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1、药品英文说明书,进口药英文说明书的结构简介,英文表达方式:Instructions,Directions,Description;现在多用:Package Insert,Insert,Leeflet,Data Sheets,多数英文说明书都包括以下内容:药品名称(Drug Names)性状(Description)药理作用(Pharmacological Actions)适应症(Indications)禁忌证(Contraindications)用量与用法(Dosage and Administration)不良反应(Adverse Reactions)注意事项(Precautions)包装(

2、Package)贮存(Storage)其他项目(Others),第一节药品名称(Drug Names),商品名(Trade Name或 Proprietary Name)通用名(Generic Name)化学名(Chemical Name)e.g.日本田边有限公司生产的熊去氧胆酸片商品名:Ursosan(Tablets)通用名:Ursodesoxycholic Acid(熊去氧胆酸)化学名:3,7-dihydroxy-5-Cholanoic acid(3,7-二羟基-5-胆烷酸),药品说明书中的标题药名用其商品名。有时在其右上角(或左上角)有一(R)标记,e.g.ADRIBLASTNA(R)(

3、阿霉素)“R”是Register(注册)的缩写,(R)表示该产品已经本国的有关部门核准取得了此项专用的注册商标(Registered Trade Mark)。,药品名称的翻译可采用音译(Tamoxitn它莫西芬)、意译(Tetracyline四环素)、音意合译(Medemycin麦迪霉素)及谐音译意(Doriden多睡丹)等方法。为了统一药品名称的译名,卫生部药典委员会已拟定出原料药和辅料命名原则,并刊行了药名词汇一书,可供翻译英文药品名称时参考,第二节 性状(Description),还可能有其他的表示法,如:Chemical Structure 化学结构 Composition 成分Phy

4、sical and Chemical Properties 理化性质本项中常见的句型Folic acid is a yellowish to orange,crystalline powder;odourless or almost odourless.叶酸是淡黄色至橙色结晶粉沫,无臭或几乎无臭。Ursosan Tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.熊去氧胆酸片为白色素片,每片含50mg熊去氧胆酸。,本项中常用的词语1、表示组成、制备的词及短语,如:be derived

5、from 由衍生;consist of 由组成;be obtained 制得;contain 含有;be prepared from 由制备;have(possess)有(具有)2、表示性质的一些词类,如:color 颜色;taste 味道;odor 气味;molecular formular 分子式;odorless 无臭的;stable 稳定的;soluble 可溶的;insoluble 不溶的;colorless 无色的;tasteless 无味的;sterile 无菌的;molecular weight 分子量;structure 结构;solubility 溶解度 derivativ

6、e 衍生物;solution 溶液;injection 注射剂;tablets 片剂;crystalline 结晶的;powder 粉沫;liquid 液体;solid 固体,第三节 药理作用(Pharmacological Actions),包括药理作用、临床药理(Clinical Pharmacology)体外试验(in vitro experiments)药物代谢(Metabolism)药效(Potency)及毒性(Toxicity)等。这一项常用的标题是:Pharmacological Action 药理作用Pharmacological Properties 药理性质 Pharmac

7、ology 药理学Clinical Pharmacology 临床药理,其他的表示方法还有:Actions 作用Actions and Properties 作用与性质Clinical Effect(Use)临床效果(用途)Mechanism of Action 作用机理Mode of Action 作用方式 如果药品是一种抗生素,可能出现:Biological Action 生物活性 Microbiology 微生物学,例句 Mean peak serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes a

8、fter intramuscular administration.肌注后约3050分钟之间妥布毒素的平均血药浓度达到高峰。,常用词及短语举例,1、动词 absorb 吸收act 作用accumulate 积蓄administrate 投药 cause 引起demonstrate 显示exert(action on)起作用exhibit 显示inhibit 抑制excrete 排泄result in 导致 indicate 表明maintain 维持produce 产生protect(from)保护(不变)reach 达到show 显示,表明,treat 治疗metabolize 代谢prom

