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1、英语国际音标课件大全,?,Ask and answer:,为什么要学习音标?,音素和国际音标 1什么是音素:音素是语音的最小单位。2音素的分类:元音和辅音。3音素的个数:共48个,元音音素20个,辅 音音 素28个。4什么是音标:记录音素的符号叫做音标。5什么是国际音标:国际音标是由国际语音 协会规定的一套音标,用来 记录世界各主要语言的语音。7.开音节:以元音字母结尾 name,bike,go,three,hello8.闭音节:以辅音字母结尾 bad,map,up,out,ant9.重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。,Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu发音练习,contents,1.Aa 的发音

2、,2.Ee 的发音,3.Ii 的发音,6.练习一,7.练习二,4.Oo 的发音,5.Uu 的发音,读一读,想一想:,上面单词中a的发音相同吗?,1.cake grape name 2.have apple bag cat 3.water tall always talk4.what5.many6.class grass fast France,ei,:,e,a:,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,()1、black cap potato,()2、plate have lamb,()3、water rabbit washroom,()4、tomato tasty splash,()5、and

3、 cat want,C,A B C,A,B,C,C,读一读,we me she he 2.bed pen desk leg let egg,想一想:,上面单词中e的发音相同吗?,i:,e,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,()1、twelve hen fleece,()2、feet geese smelly,()3、me elephant twenty,()4、these fifteen tender,()5、let help sheep,C,A B C,C,A,C,C,读一读,想一想:,上面单词中i的发音相同吗?,1.five bike kite nine hi2.big fish it

4、 pig this3.police,ai,I,i:,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,()1、slippers nice kite,()2、in wiggle ice,()3、pink expensive five,()4、time chicken kitchen,()5、dinner rice drink,A,A B C,C,C,A,B,读一读,想一想:,home hole nose rose 2.box fox orange lock3.some son4.to5.tomato,u,c,u:,上面单词中o的发音相同吗?,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,()1、hope Coke

5、clock,()2、so go tomato,()3、those not off,()4、to some son,()5、on OK fold,C,A B C,C,A,A,A,读一读,想一想:,上面单词中u的发音相同吗?,cute tube music student 2.bus cup toothbrush umbrella3.full put4.rule truth5.busy minute6.bury,ju:,v,u:,u,I,e,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,()1、lunch cup blue,()2、fun music computer,()3、hurry minute r

6、un,()4、cut put hurry,()5、tube use cucumber,C,A B C,A,B,B,C,2.元音字母组合的读音,a/e/(开音节)age case date wake late/(闭音节)at bag bat cat mat map/e/(any)any many anything/在w或wh后 want watch what/:/(在f,ss,th等前)afternoon class father,al _ all also ball callau _ causeaugh _ taughtcaughtdaughternaughtyay _ day May pla

7、yai _ wait tail nail sailar _ art card star start smartare _ dareglaresharecomparecarefulair _ fairaffairhairupstairs,/:/,/:/,/:/,/e/,/e/,/:/,/e/,/e/,e 组合ea _ meat eat please cream _ breakfast head dead _ real really theater _ great break ear _ hear near dear _ learn earn early _ wearbearswearpearee

8、 _ green need see er _ her certain,/i:/,/e/,/,/e/,/,/:/,/e/,/i:/,/:/,e 组合ei _ receiveseizeceilingeigh _ weight eight eightyeo _ peopleey _ they ew _ fewnew eer _ deer,/i:/,/e/,/i:/,/e/,/ju:/,/,i/a/(开音节)ice like nice/(闭音节)big sit little igh _ high right night light fightir _ girl sir first birthdayie

9、_ piecethieffieldchief _ lietiedieia _ diaryio _ lion,/a/,/:/,/i:/,/ai/,/ai/,/ai/,o/(开音节)rose go no so note sofa/(闭音节)clock not hot dog lot mom/u:/(结尾时)do two to who/(在l,m,n,v,th前)colour love come son motheroo _ moon soon cool _ book look good wooloa _ goat coat boat coachoy _ boy toy joy,/u:/,/u/,/

10、,/,ow _ how cow now wow _ yellow window snow ore _ more before storeour _ your fouroor _ floor door poorou _ found sound around out mountain _ you group through soup _ young country oneor _ for report short north forty _ 在w后 word world worth worse,/a/,/,/:/,/:/,/:/,/a/,/u:/,/,/:/,/:/,写出20个元音 写出12个单元

11、音 1)_ 2)_ 3)_ 4)_ 5)_ 6)_ 7)_ 8)_ 9)_ 10)_ 11)_ 12)_ 写出8个双元音 1)_ 2)_ 3)_ 4)_ 5)_ 6)_ 7)_ 8)_ 2、写出28个辅音 写出10对成对的清浊辅音 清:1)_2)_3)_4)_ 5)_6)_7)_ 8)_ 9)_ 10)_ 浊:1)_2)_3)_4)_5)_6)_7)_ 8)_ 9)_ 10)_ 3个鼻音:_ _ _ 1个呵音,2个舌侧音:_ _ _ 2个半元音 _ _,3.辅音字母与辅音字母组合的读音,b/b/bag ball bike c/k/call can/s/city niced/d/dad date

12、 f/f/family father g/g/game get girl/d/page age cage giraffe h/h/hat have j/d/job joink/k/key kid l/l/last late m/m/many math name n/n/name nice pen ninep/p/play pen map pencilr/r/red ruler read s/s/sad salad/z/is his t/t/table take v/v/video violin w/w/want watch x/ks/six sixteen fox box/gz/examy/j

13、/yes year yellow z/z/zoo zebra,ch/t/chair chess hair/k/school chestck/k/black rock clock dr/dr/draw drive dryds/dz/beds cards friendsgh/f/laugh enough(足够的)/-/eight right nightkn/n/know knife ng/sing long songph/f/phone photo sh/she shoe fish Englishth/thank thing thin/that this these thosetr/tr/trip tree ts/ts/bats hatswh/w/where what/h/who whosewr/wr/write wrong,


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