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1、Book 6_教案_U1_Grammar_4-7牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 1 Laughter is good for you板块:Grammar作 者:刘 青Thoughts on the design: 本节课是一节语法复习课。因为非谓语动词学生都已经学过,本堂课主要由教师引导学生回顾非谓语动词作主语、定语和宾语补足语的用法和含义,再配以相应的练习和活动确保学生对非谓语动词这几项功能的掌握和正确运用。Teaching aims: After this class, the students will be able to

2、 1. tell the differences between “to do” and “doing”;2. express their opinions using the verb forms;3. use non-finite in exercises correctly.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead in (PPT4-5) Give the students a sentence “Laughter is good for our health. So l love comedies. With everything prepared, I will

3、 perform in the comedy to be put on this weekend. Acting in a drama will be an unforgettable experience. ” and ask “What are the functions of the parts in red?”They are: object complement, attributive and subject.What is the grammatical term for the three verb forms? non-finiteExplanation因为学生在模块五刚系统

4、地学习了非谓语动词的含义和用法,对此还比较熟悉,直接用语境让他们识别,自然的引出现在非谓语动词的几个形式。Step 2 Explanation (PPT6-14)1. Ask the students to fill in blanks to check how well they know about non-finite.(PPT6)(1) In my opinion, it is important _(learn) English well.(2) The play _(direct) by Tom is very interesting.(3) Before the New Year

5、, we had our house _(clean).(4) It is no good _(play) too much computer game.(5) The library _(build) now will be completed next month.Keys: to learn; directed; cleaned; playing; being builtExplanation 本环节中首先用填空的形式来检测学生对非谓语动词的实际掌握情况,教师可根据学生实情调整教学重点。并以此为例句引导学生回顾非谓语动词的用法,进行归纳总结。 2. We can see that bot

6、h “to do” and “doing” can be used as subject, but is there any differences between the two? (PPT7-8) The to infinitive is often used as the subject of a sentence. When we talk about a general idea, we sometimes use verb-ing as the subject. In the following sentence pattern, we use “to do” as the sub

7、ject:It is + adj. + (for sb.) to doBut in the pattern“It is no use/ no good doing” we use “doing” as the subject.Eg. It is no use copying all the words down. It is no good arguing with him.Explanation 本知识点学生很难通过例句归纳得来,所以教师结合课本将其区别解释给学生,这并不是非谓语动词用法的重点,只要学生了解即可。 3. Compare the sentences and find out t

8、he difference between “v-ed” and “v-ing” as attributives. (PPT9-11)(1) The case belonging to Tom looks very strange.(2) The box wrapped in colored paper looks strange.(1) The movie to be issued next month is said to be very interesting.(2) The book published last month is an interesting one. Conclus

9、ion: When we use non-finite as attributives:v-ed -passive meaning / complete actionv-ing active meaning/ continuous actionto do action that will happen in the future Practice The building _ (build) next year will be a new school. The building _ (build) now will be a new school. The building _ (build

10、) last year is a new school now. (to be built; being built; built)Explanation 非谓语动词作定语是非谓语动词用法中的一个难点,也是重点。让学生在比较的基础上总结三种形式的区别,再通过练习来巩固,同时也是检测学生是否真正掌握。 4Study the following sentences and tell the difference between “(to) do”, “doing” and “done” as object complement. (PPT12-14)(1) We saw him dance in

11、the street yesterday. When I passed him, I heard him singing. I found him hurt in the accident.(2) The boss had him carry out the difficult task. He had the little boy waiting for three hours. We had the job finished on time.Conclusion 1to doan action that has finished (the whole process)doingan act

12、ion that is taking placedonean action with passive meaningConclusion 2 We use object complement after certain verbs:feel, hear, notice, listen to, see, observe, smell, watch, have, leave, etcConclusion 1 is also fit in the following structure:With + n. + object complementPractice (Use the proper for

13、m of the verb “solve”)With a lot of problems _, the boss is worried.With a lot of problems _, the boss is very happy.With a lot of experts _ the problems for him, the boss is relaxed.(to solve; solved; solving)Explanation非谓语动词“(to) do”, “doing”, “done”做宾语补足语的用法是一个难点,也是学生运用时的易错点。通过例句的对比,让学生在语境中比较直观的看

14、到他们的区别,再通过练习进行巩固和检测。Step 3 Practice (PPT 15)1. Part A2. Part BExplanation 在帮助学生梳理过非谓语动词充当主语、定语和宾语补足语的用法之后,让他们在具体语境中运用,一方面可以帮助学生在操练中巩固非谓语动词的用法,另一方面也可以在运用中发现问题,便于学生的自主学习和提高。在过程中发现问题,教师应根据实际情况为学生查漏补缺。Step 4 Group work (PPT16) Work in groups of four. Make up a short story using non-finite. You should at least cover 6 non-finite verbs of different functions.Explanation 在前面复习、总结归纳、操练的基础上,这一环节的设计是让学生在更开放的环境下更真实的运用,教师可以在本环节根据学生的掌握情况灵活处理。比如,也可以让学生根据某一情节编对话等。总之目的是让学生实际运用非谓语动词。第 3 页 共 3 页 2010-12-16


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