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1、摘要的语言特点,1.摘要写作的时态 2.摘要的人称和语态3.摘要中平行结构的应用4.摘要中常用的省略形式,1.摘要写作的时态,英文摘要的时态应用比较固定,各项内容都有某一特定的时态。1)介绍研究背景2)介绍本文的主题或内容3)说明研究的目的4)叙述研究过程、方法、方案设计和结果5)表示作者的结论6)表达作者对未来的展望,1)介绍研究背景一般用一般现在时,这是指作者写论文或论文发表时的当时情况。例如:军团病(LD)菌现已能通过人工培养基培养。The Legionnaires disease(LD)bacterium can now be readily cultured on artificia

2、l media.bacterium bacteria的单数,细菌,菌咖啡具有集中可降低胆石形成的代谢作用。Coffee has several metabolic effects that could reduce the risks of gallstone formation.gallstone n.病理 胆石,介绍研究背景有时现在完成时表达。这是指动作从过去某一时刻开始持续到作者写本论文为止,或强调过去的行为对目前的影响。现在完成时常用于报道性摘要中。例如:这些病人发病以来已随访了15-32年。The patients have been followed for 15-32 years

3、 since the beginning of their disease.,肥厚性心肌病(HCM)一直被认为是一种实质性致残疾病,据第三级转诊中心报告,每年死亡率达6%。Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM)has been regarded as a disease that causes substantial disability,with annual mortality rates of up to 6%,based largely on reports from tertiary referral centers.hypertrophic cardiom

4、yopathy 肥厚型心肌病;肥大型心肌病tertiary adj.第三位的;三代的,2)介绍本文的主题或内容用一般现在时表达。例如:本文报道3例脾破裂,并讨论了诊断方法。Three cases of rupture of the spleen are described.The diagnosis is discussed.rupture n.裂,破裂spleen n.脾脏,3)说明研究的目的介绍本文的中心意图,说明本文要解决的问题。一般现在时表达。句中常用be to do 结构表示“本文旨在”。例如:本文旨在介绍30例该类患者的临床表现。The purpose of this report

5、/paper is to describe the clinical presentation of 30 such patients.,交代研究的目的,一般过去式。这是因为研究过程中所做的一切已成为过去。本实验旨在探讨分泌性中耳炎的发病机理和新治疗方法。This experiment was done to explore the etiologic mechanism and new therapy of otitis media effusion.etiologic adj.病因学的;病原学的 otitis 耳炎本研究旨在探讨乳腺癌X线定期检查的间隔时间。The purpose of t

6、his study was to consider the time interval for periodic mammographic screening for breast cancer.,研究目的也常用不定式短语表达。例如:检查咖啡与男性发生症状性胆石危险的关系。To examine the association between coffee consumption and the risk of symptomatic disease in men.,4)叙述研究过程、方法、方案设计和结果用一般过去式表达。这是指作者在写论文时,研究工作已经结束,研究过程中所做的一切已成为过去。例

7、如:采用原位杂交及免疫组化方法对30例人胆管癌组织p53基因、p53蛋白表达及ki-67蛋白增殖指数进行检测。Thirty cases of human cholangiocarcinoma paired with normal bile duct tissue were included.In situ hybridization was used to detect the p53 gene expression.Immunohistochemistry was applied to analyze p53 gene mutation and ki-67 labelling index.c

8、holangiocarcinoma n.胆管癌 situ hybridization 原位杂交Immunohistochemistry n.免疫组织化学mutation n.遗 突变;变化,陈述研究的过程、方法和结果,有时用过去完成时表达。这是因为作者在研究之前就已有人进行过工作,即“过去的过去”,或表示已存在的状态。在以when,as soon as,before,after,until 等词引导的时间状语从句中,常用过去完成时。例如:在45例心收缩力异常的患者中,有13例用硝基甘油治疗后症状缓解,还有13例在做过主动脉搭桥后,其中9例好转。Of 45 patients with abnom

