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1、一、教学基本信息授课教师武建娣学校采育镇第二中心小学年级六年级学期第一学期教材北京版学生人数授课课题Unit 6 What is he wearing ? Lesson 19 课型新授二、指导思想与理论依据英语课程标准的基本理念中明确指出,英语教学要突出学生的主体性,关注学生的学习过程,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知.体验.实践.参与和合作等方式,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。在本课教学中,教师充分运用多媒体课件等作为辅助教学手段,以能理解、认读服装词汇suit, tie, jeans, denim skirt, pajamas h

2、oody等,并能运用这些词汇描述他人穿着的服饰以及能理解并能正确朗读本课对话为目标,通过多种适合学生年龄、心理特点的教学活动,为学生创设真实、丰富的英语环境,充分调动学生自主学习的动机和兴趣,由浅入深、循序渐进,有效地优化教学过程,极大地提高了课堂教学的实效性。三、教学背景分析教材分析:本课为北京版第六单元What is he wearing? Lesson 19第一课时。本课时共分为四个板块:Listen and say、 Listen ,look, and learn、Listen and circle 和 Lets do. Listen and say板块是以对话形式呈现的,讲的是Mik

3、e站在街上等爸爸的朋友并向果果描述该人物的外貌、衣着和职业,通过描述果果认出了对面走来两个人物中Mike爸爸的朋友。Listen, look,and learn板块为本课重点学习板块,能够针对某人穿什么进行问答。Listen and circle板块为听力练习。 Lets do板块是根据所提供的不同衣服谈论在家和在学校分别穿哪种衣服。帮助学生建立在不同的场所要穿着恰当衣服的意识。由于课时原因,listen and circle和Lets do部分的内容暂不处理,将放在第二课时中进行详细处理。本着“以学生为主体”的教学思想,围绕提高教学实效性这一主题思想,设计了符合学生年龄特点和知识水平的教学活

4、动,层层递进,大大地丰富了教学内容,适于学生学习、理解和接受。 学情分析:六年级的学生经过五年的英语学习,对于英语学习有了较深的了解与认知,大部分学生也有了相对较多的语言积累,而且对英语学习的兴趣也越加浓厚。Listen,look,and learn板块,学生在四年级已经学习过如何用He/She is wearing.来描述别人穿什么,对话中以What is he/she.wearing ?询问他人穿着,学生在理解上并不难。而服装词汇当中denim skirt,a blue suit with a silver tie, 对于学生来说是难点。pajamas, jeans在四年级北师大版教材中已

5、学过不做重点处理,如果学生有所遗忘随情况处理。我采用以旧引新、通过图片创设情境轻松呈现新知,由浅入深进行新知操练的教学活动模式,充分地激发学生的学习热情,引导学生积极参与,自主学习,并将所学内容应用于生活实际,提高英语学习的趣味性和实效性。四、教学目标(含重、难点)目标:1能理解、认读服装词汇pajamas,a blue suit with a sliver tie, hoody等,并能运用这些服装词汇询问和描述他人的穿着。2 能正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的相关信息,朗读课文。教学重点:理解对话内容,运用功能句进行问答教学难点:denim skirt, a blue suit with a

6、silver tie, wearing发音五、教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图时间分配Lead-inT:Before we begin our class, I have a question to ask you: Do you like beautiful clothes?T: I like beautiful clothes,too. I like the suit, I can wear at work. I like denim skirt. I think its very beautiful. I like pajamas, I can wear it at home.

7、I like hoody and jeans. They are comfortable. T: What clothes do you like?S: Yes./No.S:进行回答 为学习对话做好语言准备提前渗透所学词汇( 5 )NewLesson学习对话T: Today Guoguo goes to the bus stop. Because she wants to buy beautiful clothes, too.T: Suddenly, Guoguo sees her friend Mike? Why is Mike standing there? Can you guess?T

8、: I have two choices for you.(给出两个选择)T: watch and answerT:If you were Guoguo, what do you want to know about his fathers friend?T: What does Guoguo want to know first? Lets listen!T:(出示图片) Look at this picture, is it a man or a woman?T: But there a two man. What does Guoguo want to know then? Lets l

9、isten!T: Which one!T: What is he wearing?(学习wear及 wearing的发音)T: Lets listen, what is he wearing?T: suit, a blue suit with a silver tie.(出示两幅图片进行操练)T: From Mike we know his fathers friend is wearing a blue suit with a silver tie. Now Guoguo also find the man. What does she say?T: What other informati

10、on does Mike know about his fathers friend? Please underline on you book.(如果学生划不出来,给予学生提示)Who is he ?What does he do?T: 找同学说一说(通过图片解释lawyer)T: What does Guoguo think of Mr. Brown. (通过图片解释serious)T: Look ! The bus is coming. Guoguo has to say goodbye to Mike.T: Ok, Thats the dialogue. Lets read the d

11、ialogue.S:进行预测S: 读问题S:看动画S: 回答问题S:听录音A man or a woman?S: A manS: 听录音Which one?What is he wearing?S: 听录音回答Its the taller man.S: repeat.S: 听录音a blue suit with a silver tie.S: 听录音He is wearing a pair of black shoes.S: 在书上讲答案划下来S:学习理解lawyerS: 听录音S: 读课文创设情境引导学生理解对话的主旨信息10Practice(巩固练习)T: lets read the di

12、alogue together.T:Read the dialogue by yourself and circle the words you cant read.T:lets read in role.男生Mike 女生 GuoguoS:自己读课文圈出不会读的单词S:分角色朗读对话学习短语T:So much for the dialogue. Today Mikes family has a special party. His dad is getting ready for the party, so Mike is waiting for Mr. Brown. Why is the

13、party special? Because you can wear different clothes that you like. You can wear a coat, you can wear pajamas, even you can wear skirts.T: Look heres an invitation for Mr. Brown. What information can you get from the invitation?T: Lets have a look, who are coming to the party?T: Do you know them? I

14、f you want to know someone, please use this sentence to ask, I will tell you. For example, you want to know Mr. Brown, you can ask me:T: Who can ask me? (通过此形式来学习新词)T:Lets read the words.学生从邀请函中获得信息。S: He is a lawyerS: What is Mr. Brown wearing?S: 读一读单词在情境中学习使用猜人物出席服装派对的形式让学生猜其穿着,提高学生学习的兴趣巩固操练T:Do y

15、ou want to go to the party?T: Now we are at the party, Im wearing a red hoody and jeans at the party. What are you wearing?T: Lets have a look. What clothes do you have in your wardrobe!T: You have so many clothes. What are you wearing at the party? Now work in pairs. Ask and answer.If you were comi

16、ng to the party, what are you wearing? Lets have a look. What do you have in your wardrobe.S: Yes.S: 读一读衣柜里的单词S: 两个人一起练习巩固所学句型HomeworkT: Look! Obama is not happy, because he cant find his elder daughter. Heres the information about her. Please write a Child Lost.根据提示,写寻人启事【板书设计】 Unit6 What is he wearing? Lesson 19 What wearing? a blue suit with a silver tie hoody jeans pajamas a denim skirt 课后反思:本节课我从学生的兴趣出发,以服装派对为主线,设计了一些学生熟知的人物参加派对,以此学习本课的句型及单词;出示邀请函的目的是想让学生从邀请函中获取相关信息:如派对举办的时间,地点,主题,邀请人与被邀请人等信息,但是在本节课我处理的不是很好;本节课由于对学情分析不够,导致学生学习起来有些困难。在单词的学习方面,学生朗读的不够充分,对学生有些难度的单词没有很好地进行处理。7


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