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1、NetApp存储基础学习汇总(第十部分)目录、检查状态及性能11.1、概述11.2、几个有用的管理命令131.3、使用 statit 命令151.4、执行特殊的BOOT命令17、检查状态及性能管理252.1、检查系统252.1.1、sysconfig252.1.2、sysstat282.1.3、与优化CPU性能的options命令28一、检查状态及性能1.1、概述 识别管理权限命令(priv admin) 解释管理权限命令的功能 定义一些对于管理员非常有用的普通命令命令行提供4种类型的命令用于基本的系统管理或者排错。 普通权限的管理命令用于日常管理 高级权限的管理命令用于特殊任务,比如系统调优

2、、测试、统计等。这种命令如果使用不当可能毁坏 数据,所以推荐别在高级权限模式长时间停留。 Options类的命令 Flash启动命令在设备启动阶段可以获得普通权限的命令在命令行打问号可以获得提示,主要是为了磁盘管理、网络和系统管理、物理或者虚拟接口管理等。下面是一系列普通权限的命令:Configuration类一黄色的是这一类命令helpnfssumparphostnamenfsstatsoftwarebackuphttpstatnissourcecfifconfigOptionsstoragecifsifstatoroutedsysconfigcxmfigigrouppartnersysst

3、atdateipsecpasswdtimezonedfipspacepingtraceroutediskiscsiprivuptimednsiswtqtreeuseradminlicensequotaversiondownloadLoggerrdatevfilerdumpLimrebootvifechomanrestorevlanemsmaxfUjesroutevolenvironiBentmtroutedvs canexportfsnbtstatsave gorewccfcpndmpdsecureadminypcatfcstatndmpcopYsetupypgroupfULestatsnet

4、diagsnapYpioatchfpolicjsnapmirror一些命令解释(software、source):tan softwar命令用于从HTTP或HTTPS服务器下载DataONTAP软件镜像到filer,管理软件并安装或升级它们,一般 是SETUP.EXE(NETAPP发布的)文件,软件下载后保存在根卷的/etc/software。tan rp a=将IP地址解析成MAC地址? ( at (incomplete)tan arp -n tantan ( - no entrytan source -v /etc/rc=读取和执行包含f

5、iler命令的文件、一行行执行,但是其中一行出错,并不报错,继续执行,但执行结果会有问题,文件写全路径名,因为DataONTAP没有当前路径的概念。#Auto-generated by setup Wed Mar 24 05:06:20 GMT 2010hostname tanifconfig ns0 hostname-ns0 mediatype autoroute add default 1add net default: gateway entry already existsrouted onoptions dns.enable offo

6、ptions nis.enable offDisk Management 类helpnfssnmparphostnamenfsstatsoftwarebackuphttpstatnissourcecfifconfigoptionsstoragecifsifstato routedsysconfigconfijgigrouppartnersysstatdateipseapasswdtimezonedfipspacepingtraceroutediskiscsiprivuptimednsjjswtqtreeuseradminlicensequotaversiondownloadLoggerrdat

7、evfiierdumpLunrebootvifechomanrestorevlanemsmaxfilesroutevolenvironmentmtroutedvscanexportfsniitstatsacmecorewccfcpndopdsecureadminjpcatfcstatndopcopysetupjpgroupfiles tatsnetdiagsnapypmatxifpolicjsnapmirror一些命令解释,storage命令详解:dns -显示DNS信息,控制DNS子系统tan dns info=显示DNS解析器的状态DNS is disabledtan dns flush=

8、删除DNS cache中的所有条目DNS cache flushed.storage-这个命令用来管理存储子系统中的磁盘、SCSI和光纤卡。可以enable或者disable卡,列出disk的信息。tan storage show adapterSlot:v0=适配器在哪个slotDescription:Fibre Channel Host Adapter v0 (Network Appliance VHA rev. 15)Firmware Rev:42FC Node Name: d:c7b:f40500:000000FC Packet Size: 2112Link Data Rate: 0

