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1、无锡科技职业学院 英文资料翻译英文资料翻译题 目 Computer Control Technology 系 别 中德机电学院 专 业 电气自动化技术 班 级 xxxxxxxx 学生姓名 xxxxxxx 学 号 xxxxxxxxx 指导教师 xxxxxxx 2012年 4 月Computer Control Technology A computer structure and functionThis section introduces the internal architecture of a computer and describes how instructions are st

2、ored and interpreted and explains how the instruction execution cycle is broken down into its various components.At the most basic level, a computer simply executes binary-coded results. For a general-purpose programmable computer, four necessary elements are the memory, central processing unit (CPU

3、, or simply processor), an external processor bus, and an input/output system as indicated in Fig.A-1. The memory stores instructions and data.The CPU reads and interprets the instructions, reads the data required by each instruction, executes the action required by the instruction, and stores the r

4、esults back in memory. One of the actions that is required of the CPU is to read data from or write data to an external device. This is carried out using the input/output system.The external processor bus is a set of electric conductors that carries data, address and control information between the

5、other computer elements.The memoryThe memory of a computer consists of a set of sequentially numbered locations. Each location is a register in which binary information can be stored. The “number” of a location is called its address. The lowest address is 0. The manufacturer defines a word length fo

6、r the processor that is an integral number of locations long. In each word the bits can represent either data or instructions. For the Intel 8086/87 and Motorola MC6800 microprocessors, a word is 16 bits long, but each memory location has only 8 bits and thus two 8-bit locations must be accessed to

7、obtain each data word.In order to use the contents of memory, the processor must fetch the contents of the right location. To carry out a fetch, the processor places (enables) the binary-coded address of the desired location onto the address lines of the external processor bus. The memory then allow

8、s the contents of the addressed memory location to be read by the processor. The process of fetching the contents of a memory location does not alter the contents of that location.Instructions in memory Instructions stored in memory are fetched by the CPU and unless program branches occur, they are

9、executed in the sequence they appear in memory. An instruction written as a binary pattern is called a machine-language instruction. One way to achieve meaningful patterns is to divide up the bits into fields as indicated in Fig. 3-1A-2, with each field containing a code for a different type of info

10、rmation.Each instruction in our simple computer can be divided up into four fields of 4 bits each. Each instruction can contain operation code (or opcode, each instruction has a unique opcode), operand address, immediate operands, branch address. In a real instruction set there are many more instruc

11、tions. There is also a much large number of memory locations in which to store instructions and data. In order to increase the number of memory locations, the address fields and hence the instructions must be longer than 16 bits if we use the same approach. There are a number of ways to increase the

12、 addressing range of the microprocessor without increasing the instruction length: variable instruction field, multiword instructions, multiple addressing modes, variable instruction length. We will not discuss them in detail. Data in memory Data is information that is represented in memory as a cod

13、e. For efficient use of the memory space and processing time, most computers provide the capability of manipulating data of different lengths and representations in memory. The various different representations recognized by the processor are called its data types. The data types normally used are:

14、bit, binary-coded decimal digit (4-bit nibble, BCD), byte (8 bits), word (2 bytes), double word (4 bytes).Some processors provide instructions that manipulate other data types such as single-precision floating-point data types (32bits) and double-precision floating-point data types (64 bits). There

15、is another type of datacharacter data. It is also usually represented in 8 bits. Each computer terminal key and key combination (such as shift and control functions) on a standard terminal keyboard has a 7-bits code defined by the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII).Type of me

16、mory in the applications of digital control system, we also concerned with the characteristics of different memory techniques. For primary memory, we need it to be stored information temporarily and to be written and got information from successive or from widely different locations. This type memor

17、y is called random-access memory (RAM). In some case we do not want the information in memory to be lost. So we are willing to use special techniques to write into memory. If writing is accomplished only once by physically changing connections, the memory is called a read-only memory (ROM). If the i

18、nterconnection pattern can be programmed to be set, the memory is called a programmable read-only memory (PROM). If rewriting can be accomplished when it is necessary, we have an erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM). An electronically erasable PROM is abbreviated EEPROM. The CPUThe CPUs jo

19、b is to fetch instructions from memory and execute these instructions. The structure of the CPU is shown in Fig. 3-1A-3. It has four main components: an arithmetic and logical unit (ALU), a set of registers, an internal processor bus and controller.Fig.3-1A-4 A timing diagram for “operation-code fet

20、ch”These and other components of the CPU and their participation in the instruction cycle are described in the following sections.Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU) The ALU provides a wide arithmetic operations, including add, subtract, multiply, and divide. It can also perform Boolean logic operatio

21、ns such as AND, OR, and COMPLEMENT on binary data. Other operations, such as word compares, are also available. The majority of computer tasks involve the ALU, but a great amount of data movement is required in order to make use of the ALU instructions.Registers A set of registers inside the CPU in

22、used to store information.Instruction register When an instruction is fetched, it is copied into the instruction register, where it is decoded. Decoding means that the operation code is examined and used to determine the steps of the execution sequence.Programmers model of the CPU The collection of

23、registers that can be examined or modified by a programmer is called the programmers model of the CPU. The only registers that can be manipulated by the instruction set, or are visibly affected by hardware inputs or the results of operations upon data, are the registers represented in the model.Flag

24、 register The execution sequence is determined not only by the instruction but also by the results of the previous instructions. For example, if an addition is carried out in the ALU, data on the result of the addition (whether the result is positive, negative, or zero, for example) is stored in wha

