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1、连词,Produced by Zhang Yaling,概念,连词是一种虚词,它不能独立地担任句子成分,只是连接词与词、短语与短语以及句子与句子的作用。英语中连词只要分两类:并列与从属连词。并列连词:用来连接平行的词、短语或分句。从属连词:用来引导一个从句。,连词是用来连接词、词组和句子的虚词。分为并列连词和从属连词。并列连词连接两个分句,构成并列句。用从属连词引起两个分句,构成复合句。,并列连词:a.并列关系:and,as well as,eitherornot onlybut also,bothandneithernor.b.转折关系:but,yet,or.c.因果关系:for,so.d.

2、选择关系:or,eitheror.并列连词连接两个分句,构成并列句。,1.andNow stop blowing,and soon you will find the glass clear again.Ten minutes earlier,and we could have caught the last bus.,and 在此表示条件,等于 if you stop blowing now,you.If we came here ten minutes earlier,we,2.not onlybut also/as well asNot only the mother but also

3、the children are sick.The mother as well as the children is sick.,不但妈妈而且孩子也病了。,不但孩子们而且妈妈也病了。,连接主语时,强调的方面不同,谓语动词在人称、数上也要调整。,orThe elephant isnt like a wall,or a spear,or asnake,or a tree,neither is he like a fan.,在否定句中并列成分的列举通常用or来连接,不用and。,从属连词:用来连接各种从句。主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句连接词有:that,if,whether,as连接代词:who,

4、whom,whose,what which,whatever,whoever,whichever连接副词:when,where,why,how,wherever,whenever,从属连词:用来连接各种从句。2.状语从句引导时间状语从句连词有:as,when,while,till,notuntil,until,before,since,as soon as,hardly/scarcelywhen,no sooner.than,once,the moment,the minute that,by the time引导让步状语从句连词有:although,though,even if,even t

5、hough,no matter+who(what,when,how,where)或 whoever,whatever,wherever,however等as,though(要用倒装),从属连词:用来连接各种从句。2.状语从句引导原因状语从句连词有:because,as for,since,now that引导地点状语从句连词有:where,wherever引导目的状语从句连词有:so that,in order that引导结果状语从句连词有:sothat,suchthat引导方式状语从句连词有:as,as if(though)引导比较状语从句连词有:than,as引导条件状语从句连词有:if

6、,unless,so(as)long as,in case,once,as far as,on condition that,从属连词:用来连接各种从句。3.定语从句关系代词:who,whom,whose,which,that关系副词:when,where,why4.同位语从句同上(除 that 外),一.几组时间 状语从句1.till,notuntil,until,before,sinceDont get off the bus until it has stopped.He waited for his father until(till)it was twelveoclock.It wi

7、ll be five years before he returns fromEngland.,Observe the following sentences.till/until They played volleyball until(till)it got dark.They didnt talk until(till)the interpreter came.He didnt go to bed until(till)his father came back.,Till the last minute of the match we kept on playing.Till he fi

8、nished his work did he go home.We walked till the edge of the forest.,until 位于句首时,not 开头的从句中,不能用till。until/till只能用于时间。,改为as far as或to,F,几组时间 状语从句2.hardly/scarcelywhen,no soonerthan,once,as soon as,As soon as I have finished it,Ill give you a call.Once you show any face,he will attack you.We had hard

9、ly got into the country when it beganto rain.(Hardly had we got into),一就,几组时间 状语从句3.the moment,directly,immediately,the minute that,He made for the door directly he heard the knock.4.each time,every time,by the timeEach time he came to my city,he would call onme.,一就,Observe the following sentences.1

10、.while 是否可换为when?Please keep quiet while others are studying.A friend of yours came to see you while you were away.,可以。while=at the time that,during the time that谓语动词为持续性的动词。谓语一般为进行时,或状态动词的一般现在时。,Observe the following sentences.2.when 是否可换为while?When I went into the lab,the teacher was doing an expe

11、riment.He often makes mistakes when he is speaking English.,when 可指一段时间,也可指一点时间。引导的状语从句的谓语动词可是终止性的,也可是延续性的。主句和从句的谓语可以是一般时、进行时、完成时。,when 不等于 while,when=while,Observe the following sentences.3.as 是否可换为while,when?As I was walking down the street,I noticed a police car in front of number 37.,as 可与when,w

12、hile通用,但强调“一边一边”。,as=when,while,区别几组同义词连词:一.when,while,as“当时”*when+持续性V./+终止性V.e.g.He was doing his homework when I came in.*while+持续性动作,表示“在时”;表示对比“而”e.g.Strike while the iron is hot.I like tea while she likes coffee.*as+延续性动词-“当的时候”;“一边一边”e.g.I met her as I was coming home.(=when)She sang as she w

13、alked home.As he talked on he got more and more excited.,几组连词区别,She came up as I was cooking.The runners started as the gun went out.,It was raining when we arrived.When we were at school,we went to the library every day.,Please dont talk so loud while we are working.He feel asleep while/when readin

