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1、英语易混修辞格,metonymy,synecdoche,Metonymy 转喻,Metonymy:A figure of speech that consists in using the name of one thing for that of something else with which it is associated;A figure of speech which consists in substituting for the name of a thing the name of an attribute of it or of something closely rel

2、ated.,Metonymy是用甲事物的名称代替乙事物的名称,而甲、乙两事物在某一方面有着密切的联系,但没有相似之点。当提到甲事物时就自然联想到乙事物。换言之,它是用与甲事物密切相关的乙事物来代替甲事物。转喻使用恰当能产生幽默、含蓄、讽刺等修辞作用。转喻是英语常用的修辞格,仅次于明喻与隐喻。,1)以容器代其内容或以容器代其容器,The kettle(=The water in the kettle)is boiling over.壶开了。(壶中的水开了。)The hearth/stove(=The fire in the hearth/stove)is burning brightly.炉燃得

3、正旺。(炉火燃得正旺。)He set the room(=the people in the room)roaring with laughter.他使全屋子爆发出笑声。(他使全屋的人笑起来。),He keeps a good table.(=He provides good meals/food.)他的席面总是很讲究的。(他能提供丰盛的饭菜。)He is in his cups again.他又喝醉了。Their five(=Their basketball team)has won the game.他们队赢得了这场篮球赛。Please drink a cup or two.(=Pleas

4、e drink some tea,wine,etc.)请喝一两杯。,He kept a fine stable.(=fine horses.)他养了些好马。He is fond of the bottle.(=the wine,liquor,etc.in the bottle.)他喜欢喝酒。The whole village(=The people in the village)rejoiced at news.全村的人听到这个消息很高兴。The coat would be beyond his miserable pocket(=money).他的钱少得可怜,买不起那件大衣。,2)以作者代其

5、作品;以人体部分或器官代其功能,I have read some of Dickens and Scott and Thackeray(=some of the works by Dickens and Scott and Thackeray.)我读过狄更斯、司各脱和萨克雷的一些作品。Have you ever read Dickens and Scott(=the works by Dickens and Scott)?你读过狄更斯和司各脱的作品吗?My uncle prefers the Rembrandt to the Picasso.我叔叔喜欢伦勃朗特画的画,不喜欢毕加索画的画。,We

6、 have several Turners(=pictures by Turner).我们有几张特纳所做的画。Have you got a Hornby(=a copy of the dictionary by Hornby)?你有一本荷恩毕编的词典吗?I have never read Homer(=the poems of Homer).我从未读过荷马的诗。,She has a good ear(=the power of hearing)for music.她在音乐方面很有鉴赏力。He has a good eye(=the power of seeing)for beauty/the

7、picturesque.他很会欣赏美(美的东西)。She has a ready tongue(=the power of speech).她口齿伶俐。,3)以工具代其使用者或使用工具的结果,The pen is mightier/stronger than the sword/gun.(=Those who use the pen have more influence than those who use the sword/gun.)笔杆子比枪杆子厉害。His pen sways over half of the civilized world.(=His writings sway o

8、ver half of the civilized world.)他的作品影响着半个文明世界。,4)用人或物的显著特征代替人或物,The blue eyes(=people with blue eyes)walked into the office.那些蓝眼睛走进了办公室。Young people should have more respect for grey hairs(=the aged/old with grey hair).年轻人应该多尊重老年人。No cross,no crown.没有苦就没有甜。,5)以与甲事物密切相关的乙事物代替甲事物,The camp(=the army),

9、the pulpit(=the religion)and the law for rich mens sons are free.兵营,布道坛和法律保障有钱人的子孙无忧无虑。She took the veil(=a nuns head-covering)at 20.(=She became a nun at 20.)她20岁开始当尼姑。brought to/under the hammer(=the mallet used at auction)(=put to auction)拿去拍卖,6)以某物的商标代替该物,You drove your fancy Jaguar,and you took