9、ote 促进prevent 阻止,预防tolerate 耐受2、形容词(be)active(effective)against 对有效的(be)related to 与有关的(be)sensitive to 对敏感的resistant to 有耐药性的 average 平均的minimum 最低(小)的maximum 最高(大)的normal 正常的,3、名词 ability 能力activity 活性distribution 分布excretion 排泄action 作用clearance 廓清率effect on 对的作用function 功能,作用half life 半衰期,in vit

10、ro 体外 kidney 肾mechanism 机理serum concentration 血清浓度tolerance 耐受性infection 感染in vivo 体内level 水平,浓度plasm lever 血浆浓度(水平)toxicity 毒性,第四节 适应症,Indications 适应症 Indications and Usage 适应症与用途Major(Principal)Indications 主要适应症 Uses 用途Action and Use 作用与用途,一、常见句型,1、不完全句结构仅列出疾病或微生物的名称例如:Angina pectoris,Prinzmetals

11、angina,hypertension心绞痛,变异性心绞痛,高血压。2、由For(或In等)引出的短语,例如:For prevention of the advance of cataract.用于预防白内障进展。In the treatment of all forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in association with other antitubercular drugs.与其他抗结核药配伍,治疗各种类型肺结核。,3、To+动词原形构成的短语,如:To protect the liver cell during administration of d

12、rugs hazardous to the liver在服用对肝脏有危害的药物期间,用以保护肝细胞。4、完整的句子结构或段落,有时结构很复杂:Amikacin is useful in the treatment of infections from Gramnegative sensitive species,there included the Pseudomonas species;it may also be useful to treat infections caused by sensitive staphylococci.阿米卡星可用于治疗革兰氏阳性敏感菌(其中包括假单孢菌)引

13、起的感染,也可用于治疗敏感葡萄球菌引起的感染。,二、本项中的常用词及短语举例,be active against 对有效be intended to 适用于be administared in 适用于be of value of 适用于be effective in(for,against)对有效be recommended for 推荐用于be employed to 用于be used to(for,as)用于be helpful in 用于be useful in 用于be indicated in(for)适用于for(in)the treatment(management)of 用于

14、治疗(控制),表示与“其他药物合用”的结构有:be associated within association withbe combined within combination withbe compatible within conjunction withconcomitant with together with,第五节 禁忌症(Contraindications),Restrictions on Use(用药限制)的。,一、本项中涉及到禁用(或慎用)某些药物的患者或某种特殊情况,例如:,1、孕妇、妊娠期或哺乳期,幼童等:pregnant woman 孕妇 lactation 哺乳期

15、 in pregnancy 妊娠期 children under years of age 岁以下儿童 the first trimester(3 months)of pregnancy 妊娠期的最初三个月2、患有某些疾病或过敏的患者,如:allergic(hypersensitive)to 对过敏的 allergic(anaphylactic)reaction 过敏反应 allegy(hypersensitivity)to 对过敏 patients with(who)患有的患者,二、本项中常出现一些疾病名称,例如:,cardiac failure 心力衰竭 hypertension 高血压

16、cardiac(renal)insufficiency 心(肾)功能不全 severe hypotension 严重低血压 impairment of kidney(renal function)肾功能损伤 diabetes 糖尿病 liver(hepatic)damage 肝损伤 severe anemia 严重贫血,三、常见句型,1)省略句型,只列出禁忌对象或疾病名称等。Hypersensitivity to quinoiones,severe renal insufficiency.对喹喏酮类过敏,严重肾功能不全。2)完整的句子或段落。其中常用的结构有:contraindications

17、 are 禁忌症是 be contraindicated in(for)对禁忌should not be used(employed)in 不得用于 It is advisable to avoid the use of 建议不用于must not be administered(given)to 对不得用药 should be used with caution 慎用be not recommended for 最好不用于 none reported 未见报道 not known 不清楚,四、Restrictions on use 中有时还有小标题,Contraindications 禁忌症

