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1、,Feel Free to Inquire,Unit 2,Homework,Culture Tips,Warm-up,Watch the video.What do you think of the man?,2.Quiz:Are you curious?Give yourself two points for each a response,one point for each b,and zero points for each c.,Warm-up,Warm-up,One lazy Sunday afternoon,a man youve never met before arrives

2、 at your front door and claims to be your real father.What do you say to him?“What?!This is crazy!Are you joking?Youve got some explaining to do!”“O.K.,Ill be your kidfor now.I may want to ask you about this down the line.”“Whatever.Just tell me what my new last name and inherited health risks are.”

3、,Warm-up,2.Its late at night,and theres a ruckus downstairs.What do you do?Quietly get out of bed,grab a flashlight and a baseball bat,and tiptoe onto the landing to get a better look.b.Sit up in bed.Listen for a very obvious sign of trouble such as a pirate chantey.Call out a“Hello?”Dont bother to

4、try twice.c.Although its not raining out,just pretend its thunder that said,“Two hands with the stereo,dumbass!Two hands!”,Warm-up,3.“Hello.Im calling with your test results.”“Oh God,this is it.I havent slept in three weeks.Okay,doc,break the news to me.”b.“Great,great.Listen,could you just e-mail t

5、hose when you get a quick sec?Im actually on the other line with some guy whos got the wrong number.”c.“I dont know,just give them to charity.”,Warm-up,4.Just before bed,your spouse tells you that she has a secret to reveal,something involving herself,sex,one of your brothers,emptying your bank acco

6、unt,and framing you for a warehouse fire.What do you say?“My God!Dont just sit there,spill it!”b.“Boy,that sounds like a lot of info.Could you just give me,like,an executive summary or something?”c.“Honey,Jimmy Kimmels trying to do his monologue,okay?”,Warm-up,5.Aliens have landed on your street.“Al

7、iens!What do they want?”b.“Aliens.What do they want,a medal?”c.“Wake me when the probing begins in earnest.”,Warm-up,6.Youre waiting at the bus stop.A man in a bunny suit staggers toward you and collapses at your feet.Crossbow bolts are lodged in his back,and with his last,blood-flecked breath he pr

8、esents you with a package that has your name on it.What do you do?Gasp.Wait for the shock to subside,then cautiously open the package for which this man/animal has surrendered his life.b.Shrug.Open the package once youve finished reading the newspapers list of celebrity birthdays.c.Yawn.Nudge the bo

9、x with the tip of your shoe.If it somehow doesnt feel like anything good or whatever,toss it.,Warm-up,7.“Would you like to play 20 Questions?”“Love to!Animal,vegetable,or mineral?”b.“Is it an octopus?Either way,Im done guessing.”c.“Hey quizmaster,how about you just go fuck yourself?”,Your Curiosity

10、Quotient revealed:1516 Super Sleuth:You probably spend a dozen hours a week in your neighbors garbage.1114 Gossip Monger:There is no coworker tragedy not worth knowing or disseminating or exacerbating.610 Infophobe:All you really need to know youve avoided since kindergarten.05 Fundamentalist or Roc

11、k:Youre a lot like a fundamentalist or a rock.,Warm-up,BACK,Reading,Task 1 Pre-reading Activities,Task 2 Reading Comprehension,Task 3 After-reading Activities,Pre-reading Activities,1.Did you ever have a“big”problem and finally manage to solve it successfully?Share the experience with your partners.

12、,Before you read the article,discuss thefollowing questions with your partner.,2.Are you happy with the present life?Have you ever thought about the future?What if you lose all your advantages?,BACK,Reading Comprehension,The Inquisitive Fish,1 At the bottom of an overgrown and neglected garden there

13、 was a large and beautiful pool.The pool was home to a very lot of rather fat and self-important fish and one tiny little golden fish.2 The big fat fish gobbled up all the worms and enjoyed the shade of the lily leaves,which left the poor little golden fish with very little to eat and nowhere to esc

14、ape the hot sun.As he couldnt spend his time lazing around like the other fish,he had to do a lot of serious thinking to keep himself from being sad.So he explored every corner of the pool,until he knew exactly how many tiles there were,the names of all the weeds,and which lily was going to open nex

