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1、It refers to a fight against“genetically modified food”(GMF)esp.between E.U.(the European Union)and U.S.(the United States),Lecturer:Xu Hongyan,Unit 3 Food Fight,Time,Mon.Sep.13,1999,II.Author,Jeffrey Kluger is a senior writer at Time magazine,covering science in general and the space program in par

2、ticular and author of several books on science topics including Splendid Solution:Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio;Simplexity;Journey Beyond Selene;and Lost Moon:The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13,which served as the basis of the 1995 movie,Apollo 13.,1.Genetically modified food(Franken food),Scie

3、ntists have rewoven the genes of countless fruits and vegetables,(to enhance desired traits)turning everyday crops into ber-crops able to resist frost,withstand herbicides and even produce their own pesticides.(Para.3)The crops created for human and animal consumption is called GM food.,Genetically

4、Modified Food(GMF)Food made by reweaving the genes of countless fruits and vegetables or by taking a gene from one plant or animal&putting it in another转基因食品 是利用现代分子生物技术,将某些生物的基因转移到其他物种中去,改造生物的遗传物质,使其在形状、营养品质、消费品质等方面向人们所需要的目标转变。以转基因生物为直接食品或为原料加工生产的食品就是“转基因食品”。,GM tomato produced by Monsanto Company

5、first appeared in America in 1994,The development of genetically modified food,2.GM crops around the world,The global distribution of GM food,Recently,China issued certificates for genetically modified rice Huahui number one and Bt Shanyou 63.,我国最近为转基因抗虫水稻“华恢1号”和“Bt汕优63”发放了安全证书。,Types of genetically

6、 modified crops,Sample GM products,mushroom?,we are fluorescentprotein fishes,fabulous?,Strange Invaders,3.Genetically modified foods(GMF),devil,or,angel,3.1 The advantages of GM food,1.They are more nutritious and much tastier.2.Remain fresh longer.3.They can help reduce world hunger.4.They have in

7、built pesticides and herbicides.5.They are more tolerant to extreme environment such as poor soil or adverse climates.6.GM crops are more productive(larger yield).(improve agricultural production)7.GM crops can save cost and labor of production.8.They could possibly eliminate allergy-causing propert

8、ies in some foods.,3.2 The disadvantages of GM food,1.GM technology is still in infancy and has not been tested thoroughly.2.There are a lot of potential dangers(such as potential allergic reactions and potential toxin)for human beings and animals.3.They may develop new diseases/new allergens/toxin4

9、.“Genetic pollution”destroyed the biodiversity may lead to extinction of individual species.5.May harm human growth and affect wildlife and its environment.6.The appearance of pesticide-resistant insects and herbicide-resistant plants.,4.Homework.,You are required to write a composition named My Vie

10、ws on GM Food by considering the following questions.1.What do you think of GM foods?2.Do you think GM foods is the answer to world hunger?3.Do you agree or disagree with the commercialization of GM foods?4.Is genetics engineering ethical?5.We must ask ourselves“Does humans have rights to“play god”a

11、nd to manipulate animals and plants genetically”?,A herbicide is a chemical that is used to destroy plants,especially weeds.,Pesticides are chemicals which farmers put on their crops to kill harmful insects.,fluorescent英fluresntadj.荧光的;发荧光的;(颜色、材料等)强烈反光的;发亮的 A fluorescent surface,substance,or colour

12、 has a very bright appearance when light is directed onto it,as if it is actually shining itself.protein英pruti:n adj.蛋白质的,Roundup,农达就是41%的草甘膦!农达(Roundup)41%水剂,是美国孟山都公司研制并全球性开发的一种非选择性、无残留的苗后除草剂,通过植物叶片和非木质化的茎杆吸收、传导到植物全株各部位,对多年生宿根性杂草,以及各种一年生和越年生的禾木科、莎草科和阔叶杂草、小灌木等,都有优异的防除效果。农达作为一种灭生性、内吸传导型的茎叶处理除草剂,可以在农作

13、物播种或移栽之前,直接喷雾于确定的作物区、非作物区和水域除草,也可以利用作物和杂草之间的高度差异、出土展叶期差异以及某些生物形态结构的差异,有选择地从作物中除去不同的杂草,Benelux,Benelux Benelux Economic Union(1948年签约成立的)比荷卢经济联盟Benelux Economic Union European Community European Union,Wall Street,Wall Street is the banking center of New York City and the financial centre of America.N

14、ew York Stock Exchange(纽约证券交易所)is situated on this street.The statue of the copper bull in front of the New York Stock Exchange symbolizes bull market.,III.Structure of the Text,Part I(para.1-2)protest against the McDonalds food in France and reasonsPart II(para.3-7)Popularity of GM food and causesP

