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1、,The Red Badge of Courage,Stephen Crane,逻望铅沙俄劝娩挽逻夹胚组掺妙搀亦器寇结厅绘蓟忿踊峻雏感天琐逾旗导英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,About the auther,Born November,1871 in Newark,New Jersey.The fourteenth child of Jonathan and Mary Helen Crane.Published his first novel,Maggie:A Girl of the Streets,in 1893.Achieved international

2、fame with the publication of The Red Badge of Courage in 1895.He was just twenty-three.Between 1895 and 1898,acted as a reporter and war correspondent for an American newspaper syndicate.Died on June 5,1900 from tuberculosis at age twenty-eight.,Stephen Crane,柱侵缉瞄掷轨俱善按搂硝娄坟秩稀劳牵挤簿只木尊击咙合寺晶摩糜垮郸做英美文学欣赏资料

3、-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,Plot summary,The story is set during an unnamed battle of the American Civil War(美国内战).18-year-old Henry Fleming joins the Union Army despite discouragement from his mother and becomes a private in the 304th Regiment.During his first battle,Confederate soldiers charge his regi

4、ment,but are repelled(击退).A few minutes later,they regroup and attack again.When Henry sees some other people running and has his own fears that the battle is a lost cause(注定要失败),so he deserts his battalion.,甄咐颗解贡仆灾匣迭导讥匆墓我斩凳剑忠太求二幢膜饿为前葬鼠舌鞋褥微英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,However,when he gets to the r

5、ear of the army,he overhears(无意中听到)a general saying that the army won anyway,and realizes he ran for nothing,and feel ashamed.Then he finds a group of injured men returning from battle.One member of the group,the“Tattered(衣衫褴褛的)Soldier”,asks Henry where he is wounded,but Henry dodges(躲避)the question

6、.Henry is tired,hungry and has a head wound,so he decides to return to his regiment regardless of his shame.When Henry returns to camp,the other soldiers believe his head injury to be caused by a bullet grazing(子弹擦伤)him in battle.,鲍刁雀皮抗稻争拔瘩巷牲呸卡婴煌郝供灯曰幌耪限爬蔗士拌摈喀峭囊疽亡英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,The ne

7、xt morning Henry goes into battle.They meet a small group of Confederates and in the fight Henry proves to be one of the best fighters in the regiment.In the final battle,Henry acts as the flag carrier.A line of Confederates is hidden behind a fence beyond a clearing,and are able to shoot Henrys reg

8、iment.So,facing certain death if they stay,and disgrace if they retreat,the officers order a charge.Henry leads the charge.Most of the Confederates at the fence run before the regiment gets there.The overall battle ends,and Henry and his regiment march back to camp.,瓣仇羡秋苹绩夫搐档葵孪娇泰猩祥怠序书邯婴筒风冉忆咎慨甸滦妈碘携搽英

9、美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,Theme,Theme,The basic theme is the animal man in a cold,manipulating world.Crane is looking into mans primitive emotions and trying to tell the elemental truth about human life.,.,Courage,couragedefining it,desiring it,and,ultimately,achieving itis the most salient elem

10、ent.Firstly,Henrys understanding of courage is traditional and romantic.At the end,he has a more subtle and complex understanding of courage.It is not simply a function of other peoples opinions,but it does incorporate egocentric concerns such as a soldiers regard for his reputation.,导嚎咐悉祭负蛔糖供簿尽窑喇夹植

11、关灯瓤庇模寺徐票蛤叉落虫拉炼驭盎抄英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,Manhood,Henry struggles to preserve his manhood and he thinks that battlefield can earn him the praise of women and the envy of men;he will be a hero,a real man,These early conceptions of manhood are simplistic,romantic,adolescent fantasies.Jim Conklin

12、 and Wilson stand as symbols of a more human kind of manhood.They are self-assured without being braggarts and are ultimately able to own up to their faults and shortcomings.By the novels end,Henry makes a bold step in the same direction,learning that the measure of ones manhood lies more in the com

13、plex ways in which one negotiates ones mistakes and responsibilities than in ones conduct on the battlefield.,窜吊峙锯扦散伐酶帐炼脱门姿禹墒捌会眺本舆鹃郸城张瓦醋疡镭电韵恼箔英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,Self-Preservation,War in the novel is a plain slaughter-house,there is nothing like valor or heroism on the battlefield,if ther

14、e is anything,it is fear of death,cowardice,the natural instinct of man to run from danger.An anxious desire for self-preservation influences Henry throughout the novel.His conceitsnamely that the good of the army and,by extension,the world,requires his survivaldrive him to behave abominably.Henry r

15、ealizes that the world is largely indifferent to his life and the questions that preoccupy him.Courage and honor endow a man with a belief in the worth of preserving the lives of others,but the pervasiveness of death on the battlefield compels Henry to question the importance of these qualities.This

16、 weighing of values begs consideration of the connection between the survival instinct and vanity.,狈托局港抨饮旧恢判颤忌粕猾虾壳俄恕瘪噬北料饱兹镐侣政锚匈式狗嚣弓英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,Symbols,The Dead SoldierThe dead soldier,who represents the insignificance of mortal concerns.Henry encounters the corpse,decaying and cov

17、ered by ants,at a crucial moment:he has just reassured himself that he was right to flee battle and that the welfare of the army depends upon soldiers being wise enough to preserve themselves.Then the dead soldier,whose anonymity strips him of any public recognition of courage and glory forces Henry

18、 to begin to question himself and the values by which he measures his actions.,去好渴荧迈蓬垦令应肖掳截肥访冯肯乎龙否迹嘛抛驱矾悠惧荡适踢耳阂脏英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,Style In some ways Cranes style is ornate,with profuse use of color and rampant metaphor in a way which was rare for his time.The blues and grays of the two s

19、ides of the American Civil War are often described as natural phenomena,swirling like clouds.Flemings Regiment was a broken machine.In dialogue,however,the style is earthy,written out to sound as close to the vernacular of the day as possible.This realism was later to inform many works but was relatively rare at the time.,模菩参桑碗栖社暗梗秒赁睛浮寡嗣硒择苍棱撑卫卓丧悬生潭爆跪恃户涵侥英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,The end,Thank you,拜剃送嫌摘豹盛辣饭溢捎屿瘸遇愧帝佰浸舰槐侗基钞皋唱誉鹤屯亡段囚跌英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章英美文学欣赏资料-红色英勇勋章,


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