10、 a lady friend.你开了那辆华丽的“美洲虎”轿车到那儿,还带了一位情妇去。Did you see a Ford there?你看到那儿有一辆“福特”牌汽车吗?,7)以穿着代替人,Are we boys going to be beaten by a bunch of skirts(=girls in skirts)?我们男孩子会被一些穿裙子的女孩子打败吗?He succeeded to the crown(=royal office).他继承了王位。The playground roared like a rodeo,old boots,ragged stockings,torn

11、trousers and skirts(=children dressed in such apparel)went skating and skidding around.游乐场好像竞技场一样,人声鼎沸,穿着旧冰鞋,破长统袜,烂裙子的孩子门去滑冰、垫木侧滑。,8)以某机关、团体所在地的名称代替该机关、团体,Whitehall does not seem to care about this problem at all.看来英国政府对这个问题一点也不关心。The White House immediately denied the story.白宫立即对这一报导予以否认。Lights bur

12、n late in Foggy Bottom.雾谷的灯光亮至深夜。,Downing Street(唐宁街)the British government or cabinet The White House(白宫)the President or Executive branch of the US governmentThe Kremlin(克里姆林宫)the government of the Soviet UnionWall Street(华尔街)U.S.Financial circlesCapital Hill(国会山)the legislative branch of the US g

13、overnment Hollywood(好莱坞)American film-making industry,The Pentagon(五角大楼)the US military establishmentFleet Street(舰队街)the British pressFoggy Bottom(雾谷)the US State Department Madison Avenue(麦迪逊大街)American advertising industry Whitehall(白厅)the British government Westminster(威斯敏斯特)the British Parliame

14、nt or government,9)以某物的产地代替某物,O Knight,thou lackest a cup of canary,when did I see you so put down?(Shakespeare:Twelfth Night)啊,骑士!你需一杯加那利酒,什么时候我看到你这么沉默?(注:加那利白葡萄酒原产于加那利群岛。)Would you have a glass of champagne?你喝杯香槟酒好吗?(注:Champagne,法国东部一地区,所产葡萄酒很著名,通常称香槟酒。),10)以具体代替抽象,(1)以人体器官代替其功能。如:I have his ear,o

15、f course.当然他听我的话。(以具体的ear代抽象的the sense of hearing.)The colur is pleasant to the eye.这颜色很好看。(以具体eye的代抽象的the sense of seeing.)I had the muscle,and they made money out of it.我有力气,而他们就利用我的力气赚钱。(以具体的muscle代抽象的bodily strength.Do you have the nerve(=cool courage)to do it?你敢做这件事吗?,(2)某些表示人或事物的可数名词前加the,表示人的

16、特性、事物的功能、属性等。如:,When I was listening to his fiery speech,I felt the patriot(=the patriotic feeling)rise within my breast.当我听到他的激昂的演讲时,我的爱国心油然而生。He lives by the pen(=writing).他以写作为生。He is at home in the saddle(=riding on a horse).他的骑术很到家。,有些具体名词放在act,play,make后面构成习语,表示抽象概念。如:,Dont act/play the fool.(

17、=Dont act/behave foolishly.)不要装疯卖傻。(以具体的fool代替抽象的foolishness.)We make pigs of ourselves(=eat too much)on her cakes.我们拼命地吃她的蛋糕。Play the man!(=Be brave!)拿出男子汉气概来!,11)以抽象代具体,Life was a weariness(=wearisome thing)to me.生活使我感到厌倦。He has done me kindness(=kind acts).他为我做了很多好事。Humboldt brought back valuable

18、 specimens to European science(=scientist).洪堡德为欧洲科学界带回了有价值的标本。The proposals were expected to be unacceptable to capital(=the capitalists).不能希望资方接受这些建议。,12)以感情的称谓代替感情所施加的对象,She is coming,my life,my fate.她来了,我的生命,我的命运。(此句中用表示说话人感情的抽象名词life,fate来代替说话人感情施加的对象she。)He is the admiration of the whole school