14、g.,和when/while通用,但它着重强调主句与从句的动作同时或几乎同时发生。,主句的动作或事情在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程中发生,从句中的动词一般要用延续性动词。,即可以表示在某一点的时候,又可以表示在某一段时间内,主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可以先后发生。,二.because(因为),since(既然),as(由于),for(因为)*“Why did you move there?”“_my father found a job there.”The man fainted(晕倒)_ he was tired and hungry.*_it is known to all,t

15、he earth moves round the sun.*_ you cant answer the question,perhaps wed better ask someone else.*The old lady doesnt go out in winter,_ she feels the cold a great deal.,Because,because,As,Since,for,几组连词区别,下列情况只能用because1 回答why问句时2 用于强调句型中3被 not 否定时,三.so that“以便,为了”(表示目的)=in order that so that“以致于,结

16、果”(表示结果)He got up early so that he could catch the first bus.He got up late so that he didnt catch the first bus.It was very cold,so that the water in the bowl froze.She took medicine on time so that she might get well soon.,“为了”,“结果”,“结果”,“为了”,sothat;suchthat“如此以致于”他是如此聪明的男孩,我们大家都喜欢他.He is _ a clev

17、er boy that all of us like him.她被吓坏了,以致哭了起来.She was _ frightened that she started crying.这是一个如此美丽的公园,以致人们喜欢在里面玩.It is _ beautiful a park that people enjoy playing in it.There is _ much ink in the bottle that you can use it.There are _ many texts in the book that we cant finish learning this term.,su

18、ch,so,so,so,so,小结:such+名词(词组)that so+形容词/副词 that,四.“尽管”although,though,ase.g.Although/Though it was cold,he went on working.-Cold as/though it was,he went on working.Although/Though he is a child,he knows a lot.-Child as/though he is,he knows a lot.Although/Though you read fast,you cant finish the b

19、ook in three days.-Fast as you read,you cant finish the book in three days.,小结:although/though 用于正常语序。as/though用于倒装语序,即将表语、状语、动词原形提前!,五.疑问词+ever和 no matter+疑问词的区别Whoever breaks the rule must be punished.You can choose whatever you like in shop.Whoever breaks the rule,he must be punished.Whatever you

20、 do,you must do it well.No matter what you do,you must do it well.no matter who breaks the rule,he must be punished.,疑问词+ever可引导名词性从句和让步状语从句no matter+疑问词只能引导让步状语从句。,六.if,whether“是否”She asked _ I took sugar in my tea.I dont care _it doesnt rain.=I dont care _ it rain or not._ he will come or not is u

21、nknown.They discussed_they should help her.We are considering _ to go.It is still a question _ they will finish the task in time.,if,whether/if,whether,Whether,whether,whether,whether,七.whether 和 if 的区别I dont care whether he will attend my birthday party or not.I dont care whether or not he will att

22、end my birthday party.2.I havent decided whether to leave or not.3.Whether they will go to the Great Wall is not known.,和not连用,whether可接不定式,引导主语从句,放在句首时,只能用whether,whether 和 if 的区别4.The question whether we will take part in the physics contest has not been decided.The question is whether we can fini

23、sh the task on time.5.It depends on whether you want to do it or not.,引导同位语从句、表语从句,通常用whether,whether可做介词的宾语从句的连接词,whether 和 if 的区别6.If you work hard,you are sure to succeed.7.I wonder if he can not do me a favor.He had no idea if he could not finish the task in time.,if可用来引导条件状语从句,从句用于否定结构时,必须用if,P

24、ractice:1.Hurry up,_ youll be late.2.Study hard,_ youll make progress.3.I had tried hard,_ I failed.4.I was going to jump into the river _ the guide called out to me.5.She could _ read German _ speak it well.,or,and,but,when,both,and,6.You may _ do it yourself _ leave it to me.7.I cant swim,_ can my

25、 sister.8.It must be raining,_ it is so dark outside.9.The problem was very hard,_,we worked it out in the end.,either,or,neither,for,otherwise,10.She had much difficulty in studying English,_we should give her more help.11.We have studied English for only a year,_ we can already act plays in Englis

26、h12._ he _ I am from the north.13.You can _ stay at school _Come to spend the holiday with us.,so,but,Not only,but also,either,or,14.I dont know him,_ do I know where he comes from.15.He was very tired,_ he kept on working.16.You may watch TV,_ only for half an hour or so.17.Come _ today _ tomorrow.

27、18.I was ill,and _ could not come.,nor,yet,but,either,or,therefore,as 引导让步,要用倒装Child as he is,he knows a lot.Much as I like it,I wont buy.Try as he would,he couldnt lift the heavy box.,A.when/When B.while/WhileC.as/As,1._ he comes tomorrow,I shall ask him where he has been.2._ he was speaking,everyb

28、ody listened carefully.3._ they picked tea,the girls sang happily.4.Have a good look at that man _ you pass him.5.It was already eight oclock _ we got home.6._ coal is burned,the chemical energy is turned into heat energy.7.He learned to speak German _ he was in Berlin.8.Henry is in charge of the office_ Mr.Smith is away.9.I was going out _a visitor came.10.Some people respect him _others are afraid of him.,A,B,C,C,A,A,B,A,A/B,B,


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