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1、Welcome to our class,Is this your pencil?,Unit Two,第一课时,things in the classroom,stationery文具,a pencil,a pen,a book,an eraser,a ruler,a pencil case,a backpack,a pencil sharpener,a dictionary,a pencil,a pen,a book,an eraser,a ruler,a pencil case,a backpack,a pencil sharpener,a dictionary,-Is this a pe

2、ncil case?,-Yes,it is.,-Is that an eraser?,-No,it isnt.Its a book.,Is this your backpack?,Yes,it is.,No,it isnt.,Is this your ruler?,No,it isnt.Its her ruler.,Yes,it is.Its my ruler.,Is that your book?,No,it isnt.Its his book.,Yes,it is.Its my book.,课堂练习,填 空,1.-Is that your pencil?-Yes,_ _.2.-Is thi

3、s your ruler?-_,it isnt.3.-_that your book?-No,it _.4.-Is this her pen?-No,it isnt._ my pen.5.-_ that your pencil case?-_,it isnt.It is _ pencil case.6.-Is this his eraser?-_,it is.Its _ eraser.7.-_ this your pencil sharpener?-Yes,_ _.Its_ pencil sharpener.,it is,No,Is,isnt,Its,No,his/her,Yes,his/he

4、r,Is,it is,my,Is,1b Listen and number the conversations(1-3),A:Is this your pencil?B:Yes,it is.Its my pencil,A:Is that your backpack?B:No,it isnt.Its his backpack.,A:Is this your ruler?B:No,it isnt.Its her ruler.,1,3,2,Summary:1.lets review the new words:pencil;pen;backpack;pencil case;pencil sharpe

5、ner;ruler;eraser;book;dictionary,2.sentences:-Is this/that your pencil?-Yes,it is.Its my pencil.-No,it isnt.Its his/her pencil.,Homework,1、金榜学案,一篇阅读。2、Please make two dialogues on your exercise book,you must use“Is this/that your”“No,it isnt.Its”“yes,it is.its my”,Class is over,Thank you!,Goodbye!,I

6、s this your pencil?,Unit Two,第二课时,2a Listen and repeat.,5,2,4,1,3,2b Listen and complete the conversations with words in the box.,eraser pencil ruler pencil case book,Tim:Excuse me,Sonia.Is this your _?(1)Sonia:Yes,thank you.And that is my _?(2)Tim:And Jane,is this your _?(3)Jane:No,it isnt.Its her

7、ruler.Tim:OK,and this is my _.And this is your(4)_,Jane.(5),pencil,eraser,ruler,book,pencil case,3b.Practice the conversation below.,A:Whats this in English B:Its a pen.A:How do you spell it?B:P-E-N,A:Whats this in English?B:Its a pen.A:Can you spell it?B:Yes,P-E-N,pen.,注意两个句型的区别。,Game,Find the owne

8、r,Section B,baseball,watch,ID card,computer game,notebook,ring,各种各样的ball,棒球:baseball足球:football英式足球:soccer篮球:basketball排球:volleyball乒乓球:ping pong网球:tennis高尔夫球:golf,1a.Match the words with the things in the picture.,1.baseball _ puter game_ 5.key_ 7.ring_ 2.watch _ 4.ID card _ 6.notebook _ 8.pen_,1b.

9、Pair workA:Whats this?B:Its a watch.A:How do you spell it?B:W-A T-C-H.,a,c,f,g,d,b,h,e,2a.Listen and circle the things you hear,2b.Listen again and write the things in the chart.,Kelsey,Mike,watch,ID card,pen,baseball,Is this your watch?Call Alan at495-3539,call+某人+at+电话号码(用这个号码打电话给某人),Found(拾到),Fra

10、ncisco,Is that your computer game in the lost and found case?Rick,Found:Gold ring.Is this your ring?Please call Mary.Phone#235-0285.,ring,Lost:My school ID card.My name is Steven.Please call 685-6034.,Lost(丢失),school ID card,学生证,StevenNo.2 Middle schoolClass Two,Grade one,3b.Put these pieces in orde

11、r to make a message.Write numbers in the boxes.,at 529-6403,call David,A set of keys.Please,Found,1,4,2,3,Found:A set of keys.Please call David at 529-6403,A set of keys 一串钥匙,一周练习,1。重新排列字母顺序,写出正确的单词1.dacr_ 2.rsaere_ 3.bsaealbl_ 4.eky_ 5.yctnidorai_ 6.rleur_7.cakbpakc_ 8.ipcnel_ 9.atcwh_ 10.ignr_,2.用

12、am,is 完成句子1.This _ my watch._ that your watch?2.What _ that?It_ a nice book.3.I_ Sonia.This _ my mum.4.His name _ John.,card,eraser,baseball,key,dictionary,ruler,backpack,pencil,watch,ring,is,Is,is,is,am,is,is,3。按要求转换句型,1.This is a pen.(变为一般疑问句)2.Is this your pen?(肯定回答)3.How do you spell“ruler”?(回答)4.Can you spell“ruler”?(回答)5.Is that her pen?(否定回答),Is this a pen?,Yes,it is.,R-U-L-E-R,Yes,R-U-L-E-R,ruler.,No,it isnt,


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