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1、The Age of Time,Unit 3,万事日久自明。时间是治愈一切创伤的良药。时代在变,人也在变。光阴一去不复返。光阴似箭,一去不复返。时间是锉刀,磨损静悄悄。,7.时间比金钱更宝贵。你能获取更多的金钱,但无法拥有更多的时间。8.对于等待的人,时间太慢;对于害怕的人,时间太快;对于悲伤的人,时间太长;对于喜悦的人,时间太短;但对于心中有爱的人,时间就是永恒。,Listening and Speaking,A.Listen to the first part of a monologue about the invention of the clock.Answer the follow

2、ing questions.1.When did people begin to make clocks?2.Where did the civilisation of making clocks begin?3.What role did clocks play at that time?4.What is the difference between the clock and the seasons and the phases of moon in terms of measuring time?5.Where does the word“clock”come from and wha

3、t does it mean originally?6.When was the first mechanical alarm clock invented?,Approximately 5,000 to 6,000 years ago.,In the Middle East and North Africa.,Clocks increased the effectiveness of peoples calendars,and helped them organise their time more efficiently.,As the seasons and the phases of

4、the moon can be used to measure the passage of longer periods of time,the clock is used to measure shorter processes in terms of hours and minutes.,The word“clock”comes from the French word“cloche”meaning bell.,The first mechanical alarm clock was invented in 1787.,5,000 to 6,000 years Enhancecandle

5、sburn downthe passage of time,sundials and hourglasseselectronicsno clockwork partsbatterieswinding,Not until somewhat recently in terms of human history did people find a need for knowing the time of day.As best we know,5,000 to 6,000 years ago great civilisations in the Middle East and North Afric

6、a began to make clocks to increase the effectiveness of their calendars.With their societal activities,formal religions,and other daily issues,these cultures apparently found a need to organise their time more efficiently.The clock is one of the oldest human inventions to enable us to judge how long

7、 a process has run.As the seasons and the phases of the moon can be used to measure the passage of longer periods of time,shorter processes had to be used to measure off hours and minutes.The word“clock”comes from the French word“cloche”meaning bell.The Latin word for bell is“glocio”,the Saxon is“cl

8、ugga”and the German is“glocke”.The first mechanical alarm clock was invented by Levi Hutchins of Concord,New Hampshire,in 1787.,Part One,BACK,Historical records reveal that approximately 5,000 to 6,000 years ago great civilisations in the Middle East and North Africa began to make clocks to enhance

9、their calendars.These cultures found that they needed to organise their time more efficiently.Originally candles and sticks of incense that burn down at approximately predictable speeds were used to estimate the passage of time.Other methods were sundials and hourglasses.The development of electroni

10、csin the twentieth century led to clocks with no clockwork parts at all.Now mechanical clocks have since come to be largely powered by batteries,removing the need for winding.,Part Two,BACK,Time indicated by numbers(by the clock),watch,minute hand,hour hand;60 minutes,24 hours,7 days a week;timekeep

11、ers,calendars,schedules,clocks;fiscal year,academic years,weekdays,weekends,deadlines;artificial timing,Time indicated by nature(by the seasons),blueberry,raspberry,blackberry season;lobsters that shed old shells and then harden new ones;low tide;mussels;high tide;mackerels;natural rhythms,The main

12、idea,THis passage provides a different perspective to think about the concept of time:escape from the artificial times and follow the natural rhythms.,Words&Expressions,1.literally adv.used to emphasise that something,especially a large number,is actually true 确实,不夸张地 e.g.(1)The prediction was liter

13、ally accomplished.这个预言确实实现了。really,BACK,Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language.成语通常不能照字面译成另一种语言。word-for-word,shed v.to get rid of something that you no longer need or want 抛弃 e.g.(1)Its time for the snake to shed his skin.,BACK,shedn.车棚,小屋,脱落物vt.使.流出,散发,脱落,除掉 She shed cro

14、codile tears(ie pretended to be sorry)when she dismissed him from his job.她把他解雇时,流出了鳄鱼的眼泪(假装难过).,The snow has banked up against the shed.雪在小屋旁聚积起来。Its too late to change your mind now;so there is no point in shedding tears.你现在改变主意已经太迟了,所以为此而伤心落泪是毫无用处的。Where is the tool shed?工具棚在哪?,lose track of失去.的线

15、索 Mary lost track of her friends at camp after summer was over.夏天过后,玛丽就和她一起宿营的朋友失去了联系。,The farmer has so many chickens,he can often lose track of them all.这农民有许许多多小鸡,弄得他常常自己也数不清。,slip v.to go somewhere without attracting other peoples attention 悄悄地移动 e.g.(1)The ship slipped into the harbour at night

16、.(2)You are not going to let a wonderful chance like that slip through your fingers,are you?,BACK,I do not see how you can slip out of write a report about that.我看你躲不了要写一份有关这事的报告。slip out of ones grasp控制不住,harden v.to become firm or stiff,or to make something firm or stiff 变硬 e.g.(1)Hot steel is que

17、nched to harden it.(2)Life in the camp had hardened him considerably.,BACK,The bay is not a store with opening hours set by its owner.海湾可不是个由店主来决定营业时间的商店。,artificial adj.an artificial situation or quality exists because someone has made it exist,and not because it is really necessary 人工的,人为的 e.g.(1)

18、Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants.(2)This orange drink contains no artificial flavourings.,BACK,fiscal year the 12 month period over which a company calculates its profits or losses 财政年度 e.g.Our plant controller made our company a budget plan for the next fiscal year.,BACK,fasten v.to

