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1、Unit1 How can I get there?,用“where is the”“Its near/next to/in front of”等组织对话。,1.请问电影院在哪儿?在学校前面。2.请问医院在哪儿?在科学博物馆附近。3.请问图书馆在哪儿?在公园隔壁。,用”How can I/we get to the”和”turn left/right at”组织对话,1.我该怎样到达医院呢?在书店向左转。2.我们怎样到那儿?向前直走。3.我们该怎样到电影院呢?直走,在邮局向左转。,用”Is there a”和”Yes,there is./No there isnt.”组织对话,1.这儿有博物馆

2、商店吗?有的。2.这附近有电影院吗?(near here)没有。3.这儿有公园吗?有的?在哪儿呢?向前直走。,Want意思是“想要、需要、要、想、希望”.1.want to do sth.(想要做某事)想看一本书/想去购物/想买些苹果2.want sth.(想要什么)想要一张明信片/想要一只猫/想要几块蛋糕,1.He wants _ football.A.play B.to play C.to playing2.He _ a new football.A.wants B.want C.want to,1.Excuse me,is there a cinema near here?-Yes,_.

3、A.there are B.there is C.there isnt2.How can I _ the bus station?A.get B.get to C.getting3.How can I _ there.A.get B.get to C.getting,near/next to/behind/turn left/turn right,1.My home is _ the school.A.near B.far C.from2.The sign means“_”.A.turn right B.dont turn right C.turn left3.Turn right _ the

4、 museum,then go_.A.of;straight B.at;straight C.in;straight,in front of/in the front of,in front of 表示在前面,一般不在范围内,in the front of 表示在前面.在同一范围内,in front of,in the front of,4.Excuse me,where is the library?-Its _ the cinema.A.next B.next to C.at5.Who is _ you,Mary?-John.A.in the front B.in front of C.i

5、n the front of6.Mary sits _ the classroom.A.in the front B.in front of C.in the front of,1.Peter is sitting _ Tom and Jim.A.in B.at C.between2.Mum,can I go shopping _ you?A.near B.for C.with3.The bird is _ the tree.The apples are _ the tree.A.in;in B.in;on C.on;in4.那只小猫在床下。That cat is _ the bed.,5.I

6、 want _ a pair of shoes.A.buy B.buying C.to buy6.If you want to buy some books,you can go to the _.A.bookstore B.cinema C.post office7.If you want to see a doctor,you can go to the _.A.hospital B.library C.cinema,选择正确答语,()1.How can I get to the cinema?()2.Is there a science museum?()3.Where is the h

7、ospital?()4.Is it far?()5.Can you help her?A.Yes,there is.B.No,its not far.C.Its near the bookstore.D.Yes,I can.E.Go straight and turn right at the second crossing.,选择正确答语,()1.Where is the cat?()2.Where is the museum?()3.How can I get there?()4.Is there a cinema?()5.What are you doing?A.Its next to

8、the hospital.B.Yes,there is.C.Im watching TV.D.Its under the chair.E.Turn right at the bookstore.Then go straight.,选词填空,()1.Turn right _ the school.Youll see it.()2.I want to _ a pair of shoes.()3.It s _ the hospital.()4._ can I get to the hospital?()5.I want to _ a postcard.1.A.at B.on 2.A.by B.buy

9、 3.A.near B.next 4.A.How B.What 5.A.sends B.send,补全对话,A.Its next to the post office.B.where are my parents?C.Is Sam there?D.Are there many postcards?E.They are buying some postcards.Sarah:Robin,1._Robin:They are in the post office.Sarah:What are you doing there?Robin:Thanksgiving Day is coming.2._Sa

10、rah:3._Robin:Yes,there are.Sarah:4._Robin:No,he isnt.Hes in the bookstore.He wants to buy some books.Sarah:Where is the bookstore?Robin:5._Sarah:Thanks.,根据汉语提示,完成句子。,1.我们怎么到电影院?How can we _ _ the cinema?2.我们现在在书店前面。Now we are _ _ _ the bookstore.3.我们应该先直走。First we should _ _.4.请在邮局左转。Please _ _ at t