9、GbitSRAM Parity:YesExternal GBIC: NoState:EnabledIn Use:YesRedundant:Yes=是否冗余Slot:v1Description:Fibre Channel Host Adapter v1 (Network Appliance VHA rev. 15)Firmware Rev: 42FC Node Name: d:d7b:f40500:000000FC Packet Size: 2112Link Data Rate:0 GbitSRAM Parity:YesExternal GBIC:NoState:EnabledIn Use:Ye

10、sRedundant:Yestan storage show adapter v0=指定适配器的名字,显示具体某个适配器Slot:v0Description:Fibre Channel Host Adapter v0 (Network Appliance VHA rev. 15)Firmware Rev:42FC Node Name:d:c7b:f40500:000000FC Packet Size:2112Link Data Rate:0 GbitSRAM Parity:YesExternal GBIC:NoState:EnabledIn Use:YesRedundant:Yestan=显示

11、所有元件Slot:v0Description:Fibre Channel Host Adapter v0 (Network Appliance VHA rev. 15)Firmware Rev:42FC Node Name:d:c7b:f40500:000000FC Packet Size:2112Link Data Rate:0 GbitSRAM Parity:YesExternal GBIC:NoState:EnabledIn Use:YesRedundant:Yesstorage show hub -a not implemented for simulatorstorage show

12、expander -a not implemented for simulatorDISKSHELF BAY SERIALVENDOR MODELREVv4.1613740500NETAPPVD-100MB0042v4.1713740501NETAPPVD-100MB0042v4.1813740502NETAPPVD-100MB0042v5.1610604900NETAPPVD-500MB0042v5.1710604901NETAPPVD-500MB0042tan storage show shelfstorage show shelf -a not implemented for simul

13、atortan storage show tapestorage show tape I mc not implemented for simulatortan storage disable adapter v0=将slot v0上的适配器disbale 了,比如更换这个适配器上连接的外接SCSI设备,但此设备不能热插拔,则需要一定的操作,然后才可以更换。Thu Apr 1 04:18:41 GMT rc:notice: Taking loop attached to Fibre Channel adapter v0 offline.Host adapter v0 disable succe

14、ededtan storage show adapter v0v0Slot:Description:Firmware Rev:Fibre Channel Host Adapter v0 (Network Appliance VHA rev. 15)42FC Node Name:d:c7b:f40500:000000FC Packet Size:2112Link Data Rate:0 GbitSRAM Parity:External GBIC:YesNoState:DisabledIn Use:NoRedundant:Yestan storage show disk p-p选项显示了连接到磁盘

15、设备的首选和备份路径。比如磁盘设备可以通过A端口和B端口连接,如果两个都通,则一 个是首选一个是备选。PRIMARY PORT SECONDARY PORT SHELF BAYv4.16B10v4.17B11v4.18B12v5.16Bv1.16A10v5.17Bv1.17A11v5.18Bv1.18A12v5.19Bv1.19A13v5.20Bv1.20A14v5.21Bv1.21A15v5.22Bv1.22A16tan=我们上面把v0 disable 了,则v4变成了首选路径,备份路径没了=将v0激活后,再看,发现v0变成了首选路径,v4是备选路径Thu AprHost adapter v

16、0 enable succeeded1 04:33:06 GMT rc:notice: Bringing loop attached to Fibre Channel adapter v0 online tanPRIMARY PORT SECONDARY PORT SHELF BAYv0.16Av4.16B10v0.17Av4.17B11v0.18Av4.18B12v5.16Bv1.16A10v5.17 Bv1.17A11v5.18 Bv1.18A12=从这可以看出来v0,v4互相备份,v5和v1互相备份df命令显示磁盘空闲空间tan df -Filesystemtotalusedavail

17、capacityMounted on/vol/vol0/241MB89MB152MB37% /vol/vol0/tan dFilesystemtotalusedavail capacityMounted on/vol/vol0/241MB89MB152MB37% /vol/vol0/tan dFilesystemtotalusedavail capacityMounted on/vol/vol0/0GB0GB0GB37% /vol/vol0/tan dFilesystemtotalusedavail capacityMounted on/vol/vol0/247644KB91512KB1561