15、art III(para.8-14)Bad effects of GM food&food fight between E.U.&U.S.Part IV(last para.)Conclusion:Consumers attitudes determine the popularity of the GM food,Food Fight,Unit 3,转基因食品,简介 转基因食品 转基因食品(Genetically Modified Foods,GMF)是指利用分子生物学手段,将某些生物的基因转移到其它生物物种上,使其出现原物种不具有的性状或产物,以转基因生物为原料加工生产的食品就是转基因食品


17、放到环境中,一旦出错,也难以补救。到目前为止,转基因食品在推出市场前都没有经过长远的安全评估,人类长期食用是否安全仍然成疑,而科学界对这些食品是否安全也没有共识。,进口转基因大豆:从港口采集到的进口转基因大豆,呈扁圆或椭圆、色泽暗黄,与国产大豆明显区别是豆脐呈黄褐色,俗称“黑脐豆”。,Whats your idea?,1.manure Noun mass noun animal dung used for fertilizing land粪肥any compost or artificial fertilizer 混合肥;化肥Verb with obj.(常作be manured)apply

18、manure to(land)(给土地)施肥the ground should be well dug and manured.这块地应该好好翻一翻而且多施些肥。,2.dump:verb with obj.deposit or dispose of(rubbish,waste,or unwanted material),typically in a careless or hurried way堆放,扔掉,倾倒(垃圾或废料等)trucks dumped 1,900 tons of refuse here.卡车在这里倾倒了1,900吨废物。put down or abandon(somethin

19、g)hurriedly in order to make an escape(为逃跑而)丢弃,扔掉the couple dumped the car and fled.这一对男女弃车而逃。put(something)down firmly or heavily and carelessly 猛地放下,沉重地扔下she dumped her knapsack on the floor.她将背包重重地往地板上一扔。(informal)abandon or desert(someone)(非正式)抛弃,遗弃,离开(某人)his girlfriend dumped him for being fat.

20、他的女朋友因为他太胖而抛弃了他。send(goods unsaleable in the home market)to a foreign market for sale at a low price(在国外)倾销these countries have been dumping cheap fertilizers on the UK market.这些国家一直在英国市场上倾销廉价化肥。,a site for depositing rubbish垃圾场usu.with modifiera place where a particular kind of waste,especially dan

21、gerous waste,is left(尤指有害物的)废料场a nuclear waste dump.核废料场,3.bland:adjectivelacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting 特点不鲜明的,枯燥乏味的rebelling against the bland uniformity.对那种刻板的千篇一律。(of food or drink)unseasoned,mild-tasting,or insipid(食品,饮料)未加调料的,清淡的,无味的(of a person or their

22、 behaviour)showing no strong emotion;dull and unremarkable(人或其行为)漠然的;平庸的;索然无味的his expression was bland and unreadable.他的表情漠然,叫人猜不透。,4.hegemony:mass noun leadership or dominance,especially by one state or social group over others(尤指一个国家或社会团体对别的国家或社会团体的)领导(权),支配(权),统治(权),霸权Germany was united under Pru

23、ssian hegemony after 1871.1871年后,在普鲁士人的统治下,德国统一了。,5.genteel:adjectivepolite,refined,or respectable,especially in an affected or ostentatious(夸耀的)way so as to appear upper class彬彬有礼的,优雅的(尤指假装斯文)6.nasty:highly unpleasant,especially to the senses;physically nauseating 令人作呕的;恶心的plastic bags burn with a

24、nasty,acrid smell.塑料袋燃烧时散发出令人恶心的辛辣味道。(of the weather)unpleasantly cold or wet(天气)湿冷的;极恶劣的its a nasty old night.这是个湿冷的鬼夜晚。repugnant to the mind;morally bad 烦人的,讨厌的;下流的,龌龊的her stories are very nasty,full of murder and violence.她的故事充斥了谋杀和暴力,让人厌恶。,(of a person or animal)behaving in an unpleasant or spit

25、eful way(人,动物)使人厌恶的;恶意的Harry was a nasty,-mouthed old devil.哈里是个令人厌恶、满嘴脏话的老魔鬼。when she confronted him he turned nasty.她一与他对抗,他就变得恶毒起来。annoying or unwelcome 恼人的;不受欢迎的life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.生活总是讨厌地重复。physically or mentally damaging or harmful(对身体或精神)有损伤(或有害)的;能伤身的;令人不快的a nasty,vici