18、 Precautions(Note)注意事项Warning 警告 Pregnancy and Lactation 妊娠与哺乳,第六节 用量与用法,本项最常用的英语表示法有:Dosage and Administration 用(剂)量与用法Route of Administration 给药途径(用法)Administration 用法 Direction for Use 用法Method of(for)Administration 用法 Application and Dosage 用法与用(剂)量Mode of Application 用法 Dosage 用(剂)量How to Use 用

19、法 Posology 剂量学本项也是阅读的重点,读者必须正确理解本项内容中的给药对象、给药方式、剂量及剂量单位、给药时间等。,1、常用表示剂量的术语average dose 平均剂量 minimal(minimum)dose 最小有效量daily dose 日剂量(一日量)multiple dose 多剂量divided dose 分次剂量 overdose(overdose)过量fatal(lethal)dose 致死量 single dose 一次剂量 indicated dose 有效剂量,standard dose 标准(合适)剂量initial(beginning,starting)

20、dose 首次量 suggested(recommended)dose 推荐剂量maintenance dose 维持量 therapeutic dose 治疗剂量maximum dose 最大剂量(极量)usual(normal)dose 常用剂量,2、每日给药次数的表示方法daily(per day,a day,every day)每日every hours 每隔小时intervals of 每隔once(twice)daily(a day)每日一(二)次every other day 每隔一日three times a day(daily)每日三次three times a week 每

21、周三次once(twice)a week(weekly)每周一(二)次Divided into doses 分次in two or three divided doses 分为二或三次(个剂量),例1 Unless other wise prescribed by the physician,the average daily dose is 1 capsule 3 times daily.如果医生不另开处方,平均日剂量为每日3次、每次1个胶襄。例2 The suggested dose is 10 to 15 mg per kg body weight daily in 3-4 divide

22、d doses orally,taken with meals.日剂量最好每公斤体重10-15mg,分3-4次口服,与食物共服。例3 The initial dosage recommended is 1/2 tablet of Madopa 250 three times daily.开始剂量最好为每日3次,每次半片美多巴250。例4 Children:The usual dose is 50 to 100 mg/kg/day total,given in four equally divided and spaced doses.儿童:常用总剂量为每日50-100mg/kg体重,均分为四等

23、份,等间隔给药。,4、给药对象:最常见的用词有adolescents 青少年 infant 幼儿adult 成年人 male 男性baby(babies)婴儿 newborn baby(babies)新生儿children(child)儿童 patient 患者,病人debilitated patients 体弱患者 pediatric 儿科的elderly patient 老年患者 pregnant women 孕妇female 女性 senile patient 老年患者(病人),5、给药方式的表示法:intra-arterially 静脉内给药 by mouth(OS)口服intragl

24、uteally 臀肌内给药 by phleboclysis 静脉输液intramuscularly 肌内给药 by intramuscular(IM)injection 肌肉注射intraperitoneally 腹(膜)腔内给药 by intravenous(IV)injection 静脉注射intrapleurally 胸(膜)腔内给药 by the intraarticatar administration 关节内给药intrathecally 鞘内给药,5、给药方式的表示法(续):by the intramuscular administration(route)肌内给药intrave

25、nously 静脉内给药 by the intranasal route 鼻内给药locally 局部给药 orally 口服给药parenterally 肠道外给药 by the intraperitoneal administration 腹(膜)腔内给药subconjunctivally 结膜下给药 by the intravenous infusion(perfusion)静脉输注subcutaneously 皮下给药 sublingually 舌下给药,5、给药方式的表示法(续)submucously 粘膜下给药 by the intrathecal administration 鞘

26、内给药 by aerosol 喷雾给药 by the subligual administration 舌下给药 by drip phleboclysis 点滴静脉输液 per rectum 直肠给药 by enema 灌肠 per vaginum 阴道给药 by lumbar 腰椎给药 pro recto 直肠给药,6、表示“投药”的常用动词administer(或be administered,give,be given,indicate,be indicated)给药、投药use(或be used,employ,be employed)用药recommend(be recommended