18、32KB37% /vol/vol0/tan dFilesystemtotalusedavail capacityMounted on/vol/vol0/0TB0TB0TB37% /vol/vol0/上面几个命令按不同单位显示空闲空间tan d显示卷上的预留空间Filesystemtotalusedavail reserved Mounted on/vol/vol0/241MB89MB152MB0MB /vol/vol0/vol/vol0/.snapshot0MB13MB0MB0MB /vol/vol0/.snapshottan d=显示aggr的空间使用情况Aggregatetotalused

19、avail capacityaggr0256MB243MB13MB95%aggr0/.snapshot13MB12MB0MB95%aggr22137MB0MB2137MB0%aggr2/.snapshot112MB0MB112MB0%System and networking Management 类CLI window7helpnfssnmparphostnamenfsstatsoftwarebackuphttpstatnissourcecfif confijgcpticmss txragecifsifstato routedsjscanfigconfijgigrouppartnersjss

20、tatdateipsecpassedtinezcmedfipspacepingtraceroutediskiscsiprrvuptinednsiswtqtreeuseradnujiLicensequotaversiondownloadLoggerrdatevfilerdumpLunrebootvifechomanrestorevlanemsmaxfilesrouteTO1environmentmtroutedvscanexportfsnbLstatsave corewccfcpndmpdsecureadmijiypcatfcstatndopcopysetupypgroupfUjestatsne

21、tdiagsnapypmatxihfpolicysnapmirror一些命令解释:maxfiles命令-增加卷可以拥有的文件数量tan maxfiles vol0Volume vol0: maximum number of files is currently 19990 (6054 used).tan maxfiles vol0 30000=增加 vol0 的文件数The new maximum number of files specified is more than twice as big as it needs to be, based on current usage patte

22、rns. Increasing the maximum number of files consumes disk space, and the number can never be decreased. Configuring a large number of inodes can also result in less available memory after an upgrade, which means you might not be able to run WAFL_check.The new maximum number of files will be rounded

23、to 29985.Are you sure you want to increase the maximum number of files? yes tan maxfiles vol0Volume vol0: maximum number of files is currently 29985 (6053 used).tan uptime=系统巳经启动多长时间5:32am up 2:11 0 NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI opsvscan命令-控制存储上面文件的病毒扫描tan vscan onWarning: CIFS

24、 clients will not be allowed to open files because there are no virus scanners registered with the filer. Are you sure? yesThu Apr 1 05:39:35 GMT vscan.server.connectedNone:warning: CIFS: Virus scanning is enabled but no vscan (anti-virus) servers are connected to the filer.Thu Apr 1 05:39:35 GMT vs

25、can.enable:info: CIFS: Virus scanning has been enabled.Virus scanning is enabledtan vscanVirus scanning is enabled.No vscan servers are connected.List of extensions to scan:001,002,386,3GR,?_,ACE,ACM,ADE,ADP,ADT,AP?,ARC,ARJ,ASA,ASD,ASP,AX?,B64,BA?,BIN,BMP,BO?,BZ?,CAB,CC?,CDR,CDX,CEO,CGI,CHM,CL?,CMD,



28、ist of extensions not to scan:Extensions-not-to-scan list is empty.Number of files scanned: 0Number of scan failures: 0Number of throttled requests: 0useradmin命令管理存储的访问控制useradmin user command argument.useradmin domainuser command argument.useradmin group command argument.useradmin role command argu

29、ment.useradmin whoamiuser可以放到一个或多个group里domainuser:必须CIFS起来,通过windows域来验证。group是user和domainuser的容器,可以有一个或多个角色role 一组能力(可以执行某些动作的能力)有六组内置的能力:login-*, cli-*,api-*, security-*, compliance-* and filerview-readonlytan useradmin role add tanyx -a login-*,cli-help*,cli-ifconfig* =新建一个 roleThu Apr 1 06:57:5

30、8 GMT useradmin.added.deleted:info: The role tanyx has been added.Role added.tan useradmin group add test -r tanyx=新建一个 groupThu Apr 1 07:00:31 GMT useradmin.added.deleted:info: The group test has been added.Group added.tan useradmin user add wangjun -g test=新建一个 userNew password:Retype new password

