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1、A General Survey of English Vocabulary,Textbook:张韵斐 主编现代英语词汇学概论(An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology)北京:北京师范大学出版社,2004.Reference books:张维友 English Lexicology 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.Matthews,P.H.Morphology(2nd Ed.).Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.1991.Requirements:Preview and

2、 reviewHandouts(,password:123456a)Assessment:Presentation(30%)Final closed-book examination(70%),English lexicology:English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents,their semantic structures,relations,historical development,form

3、ation and usages.Topics to be discussed in English lexicology:A General Survey of English VocabularyMorphological Structure of English WordsWord-formationWord Meaning and Semantic FeaturesPolysemy and HomonymySense Relations Between WordsMeaning and ContextChanges in Word MeaningEnglish IdiomsAmeric

4、an EnglishEnglish Dictionaries and How to Use Them,A Historical Review of the English Vocabulary,Old English(4491100):Languages spoken in Britain:The Celtic:language of the Celts,the first people known to inhabit England,e.g.London,Themes,etc.Latin:In 5554 B.C.,the Latin-speaking Romans invaded the

5、British Isles and were to occupy the land until about 410.At the end of the 6th century Roman missionaries came to spread Christianity,e.g.candle,priest,pope,temple,etc.Anglo-Saxon(Old English):language of the Germanic tribes,Angles,Saxon and Jutes,who invaded England in 450.,Features of Old English

6、:Old English contained some 50 to 60 thousand words.Old English was a mixture of Anglo-Saxon,Old Norse(the Scandinavian language in its very early stage,as a result of the Scandinavian conquest of England in the 9th century)and Latin.Old English was a highly inflected language.Nouns,pronouns,adjecti

7、ves,verbs and adverbs had complex endings or vowel changes marking distinction of number,case and of gender.,(OE)He cw.Solice sum man hfde twegen suna.12 a cw se gingra to hys fder syle me mynne dl mynre hte.e me to gebyre.a dlde he hym hys hta.13 a fter feawa dagum ealle hys yng gegaderode se gingr

8、a sunu 7 ferde wrclice on feorlen ryce.7 r forspylde hys hta lybbende on hys glsan.(WW)He quoth(spoke).soothly(truly)some(a certain)man had two sons.12 then quoth the younger to his father.father sell(give)me my deal(part)of my property.that me to belongs.then dealed(gave)he him his property.13 then

9、 after few days all his things gathered the younger son&fared abroad in far-off country.&there spilled(wasted)his property living in his luxury.,Middle English(11001500):Languages spoken in Britain:French as well as English:Following Norman Conquest in 1066,the French-speaking Normans became the rul

10、ing class.English:towards the end of the 15th centuryFeatures of Middle English:Middle English was characterized by the strong influence of French.It showed vast and significant changes in the vocabularythe loss of a large part of the Old English word-stock and the adoption of thousands of French wo

11、rds,e.g.government,state,robe,beauty,poet,chapter,beef,mutton,pork,dinner,bacon,fry,roast.Middle English retains much fewer inflections.Endings of verbs,nouns and adjectives marking distinction of number,case and of gender lost their distinctive forms.,(ME)And he seide,A man hadde twei sones:12 and

12、the onger of hem seide to the fadir.Fadir.yue me the porcioun of catel.that fallith to me.And he departide to hem the catel.13 And not aftir many daies.whanne alle thingis weren gederid togider,the onger sone wente forth in pilgrymage in to a fer countre;and there he wastide hise goodis in lyuynge l

13、echerously.,Modern English(15001700:Early;1700the present:Late):Sources of the new words:Latin and Greek(Renainssance):Latin(scientific and abstract words),chemist,scientific,vacuum,theory,education,exist;Greek(literary,technical and scientific words),drama,comedy,tragedy,physicsRomance languages(Fr

14、ench,Italian,Spanish,Portuguese,Rumanian and others developed from Latin 罗曼语;拉丁语系诸语言):French,caf;Italian,concert,piano,balcony;Spanish,cargo,cigar,cocoa;Portuguese,pagoda Other European languages:German,nickel,zinc;Dutch,freight;Russian,vodka,tsarNon-European languages:Australian,boomerang,kangaroo;

15、Arabic,sugar,alcohol;Chinese,loquat;Japanese,kimono;African,zebra,(EMne)And he said.A certaine man had tvvo sonnes:12 and the yonger of them said to his father,Father,giue me the portion of substance that belongeth to me.And he deuided vnto them the substance.13 And not many daies after the yonger s

16、onne gathering al his things together vvent from home into a farre countrie:and there he vvasted his substance,liuing riotously.,Present-day English(esp.after World War II):Marked progress of science and technology:Words used in connection with the nuclear bomb:reaction,radioactivity,fall-out,chain

17、reactionWords from space science:countdown,space suit,spacemen,moon walkWords connected with computer science:software,hardware,input,output,process,programmingWords in biology and chemistry:green revolution,astrochemistry(the study of the chemical composition of heavenly bodies and the regions of o

18、uter space)Words in medicine:open heart surgery(心内直视手术),Socio-economic,political and cultural changes:New social habits,new living conditions and new domestic habits:credit card,fast food,TV dinner,microwave oven,supermarketIncrease in drug addiction:soft drug,headshopWomens liberation movement:chai

19、rwoman,spokeswoman,Ms,s/he The struggle of the black people:sit-in,swim-in,black studiesChanges in education:open classroom(an informal flexible system of elementary education in which open discussions and individualized activities replace the traditional subject);open university(teaching mainly by broadcasting and correspondence)New entertainment:call-in,hard rock,discoThe influence of other cultures and languages:sputnik,stir frying,kungfu,dojo,


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