27、,suggest,be suggested)推荐给药7、表示不同的用药方式的动词:take 服用 inhale 吸入 apply to 用于、涂于、敷于spray 喷雾 inject 注射 swallow 吞服,例句For adults give intramuscular injection of 400 to 600 mg per day in 2-3 divided doses.For infants give intramuscular injection of 10-20mg/kg per day in two divided doses.成年人:肌肉注射,每日400-600mg,分

28、2-3次注射;婴儿:肌肉注射,每日10-20mg/kg体重,分2次注射。The tablets(or the syrup)are to be taken during or after a meal with a little liquid.片剂(或糖浆)应于食间或饭后用少量液体送服。,8、其它的短语或句型,例如:according to 根据 be adjusted 调整 depend on 依据 adapt to 适合,修改 on the basis of 在基础上 vary fromto 变化范围由至,因而异range from to 变化范围由至 it is advisable to(

29、it is recommended to、it is suggested to)建议,第七节 不良反应,不良反应这一项中包括药物的副作用、症状及体征、毒性作用及耐受力、过敏反应、停药等。,1.“不良反应”:Adverse Reaction(s)不良反应 Unwanted(Untoward)Reaction(s)不良反应2“副作用”:Side-effect 副作用 Unwanted(Undesirable)Effects 副作用Side Reaction 副作用 By-effects 副作用,3.常见的毒副反应的症状及体征的词语很多:allergic(hypersensitive,anaphyl

30、actic)reaction 过敏反应allergy(hypersensitivity)过敏 dizziness 眩晕gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道 fever 发热local reaction 局部反应 flush 潮红skin reaction(s)皮肤反应 headache 头痛symptom(s)症状 nausea 恶心systematic 全身的 pruritus 瘙痒anorexia 厌食 rash 皮疹blood count 白细胞计数 spasm 痉挛blood pressure 血压 thirst 口渴coma 昏迷 tiredness 疲倦diarrh

31、ea 腹泻 vomiting 呕吐,4.“毒性”、“耐受性”:toxicity 毒性 tolerance(tolerability)耐受力,耐药性tolerate(toleration)耐受5.“停药”:abandon 停药 discontinue(discontinuance,discontinuation)停药,中断(治疗)cease(cessation)(stop)停药(停止治疗)dont use 勿使用(停药)suspend 停药terminate 停止,结束 withdraw(be withdrawn,withdrawal)停药,6.其他一些常见的基本词汇及短语:appear(dev

32、elop,happen,occur)出现(产生)acute 急性的 control(be controlled)控制chronic 慢性的 diminish(reduce,reduction)减少common 常见的 disappear 消失irreversible 不可逆的 encounter 遇到,见到mild 轻微的 give rise to 产生normal 正常的 include 包括rare(ly)罕见的(地)lead to 导致reversible 可逆的 manifest 表明,显示severe 严重的 observe(be observed)(被)观察到temporary 暂

33、时的 produce 产生transient 一过性的,短暂的 react to 对反应result from 由引起 be reported(被)报道result in 导致 cause(be caused by)(由)引起treat(treatment)治疗special care(caution)should be exercised 特别小心(注意),第八节 注意事项,包括:正确的剂量和用法,超过剂量时的应急措施,用药对象,可能出现的较严重的副作用及治疗方案,药物的配伍,药液的配制、使用及保管等方面的注意事项。,1.常用的英语表示法:Precaution(s)注意事项 Special

34、note(caution,precaution)特别注意Caution 注意事项 N.B.注意Note 注意 Warning 警告Important 重要事项 Important for the patients 患者须知,2.常见的检查项目:blood count 血细胞汁数 Kidney(renal)function 肾功能blood picture(hemogram)血象 Liver(hepatic)function 肝功blood level 血浓度 serum concentration 血清浓度blood pressure 血压 serum creatinine test 血清肌酸

