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1、新概念英语第二册N C E,Lesson 1A private conversation 私人谈话,Last week I went to the theatre.theatre n.戏院,剧院,电影院cinema 电影院 go to the cinema 去看电影I had a very good seat.seat n.座位 take a seat Is the seat taken?vt.使.坐下 seat sb.Seat yourself.sit vi.坐下 He is sitting there.,The play was very interesting.(But)I did no

2、t enjoy it.A young man and a a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.loudly adv.大声地,I got very angry.get 表示(过程)逐渐变得.It is cold.很冷 It got cold.越来越冷了。I could not hear the actors.hear sb.指听见某人的声音。,I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily.turn around/round 转身turn on

3、(the TV/light)打开turn off(the TV/light)关掉turn up 调大turn down 调小;拒绝,They did not pay any attention.pay attention to.注意.pay much/more/no attention(to.)In the end,I could not bear it.bear n.熊 vt.承担;忍受(与can、could用于否定或者疑问句)Who will bear the cost?这个费用谁承担?,I turned round again.I cant hear a word!I said angr

4、ily.Its none of your business,the young man said rudely.business n.生意;某人自己私自的事 It is my business.这是我自己的事。rude adj.粗鲁的rudely adv.粗鲁地,This is a private conversation!.private adj.私人的 private school 私立学校 private life 私生活public adj.公共的;公开的 public school 公立学校 public place 公共场合conversation n.谈话have a talk/

5、conversation,privatepraivit a.私人的conversation knvsein n.谈话theatre it n.剧场,戏院seat si:t n.座位play plei n.戏loudly laudli ad.大声地angry gri a.生气的angrilygrili ad.生气地attention tenn n.注意bearbe v.容忍business biznis n.事,生意rudely ru:dli ad.无礼地,粗鲁地,Lesson 2Breakfast or lunch?早餐还是午餐?,It was Sunday.I never get up ea

6、rly on Sundays.on sundays 这里指在每个星期天。I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time.until prep.“直到.为止”或“在.之前”在肯定句中,与表示持续性状态的动词连用。I will wait here until 5 oclock.在否定句中,通常与短暂性的动词连用。She can not arrive until 6 oclock.,Last Sunday I got up very late.I looked out of the window.It was dark outside.outside adv./ad

7、j./n./prep.(在)外面 It is cold outside.inside 里面What a day!I thought.Its raining again.What a day!表示抱怨(What a terrible day it is!),Just then,the telephone rang.It was my aunt Lucy.just then 就在这时ring-rang-rung1.vi.响 The telephone is ringing.2.n.戒指aunt uncle cousin nephew(外甥)niece(外甥女),Ive just arrived b

8、y train,she said.Im coming to see you.be+doing 现在进行时表示将来But Im still having breakfast,I said.What are you doing?she asked.Im having breakfast,I repeated.repeat v./n.重复,副本,Dear me,she said.dear me=my dear(英式)天哪my god(美式)天哪Do you always get up so late?Its one oclock!,1 until ntil,ntil prep.直到2 outside

9、 autsaid ad.外面3 ring ri v.(铃、电话等)响4 aunt:nt n.姑,姨,婶,舅妈5 repeat ripi:t v.重复,Lesson 3Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片,1.Postcards always spoil my holidays.postcard n.明信片spoil spoiled spoilt(1)vt.(精神上的)弄坏,损坏 The rain spoiled the school sports.(2)vt.宠坏,溺爱 Dont spoil your children.表示物质上的破坏:break 打破 damage

10、 破坏 destroy 彻底破坏send v.寄,送send sb.sth=send sth.to sb.,2.Last summer,I went to Italy.Italy 意大利 Italian 意大利的,意大利人,意大利语Germany 德国 German 德国人,德语3.I visited museums and sat in public gardens.museum n.博物馆 Palace Museum 故宫public adj.公共的 public place 公开的 have a conversation in public n.公众 the public,4.A fri

11、endly waiter taught me a few words ofItalian.friendly adj 友好的(lovely)waiter n.服务员(男)waitress 女服务员teach sb sth 教某人.a few words of Italian=a little Italian语言不可数5.Then he lent me a book.lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb.借给某人某物borrow sth 借东西borrow sth.from sb.向某人借某物,6.I read a few lines,but I did not understa