11、he post office.5.博物馆商店紧挨着餐馆。The museum shop is _ _ the restaurant.,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,询问交通方式用疑问代词how,-How do you go/come to school?-I go/come to school on foot.你怎样去/来上学?我走路去/来上学。-How does your father go to work?-He goes to work by subway.你父亲怎样去上班?他坐地铁去上班,用“how do/does+主语+go/come/get+地点”句型提问

12、,1.你怎样去上学?2.你是如何从中国到美国的?3.我们要怎样去电影院?4.你妈妈怎样去上班?5.他们是怎样去公园的?6.我们要怎样到那里?,from to 从某处到某处,从中国到美国 China USA从你的学校到你家 your school your home从这里到那里 here there从16到30,1.-_ do you go to school?-I usually go to school on foot.A.How B.Who C.Where2.How do you come to school?-Usually,I come on _.Sometimes I come by

13、 _.A.foot,bus B.bus,foot C.bus,bus3.How _ he go to school?A.does B.do C.is4.Usually I go _ by bikes.Sometimes I go on foot.A.on the home B.to home C.home5.How do you get to the USA?-We go _ plane.A.at the B.by C.on,乘坐交通工具的表达方式,by+交通工具(用单数)骑自行车 坐轮渡坐公共汽车 坐雪橇坐火车 坐地铁坐飞机 坐船坐计程车 步行开车,选词填空 fast How Usually

14、 near Sometimes often,1.你怎样回家?_ do you go home?2.我们的学校靠近动物园。Our school is _ the zoo.3.有时我乘火车去大连。_ I go to Dalian by train.4.通常我乘公共汽车回家,因为很快。_ I go home by bus,because its _.5.我经常骑自行车来。I _ come by bike.,问路:How can I get,答复:You can take the bus.You can go by bus.You can take the No.1 bus.You can go by

15、 the No.1 bus.另:I go to school on foot.=I walk to school.,1.They often go to school _ foot.A.in B.on C.by2.You can _ the No.101 bus there.A.take B.by C.takes3.He goes _ taxi.A.by B.at C.take4.I get to your school _ bus.A.by B.by the C.by a 5.I _ to school.A.walk B.on foot C.coming,根据提示填空,1.He is a _

16、(出租车)driver.2.I go there by _(火车).3.They are on the _(船).4.That is a _(飞机).5.Mike goes to the park by _(地铁).,traffic lights,yellow light Slow down and stop!red light Stop and wait!green light Lets go!,1.We must pay attention _ the traffic lights.A.to B.on C.at2.Dont _ at the red light.A.go B.stop C.

17、wait3.The _ light means“Slow down and stop!”A.red B.yellow C.green4.There are always _ traffic lights.A.two B.three C.four5.When you see a yellow light,dont _.A.wait B.go C.slow down,You must/Dont+do(动词原形),Dont 引导的祈使句被称为否定祈使句,用来提醒和警告别人不要做某,和must一样,后跟动词原形。Dont read in the sun.不要在阳光下看书。Dont smoke.禁止吸烟

18、。Dont take photos.禁止拍照。You must stop at a red light.你必须在红灯时停下来。Dont go at a red light.红灯时不要走。You must drive slowly.你必须滑得慢一点。Dont let the dogs run too fast.不能让狗跑得太快。,1.We _ learn useful things now.A.must B.has to C.may2._ swim here.A.Dont B.Not C.Arent3._ walk on the grass!A.No B.Not C.Dont4.I _ go t

19、o school.I learn at home.A.dont B.doesnt C.not5.We must _ a life jacket.A.wear B.wears C.to wear6.Let me _ the teachers desk.A.cleans B.cleaning C.clean,复习表示频率的副词频率副词:用来表示事情发生的频率,即某事多长时间发生一次。,alwaysusuallyoftensometimesnever,1.I do my homework after dinner.What _ you?A.to B.at C.about2.Look,it is _.