15、t.,Reading Comprehension,3 The fat fish got greedier and fatter,and the little golden fish got thinner and lonelier,until one day,when he was swimming past the grating,he knew that he was thin enough to squeeze between the bars.It was quite a struggle getting through the grating and he lost quite a

16、few scales in the process,but at last he was free.He swam down a long water-channel until he got to a winding stream.Then he swam until he reached a great river,and he kept right on swimming(with short rests,of course)until he came to the sea.There he discovered lots of things that were very beautif

17、ul(and very frightening),and many other things that were quite beyond his comprehension.,Reading Comprehension,4 Once he saw a fish so big that it could have drunk the whole pool for breakfast and still remained thirsty.Then the little golden fish found a beautiful coral palace in the clear,green de

18、pths of the sea;and lovely little fish with shining blue and silver spots brought him the most juicy fat worms on mother-of-pearl plates.He enjoyed it all so much he might have stayed there forever;but he wanted to return to his own home pool and tell the big fat fish all the exciting things they we

19、re missing.So he left the sea and swam back up the river.On the way he had many more adventures,both beautiful and frightening,but there simply isnt time to tell you all about them.And so he swam up the long river and along the winding stream;and on up the water-channel,until he came back to the gra

20、ting,but now he was so thin from all his adventures,that he slipped through it without losing a single golden scale.,Reading Comprehension,5 He thought everyone would be really surprised to see him again after his long absence,but none of the fat fish had even noticed he had been away.He swam right

21、up to the nose of the fattest and greediest fish in the whole pool,and said:“Stop stuffing your face and blowing bubbles and listen to me,you fat and foolish fish!I have come to tell you about all the amazing things that happened to me on the other side of the grating;and I shall teach you how to gr

22、ow thin,too,so that you can make the same journey and become as wise as I am.”,Reading Comprehension,6 The fat fish,who was truly enormous,swam lazily toward the grating,and when he saw that the bars were so close together that not even his smallest fin could slip between them,he blew a stream of an

23、gry bubbles and turned scornfully on the little golden fish,saying:7“Silly little minnow!How dare you disturb my lunch with your foolish fancies?I am much older and wiser than you,for I am the king of all the fish in this pool!How could you have got through the grating when I cant even put my smalle

24、st fin through it?”,Reading Comprehension,8 With an insulting flick of his enormous tail,the big,fat greedy fish swam back to the shadows under the lily leaves to finish his lunch.The little golden fish was very sad that nobody would listen to him;so he slipped quietly away through the grating and s

25、wam back out towards the sea.9 Quite soon afterwards there was a drought,and the water-channel ran dry;and no more water gushed into the pool.The water level in the pool got lower and lower,and the big,fat fish got more and more frightened,until the day came when they lay gasping in the mud at the b

26、ottom of the pool.And then they died.But the little golden fish,whose inquisitiveness had led him through the grating,was living very,very happily in the beautiful coral palace under the sea.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,Words and Expressions,1.inquisitive adj.interested in a lot of different things a

27、nd wanting to find out more about them 好奇的 e.g.-Whats that youre hiding?-dont be so inquisitive!,BACK,Reading Comprehension,2.overgrown adj.covered with plants that have grown in an uncontrolled way 长满(野生植物等)的 e.g.The wall is completely overgrown with ivy.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,3.neglect v.to g

28、ive no or not enough care or attention to(somebody/something)疏忽,忽略 e.g.He is always busy working and he totally neglects his health.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,4.self-important adj.thinking that one is much more important than one really is 妄自尊大的,高傲的 e.g.He was one of those self-important little off

29、icials who made everyone call him“Sir”.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,5.gobble v.eat something fast,noisily and greedily(leaving nothing behind)狼吞虎咽(一点不剩)e.g.With a little time to go,he gobbled all his food down in a hurry.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,6.greedy adj.full of a strong desire to have a lot o