12、nd a word.7.Every day I thought about postcards.think about/of 思考,想think over 反复考虑8.My holidays passed quickly,but I did not send any cards to my friends.,9.On the last day I made a big decision.on the last day(假期的)最后一天(具体到一天或者一天的早中晚都要用on)make a decision 做决定10.I got up early and bought thirty-seven

13、cards.,11.I spent the whole day in my room,but I did not write a single card!the whole day 一整天a whole bottle of milk 一整瓶牛奶single adj./n.唯一的,单身的double adj./n./v./adv.双倍,两倍,1 send v.寄,送2 postcard n.明信片3 spoil v.使索然无味,损坏4 museum n.博物馆5 public a.公共的6 friendly a.友好的7 waiter n.服务员,招待员8 lend v.借给9 decision

14、 n.决定10 whole a.整个的11 single a.唯一的,单一的,Lesson 4An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行,1.I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.receive vt.(被动)收到;招待 accept vt.内心接受You need a large room if you are going to receive so many guests.同位语:一个名词或者短语与另一个并列用来说明或者解释。This is John,one of my best friends.Mrs.Smith,my

15、neighbour,has never been abroad.2.He is in Australia(澳大利亚).,3.He has been there for six months.4.Tim is an engineer.engineer n.工程师5.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.firm n.公司 company,6.He has just bought an Australian car and has

16、 gone to Alice Springs,a small town in the centre of Australia.7.He will soon visit Darwin.8.From there,he will fly to Perth.,9.My brother has never been abroad before,so he is finding this trip very exciting.abroad adv.在国外(可直接和v连用)live/study/go abroadbe finding 常用语口语,表示“发现,发觉”find+宾语+adj作宾语补足语(来说明宾

17、语的性质,状况等)find the room clean/find her happy,1 exciting a.令人兴奋的2 receive v.接受,收到3 firm n.商行,公司4 different a.不同的5 centre n.中心6 abroad ad.在国外7.engineer n.工程师,Lesson 5No wrong numbers 无错号之虞,1.Mr James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.garage n.汽车修理厂;车行2.

18、Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury,but Mr Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage,so he has just bought twelve pigeons.pigeon n.鸽子,3.Yesterday,a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.carry vt.带着,携带message n.信息 information n.信息(不可数)leave sb.a message 给某人留个口信take a me

19、ssage for sb.为某人带个口信take a message to sb.带口信给某人4.The bird covered the distance in three minutes.cover vt.覆盖,盖 She covered the child with a coat.行过,走过(一段距离)cover+距离 n.盖子,罩子distance n.距离distant adj.遥远的,远距离的比较:importance 重要性important 重要的 difference 不同点different 不同的in three minutes 在三分钟之内,5.Up to now,Mr

20、 Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.up to/till now 到现在为止request n.请求,要求 request for+要求的东西 v.要求 request sb.to do 要求某人做某事 require sb.to do 被动:sb.be requested/required to do 被要求做spare adj.备用的;空闲的;多余的 You can sleep in the spare bed

21、room.vt.抽出(时间);让给 spare some timeurgent adj.急迫的,6.In this way,he has begun his own private telephone service.in this way 就这样(这里的way表示方式,方法)bu the way 顺便说一句on the/ones way(to.)去.的路上service n.业务;服务 the mail service 邮政业务 At your service.乐意为您服务。,pigeon pidin n.鸽子message mesid n.信息cover uv v.越过 n.盖子dista

22、nce distns n.距离request rikwest n./vt要求,请求spare spe adj.空闲的service s:vis n.业务,服务,Lesson 6Percy Buttons 珀西巴顿斯,1.I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.move v.移动,感动,搬家2.Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.beggar n.乞丐beg v.乞求 beg for sth.乞求某物=ask for sth.knock vi.敲门 knock at the door/window v.碰

23、,撞 knock over Jim was knocked over by a bus this morning.,3.He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物4.In return for this,the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.in return for.作为.的回报/交换He doesnt want anything in return.In return for your help,I invite you to spend the week

24、 with my family.stand on ones head 倒立stand on ones knees 跪着,5.I gave him a meal.He ate the food and drank the beer.6.Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away.pocket n.衣服口袋pocket book 袖珍书 pocket money 零花钱7.Later a neighbour told me about him.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人某事,8.Everybody knows

25、 him.His name is Percy Buttons.9.He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.call at 拜访,光顾call v.叫,喊 v.打电话 call sb.打电话给某人 call back 回某人电话once a month 每月一次five kilometres an hour 一小时五公里,1 beggarbeg n.乞丐2 food fu:d n.食物3 pocketpkit n.衣服口袋4 call k:l

