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1、Unit 1,My names Gina.,Hello,everyone.My name is Justin Bieber.Whats your name?Nice to meet you!,A:Hello!Whats your name?B:Hi!My name is A:Im Nice to meet you!B:Nice to meet you,too!,Make a new friend!(交个新朋友),Cindy,Dale,Good morning!Im Cindy.,Hello,Cindy!Im Dale.,介绍自己 问候别人,Gina,Jenny,Im Jenny.Nice to

2、 meet you!,Hi.My names Gina.,Nice to meet you,too.,Ms.Brown,Alan,Alan.,Whats your name?,Hello.Alan.Im Ms.Brown,1a,Jim,Tom,Bob,Whats his name?His names,Gina,Mary,Linda,Whats her name?Her names,Whats her name?Her name is Yang Mi.,Whats his name?_.,His names Liu Qian,我的名字你的名字她的名字他的名字,my name your name

3、her namehis name,Explanation,My name is Gina.=I am Gina.His name is Dale.=He is Dale.Her name is Helen.=She is Helen.Its name is Piggy.=It is Piggy.,形容词性物主代词,人称代词,一、填空(注意横线数量)你的名字叫什么?_ your _?我的名字叫艾伦。_ _ Alan.2.他的名字叫什么?_ _ name?他的名字叫埃里克。_ _ Eric.3.她的名字叫什么?_ _ name?,1._(I,my)schoolbag is red.2._(he,h

4、is)jacket is blue.3._(you,your)pencil is black.4._(she,her)cup is purple.5._(it,its)name is Wangwang.,用形容词性物主代词填空,1.我是一个男孩。_ am a boy.2.你是琳达。_ are Linda.3.她是玛丽。_ is Mary.4.它是我的小狗汪汪。_ is my dog Wangwang.5.我们在五班。_ are in Class Five.6.你们在四班。_ are in Class Four.7.他们在六班。_ are in Class Six.,用人称代词填空,用am is

5、 are 填空,1、I _ a girl.2、He _ a boy.3、She _ my friend.4、Hello!How_ you?I _fine,thanks.5、Yang Ling _ eleven years old.6、My name _ Mary.7、Lucy and Lily _ sisters.8、It _ my cat.,二、连词成句。注意标点和大写字母。1、is what his name(?)_2、name is his Bruce(.)_3、her what name is and(?)_4、is her Jenny name(.)_5、Bob are you(?)

6、_6、I no am not am I Bill(,.)_,一、句式结构(注意横线数量)你的名字叫什么?_ your _?我的名字叫艾伦。_ _ Alan.2.他的名字叫什么?_ _ name?他的名字叫埃里克。_ _ Eric.3.她的名字叫什么?_ _ name?,Whats name,My names,Whats his,His names,Whats her,1.我是一个男孩。_ am a boy.2.你是琳达。_ are Linda.3.她是玛丽。_ is Mary.4.它是我的小狗汪汪。_ is my dog Wangwang.5.我们在五班。_ are in Class Five

7、.6.你们在四班。_ are in Class Four.7.他们在六班。_ are in Class Six.,You,She,It,We,You,They,I,1._ schoolbag is red.2._ jacket is blue.3._ pencil is black.4._ cup is purple.5._ name is Wangwang.,My,His,Your,Her,Its,Exercise,1、I _ a girl.2、He _ a boy.3、She _ my friend.4、Hello!How_ you?I _fine,thanks.5、Yang Ling _

8、 eleven years old.6、My name _ Mary.7、Lucy and Lily _ sisters.8、It _ my cat.,am,is,is,are,am,is,is,are,is,二、把下列单词变成句子。注意标点和大写字母。1.is what his name_name is his Bruce_2.her what name is and_is her Jenny name_3.Bob are you_i no am not am I Bill_,What is his name?,His name is Bruce.,And what is her name?

9、,Her name is Jenny.,Are you Bob?,No,I am not.I am Bill.,PairworkPractice the conversations in pairs.,2c,A:Hello!Whats your name?B:My names.A:Im.B:Nice to meet you!,A:Whats his name?B:His name is.A:And whats her name?B:Her name is.,Role play the conversation.,2d,Linda:Good afternoon!My names Linda.Ar

10、e you Helen?Helen:Yes,I am.Nice to meet you,Linda.Linda:Nice to meet you,too.Whats her name?Helen:Shes Jane.Linda:Is he Jack?Helen:No,he isnt.His names Mike.,Explanation,确认对方或他人的名字。,Are you?你叫吗?Yes,I am.是的。No,Im not.不是。Is he/she?他/她叫吗?Yes,he/she is.是的。No,he/she isnt.不是。,Are you Mike?,Yes,I am.,Are y

11、ou Bob?,No,Im not.Im,Is he?,Is she?,Bob,Linda,1.他叫杰克吗?_ _ Jack.2.是的。/不是,他叫麦克。_,_ _./_,_ _._.3.你叫海伦吗?_ _ Helen?4.是的。/不是,我叫吉娜。_,_ _./_,_ _._.,Is he,Yes he is,No Im not,No he isnt,Im Gina,His name is Mike,Are you,Yes I am,一、按要求写出这些单词的正确形式,1.you _(形容词性物主代词)2.I _(形容词性物主代词)3.his _(人称代词主格)4.her _(人称代词主格)5.