26、ous-looking hatchet.一把看上去杀气腾腾、令人不快的短柄小斧。(of an injury,illness,or accident)having caused harm;severe(伤害、疾病或事故)厉害的;严重的a nasty bang on the head.砰地猛撞到脑袋。,How to make genetically engineered crops?7.clear:with obj.give official approval or authorization to 批准;授权I cleared him to return to his squadron.我批准他

27、回空军中队。get official approval for(something)获得批准,得到认可the press releases had to be cleared with the White House.新闻稿须经白宫批准公布。,About Monsanto,Monsanto was first established in 1901 and developed into a giant business enterprise over the past 100 years.Forty-three company scientists join the ranks of Mons

28、anto Fellows,expanding the scientific recognition program to include scientists from Monsantos Biotechnology,Breeding,Genomics,Molecular Breeding and Regulatory organizations.The total number of Science Fellows is now 70.,8.fallible:adjectivecapable of making mistakes or being erroneous可能出错的;易出错的exp

29、erts can be fallible.专家也可能出错。Infallible:incapable of making mistakes or being wrong不会犯错的,无误的doctors are not infallible.医生不是不会犯错的。,9.But many people question whether its a good idea for fallible human beings to go mucking about with the genes of other species.(但是,许多人提出疑问:让容易犯错的人类摆弄其他物种的基因是否是个好主意。)muc

30、k:(muck something up)(informal)mishandle a job or situation;spoil something(非正式)把搞砸,把弄糟she had mucked up her first few weeks at college.她进大学后头几个星期事情一团糟。Muck something about/around with:spoil something by interfering with it.耍弄;瞎弄 e.g.Someone has been mucking about with my bicycle.,10.wind up:informa

31、larrive or end up in a specified state,situation,or place抵达;(以某状态,情况或在某地)结束Kevin winds up in New York.凯文终于抵达纽约。11.as such:often with negativein the exact sense of the word 严格意义上的it is possible to stay overnight here although there is no guest house as such.虽然没有严格意义上的旅店,但还是有可能在这过一夜的。,12.tweak:with ob

32、j.twist or pull(something)sharply 扭,拧he tweaked the boys ear.他拧了男孩的耳朵。(informal)improve(a mechanism or system)by making fine adjustments to it(非正式)(通过微调)改进(机械,系统)engineers tweak the cars operating systems during the race.比赛期间,机械师对这辆车的操作系统进行了改进。nouna sharp twist or pull 扭,拧(informal)a fine adjustment

33、 to a mechanism or system(非正式)(机械,系统)改进,13.intimidate:verbfrighten or overawe(someone),especially in order to make them do what one wants(为使别人服从)恫吓,威吓,恐吓,威胁(他人)the forts are designed to intimidate the nationalist population.堡垒是为恫吓民族主义大众设置的。as adj.intimidating the intimidating defence barrister.咄咄逼人的

34、被告辩护律师。,14.While that may be,the fact remains that the U.S.Congress may address a labeling bill of its own later this year,and some private groups are threatening lawsuits to force the issue.(事情也许会是这样,但事实还是美国国会今年晚些时候会制定他们自己的商标法案,而一些私人团体正在威胁要诉诸法律迫使制定这 条法案。)Address:think about and begin to deal with a

35、n issue or problem.e.g.A fundamental problem has still to be addressed.,14.address:speak to(a person or an assembly),typically in a formal way(多指正式)对讲话,致词she addressed the open-air meeting.她在一露天集会上致词。(address someone as)name someone in the specified way when talking to them 称呼she addressed my father

36、 as Mr Stevens.他称我父亲为史蒂文斯先生。(address something to)say or write remarks or a protest to 诉说,书面提交address your complaints to the Trading Standards Board.向贸易标准委员会提交你的投诉。think about and begin to deal with(an issue or problem)考虑处理(问题)a fundamental problem has still to be addressed.还有一个基本问题要处理,15.The farmer

37、s in France are right,observes Dennis Democrat from Cleveland,Ohio,who stumbled across the GM-food issue this year,and is turning it into something of a cause.(俄亥俄州克利夫兰的丹尼丝德莫克利特说,“法国的农民是对的,没有什么比食物跟人类的关系更密切。”他今年碰到了转基因食物这件事,正把它当成一件事业来做。)Stumble across/on/upon:find or encounter by chance.e.g.A police h

38、ad stumbled across a gang of youths.,16.outcry:an exclamation or shout喊叫,呼号,呐喊an outcry of spontaneous passion.不由自主地发出的充满激情的呼喊。a strong expression of public disapproval or anger大声疾呼;强烈抗议强烈抗议反对(against);强烈要求(for)the public outcry over the bombing.公众对轰炸的强烈抗议。,17.portend:with obj.be a sign or warning t