35、酐检验clotting time 凝血时间 urine routine(examination)尿常规creatinine clearance 肌酸酐清除率,例句,Warnings and precautions:Ciprofloxacin should be used with caution in epileptics and patients with a history of CNS disorders and only if the benefits of treatment are considered to overweight the risk of possible CNS

36、side-effects.警告和注意事项:癫痫病人及有中枢神经系统病史的患者慎用环丙沙星,仅当认为疗效超过可能产生的中枢神经系统副作用的危险时才可使用。Ciprofloxacin could result in impairment of the patients ability to drive or operate machinery,particularly in conjunction with alcohol.环丙沙星能损害人们驾驶汽车或操纵机器的能力,尤其是在饮酒之后。,第九节 包 装(Pack,Package,Supply),1.“包装”常用的表示法:Pack(Packing(s

37、)包装 Supply(Supplied)包装 Package 包装 How Supplied 包装方式 Packing for Hospital 医院用包装 Method of Supply 包装方式 Package Quantitiess(Quantity)包装量 Presentation 包装 Hospital(Size)Packs 医院用包装 Availability 包装 Trade Packs(Packings)商品包装 Mode(Form)of Issue 包装,2 常见的包装单位(工具):ampoule 安瓿 carton 纸盒blister pack(package)铝塑包装(

38、水泡眼包装)pack 包blister strip 铝塑条状包装(水泡眼条包装)sheet 张bottle 瓶strip 条box 盒tube 管canister 罐vial 玻璃小瓶,3 药物的常见剂型:aerosol(spray,inhaler)气雾剂 ampoule 针剂capsules 胶囊 oral solution 口服液coated(-)tablets 包衣片 pill 丸剂cream 乳膏 powder 粉剂derm TTS 皮肤贴膏 retard capsules(tablets)缓释胶囊(片)sugar-coated pills 糖衣丸 scored-tablets 刻(划

39、)痕片drops 滴剂 solution 溶液剂emulsion 乳剂栓剂 sugar-coated tablets 糖衣片film-coated tablets 薄膜片,膜衣片 suppositories 栓剂granule 颗粒 suspension 悬浮剂,混悬剂injection 注射剂,针剂 sustained release tablets 恒(缓)释片liniment 搽剂 syrup 糖浆liquid 液剂 tablets 片剂ointment 软膏,4 本项的结构特点;内容结构简单,多为不完全句,或仅仅列出包装工具、剂型、装量等。Presentation 30 capsule

40、s.包装:30粒胶囊装。Packages:Box containing one 100 mg bottle包装:盒装,每盒1瓶,每瓶100 mg。Mode of issue Ceopran is issued in vials containing 250 mg,500 mg and 1 gram of cephaloridine.包装方式本品小瓶包装,内装 250mg、500mg及 1 g 头孢菌素II。Trade packs Trade packs containing 50 and 100 sugar coated tablets.商品包装 50 及 100 糖衣片包装。,第十节 贮存(

41、Storage),store(keep)in a cool and dry place 存于于阴凉干燥处 away from light 避光away from children 勿让儿童接触protect from light(heat)避光(热)out of(the)reach of children 勿让儿童触及prevent moisture 防潮,store medicines carefully.Keep away from children.注意保存勿让儿童接触。Stroe below 25 protecting from freezing and light.存于25以下,防冻

42、,避光。Validity and storage.The solution will keep for five years if stored at a temperature below+20.有效期及贮法:放置于20以下可保存5年。Storage instructions:Protect from heat and light.贮存方法;避光及防热贮存。To be stored in a dry place at a temperature not above 25.存于不高于25的干燥之处。,第十一节 其他项目,1、特点(Characteristics)2、性质(Properties)3、药代动力学(Pharmacokinetics)4、用药过量(Overdosage)5、相互作用(Interactions)6、有效期(Validity),


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