26、 v.拜访,光顾,Lesson 7Too late 为时太晚,1.The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.detective n.侦探 detective storyairport n.机场,2.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamond from South Africa(南非).expect v.预计,预料 as he expected vt.期待,盼望 expect sb.to sth I expect you to write

27、 back.vt.认为,猜想 I expect/think so.valuable adj.贵重的 value n./vt.价值,珍惜 valueless/worthless adj 无价值的 priceless adj.无价的parcel n.包裹diamond n.钻石,珠宝 diamond ring 钻石戒指,3.A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.thief n.小偷thieves(复数)steal vt.偷(stole,stolen)s

28、teal sth.rob vt.抢劫 rob sb.rob the bank,4.When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.on the airfield 在停机坪上5.Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House(海关).,6.While two detectives were k

29、eeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel.guard n.v.警戒,守卫,看守7.To their surprise,the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!to ones surprise 让某人吃惊的是precious adj珍贵的(有感情色彩的)precious photo,1 detective ditektiv n.侦探2 airport ep:t n.机场3 expect ikspekt v.期待,等待4 valuable vljubl,-jubl a.贵重的5

30、 parcel p:sl n.包裹6 diamond daimnd n.钻石7 steal sti:l v.偷8 main mein a.主要的9 airfield efi:ld n.飞机起落的场地10 guard g:d n.警戒,守卫11 precious pres a.珍贵的12 stone stun n.石子13 sand snd n.沙子,Lesson 8The best and the worst 最好的和最差的,1.Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.2.Nearly everybody enters for

31、 The Nicest Garden Competition each year,but Joe wins every time.nearly=almost 几乎enter vt.进入,参加 enter for 参加比赛competition 比赛 race(偏重于速度的)比赛 run race match(范围更广)竞赛 football match contest(范围广)大赛 speech contest game(游戏类的,棋类的)比赛 Olympic Game 奥林匹克竞赛,3.Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes.4.Bill works h

32、arder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables,but Joes garden is more interesting.vegetable n.蔬菜grow vi.发展,生长,逐渐变得.grow up vt.使生长,种植5.He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.neat=tidy adj.整洁的;灵巧的path n.小径,小路,路径pool(人工的)水池,6.I like gardens too,but I do not like hard wo

33、rk.7.Every year I enter for the garden competition too,and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!win(won,won)vi.赢 I win./I lose.vt.赢得.(不能接对手)win sth.win a little prize for+原因 I won a prize for my hard work.defeat+sb.赢了某人,1 competition kmpitin n.比赛,竞赛2 neat ni:t a.整齐的,整洁的3 path

34、 p:n.小路,小径4 wooden wudn a.木头的5 pool pu:l n.水池,Lesson 9A cold welcome 冷遇,1.On Wednesday evening,we went to the Town Hall(市政厅).2.It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock.crowd n.群众,一堆 in the crowd 在人群中 a crowd of people 无秩序的 a group of people 有

35、秩序的 v.拥挤gather v.收集,聚集 gather together,3.It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.strike(struck,strook)v.打,击,敲击 strike the clock clock strikes4.Fifteen minutes passed and then,at five to twelve,the clock stopped.两点:two oclock两点十五分:fifteen past two/a quarter past two一点四十五分:fifteen to two/three q

36、uarters past two,5.The big minute hand did not move.hand n.手,指针6.We waited and waited,but nothing happened.waited and waited 等啊等run and run 跑啊跑happen vi发生;碰巧;偶然遇到 happen to sb.发生在某人身上 happen to do 碰巧做7.Suddenly someone shouted,Its two minutes past twelve!The clock has stopped!shout vi.大叫 scream 尖叫,8

37、.I looked at my watch.It was true.9.The big clock refused to welcome the New Year.refuse vt.拒绝 refuse sth refuse to do10.At that moment everybody began to laugh and sing.at that moment=just thenWhats the time?What time is it?,1 welcome welkm n.欢迎 v.欢迎2 crowd kraud n.人群3 gather ge v.聚集4 hand hnd n.(表

38、或机器的)指针5 shout aut v.喊叫6 refuse rifju:z,rifju:s v.拒绝7 laugh l:f v.笑,Lesson 10Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐,1.We have an old musical instrument.musical adj.音乐的 musical student 有音乐天赋的 music student学音乐的人instrement n.器械,器具,乐器2.It is called a clavichord(翼琴).be called 被称作,3.It was made in Germany in 1681.be made