30、f something,especially food,money or power,often in a way that is selfish or unfair to other people贪吃的,贪婪的 e.g.The cat is looking at the fish with greedy eyes.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,7.juicy adj.containing a lot of juice 多汁的 e.g.Fresh juicy oranges are my favorite.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,8.s

31、tuff v.fill sb./oneself with food;eat greedily 让某人/自己吃饱;狼吞虎咽的吃 e.g.He sat stuffing himself with biscuits.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,9.scornfully adv.the feeling that someone or something is stupid or does not deserve respect 轻蔑地,藐视地 e.g.Glancing at the beggar scornfully,the salesgirl told him that

32、the jacket was very expensive.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,10.drought n.a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water 干旱,旱灾 e.g.Northern China suffered from a severe drought this spring.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,11.gasp v.to breathe quickly,especially with difficulty,making a noise 急促

33、地呼吸,吃力地喘气 e.g.The exhausted basketball players were gasping for air.,BACK,Reading Comprehension,好奇的鱼,1 在一个人迹罕至、杂草丛生的花园最深处有一片宽阔而美丽的池塘。这里生长着许多肥大而又自命不凡的鱼和一条小金鱼。2 大肥鱼们狼吞虎咽,把池塘里的小虫子吃个精光,在百合叶子撑起的阴凉下嬉戏,而可怜的小金鱼却没有什么可吃的,也无处躲避烈日的曝晒。正因为不能像其他鱼一样到处游玩,它不得不认真思考很多问题来使自己不感到悲伤。它游遍了池塘的每一个角落,知道池塘里一共有多少块瓦砾,了解所有水草的名字,对哪一

34、朵百合花即将开放也了如指掌。,BACK,Reading Comprehension,3 大肥鱼们越来越贪婪,也越来越肥;而小金鱼却越来越瘦,越来越孤单。直到有一天,当它从栅栏边游过时,它觉得自己瘦得能够从两个栏杆之间挤出去。小金鱼费了很大劲,还掉了好几片鱼鳞,终于穿过了栅栏,获得了自由。它沿着一条长长的水渠游下去,游到了一处蜿蜒的小溪。接着小金鱼继续往前游,它游进了一条大河,从那里它又继续往前游(当然也做短暂休息),终于游到了大海。在大海中小金鱼发现了很多非常漂亮(也非常恐怖)的东西,还有一些东西它根本就不知道是怎么回事。,BACK,Reading Comprehension,4 有一次它见到


36、竟然连一片鱼鳞都没有掉!,BACK,Reading Comprehension,5 小金鱼本以为自己出走这么长时间之后又重新出现,大家见到它肯定会非常吃惊。但没有一条肥鱼发现它曾经离开过。它游到那条最肥最贪婪的鱼的鼻子尖上说道:“你这条又肥又傻的鱼,别在这儿闷着头吃饭吹泡泡了,听我说,我来告诉你我在栅栏外边经历的事情,可神奇了!我还要告诉你们怎么减肥,这样的话你们也能到栅栏外边去转一转,然后变得跟我一样聪明了。”,BACK,Reading Comprehension,6 这条鱼的确相当肥硕,它慢慢悠悠地朝栅栏游去。栏杆之间的空隙太小了,连它最小的鳍都通不过。大肥鱼气得吐出一串泡泡,非常不屑地朝

37、小金鱼瞥了一眼说道:7“傻瓜小鱼,还胆敢用你这呆子的妄想来打扰我吃午饭?我比你年长也比你聪明。在这个池塘里,我是你们所有鱼的国王!这个栅栏我连自己最小的鳍都伸不过去,你怎么可能通过呢?”,BACK,Reading Comprehension,8 那条肥大而又贪婪的鱼轻蔑地摇了摇尾巴,游回到百合叶下的阴凉处去吃午餐了。没有人肯听它的,小金鱼非常伤心。于是它悄悄地游出栅栏,游回了大海。9 不久之后,发生了一次旱灾,水渠里的水干了,池塘的水源断了。池子里的水位越来越低,大肥鱼们也越来越怕。当水位降到一定程度时,它们只能躺在池底的烂泥里大口大口地喘着粗气。最后,它们都死了。而那条小金鱼却凭着好奇心游出