25、t is known as a flag register, status register, or condition register. If the next instruction is a conditional branch instruction, the flag word is tested in that instruction to determine if a branch if a branch is required.Program counter (instruction pointer) The address of the next instruction i

26、s located in a register called the program counter. Data registers When an instruction uses the registers to store data, the reference to the register in the instruction is called register addressing. The reasons of making use of the internal registers to store data are that they can make the instru

27、ctions shorter and make execution faster.Address registers The internal registers can also be used for the storage of address of data in memory data. In such a case, the instruction word contains a register number (i.e. a register address). In the register is contained the address of memory data to

28、be used in the instruction. This form of addressing is called register indirect addressing. The contents of the register are said to point to the data in memory.Internal Processor Bus The internal processor bus moves data between internal register. A bus is a set of closely grouped electric conducto

29、rs that transfers data, address, and control information between functional blocks of the CPU. Data from a source register can be passed to a destination register when both are enabled onto (connected to) the bus.Controller The controller provides the proper sequence of control signals for each inst

30、ruction in a program cycle to be fetched from memory. A total program cycle comprises many instruction cycle, each instruction cycle can be divided up into its component machine cycles and each machine cycle comprises a number of clock cycle.Fig. 3-1A-4 A timing diagram for “operation-code fetch”In

31、order to fetch an instruction, for example illustrated in Fig.3-1A-4, the address in the program counter is placed on the address lines of the external bus (AB) at the onset of clock cycle C1. Simultaneously, using a code on the control lines of the bus (CB), the CPU informs all devices attached to

32、the bus that an “opcode” fetch machine cycle is being executed by the CPU. The memory allows the memory address to select the memory location containing the instruction. At C2 the controller places a “read” command onto the control bus which allows the memory data to be placed onto the data bus. The

33、 controller then gates the data into the instruction register and removes the read command from the control bus in C3. At C4, the controller removes the address from the address bus and begins to decode the operation-code portion of the instruction to see what steps are required for execution. The d

34、ecoding operation may take several more clock cycle at the end of which the “opcode fetch” machine cycle. External attention requests It is often necessary to stop the normal instruction processing sequence. One type of external attention request is the reset request. In the case of an unrecoverable

35、 error, a computer system may be required to reset itself. This would have the effect of initializing all important registers in the system and staring instruction execution from a standard memory location-usually location 0.An input that is more commonly activated during the normal course of events

36、 is the interrupt request. An interrupt request signal from an external device can cause the CPU to immediately execute a service subroutine which carries out the necessary actions. After completing the service subroutine, the processor will continue the task from which it was originally interrupted

37、.The third type of input is the bus request, or direct memory access (DMA) request. It is possible to have a terminal interface that stores up all the characters in a line of text until it receives a “carriage return.” Then the interface requests the use of the system bus, at which time the complete

38、 line of data is transferred to memory to memory as fast as possible. In this way the processor simply becomes inactive until the transfer is completed.BusesThe bus is the most important communication system in a computer system. Under control of the CPU, a data source device and a data destination

39、device are “enabled” onto (equivalent to being connected to) the bus wires for a short transmission.External processor bus The internal processor described in Sec. is connected to the external processor bus by a set of bus buffers located on the microprocessor integrated circuit.System bus The micro

40、computer board can communicate with other boards by connecting its bus to an external system bus through a connector.Computer Input and OutputA set of registers external to the CPU is associated with what is known as the input/output (I/O) system. The I/O system is connected to the external processo

41、r bus using control, address, and data buses through an I/O registers in an interface. There are basically two ways that are used to address I/O register.In the first method, called I/O-mapped input/output, the operation code itself has special I/O instructions that address a numbered register in th

42、e interface called an I/O port.The second method of addressing I/O registers gives the I/O ports addresses that lie within the memory address range of the CPU. This is called memory-mapped I/O. Of course there must not be any memory locations at the same address as I/O locations.One of the benefits

43、of the memory-mapped approach is that the full range of memory addressing modes is available to the addressing of I/O registers.Fundamentals of Computer and NetworkOrganization of Computer System A computer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system that is organized to accept, store, and pro

44、cess data and produce output results under the direction of a stored program of instructions. This section explains why a computer is a system and how a computer system is organized. Key elements in a computer system include input, processing, and output devices. Lets examine each component of the s

45、ystem in more detail.Input Devices Computer systems use many devices for input purpose. Some INPUT DEVICES allow direct human/machine communication, while some first require data to be recorded on an input medium such as a magnetizable material. Devices that read data magnetically recorded on specia

46、lly coated plastic tapes or flexible or floppy plastic disks are popular. The keyboard of a workstation connected directly to (or ONLINE to) a computer is an example of a direct input device. Additional direct input devices include the mouse, input pen, touch screen, and microphone. Regardless of th

47、e type of device used, all are components for interpretation and communication between people and computer systems. Central Processing Unit The heart of any computer system is the central processing unit (CPU). There are three main sections found in the CPU of a typical personal computer system: the

48、 primary storage section, the arithmetic-logic section, and the control section. But these three sections arent unique to personal computers. They are found in CPUs of all sizes. Output Device Like input units, output device are instruments of interpretation and communication between humans and computer system of all size. These device take output results from the CPU in machine-coded form and convert them into a form that can be used (a) by people (e.g. a printed and /or displayed report) or (b) as machine input in another processing cycle.In personal


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