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1、actions using rules, and in the process of the concentration of disciplinary ruling, not convergence, not pull back as heavy or heavier punishment. Discipline focused discipline process at least 18 since the five-year, five years is to pay close attention to the Central implementation eight provisio

2、ns and anti-four winds. Fourth chapter to suspected illegal party disciplinary actions and distinguish between five different circumstances, provides for specific provisions respectively, effective cohesion to achieve party discipline and State Law 9. One is the 27th article of the Ordinance provide

3、s that party members found in the disciplinary review of corruption bribery, dereliction of duty and other alleged offences under criminal law, should be given to withdraw party posts, expelled from or placed on probation within the party disciplinary action. Second, article 28th of the regulations

4、in the discipline of the party organization . Disciplinary punishment against life , Chapter 6. 3, annex Annex part of supplementary provisions, such as the permission, interpretation of the regulations, as well as the timing and retroactive, and so on. 11 (three) learning understanding Ordinance ne

5、ed grasp of several focus problem first a problem-on violation political discipline behavior new Ordinance sixth chapter put political discipline as six big discipline of first, is main on opposition of led and opposition of basic theory, and line, and basic programme of, and basic experience, and b

6、asic requirements of disciplinary behavior made disposition provides, especially will 18 big yilai Central proposed strict political discipline and political rules of requirements and practice results into for discipline provisions, Added jump on the central policy, clique, fight reviews, without pr

7、inciples and disregard the disciplinary provisions. These are the partys 18 since the comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party in the process of combining the rich content. (1) jump on the central policy violate the partys centralized and unified this issue is made under provisions

8、 of the party Constitution. Party Constitution stipulated in master uphold democratic centralism is the party building must adhere to one of the four basic requirements. This items principles is party of fundamental Organization principles, is mass line in party of life in the of using, it requireme

9、nts must full develop party democratic, respect members of subject status, guarantees members of democratic right, full play levels party and members of enthusiasm and creative, while, also must implemented right of concentrated, guarantee party of solidarity unified and action consistent, guarantee

10、 party of decided get quickly and effective of implementation. Central in developed major approach policy Shi, through different of channel and way, full heard about party and members of views recommends, but 12 is some people face to face not said, and behind blather will Shang not said, and will H

11、ou blather stage not said, and Taiwan Xia blather, actually not only disrupt has people thought, some caused serious consequences, damage has party of concentrated unified, hamper has central approach policy of implement implementation, also serious violation has democratic centralism of principles.

12、 No doubt, shall, in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the 46th of appropriate sanctions. Without serious consequences, the criticism should be given education or the appropriate organization. (2) violate the partys solidarity and unity to the new section 48th合力网提供目录:第一章 工程概况1.1 工程概述1.2

13、结构工程特点1.3 装修工程特点1.4 现场条件1.5 工期要求1.6 施工特点第二章 施工准备2.1 施工总平面布置2.2 临时用水2.3 施工用电2.4 施工机械(具)准备2.5 材料准备2.6 劳动力准备2.7 技术准备2.8 计量、试验、检测准备2.9 基础工程验收第三章 施工部署与主要决策3.1 总包管理机构的建立3.2 施工流向、施工区段的划分3.3 施工机械(具)及劳动力部署3.4 新技术、新工艺的推广应用3.5 加强工程质量管理3.6 加强总包管理第四章 工程进度计划安排4.1 工程进度计划4.2 劳动力和施工机械(具)的配备4.3 工期管理及保证措施4.4 工期奖惩措施制定第

14、五章 主要分部分项施工方法(土建)5.1 施工测量5.2 主体普通框架结构工程施工5.2.1 主体结构工程概况5.2.2 普通钢筋工程5.2.3 冷轧带肋钢筋5.2.4 模板工程5.2.5 普通混凝土工程5.3 东、西区Y型柱及看台斜挑折扇形大梁施工5.3.1 工程概况5.3.2 Y型柱混凝土浇筑流程5.3.3 Y型柱及折扇形大梁施工工艺5.3.4 架子搭设方法5.3.5 钢筋绑扎5.3.6 模板支撑方案设计5.3.7 混凝土工程5.4 南、北区钢骨砼梁施工5.4.1 工程简介5.4.2 钢梁制作5.4.3 钢骨梁吊装5.4.4 钢骨砼梁施工5.4.5 模板工程5.4.6 混凝土工程5.4.7