12、names _(完全形式)6.isnt _(完全形式)7.what is _(缩写形式)8.she is _(缩写形式)9.hi _(近义词)10.Im _(完全形式),your,my,he,she,name is,is not,whats,shes,hello,I am,Exercises,1.Is this_ jacket?No,it isnt._ jacket is red.A:you;I B:you;my C:your,I D:your,my,2.Whats _ name?_name is AliceA:you;my B:your;My C:you;I D:your;I,D,B,3.M

13、y mother is a teacher._ name is Anna.A.His B.My C.Your D.Her,D,二、根据汉语提示填写单词,1.Whats _ _?(你的名字)2.Nice to _(遇见)you,too.3._(他的)jacket is red and black.4.Is _(她)an English girl?5.Mary is English,too._(她的)ruler is yellow.6.Is Mr.Smith English?No,_ _.(他不是)_ _(你是)Ms.Brown?Yes,_ _.(我是),your name,meet,His,sh

14、e,Her,he isnt,Are you,I am,看图填词 1.Im a girl._ name is Mary.2.Jenny is my friend._ is ten.3.This is Tom._ is English.4.Alice is my sister._ bag is blue.5._ she Ms.Brown?No,she _.,My,She,He,Her,Is,isnt,A:Hello!Whats _ name?B:My _ Grace.A:Im Mary.Nice to _ you.B:Nice to meet you,too.A:Whats _ name?B:Hi

15、s name is Eric.A:And _ _ Jenny?B:No,she _._ name is Linda.,选择恰当的单词补全对话,she,names,her,isnt,meet,his,is,your,your,names,meet,his,is,she,isnt,Her,nine,nine,three,three,four,four,five,five,seven,seven,two,two,zero,zero,one,one,eight,eight,6,9,74,35,602,831,4521,32194,786635,1084557,6,9,74,35,602,831,452

16、1,32194,786635,1084557,63716422,63716422,一、基数词 zero,nine(0至9)基数词,用来表示数量的多少。其具体用法如下:(1)表示号码。电话、身份证、门牌号等,读时按单个数词读出。0可读成字母o的读音/U/或zero。(2)表示数字或年龄等。She is six years old.她六岁。Two and three is five.二加三等于五。(3)表示时间等。five oclock 五点钟,浙B5C828,(Zhe-B-five-C-eight-two-eight),Do you know these numbers?,Room 1609,(

17、Room-one-six-o-nine),87253486,(eight-seven-two-five-three-four-eight-six),Whats your telephone number?,My telephone number is/It is,63691707,13958923830,82322958,119938485,1.用英语写出下列电话或QQ号码。,Mr Green,Mrs Green,Jim Green,The Green family,我们大家都知道中国有百家姓。那么你听说过美国的十大姓氏吗?,课外小知识,在美国,万人以上的大姓有三千多个。其中最大的姓氏为Smi

18、th,美国十大姓氏的排列顺序是:1.Smith 史密斯 2.Johnson 约翰逊 3.Williams 威廉姆斯 4.Brown 布朗 5.Jones 琼斯 6.Miller 米勒 7.Davis 戴维斯 8.Martinson 马丁森 9.Anderson 安德森 10.Wilson 威尔逊,Do you know the differences between Chinese names and English names?同学们,你们知道中文名字与英文名字之间的区别吗?,Thinking,中文名字“姓”在前,“名”在后;英文名字“名”在前,“姓”在后。,Name,My name is

19、Yang Panpan.我的名字是杨盼盼 盼盼是我的名。杨 是我的姓。,His name is Jim Green.哪个才是他的姓?哪个才是他的名?,?,Jim,Green,His name is Jim Green.,他的名是 Jim.他的姓是 Green.His first name is Jim.His last name is Green.,My name is Yang Panpan.我的名是盼盼。我的姓是杨。,My first name is Panpan.,My last name is Yang.,First name:Last name:,George,Bush,George

20、 Bush,Bill Clinton,First name:Last name:,Bill,Clinton,Whats your first/last name?,her,his,My first/last name is,His,Her,姓氏 _ 名字 _在中国 _ 电话号码 _你的电话号码是多少?是678-3215。你姓什么?,用英语说出下列内容。,last name,first name,in China,phone number,Whats your phone number?,Its 678-3215.,Whats your last name?,写作指导:根据提示信息,可以介绍一下