20、A.snowed B.snows C.snowing3.I want the red one,_ I like red.A.because B.then C.but4.There are _ books on the desk.A.no B.not same C.dont5.Lets _ the nature park.A.to go to B.go C.go to6._ the No.118 bus over there.A.Take B.By C.Go,7.Theyre _ my consin in the USA.A.of B.from C.at8.Do you go to the pa

21、rk _?A.by a bus B.by the bus C.by bus9.I usually go to school on foot,_ by bike.A.some B.sometime C.sometimes10.Look,a red light.-I should _.A.go B.stop C.stop and wait11.You can go there _;its far from here.A.on foot B.by bus C.take bus 12.What are they _ about?A.talk B.talking C.talks,选词填空How Dont

22、 must Go Stop,1._ at a green light.2._ let the dogs run too fast.3._ and wait at a red light.4.You _ wear a life jacket on a ferry.5._ can I get to the Dongfang Park?,选择正确答语。,()1.How do you go to Beijing?()2.Where is the bank?()3.Is it far?()4.What colour is the light?()5.Whats this?A.Its next to th

23、e restaurant.B.A helmetC.Its green now.D.I go there by train.E.No.it isnt.,按要求完成下列各题。,1.I often come to school by bike.(就划线部分提问)2.Its a helmet.(就划线部分提问)3.I go to Guangzhou by plane.(变一般疑问句)4.Go at a yellow light.(变否定句)5.does,Amy,go,home,how(?)(连词成句),补全对话,John:How do we go to the park?Mike:Its easy._

24、 The park is near the zoo.John:_ Hurry up,Amy!Mike:_ Its a red light now!John:Youre right._Mike:_ Lets go now.A.Thank you.B.Its green!C.Turn left at the traffic lights.D.We have to stop and wait.E.Stop!,Unit 3 My weekend plan,本单元重点语法一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或状态,常和表示将来的时间连用。,句型:主语+be going to+动词原形+其他 He/She is

25、 going to I am going to They/We are going to 可搭配:go ice-skating/wash clothes/draw pictures/make a snowman/go for a picnic/see a film/take a trip等。,特殊疑问词引导的表示将来时的句子,句型:疑问词+be+主语+going to+(动词原形)+其他?What are you going to do this afternoon?Where are you going this afternoon?When are you going to the boo

26、kstore this afternoon?How are you going to the bookstore this afternoon?(以上特殊疑问句中,尝试用is he,is she,are they,are we等替换。),常见的一些词汇,尝试翻译句子,1.今天早上你打算做什么?我打算去探望我的祖父母。2.今天下午你们打算去哪里?我们打算去书店。3.这个周末她打算怎样去电影院?她打算坐公车去电影院。4.你的父母打算什么时候去旅游?下周末。5.我们打算去哪里?去书店。我打算去买新的漫画书。,连词成句,1.are,you,to,going,do,tomorrow,what(?)_2.

27、Im,to,a,see,film,going(.)_3.visit,grandparents,my,going,to,Im,morning,this(.)_4.is,it,morning,Sunday,now(.)_5.Im,do,homework,going,to,my,evening,this(.)_,()1.I am going _ a bike tomorrow.A.buys B.to buy C.buy()2.Where are you going _?A.on this afternoon B.in this afternoon C.this afternoon()3.Im goi

28、ng to the cinema _ this weekend.A.on B.in C./()4._ are you going to do?Im going to stay at home and watch TV.A.Where B.What C.When()5._ your friends going to Beijing _ summer holiday?A.Is;the B.Are;that C.Are;this()6._ is your father going to Xiamen?At 9:00 tomorrow.A.How B.Where C.When,What Where H

29、ow When How many,1._ do you go to school?By train.2._ are you going?Im going at 2 oclock in the afternoon.3._ is Sarah going to buy the postcard?Shes going to the post office.4._ word books are you going to buy?Two.5._ are you going to do?I m going to buy some books.,visited trip supermaket evening

30、tonight,1.Tom is in the _ now.2.They are going to take a _ next week.3.Good _.4.Are you going to see a film _?5.He _ his aunt yesterday(昨天).,A.dictionary B.postcard C.word book D.Saturday E.cinema,()1.This day is before Sunday.()2.It can tell you a new words meaning(意思).()3.You can see a film there.

