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1、,Implication of Animal Terms,Implication of Animal Terms,Talking about cultural connotations,one will first think of images represented by animals,Implication of Animal Terms,英汉动物喻体相同、喻义相似英汉动物喻体相异、喻义相似英汉动物喻体相同、喻义相异英语动物词汇的象征意义,英汉动物喻体相同、喻义相似,Sometimes Chinese and English share connotative meanings:“狐狸

2、”and“fox”Cunning 狡猾的“猴子”and“monkey”Mischief恶作剧“狼”and“wolf”Savageness残忍,WOLF,The Gospel of Matthew 7:15,New TestamentBeware of false prophets,which come to you in sheeps clothing,but inwardly they are ravening wolves.在新约马太福音第七章:耶稣在加利利一带传道布教,收了很多信徒。有一天,他对门徒说:“你们要防备假先知。他们到你们这里来,外面披着羊皮,里面却是残暴的狼。”Aesops

3、Fables 伊索寓言,“A wolf in sheeps clothing”披着羊皮的狼表面温顺友善,实则凶残的伪君子Mrs.Martin trusted the lawyer until she realized that he was a wolf in sheeps clothing.马丁太太原来很信任那个律师,后来才认清他是个披着羊皮的狼。,WOLF:凶猛、狡诈、贪婪,The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.狼的生就是羔羊的死。Wake not a sleeping wolf.莫惹是生非Dont wake a sleeping.Se

4、e a wolf 吓得张口结舌,说不出话来To lead a wolf into the house 引狼入室 greedy as a wolf 贪得无厌,WOLF用以指人:,A man who is always ready to make sexual advance to a woman a wolf-whistle“He has a face like an angel,but hes really a terrible wolf.”色狼,FOX:伶俐、诡诈、狡猾,The clever fox escaped the hunter.伶俐的狐狸逃过了猎人的追捕。He is as sly

5、as a fox.Youve got to watch him.他狡猾如狐狸,你可要小心点。You can never fox me.你绝对骗不了我。,Monkey恶作剧,捣蛋,1.monkey business:(非正式)恶作剧;骗人把戏,捣鬼2.make a monkey(out)of sb:使某人出丑,戏弄(愚弄)某人3.a monkey on your back:(英,非正式)使生活艰难的沉重负担(尤指对素养品的依赖)4.monkey around:(英,非正式)胡闹,捣蛋,调皮,Serpent:阴险、毒辣、狡诈,Bible:Satan searches for Eve and is

6、delighted to find her alone.In the form of a serpent,he talks to Eve and compliments her on her beauty and godliness,Serpent/Snake,a snake in the grass 潜伏的危险,暗藏的敌人a snake in ones bosom(胸怀,内心)恩将仇报的人,背信弃义的人serpent eye 如蛇般阴险的眼光,PIG:肮脏、贪婪、懒惰,Hed been a pig about money.他对钱贪得无厌。Make a pig of oneself 大吃大喝,

7、狼吞虎咽Pigs in clover(三叶草)暴发户;行为粗鲁的有钱人 in clover:生活富裕Buy a pig in a poke 未经过目而买下的上当货;冲动购买的东西,Other Examples:,He doesnt have an idea of his own.He just parrots what others say.他没有自己的观点,只是鹦鹉学舌罢了。As slow as a snail/at a snails pace 像蜗牛一样缓慢A lion at home,a mouse abroad.在家如狮,在外如鼠。A rat crossing the street i

8、s chased by all.老鼠过街,人人喊打。,英汉动物喻体相异、喻义相似,文化的差异导致同样的喻义在此文化中用这种喻体,在彼文化中可能使用一个完全不同的喻体。“百兽之王”汉文化:虎英语文化:狮子,LION,Websters Third New International Dictionary of the English Language:“a person felt to be like a lion especially in courage,ferocity凶猛,dignity or dominance统治”Collins COBUILD English Language Dic

9、tionary:“a person or a country that is considered to be strong and powerful,and which other people respect or fear”,英国人自豪地以狮子作为国家标志,英国国徽的中心图案是Lion,因此英国又被称为The British Lion,所以to twist the lions tail意为“向英国挑战”。Lion and Unicorn(雄狮代表英格兰,独角兽代表苏格兰)是英国王室纹章上(即英国国徽)的动物。,英国历史上查里一世(King Richard)因其勇武善战被誉为the lio

10、n-hearted king(狮心王)英国著名诗人雪莱(Shelley)在一首诗中号召被压迫者像狮子醒来:“Rise like lions after slumber”在学术界有威风的人被称为a literary lion,有如汉语“泰斗,执牛耳”。,汉语言中用“虎”比喻勇猛、威武,例如“虎将”brave general、“虎劲”、“虎威”。老虎不仅具备西方狮子的正面形象,还有“凶狠、残忍”的反面形象,如孔子的“苛政猛于虎”。Tyranny is fiercer than a tigerBeard the lion in his den 虎口拔牙An ass in lions skin 狐假虎