21、自己的名和姓,及电话号码。还可以说一下自己朋友的名字。可以用 is my friend.的句子结构。,My first name is _.,Zhuangzhuang.My last name is Li.My phone number is 345-789.Wu Dong is my friend.,First Name:_ Last Name:_ Phone Number:_,Harry,Potter,87142010,No.1 Middle School,用第三人称介绍一下哈里波特吧!,His first name is _.,Practice,【练一练】选词填空,1._ am a gi

22、rl._ names Jenny.(my,I)Whats _ name?Jack.(he,his)Is _ Linda?(she,her)No._ names Grace.(she,her)4.Are _ Eric?(your,you)Yes,_ am.(I,my)5.Whats _ name?(your,you)_ names Bob.(I,my)_ names Mike and _ names Gina.(her,his),I,My,his,she,Her,you,I,your,My,His,her,一、选择填空1.Whats _ name?A.her B.he C.you2.Nice _

23、 meet you.A.for B.at C.to3._ name is Tony.A.My B.I C.Me,A,C,A,4._ you Ms.Smith?A.Am B.Is C.Are5.Is she Linda?_.Shes Mary.A.Yes,I am.B.No,she isnt.C.No,he isnt.,C,B,句型转换1.She is Mary Brown.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ Mary Brown?2.Her telephone number is 357-4219.(划线提问)_ _ telephone number?3.His last name is Miller.

24、(划线提问)_ his _ name?4.Her first name is Linda.(划线提问)_ her _ name?5.Im Eric Smith.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ Eric Smith?,Is she,Whats her,Whats last,Whats first,Are you,根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.我的名字叫戴尔格林。My _ _ Dale Green.2.他姓米勒。_ _ _ is Miller.3.你的电话号码是多少?是354-8760。_ your _ number?_ 354-8760.4.她姓什么?_ _ last name?5.我的朋友是在中国。

25、My _ _ in China.,name is,His first name,Whats telephone,Its,Whats her,friend is,1.A:Hello.Whats _ name?B:My _ Jenny.A:_ Tony.B:Nice to _ you,Tony.A:Nice to meet you,_.,根据图示完成对话,your,names,Im,meet,too,2.A:Whats _ name?B:Her _ is _.A:And whats _ name?B:His _ _.,her,name,his,names,Mary,Frank,Mary,Frank

26、,3.A:_ you Ms.Miller?B:Yes,_ am.,Are,I,4.A:_ she Alice?B:No,_ _.,Is,she isnt,Grammar,代词用来代替名词、形容词或数词,人称代词:代词的一类,用于人的称谓。如:我、我们、你们、他、她们物主代词:表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也叫人称代词的所有格。,She(Jane)is my sister.,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词,人称代词,人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am a teacher.You are student.He is a student,too.We/You/They ar

27、e students.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me.Lets go(lets=let us),Practice,1.Nice to meet(your/you).2.Excuse(me/my/I).3.Are(your/you)Miss Li?4.(I/My)am Ben.5.(She/Her)is my sister.6.Fine,thank(your/you).7.How old is(he/his)?,1.This is(my/I)mother.2.(He/His)name is Mark.3.Whats(she/her)name?4.We are

28、in the same class.classroom is very nice.5.Its a cat.name is Mimi.,缩写形式1.I am=_ 2.he is=_3.she is=_ 4.name is=_5.what is=_ 6.is not=_,Im,hes,shes,names,whats,isnt,be动词的用法在一般现在时态中,be动词有am,is,are,be 动词用法口诀I 用am,you用are,is用于他,她,它。单数名词用is,复数一律要用are。,【练一练】用be动词的正确形式填空。1.Hello!I _ Jack.2._ her name Jenny?

29、3.What _ your name?4.My name _ Wu Ming.5._ you Ms.Smith?6.Jim and Eric _ in Class Five.,am,Is,is,is,Are,are,一般疑问句:be+主语+其它部分?,例如:1.She is Mary.一般疑问句:Is she Mary?肯定回答:Yes,she is.否定回答:No,she isnt.,肯定回答:Yes,主语+be.,否定回答:No,主语+be+not.,2.He is Jim.一般疑问句:Is he Jim?肯定回答:Yes,he is.否定回答:No,he isnt.,3.I am Lin

30、da.一般疑问句:Are you Linda?肯定回答:Yes,I am.否定回答:No,Im not.,1.She is Alice.,Is she Alice?Yes,she is.No,she isnt.,2.He is Bob.,变一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答:,Is he Bob?Yes,he is.No,he isnt.,3.I am Gina.,Are you Gina?Yes,I am.No,Im not.,4.This is an orange.,Is this an orange?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.,5.That is a jacket.,Is that a jacket?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.,6.Its white.,Is it white?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.,


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