19、attach something firmly to another object or surface 系牢 e.g.(1)We shall be landing(at G airport)shortly please fasten your seat-belts.(2)She fastened the notice to the board.,BACK,We are so removed from natural rhythms that we rarely realise how“unnatural”this is.How unnatural to fasten ourselves to

20、 time.我们距离自然的节奏那么遥远,以至于感觉不到我们生活得有多么“不自然”,不能意识到把自己牢牢地绑在时间上是多么地不自然!,The schedulethat control on our liveswas the invention of monks whose early passion for organising and filling every minute of the day grew from the warning that“idleness is the enemy of the soul.”那些控制我们生活的日程安排,最初是僧侣为了警示世人“怠惰是灵魂的敌人”,才

21、想出来的让人们时时刻刻都有事可做的办法。,rival v.to be as good or important as someone or something else 试图匹敌或越过 e.g.Ships cant rival aircraft for speed.,BACK,sporadic adj.happening fairly often,but not regularly 无时间顺序或固定模式 e.g.There were reports of sporadic fighting in the streets.,BACK,above all Adverb 1.above and be

22、yond all other consideration;above all,you must be independent(synonym)most importantly,most especially 2.taking everything together;she was first and last a scientist(synonym)first and last,eventually adv.after a long time,or after a lot of things have happened 最终 e.g.She eventually married the mos

23、t persistent one of her admirers.,BACK,Medieval time was still sporadic,leisurely,unpredictable and above all tied to experiences rather than abstract numbers.中世纪的时间还是随意、悠闲、不可预测的,时间与人们的生活经验紧密相连,而不是由抽象的数字来决定的。,It was the merchants and factory owners who eventually,and with great difficulty,trained wo

24、rkersthose who had previously lived according to changes of the seasonsto become as regular as clockwork.是那些商家和厂主,处心积虑地把最初根据季节变化而劳作的工人,最终训练成了像钟表一样机械工作的人。,equate v.to consider that two things are similar or connected 把(一事物)和(另一事物)等同看待 e.g.Nowadays,many people equate passing examinations with being ed

25、ucated.,BACK,Is it any wonder that.Eg,With all the possibilities of eating instantly and constantly and with the abundance of food in America,is it any wonder that Americans tend to be overweight?面对花样繁多的快速食品,人人可以便捷地、随时随地享用,许多美国人超重还值得奇怪吗?,stretch v.to make something bigger or looser by pulling or bec

26、ome bigger or looser as a result of being pulled 被拉长 e.g.A spiders web can stretch considerably without weakening.,BACK,The desert stretched away into the distance.沙漠一直延伸到远方。I got out of the bed and had a good stretch.我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。,habitat n.the natural home of a plant or animal 栖息地 e.g.The polar be

27、ars habitat is the icy waters of the Arctic.,BACK,imprint n.a mark left by an object being pressed into or onto something 印记 e.g.The untold suffering in the childhood left an indelible imprint on his tender mind.,BACK,Keys to P44 A,2.To leave quietly3.To move towards4.Types of edible fruits5.Types o

28、f edible sea creatures6.Holding tightly7.Measuring time by some man-made devices8.A maek left into or onto something,Sentence Fragments,A simple complete sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.A fragment sentence is an incomplete sentence,which lacks a predicate,a subject,or both a subject a

29、nd a predicate.It is a section of a sentence and has no meaning when standing alone;for example,a subordinate or dependent clause.,1.Missing subject Example:(a)Went to Paris last week.Correction:(a)He went to Paris last week.2.Missing predicate Example:(a)That young man.(b)John hit by a bus.(Partici

30、ple Phrase Fragment)Correction:(a)That young man is jumping off the bridge.(b)John was hit by a bus./John,hit by a bus,did not survive./John,who was hit by a bus,did notsurvive.,3.Missing subject and predicate:Example:(a)Unbelievably heavy.(b)Traveling to Paris.Tom was able to find peace in his life

31、.(Participle Phrase Fragment)Correction:(a)It is unbelievably heavy to carry a bag of sand.(b)Traveling to Paris,Tom was able to find peace in his life.,4.A subordinate or dependent clause:Example:(a)He did not go to work.Because he is sick.(Subordinate Clause Fragment)(b)Although he is such a talen

32、ted player.(c)To prepare for his speech.(Infinitive Phrase Fragment)(d)Yesterday,I saw John.My high school classmate.(Appositive Fragment)Correction:(a)He did not go to work,because he is sick.(b)Although he is such a talented player,he lacks the patience to finish a game.(c)To prepare for his speec

33、h,he has gone through several sleepless nights.(d)Yesterday,I saw John,my high school classmates.,BACK,Comment and viewpoint adverbs add information about the speakers opinion of events.They do not usually give information about how something happened.Comment&viewpoint adverbs often modify the compl

34、ete sentence,not just the verb.Comment adverbs usually go at the beginning of a sentence or clause.They can also be placed after the subject,or at the end of the sentence/clause.,Comment&Viewpoint Adverbs,Translate the following sentences with proper comment adverbs.,1、幸运的是现场有一位医生。Luckily there was

35、a doctor on the spot.2、很清楚地,Paul根本不知道自己在做什么。Paul,clearly,had no idea what he was doing.3、当然,所有这些行动都是违反法律的。Naturally,all these actions are against the law.4、我个人最喜欢蓝色。Personally,I like blue best.5、他一向是来得很晚,然后又总说他得早走。Typically,he would come in late and then say that he had to go early.,BACK,run-on sentence:an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction,


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