15、 支撑加固及模板拆除5.5 预制预应力梁、平板预制及安装5.6 钢纤维砼施工5.7 砌体工程5.8 装饰工程第六章 主要分部分项工程施工方案(安装)6.1 安装工程概况6.2 管道工程施工方案6.3 暖通工程施工方案6.4 电气工程第七章 工程质量管理7.1 质量目标7.2 质量保证体系的建立7.3 质量管理措施7.4 质量奖惩措施第八章 安 全 管 理8.1 安全生产目标8.2 安全保证体系的建立8.3 安全管理制度8.4 安全技术措施第九章 特殊季节施工技术措施9.1 雨季施工措施9.2 高温季节施工措施9.3 冬季施工措施第十章 文 明 施 工10.1 文明施工目标10.2 文明施工管理

16、措施10.3 文明施工现场形象设计第十一章 成 品 保 护11.1 成品保护的组织管理11.2 成品保护技术措施第一章 工 程 概 况 内容提要:xx体育中心体育场工程概述、结构工程特点、装修工程特点、现场条件、工期要求以及施工特点。 1.1工程概述 xx体育中心位于xxxxxxxx北端,西临xxx国道与xxxxxxx相邻,东靠xxxxxx及xxxxx公园,南止xx路与xxxxx住宅相对。首期建造的体育场总建筑面积63629平方米,共设席位57300座,占地约4.5万平方米。附录1-1为体育场位置示意图。本工程由xxxxx建筑设计院设计,xx体育中心建设协调领导小组办公室投资兴建。 xx体育场

17、为省重点工程,整体呈马鞍型,体育场平面呈椭园形,南北向长263m,东西向长296m,平面划分为东、南、西、北4个看台区。主体结构南、北区为二层框架结构,高17.24m;东、西区为四层框架结构,高37.03m。除看台楼盖为预制钢筋砼构件外,均为现浇钢筋砼结构。蓬盖采用进口涂聚四氟乙烯膜结构,蓬盖最高处为54.53m,四角沉井上设A、B、C、D四个现浇砼井筒,井筒直径为10m,高度为37.50m。 本标段任务范围为体育场上部主体工程、蓬盖系统、安装工程和装饰工程。我单位中标后,部分工程由业主指定分包商完成,我单位实施总承包管理。 1.2结构工程特点 本工程结构复杂,异型、变截面梁柱较多。看台主要支


19、 主体结构设置8个后浇带,带宽1000mm,位置同基础部分,后浇带施工待主体砼浇捣45天后进行。 砌体填充墙标高0.000以下为240厚Mu10灰砂砖墙,Mu10水泥砂浆砌筑;0.000以上一般墙体为Mu2.5粉煤灰加气砼砌块墙,Mu5.0混合砂浆砌筑。 1.3装修工程特点 本体育场装修工程量大,技术要求高。主要内容有: 外墙面6.00米大平台以上外露柱子及外圈梁、看台栏板、观众席面向球场墙面均作进口仿石喷涂,大平台栏板及一层实墙面作花岗石贴面,一层玻璃门窗为氟碳化烤漆高级钴框配大片白玻璃,勒脚作花岗石贴面,踏步为实心花岗石踏步。 采用的门有:夹板门、玻璃门、弧形门联窗(含铝合金百叶)、地簧门

20、联窗、乙级防火门、防火门联窗以及普通门联窗等。 采用的窗有:铝合金窗、铝合金百叶窗、大玻璃落叶窗、铝合金窗、高窗、观察窗等。 一层功能用房地面装修有:花岗岩地面、架空实木地板、进口塑胶地板、塑胶地板、复合地板、防滑地砖贴面、细石砼防潮地面等;二四层功能用房楼面装修有:广场砖、花岗岩楼面、防静电高级复合地板、防滑地砖贴面、复合地板、细石砼楼面、水泥楼面、耐酸碱瓷砖贴面等。 内墙装修有:水泥砂浆粉面、进口仿石喷涂、釉面瓷砖贴面、高级乳胶漆墙面、乳胶漆墙面、吸音墙面、花岗石贴面、防尘墙面等。 踢脚线、墙裙有:150高花岗岩踢脚线、150高地砖踢脚线、150高木踢脚线、150高塑胶地板踢脚线、1500