31、()4.I can write“Happy Birthday!”on the card and send it to my friend.()5.There are a lot of words in the book.,be going to 和 will,(1)be going to 表示近期、眼下就计划要做的事情,will表示的将来时间则较远一些。He is going to write a letter tonight.他今天晚上打算写一封信。He will write a book one day.他打算有一天写一本书。(2)be going to 表示根据主观判断将来会发生的事情,

32、will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。There are many black clouds in the sky.It is going to rain.天空中有很多乌云。要下雨了。He will be twenty years old.他马上二十岁了。(3)be going to 含有“打算,准备”的意思,而will则没有这个意思。She is going to buy a comic book.她打算买本连环画册。He will be here in half an hour.他半个小时后到这里。,His family are going to get together.=His fam

33、ily will get together.His aunt is going to make mooncakes.=His aunt will make mooncakes.选择()1.He _ visit his grandparents.A.will B.is C.is going()2.He is going to _ a trip tomorrow.A.takes B.will take C.take()3.Our teacher will _ us a story about the moon.A.tell B.to tell C.be tell,选择答语,()1.Where ar

34、e you going next week?()2.When are you going?()3.What are you going to buy?()4.Lets go ice-skating.()5.Where is the cinema?A.TomorrowB.A word bookC.Im going to New York.D.Its near your school.E.Sounds great.,选择答语,()1.When are you going?()2.What are you going to buy?()3.Where are you going?()4.How do

35、 you go to school?()5.Where is the hospital?A.I go to school by bike.B.Im going to buy a comic book.C.Its in front of the post office.D.Im going at 3 oclock.E.Im going to the bus stop.,改错,()1.What are you going to do that afternoon?A B C()2.Were go to have a busy day.A B C()3.What about your?A B C()

36、4.Im going to buy a new CD and a storybooks.A B C()5.I have to do me homework now.A B C,补全对话,A:1._B:I am going to the zoo.A:When are you going?B:2._ But how can I get there?A:3._B:Where is the bus stop?A:Its next to the post office.B:4._A:No,its not far.B:Thank you.A:5._,Where do you often go in the

37、 afternoon?Can I go with you?Youre welcome.Where are you going this afternoon?Is it far from here?You can take the No.64 bus.About two oclock this afternoon.,补全对话,Tom:Hi,Tom.Tomorrow is Saturday.1._Mike:I am going to visit my grandparents.2._Tom:I am going to see a new film with my parents.Mike:3._T

38、om:Were going to see Where Are We Going,Daddy?Mike:Oh,it is interesting.4._Tom:Were going at 2 oclock.Mike:5._Tom:No,were going on foot.Mike:Have a good time!Tom:The same to you!A.What film are you going to see?B.Are you going by bike?C.When are you going?D.What are you going to do?E.What about you?

39、,根据提示,说一说。,My weekend plan,示范:My weekend plan On Saturday morning,Im going to play football with my friends.And on Saturday afternoon,I have to do my homework.On Sunday morning,Im going to see a film with my brother.On Sunday afternoon,my brother and I are going to visit our grandparents.,Unit 4 I h

40、ave a pen pal,本单元重点,1.询问某人的爱好。What are your hobbies?2.喜欢做某事。I like singing/playing sports/watching TV3.一般现在时的用法。(第三人称单数)He likes flying kites.,关于兴趣爱好的一些词组,询问某人的兴趣爱好,1.What is your hobby?(单数句式)What are your hobbies?(复数句式)你的爱好是什么?I like reading stories and singsing.我喜欢读故事书和唱歌。2.What is Peters hobby?(单