31、:User added.tan Thu Apr 1 07:02:32 GMT useradmin.added.deleted:info: The user wangjun has been added.试验使用这个新用户可以做什么Data ONTAP (tan.)login: wangjunPassword:tan Thu Apr 1 07:03:43 GMT console_login_mgr:info: wangjun logged in from consoletan useradmin whoamiThu Apr 1 07:03:53 GMT useradmin.unauthorize

32、d.user:warning: User wangjun denied access - missing required capability: cli-useradminPermission denied, user wangjun does not have access to useradmintan ifconfig -ans0: flags=848043 mtu 1500inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast 00:50:56:11:e6:ba (auto-100tx-fd-up)ns1:

33、 flags=8042 mtu 1500ether 00:50:56:12:e6:ba (auto-unknown-cfg_down)lo: flags=1948049 mtu 9188inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast用此命令创建的group、user与/etc/passwd、/etc/group没关系routed命令routed是一个boot的时候启动的管理路由表的后台进程tan routed statusRIP snooping is onGatewayMetric State Time Last Heard192.

34、168.0.11 ALIVE Thu Apr 1 03:22:03 GMT 20100 free gateway entries, 1 usedtan routed offtan routed ontraceroute-显示到网络主机的路由清单tan traceroute tantraceroute to tan (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets1 tan ( 0.013 ms 0.070 ms 0.075 msH和SSL的命令.tan secureadmin setup sshSSH SetupDeterm

35、ining if SSH Setup has already been done before.noSSH server supports both ssh1.x and ssh2.0 protocols.SSH server needs two RSA keys to support ssh1.x protocol. The host key is generated and saved to file /etc/sshd/ssh_host_key during setup. The server key is re-generated every hour when SSH server

36、is running.SSH server needs a RSA host key and a DSA host key to support ssh2.0 protocol.The host keys are generated and saved to /etc/sshd/ssh_host_rsa_key and /etc/sshd/ssh_host_dsa_key files respectively during setup.SSH Setup will now ask you for the sizes of the host and server keys.For ssh1.0

37、protocol, key sizes must be between 384 and 2048 bits.For ssh2.0 protocol, key sizes must be between 768 and 2048 bits.The size of the host and server keys must differ by at least 128 bits.Please enter the size of host key for ssh1.x protocol 768:Please enter the size of server key for sshl.x protoc

38、ol 512:Please enter the size of host keys for ssh2.0 protocol 768:You have specified these parameters:host key size = 768 bitsserver key size = 512 bitshost key size for ssh2.0 protocol = 768 bitsIs this correct? yesSetup will now generate the host keys. It will take a minute.After Setup is finished

39、 the SSH server will start automatically.tan secureadmin enable ssh2tan secureadmin statusssh2- activessh1- inactivessl- inactiverdate -从远程主机设置系统时间iscsi管理SCSI服务tan iscsi startThu Apr 1 07:36:32 GMT iscsi.service.startup:info: iSCSI service startupiSCSI service startedtan iscsi statusiSCSI service is

40、 runningtan iscsi session showNo active sessionstan iscsi ?The following commands are available; for more informationtype iscsi help aliasinterfacesecuritystatsconnectionisnssessionstatushelpnodenameshowstopinitiatorportalstarttpgroupfcp- Commands for managing Fibre Channel target adapters and the F

41、CP target protocol.Logger-将信息写入系统日志文件tan logger(Enter . and carriage return to end message)kkjkj.ipspace命令只有在存储有vfile license的时候才可以用 environment -显示存储物理环境的信息tan environment statusEnvironment for channel v0Number of shelves monitored: 1 enabled: yesEnvironmental failure on shelves on this channel? no

42、Channel: v0Shelf: 1SES device path: local access: v4.17Module type: LRC; monitoring is activeShelf status: normal conditionSES Configuration, via loop id 17 in shelf 1:logical identifier=0x0b00000000000000vendor identification=XYRATEXproduct identification=DiskShelf14product revision level=1111Vendor-specific information:Product Serial Number:Optional Settings: 0x00Status reads attempted: 1638; failed: 0Control writes attempted: 18; failed


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