21、高花岗岩墙裙、1800高瓷砖墙裙、1500高木墙裙。 顶棚有:轻钢龙骨防水矿棉板吊顶,铝合金T型龙骨金属板吊顶、石膏板吊顶、高级木板吊顶(防火处理)、轻钢龙骨铝板网吸音吊顶、防尘合金吊顶、大白浆。 油漆:木质面为进口聚胺脂亚光漆、金属面为磁漆、地板漆。 屋面为不上人屋面,威特力防水涂料作防水处理。 xx体育场为省重点工程,整体呈马鞍形,立面新颖,造型别致,技术含量高。它的建成,必将提升武汉市的整体形象,为武汉新区增添一道异常亮丽的城市风景。 1.4现场条件 基础工程目前正在紧张施工,预计北区(N)与西区(W)7月30日完成;东区(E)和南区(S)将于8月10日完成。 施工现场现有变配电房一座,

22、容量500千伏安,施工用水供水能力为DN100。设有搅拌站一个,钢筋加工场地、木工场地等目前在场内布置,6个沿不同方向照射的探照灯基本可满足现场照明的要求。 施工现场内有一条沿体育场内环的简易碎石路并与南部的开发区北环路相连,内环线挖有排水沟,直接向北延伸,污水经沉淀后排入市政管道。现场西南侧搭建有办公房、食堂等。 1.5工期要求 招标文件规定:体育场主体工程计划开工日期为1999年7月30日,完工日期为2000年1月31日,工期6个月。体育场全部工程竣工日期计划为2000年11月30日,总工期为16个月。我单位经过认真分析,决定主体工程在2000年1月10日完工,全部工程于2000年9月30

23、日竣工。 1.6施工特点 1.6.1xx体育中心体育场工程工程量大、工期紧,需要投入大量的人力、物力、机械设备。 1.6.2本工程中采用了许多新材料、新技术,技术含量很高,成为施工的重点和难点。这些关键技术有: 1、大框架梁、柱(Y型)施工(大体积砼) 2、钢纤维砼施工3、钢骨砼梁施工及吊装 4、预制预应力梁施工 1.6.3本工程周围场地比较开阔,交通运输比较方便,为大面积施工提供了有利条件。第二章 施 工 准 备 内容提要:搞好现场施工总平面布置和施工机械、劳力、材料及技术准备工作。 2.1施工总平面布置 施工总平面布置按照经济适用、合理方便的原则,在保证场内交通运输畅通和满足施工对材料要求

24、的前提下,最大限度地减少场内二次运输,在平面交通上,尽量避免各生产单位相互干扰;符合施工现场卫生及安全技术要求和防火规范、满足施工生产和文明施工的需要。 附录2-1为主体结构施工阶段现场总平面布置图。现对机械、临建、办公、生活、道路布置说明如下: 本工程的施工场地空旷,场区内道路及市政管网尚未接通,现场临设及机械尽量布置在体育场四周。 基础施工时,场内已修建一条碎石铺垫的内环线,穿过北区基础开挖了一条排水沟直通市政排水管道,可作为排水主干道。上部施工时,拟在体育场外围修建一条外环线,所有的塔吊布置在场外二层休息平台处,根据整个施工布署,划分为4个施工区,以后浇带为界,划分8个施工段。每一施工段