11、威英语民族也常用“狮子”来形容处于主宰地位的人。Jack was married and had a lioness at home.tigress 母老虎,胆小,汉文化:鼠(胆小如鼠)英语文化:兔子(as timid as a hare)“兔”在汉文化中是敏捷、迅速的象征:“静如处子,动若脱兔”“鼠”在英语文化中是安静的象征:as quiet as a mouseas timid as a rabbit,chicken-livered,pigeon-hearted,勤劳,吃苦耐劳,汉文化:牛(俯首甘为孺子牛,老黄牛)英语文化:马(work like a horse 任劳任怨)as stron

12、g as a horse 健壮horse power 力大,a willing horse,羊,英国牧羊业发达To separate sheep from goatsSheep:能力强,成绩突出者Goats:能力弱,业绩平平者Black sheep(There is a in every flock.)害群之马长黑毛的绵羊比较少,魔鬼的标志,Could you try these ones?,牛饮Drink like a fish对牛弹琴Cast pearls before swine猪落汤鸡A drowned rat狐假虎威An ass in lions skin,蠢得像头猪As stupi

13、d as a goose如鱼得水Like a duck to water养虎遗患Cherish a snake in ones bosom狗改不了吃屎。You can not make a crab螃蟹 walk straight.,Could you try these ones?,Although sometimes Chinese and English share connotative meanings,in many cases the same animal image may stand for different connotations.The most conspicuo

14、us显著的 example is 狗 and“dog”.,英汉动物喻体相同、喻义相异,In Chinese most phrases and idioms with 狗 contain derogatory senses贬义:走狗,癞皮狗,狗仗人势,狼心狗肺,狗胆包天In English“dog”is thought to be the most faithful friend of human beings,most phrases and idioms containing the word“dog”have neutral or commendatory implications:top

15、 dog,lucky dog,clever dog,help a lame dog over a stile雪中送炭,Every dog has its dayChina Daily“Chinas Watchdog Finds Fake Investors”中国监管机构发现假冒投资者”,龙 and“Dragon”,汉文化:“龙的传人”descendents of the dragon,“真龙天子”true sons of the dragon from heaven中国成语大辞典lists 115 entries with the character 龙,most of which are o

16、f commendatory sense.The connotation of the word“dragon”:Sometimes a person who presents himself as kind and gentle can in private turn out to be a dragon who breathes fire.,In many Western folk tales the dragon is a terrible vicious beast which spits fire.The prince has to kill the dragon to save t

17、he beautiful princess.“chase the dragon”:to smoke heroin especially when it is heated on a piece of aluminum foil and the fumes are inhaled through a tube.服用海洛因、毒品,英国古诗Beowulf歌颂与凶残暴虐的恶龙搏斗而取胜的英雄史诗。Shakespeare,Romeo and Juliet当Juliet听到表哥被Romeo杀死时,悲叹到:O serpent heart,hid with a flowering face!Did ever

18、dragon keep so fair a cave?Beautiful tyrant!Fiend angelical!啊,花一样的面庞里藏着蛇的心!哪一条龙曾经栖息在这清雅的洞府里?美丽的暴君!天使般的恶魔!,A dragon lady 以统治者身份行使权力的女人The Dragon/The Great Dragon/The Old Dragon 指与上帝作对的魔鬼撒旦亚洲四小龙:the four tigers in AsiaTo distinguish it from traditional Western“dragon”,some people now use the term“Chin

19、ese dragon”.,蝙蝠 and Bat,汉文化:“蝠”与“福”同音,象征吉祥、健康、幸福。西方:丑陋邪恶的动物,与罪恶或黑暗势力相联系,特别是vampire bat(吸血蝙蝠)。As blind as a bat 有眼无珠Crazy as bat 精神失常;发痴Have bats in the belfry钟楼 异想天开,孔雀 and Peacock,汉文化:孔雀开屏 美“孔雀舞”西方:虚荣、自傲As proud as a peacock 骄傲自满A peacock in his pride 炫耀一时的人Play the peacock 妄自尊大He attempted to peac

20、ock his way through the world.他想名扬世界。,猫头鹰 and Owl,汉文化:不祥之物“夜猫子进宅,凶事自来”西方:智慧、博学的象征 as wise as an owl“A wise old owl lived in an oak.The more he saw,the less he spoke.The less he spoke,the more he heard.Why cant we all be like that wise old bird?”英国民间童谣,英语动物词汇的象征意义,BeeBullCamelHenPigOxRabbitSwan,母爱优雅勤劳耐心、力量和自尊多产,生殖力强力量和直来直去顽固、肮脏和好吃驯服,CrowDuckFlyGullHareMagpieSpiderTortoise,奸诈长寿胆小喋喋不休脆弱与微不足道纯洁和节操轻信欺骗,Thank you for your listening!,


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