19、.他是全校所敬佩的人。(此句中用表示说话人感情的抽象名词admiration代替说话人感情施加的对象she。)The girl is very subtle study psychologically.那女孩是研究微妙心理的好对象。,13)原因、结果相互指代,Death fell in showers.子弹像阵雨一样落下来。(这里,death指代的是bullets,子弹是致人死亡的原因。)He held up his hand as if to keep the life from spilling.他抬起手来,好像要使血停止流淌。(这里life指代的是blood,而血是生命存在的原因。)An

20、d all the pavement streamed with massacre.人行道上到处是血。(这里的massacre指代的是blood,而血是屠杀产生的结果。),14)以“颜色词+名词”构成的名词来替代意 义上与之有关的名词,He is the dark sheep in the family.他是他家的害群之马。He has a yellow streak.他有着怯懦的性格。This prize is the blue ribbon in mathematical research.这奖品是数学研究的最高奖。Mentioning adult education in a discu

21、ssion on decolonization is a complete red herring.在讨论非殖民化时谈成人教育,这全然是转移注意力的闲扯。,15)以人名代替国家、民族等,John Bull:England,or the English peopleUncle Sam:The United States of American Ivan:the Russian peopleJohn Doe:ordinary American citizen,16)以动物名代替国家或政府,the British Lion:England or the English governmentthe B

22、ear:the former Soviet Union or the Soviet government,Synecdoche 提喻,Synecdoche:A figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole,the whole for a part,the species for the genus,the genus for the species,or the name of the material for the thing made.,提喻是以部分代替整体或以整体代替部分;以类属代替其中一种或以一种代替其所在类属;以原料代替

23、用该原料制成的东西。该辞格中的两事物只是相关,并没有相似之处。提喻和转喻一样,也是英语中的重要辞格,用得恰当,可以突出事物的特征,使语言生动、形象。,1)以部分代整体,Great minds(=persons)think alike.英雄所见略同。You are a noble heart.你是个高尚的人。Her heart(=feeling)ruled her head.她感情用事。(以器官代其功能)I walked,with other souls(=prisoners)in pain,within another ring,我与这些痛苦的魂灵来到另一伙囚徒之中,There is a se

24、a of faces on the square.广场上人山人海。,They were short of hands(=helpers)at harvest time.收割时节,他们人手缺少。They counted fifty sails(=ships or boats)in the harbour.他们数出这港口有50只船。He paid the wokers$5 per head(=worker).他付给每个工人5美元工钱。The river is crowded with masts(=ships or boats).这条河挤满了船只。I doult if there was an e

25、ye in England who wept for his death.我也不能确定在英国是否有人为他的死亡而哭泣。,2)以整体代部分,China(=The Chinese team)won the championship at the tournament.中国队赢得了邀请赛的冠军。The birds sang to welcome the smiling year(=spring/springtime).百鸟歌唱,欢迎出天的到来。The planes(=The engine of the plane has)flamed out.飞机突然起火了。Then the surgeon cut

26、 me(=ny abdomen)open and took out the appendix.然后外科医生给我开刀,取出了阑尾。The world(=The people in the world)is still ignorant of the fact.世人对这个事实仍不了解。,3)以类属代替其中一种,What a despicable creature(=man)(he is)!多么卑鄙的家伙!Nearly 4.8 million vehicles(=cars)rolled off the assembly line,20 000 more than in 1988.差不多有480万辆汽

27、车从装配车间开出来,比1988年多2万辆。,4)以一种代替其所在类属,Alas,that spring should vanish with the rose(=flowers)!哎呀,春天必将逝去,玫瑰必将凋零。Did you see the cutthroat(=assassin)?你看见凶手了吗?,5)以原料代替用该原料做成的产品,She was dressed in silks and satins(=clothes made of silk and satin).他穿着绫罗绸缎。He walked the boards(=the theatre/stage)for a living.他以演戏为生。He is in irons(=fetters made of iron).他戴着脚镣手铐。Old china(=porcelain made of china)is his delight.旧瓷器是他最爱好的东西。,thank you,


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