38、了栅栏,现在正非常开心地居住在海底那座漂亮的珊瑚宫殿里呢。,BACK,After-reading Activities,1.Why did the little golden fish find a better life while all the big,fat fish die at last?,Discuss the following questions in groups.,2.What moral lesson can you learn from this story?,BACK,VS,Language in Use,Task 1 Grammar Development,Tas

39、k 2 Vocabulary Building,Grammar Development,一、“so.that.”句型的意思是“如此/这么以 致于”,常引导结果状语从句。”So.that.”句型中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形 容词或副词。常用句型为:,So that&so that,A.so+形容词(表语)+that从句。例如:It was so cold outside that we had to stop the game.B.so+形容词+a(n)+单数名词+that从句。例如:She made so good a meal that we all ate far too much.,G

40、rammar Development,C.so+副词+that从句。例如:Tom ran so fast that he won the first place.D.so+many/much/few/little+名词+that从句。例如:I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over.,Grammar Development,二、“such.that.”句型和“So that”句型可 以互换,都表示“如此以致于”。但 such是形容词,常常用来修饰名词。常用句型 有:,A.such+a(n)+形容词+单数名词+that从句

41、。例如:This is such a good book that all of us like it very much.B.such+形容词+复数名词+that从句。例如:He had such long arms that he could almost touch his knees.,Grammar Development,C.such+(形容词)+不可数名词+that从句,例如:The book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it.D.one(no,any,all,many,some,se

42、veral,等)+such+可数名词+that从句。例如:There are many such good books that I cant decide which one to choose.,Grammar Development,三、so与that也可连起来写,即变成:“.So that.”(以便/为了),引导目的状语从句。例如:1.I got up early so that I could catch the early bus.2.Please open the window so that we can breathe fresh air.3.You must go now

43、so that you wont be late.,BACK,Vocabulary Building,Compound words,Compounding is one of the important kinds of word formation.A compound word is made up of two or more words that together express a single idea.,_+_=_,word,word,new word,cow,Vocabulary Building,girl,+,cowgirl,rain,Vocabulary Building,

44、bow,+,rainbow,An open compound consists of two or more words written separately,such as salad dressing,income tax,or April Fools Day.2.A hyphenated compound has words connected by a hyphen,such as bullet-proof,mother-in-law,or part-time.3.A solid compound consists of two words that are written as on

45、e word,such as pickpocket,keyboard,or typewriter.,Vocabulary Building,There are three types of compounds.,Vocabulary Building,Exercise:Match the words in column A with the words in column B to form compound words.,outairpostbasebroadwatertakecolor,ballawaycastlineblindputpoolcard,A,B,BACK,Project,Ar

46、e you an inquisitive person?,Project,Step 1 Walk around in the classroom and interview five classmates.Ask them whether they are an inquisitive person and what they are most curious about.Take notes while you are doing the interview.,Project,Step 2 Write a report according to the information you get

47、 from the interviews.Analyse why they are curious and inquisitive about certain things.,Project,Step 3 Form groups of four and exchange your thoughts about the results of the interviews.Collect the results within groups and prepare a presentation for the class.,Project,Step 4 Each group presents the

48、 results to the whole class.Group members should also talk about what they have learned from this interview project.,BACK,Culture Tips,CuriosityKilled the Cat,Culture Tips,Curiosity killed the cat is a proverb used to warn against being too curious lest one comes to harm.,Culture Tips,Curiosity Kill

49、ed the Cat were a British pop band that found success in the UK Singles Chart in the late 1980s and early 1990s.They played soulful,jazzy,and funky pop music.,Culture Tips,Curiosity Kills the Cat(好奇害死猫)is a 2006 Chinese thriller film directed by Zhang Yibai.It stars Hu Jun,Liao Fan,as well as vetera

50、n Hong Kong actress Carina Lau.,Culture Tips,Mr.CuriosityJason Mraz,Hey Mr.Curiosity Is it true what theyve been saying about you Are you killing me You took care of the cat already And for those who think its heavy Is it the truth Or is it only gossip Call it mystery or anything Just as long as you


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