占6.4%。我国顺丁橡胶

46、产品主要应用于轮胎和力车胎行业,因此,轮胎工业的发展对我国顺丁橡胶的市起着非常重要的作用。随着对“绿色轮胎”认识的不断提高,以及轮胎结构逐步向子午化、无内胎化和扁平化方向发展,使得轮胎行业对橡胶的性能提出了更高的要求,从而对传统的橡胶品种牌号提出了新的挑战。由于溶聚丁苯橡胶、丁基橡胶和充油橡胶不仅能降低轮胎的生热和滚动阻力,而且对提高轮胎的质量、降低成本和适应环境要求都有较好的作用,因此将会被广泛使用。而通用胶种乳液丁苯橡胶和顺丁橡胶的需求增长速度将低于其他合成橡胶的增长。二、2013-2017年中国顺丁橡胶市场需求量预测资料来源:国家统计局,中国报告网,2013年第五节 进出口分析资料来源:

47、国家统计局,中国报告网,2013年随着我国经济的不断发展,受汽车工业及橡胶制品行业的拉动,我国顺丁橡胶的消费快速增长,但由于国内产量增长不及需求增长,并且品种较少,我国顺丁橡胶需进口量远高于出口量。2012 年进口量和出口量分别为23.6万吨和3.5万吨,较上年有所减少。我国顺丁橡胶的进口来源地主要是周边国家和地区。主要是韩国、泰国、中国台湾省和日本。另外,来自法国、美国、英国等美欧地区的进口量也在快速增加。我国顺丁橡胶进口省市主要为广东省、江苏省和山东省,其次是福建省、上海市和北京市及浙江省。我国顺丁橡胶进口,以进料加工及一般贸易方式为主。从进口价格看,随着2004年原油价格进入快速上涨通道,顺丁橡胶成本的增加,以及我国汽车工业及其它相关产业的快速发展,顺丁橡胶自给率逐年下降,进口量增加。从进口价格看,随着 2004 年原油价格进入快速上涨通道,顺丁橡胶成本的增加,以及我国汽车工业及其它相关产业的快速发展,顺丁橡胶自给率逐年下降,进口量增加。由 2002 年的 901 美元/吨增加到 2012 年的 2,796美元/吨,年均增长率为12.0%。关于报告调研机构关于我们(Intoduction)观研天下(北京)信息咨询有


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