9、al contractility,thirteen were improved after the patients had been gven nitroglycerin and 9 of 13 were improved after aortocoronary bypass.nitroglycerin n.硝酸甘油 aortocoronary bypass 主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术,5)表示作者的结论,用一般现在时。这是因为科学结论一般具有普遍真理性。例如:对老年失眠的短期治疗,行为和药物疗法都有效,但行为疗法能更好地改善睡眠状态,疗效较长。Behavioral and pharmacolog

10、ical approaches are effective for the short-term management of insomnia in late life;sleep improvements are better sustained over time with behavioral treatment.Insomnia n.失眠症,失眠,表示作者的结论:如果作者并不认为本文结论具有普遍性,而只是当时的研究结果,则用一般过去时。例如:青年人发病率高,尤其是黑人。High incidence rates were seen in young adults and especial

11、ly in black persons.该试验证明,两种药物都有用,两者效果在统计学上无显著差异。This trial showed both drugs to be effective and there was no statistically significant difference between them in their effect.,结论部分,有时作者客观、委婉地陈述自己的看法和建议,常用虚拟语气“should+动词原形(should 常省略)”表达;推测和评论某种情况的可能性,或在动词前用情态动词can/could,may/might,should.例如:作者建议,已知食

12、管狭窄的患者服用含膨胀纤维的口服药。The authors suggest that the patients with known esophageal stricture(should)not take diet pill that contain swelling fibers.选择适当的手术方式可以提高肿瘤全切率、降低死亡率和复发率。Choosing appropriate approach can improve the rate of total tumor removal and decrease the mortality and recurrent rate.,6)表达作者对

13、未来的展望,用一般现在时或将来时。例如:由于单克隆抗体对有关分子靶具有高度特异性,研制高效抗肿瘤药物具有巨大的潜力,所以McAb制剂在治疗肿瘤中可发挥重要作用。Since monoclonal antibodies(McAb)are highly specific to related molecular target,there is a great potential to develop highly effective antitumor agents,so McAb agents may play an important role in cancer therapy.,最后必须指出

14、用于测定目前为病人服用研制的各种维生素D制剂的相对疗效及使用方便情况的比较性研究需要进行。Ultimately,comparison studies will be required to determine the relative efficacy and convenience of the various forms of vitamin D that are now being developed for use in patient.,2.摘要的语态和人称,语态:目前大多数期刊提倡使用主动语态:表达更 为准确,更易阅读;但是为了强调动作承受者,可以使用被动语态。人称:1.复数第一人

15、称we;2.The authors 3.this tudy/report/paper/article/analysis/essay/the results.,我们(本文作者)报道两例心脏血管肉瘤。We describe two cases of angiosarcoma of the heart.angiosarcoma,ndius:kum n.血管肉瘤 我们用氨苄(bian)青霉素治疗这位病人,剂量为每天4克。We treated the patient with Penbritin in a dosage of 4g/day.我们的结论是内镜超声对食管癌术前TN病理诊断有帮助。We con

16、clude that endoscopic US is useful in preoperative TN staging of esophageal tumors.endoscopic US 超声内镜,本文报道了一种评价睡眠型呼吸暂停的方法,并介绍了用该方法对两例患者详细研究的结果。This paper reports a method of evaluating sleep apnea,and presents two cases fully studied by this method.apnea pni 呼吸暂停,英文摘要中使用第一人称主动语态很常见。但为了强调动作承受者,突出行为对象

17、,着重客观事实的描述,也用第三人称被动语态。例如:对35例早期胃癌的治疗效果进行了分析。The results of treatment of early gastric carcinoma were analyzed in 35 patients.,3.摘要中平行结构的应用,平行结构是指由连词连接的两个或两个以上 的词、词组、短语或句子成分,在结构上必须完全对等,相互平行,同时要求他们的数、时态、语态也都必须一致。常见的连词有:and,or,but,bothand,eitheror.,neithernor,not onlybut also,whether or,than,as well as