41、数句式)What are Peters hobbies?(复数句式)He likes reading stories and singing.他喜欢读故事书和唱歌。(尝试用she,Amy,your friend,your sister 等替换。),()1.-What are Alices hobbies?-_.A.She is a teacher B.She is listening to music C.She likes fishing and hiking()2.My brother likes _ a bike.A.ride B.rideing C.riding()3.Chen Jie

42、 _ swimming.A.like B.likes C.liking()4.What are _ hobbies?A.Amy B.Amys C.Amys()5.Sometimes Mary _ English in the morning.A.read B.reading C.reads()6.Two students _ dancing.One student _ singing.A.likes;likes B.likes;like C.like;likes()7.-I like drawing cartoons.-Me _.A.two B.too C.to,用所给词的适当形式填空,1.S

43、he likes _(climb)mountains.2.What are Zhang Pengs _(hobby)?3.I like reading _(story).4.Ten students _(like)dancing,and one student _(like)singing.5.What _(be)your mothers hobby?,按要求完成下列各题。,1.I like darwing cartoons and dancing.(就划线部分提问)_2.He likes singing too.(写出同义句)He _ _ singing.3.Im going to teac

44、h him a Chinese song.(就划线部分提问)_ _ you going to teach him?4.He likes going hiking.(变否定句)_5.Peter likes playing the piano.(就划线部分提问)_,一般现在时,一般现在时:表示经常或习惯性的动作或状态,常与every day/morning/evening/often/usually/always/sometimes等状语连用。We do morning exercises every day.我们每天早上都做晨练。He usually goes to school by bike

45、.他经常骑自行车上学。还记得我们曾经学过哪些时态吗?现在进行时:表示当下正在发生的事情,用be+V-ing 构成。Look!She is dancing.看!她正在跳舞。一般将来时:表示即将发生的事情,用be going to/will 等构成。We are going to have a trip this weekend.我们这周末打算去旅游。一般过去时:表示已经发生过的事情,用动词的过去形式(+ed)等构成。My mum worked last night.我妈妈昨晚要上班。,一般现在时的结构,1.肯定句:主语+动词+其他。Miss White teaches English.怀特老师教

46、英语。2.否定句:主语+dont/doesnt+动词+其他。Miss White doesnt teach English.怀特老师不教英语。3.一般疑问句:Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他?Does Miss White teach English?怀特老师教英语吗?Yes,she does./No,she doesnt.是的,她教。/不,她不教。注:一般现在时中必须注意第三人称单数的用法。,()1.What does your brother often do on Sundays?-He often_.A.read story B.reads storys C.reads stori

47、es()2.I often _ in the evening.A.watches TV B.watching TV C.watch TV()3.Wang Dong can _ rice and noodles.A.cooks B.cooking C.cook()4.Can I also _ your pen pal?A.am B.is C.be()5.Does he _ in Sydney?-No,he _ in Canberra.A.live;lives B.living;live C.live;living()6.Im _ an e-mail.A.writes B.write C.writ

48、ing()7.His mother often _ Chinese food.A.cooking B.cooks C.cook,补全句子。,1.-_ your pen pal go to work by bus?-No,he doesnt.He _ to work by bike.2.-_ your pen pal like doing kung fu?-No,she doesnt.She _ doing word puzzles.3.-_ your pen pal climb mountains on Sunday?-No,he doesnt.He _ mountains on Saturd

49、ay.4.-_ your pen pal teach math?-No,she doesnt.She _ English.5.-_ your pen pal go home at 5:00?-No,she doesnt.She _ home at 6:00.,选择答语。,()1.What do you like?()2.What are Peters hobbies?()3.He likes swimming.()4.Im going to teach him an English song.()5.How old is John?A.Really?Me too!B.I like tea a

50、lot.C.Good idea.D.He is 12 years old.E.He likes reading stories and playing football.,读表格,判断对话正误。,()1.What is Amys hobby?-She lkes swimming.()2.What is Lucys hobby?-She likes reading stories.()3.What is Mikes hobby?-He likes playing the pipa.()4.What is Toms hobby?-He likes singing.,按要求完成下列句子。,1.Pet


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