39、hat(something,especially something momentous【重大的】or calamitous【灾难的】)is likely to happen预示(重大或灾难事件)可能发生the eclipses portend some major events.日食月食预示某些重大事件可能发生。,18.Monsanto,which produces the hugely popular herbicide Roundup,has made just as big a hit with its line of genetically modified crops that a

40、re immune to the Roundup poison(蒙生特公司生产了颇受大众欢迎的除草剂Roundup,他们的转基因作物的生产线也非常轰动。因为这种转基因作物对Roundup毒有免疫作用)Make a hit:be popular or successful e.g.You made a big hit with her.,19.provide(a service)给予,提供(服务)money serves as a reward for services rendered.钱用作对所提供的服务的一种报酬。give(help)援助Mrs Evans would render ass

41、istance to those she thought were in real need.埃文斯夫人愿意援助那些她认为确实需要帮助的人。submit or present for inspection or consideration(供审查,考虑)提交,呈报he would render income tax returns at the end of the year.他会在年末提交应纳所得税申报书。(poetic/literary)hand over(诗文)交出,献出he will render up his immortal soul.他将献出他那不灭的灵魂。deliver(a v

42、erdict or judgement)作出(裁决,宣判)the jurys finding amounted to the clearest verdict yet rendered upon the scandal.陪审团的裁决是迄今为止对这丑闻作出的最清楚的结论。with obj.and complement cause to be or become;make 使成为;使得the rains rendered his escape impossible.下雨使他无法逃跑。,20.scrap:(scrapped,scrapping)with obj.(常作 be scrapped)dis

43、card or remove from service(a redundant,old,or inoperative vehicle,vessel,or machine),especially so as to convert it to scrap metal丢掉;报废;废弃a bold decision was taken to scrap existing plant.作出了一个大胆的决定,报废现有的工厂。abolish or cancel(something,especially a plan,policy,or law)which is now regarded as unneces

44、sary,unwanted,or unsuitable废除;取消(计划,政策,法律)the chairman scrapped plans to buy the stadium himself.主席取消了亲自去购买体育场的计划。语源,noun.a small piece or amount of something,especially one that is left over after the greater part has been used碎片,小块;少量I scribbled her address on a scrap of paper.我在一小片纸上记下她的地址。scraps

45、 of information.零碎信息。(scraps)bits of uneaten food left after a meal,especially when fed to animals剩饭菜;泔脚he filled Sammys bowls with fresh water and scraps.他把萨米的碗装满清水和剩饭剩菜。,strain:a breed,stock,or variety of an animal or plant developed by breeding(动、植物的)系,品系;品种,种类a natural or cultured variety of a m

46、icro-organism with a distinct form,biochemistry,or virulence(微生物的)(菌)株,(菌)系;品种;类型a particular tendency as part of a persons character品质,气质;生性,生性特点there was a powerful strain of insanity on her mothers side of the family.在她母亲的家族方面有很强的精神病遗传特性。a variety of a particular abstract thing(抽象东西的)种,类,类型a stra

47、in of feminist thought.一种女权主义的思想。,Verb with obj.force(a part of ones body or oneself)to make a strenuous or unusually great effort竭尽全力,使(身体部位)充分发挥功能I stopped and listened,straining my ears for any sound.我停下来听,竖起耳朵倾听任何的声响。injure(a limb,muscle,or organ)by overexerting it or twisting it awkwardly(因过劳而)

48、扭伤,损伤(四肢,肌肉,器官)on cold days you are more likely to strain a muscle.在寒冷的日子更容易拉伤肌肉。no obj.make a strenuous and continuous effort尽力,努力,使劲his voice was so quiet that I had to strain to hear it.,21.jumpy:(jumpier,jumpiest)(informal)(of a person)anxious and uneasy(非正式)(人)焦虑不安的,胆战心惊的he was tired and jumpy.

49、他疲惫不堪,焦虑不安。characterized by abrupt stops and starts or an irregular course跳动的 a jumpy pulse.,22.contaminate verbwith obj.(常作be contaminated)make(something)impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance使不纯;污染;弄脏;毒害the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity(核辐射).发现

50、此地受放射性污染。the entertainment industry is able to contaminate the mind of the public.娱乐业能毒害公众的思想。as adj.contaminated contaminated blood products.受污染的血液制品。,23.fussy:(fussier,fussiest)(of a person)fastidious about ones needs or requirements;hard to please(人)爱挑剔的;难取悦的he is very fussy about what he eats.他对


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