18、等。,本研究的目的是建立大鼠胰-脾移植GVHD 模型,并评价移植物扩散对预防并发症的效果。The purpose of this study was to produce a model of GVHD in rat pancreas-spleen transplantation and evaluating the effect of graft irradiation in preventing this complication.graft irradiation i,reidiein 移植物照射 纠错:?,本句中的动词was 后有两个并列的表语,但用了不同的结构。第一个表语是不定式短语

19、,第二个表语是动名词短语。因此,不符合平行结构的原则。应该怎么改呢?,随访了其余9例患者,3例3年半后死于肝转移或局部复发,而另外6例则已存活了5年半以上。(原文)Follow up the rest 9 cases,3 died 3.5years later either because of hepatic metastasis or local recurrence,while 6 survived more than 5.5 years already.hepatic hiptik adj.肝的 metastasis mtstsis n.【病理学】(癌细胞的)转移,本句中either后

20、接介词短语because of hepatic metastasis,or 后却接介词宾语local recurrence,没有介词,因此所连接的成分不平行。此外,开首第一句也有语病,修改的方法有三种。将eitheror 连接两个介词短语,连接两个名词短语或将其置于of之前。现修改如下:Among the remaining 9 cases followed up,3 died 3.5years later either because of hepatic metastasis or because of local recurrence(because of either hepatic

21、metastasis or local recurrence/because either of hepatic metastasis or of local recurrence),while 6 survived more than 5.5 years already.,4.摘要中常用的省略形式,原因:摘要中对字数的限制要求我们使用省略形式。原则:不影响表达和理解的前提下,删除重复累赘的部分。,1)常用缩略语。专业常用缩略语:AIDS,CT,HIV,MRI,DNA非公认的缩略语:第一次出现时用全部词的完整形式,然后再其后加括号列出其缩略形式(每个字母的首字母大写),再次使用时,用其缩略形式

22、就可。例如:partial left ventriculectomy(PLV)左心室部分切除术ventricular adj.心室的,2)名词词组实质上也是一种省略的表达方法,简单明了。十二指肠溃疡患者:patient with duodenal ulcer可简化为duodenal ulcer patient;上泌尿道感染:infection of upper urinary tract可简化为 upper urinary tract infection。duodenal ulcer 内科 十二指肠溃疡,3)并列复合句:后面分句中的相同部分,可以省略 死亡者临终前应用机械呼吸的时间为10天,而

23、存活着为8天。The duration of mechanical ventilation in non-survivals was 10 days,(the duration of mechanical ventilation)in survivors 8 days.,4)定语从句的省略。例如:12例接受手术的病人依然健在,两例未做手术的患者业已死亡。The twelve patients who had surgery all survived;the two who did not(have surgery)died.,5)状语从句中,主句与从句主语一致,且谓语含有be,从句的主语和be

24、可以省略 高钙尿如伴有家族性肾小管酸中毒,即可视为继发病。Hypercalciuria was considered as a secondary condition when(it was)associated with familial renal tubular acidosis.hypercalciuria n.高钙尿,尿钙过多 renal tubular acidosis 泌尿 肾小管性酸中毒,6)删除多余的文字。本文讨论了甲状腺结合球蛋白过多时甲状腺机能亢进的诊断问题。The problem of diagnosing hyperthyroidism in the presence

25、 of thyroxine-binding globulin excess is discussed(in this paper by the authors).hyperthyroidism n.甲状腺机能亢进thyroxine-binding globulin 甲状腺素结合球蛋白 显然,治疗方法需视病情而定。It is obvious that proper treatment must depend on the illness or injury involved.Obviously.,7)使用简洁的语言。It is clearly that.clearlyFor the purpose of forTake into considerationconsiderThrough the use of through/by/withDespite/in spite of the fact thatalthoughin order to.toFor the reason thatbecause/sinceAt all timesalwaysWith regard to.aboutBring all this to a conclusion.conclude,Exercise:学生材料 鱼胆中毒,


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