25、内布置1台塔吊,塔吊基础做法详见附录2-2塔吊基础详图、附录2-3塔吊基础桩详图。每一区域集中安排一个钢筋加工厂、一个木工加工场地,加工好的成品分别堆放在不同的施工段内,用塔吊和吊车直接吊运;场区内原有的搅拌站保持不变,以满足圈过梁、压顶、构造柱等少量砼现场拌制的需要;三大周转材料布置在塔吊附近;砂浆搅拌机设四台,分别布置在东、西、南、北四个区域,其附近作灰砂砖、砌块堆场。由于建筑物不高,且占地面积大,装修阶段采用在井筒处布置四部施工电梯,四周搭设井字架作为垂直运输装饰材料的工具,既经济又能满足不同部位装修的需要。 基础施工时,现场已搭建面积约180m2的办公设施,可作为设计、业主、监理的现场

26、办公场所。其会议室可作为工程指挥协调的会议中心;现场食堂等已经基本搭建完毕,解决了部分职工的住宿问题。主体工程施工拟在此基础上,再搭建一个约100m2的大会议室,保证现场大型会议的需要,另搭建项目经理部及业主指定分包商的办公场地。在场地东区规划职工生活区;同时在西北角与东北角分别规划为业主指定分包商的生产、加工场地;在搅拌站旁搭建一个功能齐全,检测手段完善的试验室,以满足现场检测需要,场区外西南角施工主入口处布置本单位安装加工场地。 具体设施及临时用地计划见下表:临时设施用地计划表。to 52nd of the Ordinance, to violate the partys solidari

27、ty and unity, such as punishment of violations of political discipline as specified. The 52nd new missions Gang gang, clique, cliques within the party, cultivating private power interests or by Exchange, creating a momentum for their activities, such as fishing for political capital, punishment impo

28、sed serious warnings or withdrawal of party posts in serious cases, punishment imposed or placed on probation within the expelled. (3) on the rival groups review provisions of the party Constitution, must comply with the obligations of the party faithful are party members. Party members must obey de

29、cided shall not contravene the Organization decided to have problems to find organizations, relying on the Organization, a deception organization, against the organization. For example . Female country (territory) outside, such as employment, income, property and investment matters, for failing to r

30、eport, not truthfully report, undeclared, and so on, depending on the seriousness, give criticism and education, within a time limit, shall be ordered to make checks and commands his conversation, criticized or adjustment of status, removal and so on, constitutes a disciplinary offence, disciplinary

31、 action in accordance with the relevant provisions. But since the original was not appropriate in the specific provisions of the regulations, for violations of the provisions do not report, report the matters related to the personal behavior does not correspond to the discipline of sanction, in prac

32、tice it is difficult to operate. On this, for solution not report, and not truthfully report personal about matters 15 asked blamed of problem, new Ordinance increased has 67th article, on violation personal about matters report provides, not report, and not truthfully report of behavior proposed ha

33、s clear of disposition according to, makes this class disciplinary behavior no longer has empty can drill, for carried out personal about matters checks verified, and cadres supervision, and discipline review, work provides has powerful of discipline guarantees. (2) with regard to illegal organizati

34、ons, will participate in the fellow and alumni, to comrades 68th of the regulations provides that the party cadres violating relevant regulations, participation in spontaneous fellow, alumni, friends, etc, to be punished according to the seriousness of it. Of particular note here is three things: fi

35、rst, this article is merely cadres, reflects the high requirements for leading party cadres; the other is in violation of the 2002 Central Commission for discipline inspection, the Central Organization Department and the general political Department jointly issued the circular on leading cadres shou

36、ld not participate in the voluntary establishment of villagers and alumni and ally organization notice of the relevant provisions. That is organized, villagers participating in the established clubs, alumni, comrades will constitute a disciplinary offence is contrary to the premise of this rule. Spe

37、cified in the notice, leading cadres should not participate in the ups compatriot, alumni, various organizations such as the association between comrades, sponsors and organizers of the exclusion of such association shall in such association in corresponding positions; not the opportunity to weave n

38、etwork, Pro-close drain, Gang gang, but not the Alliance, Jin LAN sworn, and so on. Third, there no organization was established with the participation of fellow clubs, alumni, and friends. Breaking *25*临 时 设 施 用 地 计 划 表序号设施名称用地时间用地计划面积(m2)搭建形式备 注1办公用房开工至工程结束800单层砖结构2食堂(1)开工至工程结束60单层砖结构3食堂(2)开工至工程结束