39、in 地点 be made into 被制成be made of 不改变性质或形状 be made from 改变性质或形状4.Our clavichord is kept in the living-room.be kept in 被放在卧室里,表示状态5.It has belong to our family for a long time.belong to 属于,6.The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.7.Recently it was damaged by a visitor.recently=late

40、ly 最近damage vt.破坏visitor n.拜访者,参观者8.She tried to play jazz on it!try to do 尝试做try doing 努力做play vt.玩耍,演奏在乐器上弹奏要用on,9.She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.strike v.敲击string n.线,弦;一串10.My father was shocked.shock v.n.吃惊 shocking 令人吃惊的 shocked 感到吃惊(人为主语,用被动),11.Now we are not

41、 allowed to touch it.allow vt.允许(常用被动)allow doing sth.允许做某事 allow sb.to do 允许某人做某事 sb.be allowed to do 某人被允许做touch v.触摸;涉及You are not allowed to touch the box.12.It is being repaired by a friend of my fathers.a friend of my fathers 双重所有格前面可用a,this,that,these,some,any,no等,但不用 the,1 jazz dz n.爵士音乐2 mu

42、sical mju:zikl a.音乐的3 instrument instrumnt n.乐器4 clavichord klvik:d n.古钢琴5 recently ri:sntli ad.最近6 damage dmid v.损坏7 key ki:n.琴键8 string stri n.(乐器的)弦9 shock k,k v.使不悦或生气,震惊10 allow lau v.允许,让11 touch tt v.触摸,Lesson 11One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来,1.I was having dinner at a restaurant when Ha

43、rry Steele came in.at a restaurant 在餐馆2.Harry worked in a lawyers office years ago,but he is now working at a bank.lawyer 律师 lawyers office 律师事务所years ago=some years ago,3.He gets a good salary,but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.salary n.工资(一般按月支付,较固定)pay n.工资(通用)wag

44、e(s)n.工资(一般按小时、天、周支付,较不稳定)pay v.支付;偿还 pay the bill 结账 pay for the dress pay back 还钱,4.Harry saw me and came and sat at the same table.sit at the table 坐在桌子旁at table 吃饭5.He has never borrowed money from me.6.While he was eating,I asked him to lend me 2 dollars.,7.To my surprise,he gave me the money i

45、mmediately.to ones surprise 让某人吃惊的是immediately 立即=at once=at the moment=at the present8.I have never borrowed any money from you,Harry said,so now you can pay for my dinner!pay for sth 为.付钱turn n.行为,举止deserve v.应得到,值得(奖励、处罚等)deserve+n.He deserves praise.他值得表扬,1 turn t:n n.行为,举止2 deserve diz:v v.应得到,

46、值得3 lawyer l:j n.律师4 bank bk n.银行5 salary slri n.工资6 immediately imi:ditli ad.立刻,Lesson 12Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风,1.Our neighbour,Captain Charles Alison,will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.sail vi.(人或船)航行,起航 sail from+起点 sail for+终点 The ship is sailing for New York.I want to sail around the wor

47、ld.2.We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning.at the harbour 在港口early in the morning 一大早late in the afternoon 傍晚,3.He will be in his small boat,Topsail.Topsail is a famous little boat.little boat 形容小4.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.across 表示横断,横渡,尤其指河流,马路,海洋;过桥用over5.Capta

48、in Alison will set out at eight oclock so we shall have plenty of time.captain n.船长est out/off 出发,动身plenty of 许多,足够多,6.We shall see his boat and then we shall say good-bye to him.say goodbye/hello/sorry to sb.7.He will be away for two months.be away 表示状态的,延续性的动词,与一段时间连用8.We are very proud of him.be

49、proud of sb.=take pride in sb.为某人骄傲9.He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.,1 luck lk n.运气,幸运2 captain kptin n.船长3 sail seil v.航行4 harbour ha:b n.港口5 proud praud a.自豪6 important imp:tnt a.重要的,Lesson 13The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年,1.The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.gr

50、oup n.小组,组合,团队band n.乐队popular singer 流行歌手(pop)2.At present,they are visiting all parts of the country.(正在全国巡演),3.They will be arriving here tomorrow.4.They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.at the station 在车站5.Tomorrow evening they


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