40、门卫保安房开工至工程结束60单层砖结构含保安员住宿 在现场临设基本布置完成之后,我们将重点加强现场道路、周边排水的布置。施工主入口采用C20砼路面,同时设立过往车辆冲洗槽;生活区内食堂、办公室、水泥库、生活区四周设排水明沟,生活污水及厕所污水经沉淀池过滤后,通过明沟排入市政下水道,施工区内环线外侧,外环线外侧设排水沟,集中由北区排放。排水沟过车处埋设400水泥管,以保证水流及车辆畅通。具体排水情况见附录2-4:施工排水平面图。 为保证预制预应力梁的供应,我单位吸纳大桥局武汉基础三公司预制场地作为预制预应力梁、板基地,预制场地位于318国道边,距施工现场仅约2km,实力雄厚,既能保证预制构件质量

41、,又能缩短运输时间,节约运费。预制场具体位置见附录2-5预应力看台梁、平板预制场位置图。 南北区劲性砼梁中H钢梁共24根,由我单位与大桥局武汉桥梁机械厂合作生产制作,该厂具有加工大型钢结构的实力,且检测手段完善,质量技术过硬,能够保质保量地完成钢结构的制作与运输任务。 我们将积极导入CI标识,宣传企业形象,布置“六牌一图”,施工现场各项视觉识别按有关要求进行布置,同时开辟黑板报、报刊专栏,大力加强安全教育、文明施工、质量意识宣传,设置各种警示牌、宣传标语,整个现场给人一种清爽美好、赏心悦目的感觉,创武汉市文明施工样板工地。 2.2临时用水 本工程施工用水由业主在现场提供,水源位于办公室西侧,主

42、管径DN100mm,由于施工场地较大,供水管路长,且没有设置市政消防系统,为了保证现场消防和施工用水的足够需要,拟在现场设30m3水箱一个,且在主供水管线上设加压泵一台,其扬程为H=50m,由主管引出支线送到各施工区域,管网呈环状布置。主要用水点有临时消防用水、砼搅拌用水点、砂浆搅拌用水点、钢筋对焊机用水点、生活用水点、汽车冲洗用水点等。 详见附录2-6现场施工临时用水平面图 附录2-7临时用水水泵房平面图 附录2-8临时用水水泵房流程图 2.3施工用电 2.3.1本工程施工用电由现场西南角的配电房引入,可提供500KVA的容量,因工程工期短、机具多,现场最大用电负荷在1500KVA左右,故我


44、名称安装功率(KW)数量合计功率(KW)1塔式起重机6563902塔式起重机7521503钢筋切断机78564钢筋弯曲机2.882245砼搅拌机301306砂浆搅拌机48327插入式振动器1.550758平板振动器0.51689电锯5.9423.610双面压刨机 2.8411.211蛙式打夯机2.8822.412潜水泵1.1202213冷拉卷扬机7.8431.214井字架1144415施工电梯2148416砼输送泵60424017弯管机24818电焊机19KVA12228KVA19对焊机85KVA2170KVA20对焊机120KVA2240KVA21电渣压力焊机80KVA12960KVA 2.

45、3.2.2动力用电 塔式起重机P=3900.30.65=180KVA 塔式起重机P=1500.30.65=69KVA 钢筋切断机P=560.650.65=56KVA 钢筋弯曲机P=22.40.650.65=22.4KVA 砼搅拌机P=300.70.68=31KVA 砼浆搅拌机P=320.70.68=32.9KVA 插入式振动器P=750.60.7=64.3KVA 平板振动器P=80.60.7=6.8KVA 电锯P= 双面压刨机P=11.20.650.7=10.4KVA 蛙式打夯机P= 潜水泵P=220.60.7=18.9KVA 冷拉卷扬机P= 龙门架P=440.30.7=18.9KVA 施工电梯P=840.30.7=36KVA 砼输送泵P=2400.70.7=240KVA 弯管机P=80.650.65=8KVA 电焊机P=2280.350.5=57KVA 对焊机P=(170+240)


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