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1、A New Reading Course Of MPA English(Second Edition),莫 振 银,Unit 2 The Practice of Public Administration,Text A The Rise of the American Administrative State by David H.Rosenbloom,Study of New Words,press v.压;压平;逼迫 pressure n.压力;急迫 impress v.使印象深刻;铭记 depress v.压下;使沮丧;使萧条,express v.表达;挤出;快递 a.快速的 compr

2、ess v.压缩;镇压 oppress v.压迫;压抑,anniversary n.周年(纪念)universe n.宇宙;全世界 vers,vert=turn reverse v.颠倒 a.颠倒的;相反的 conversation n.交谈 controversy n.争论;辩论,spirit n.spir=breathe inspire v.鼓舞;给予灵感 respire v.呼吸 conspire v.共谋;协力,administrator n.管理人;行政官 mini=small 小 miniskirt n.迷你裙 minute a.微小的 diminish v.减少,减小,minor

3、 a.较小/少的 minority n.少数(派);少数民族 minimal a.最小的;最低限度的 minister n.部长 仆人 ministry n.(政府的)部 administration n.经营;管理,affect v.影响 fect,fact=make,do 做 factory n.工厂 perfect a.完美的;完全的 efficient a.有效率的 deficient a.缺乏的;有缺点的 defect n.缺点;过失 manufacture n.制造,employee n.雇员-ee=被的人(和 er 的意思相反)committee n.委员会(commit v.委

4、托)nominee n.被提名/任命者 trustee n.受托人;董事,interviewee n.被面试者;被采访者 接受训练者 trainee n.考生;受试验者 examinee n.,establish v.建立;创立 sta,sist=stand stable a.稳定的 static a.静止的;静态的 constant a.不变的,恒定的 steady a.稳定的;沉着的 assistant n.助手 persist v.坚持;固执,manipulation n.操作 man,manu=hand manipulate v.操作 manual n.手册 a.手(工)的 manag

5、e v.管理;经营;处理 manuscript n.抄本;原稿 manufacture v.制造,maximize v.取最大值;最佳化 maxi-=biggest 最大 maximum n.最大量/值 maximal a.最大的 major a.主要的;多数的 majority n.多数,posterity n.子孙;后代 post=after,behind postpone v.推迟 postgraduate n.研究生 postscript n.(信件中的)附笔 postwar a.战后的 博士后(的)postdoctoral a.&n.,subsequently n.后来,随后 sub

6、-=under subway n.subdivide v.submarine n.subordinate a.次要的,sub-branch n.分支 subcontinent n.subscribe v.签名,订购 subtitle n.副标题;字幕 subconscious a.潜意识的,Detailed Explanation of Text A,The Rise of the American Administrative State 美国行政国家的发展 rise n.兴起;(地位的)提高 the rise in status of scientists 科学家地位的提高 的兴衰 the

7、 rise/up and down of,refer to 说到;参考;查阅 refer toas 把称为 把叫做 be referred to as 被称为;叫做,intend v.想要 intend to do 想做某事(sth.)be intended to do This paper is intended to deal with the current financial crisis.这篇论文拟讨论目前的金融危机。This book is intended for children.这本书的读者是儿童。,同位语从句 与先行词同位或等同的从句叫同位语从句。同位语从句的先行词多为 f

8、act,news,hope,belief,thought,report 等抽象名词,引导词多为that,其作用是对先行词的具体内容作进一步的解释。,Where did you get the idea/news that I could not come?The foreign guests expressed the hope that they would revisit China.He put forward a suggestion that the meeting be put off.,politically powerful 政治权力强大身心健康physically and m

9、entally healthyThis is an economically developed country.这个国家经济发达。,which reads:我们可以在“宪法导言”里读到这些目标。read v.写明;(文章等)内容是 The full text reads as follows.全文内容如下。As the law reads,he is guilty.按法律条文,他是有罪的。“宪法序言”中包含这些目标,其内容如下:,communications services,复数名词做定语 a savings account 存折 a savings bank 储蓄银行 a goods t

10、ruck 运货卡车,海关官员 a customs officer 销售税 sales tax 军备竞赛 arms race,was once left up to families.leave v.把交给;委托 leave sb.sth.=leave sth.with sb.把交给 Leave this(up)to me.把这件事交给我吧。He is left in charge of the matter.这事由他负责。,to take care of the mentally retarded 老弱病残 the old,the weak,the ill and the disabled 救

11、死扶伤 rescue the dying,heal the wounded,Last year saw the biggest annual death toll yet:2.5 million.Evening saw a little boy crying in the street.Saint Petersburg/The year 1917 witnessed the October Revolution.,well-defined category of people 因为他们主要是和一类定义相对明确的人打交 道,这些人一般来说都有着共同的经济利益。well-defined a.明确的

12、;界限分明的 well-defined policies/limits 明确的政策/界限 因为这些部门的主要服务对象比较明确,而这些服务对象通常具有共同的经济利益。,until after World War II.从句/短语作介词宾语的情况:until after mid-night A cat came out from under the table.Suddenly a bear ran out from behind a tree.,brings us to what can be considered the legal roots.Linguists tried to const

13、ruct what they call a parent language.These people formed what we call Anglo-Saxon society 插入语 Parenthesis,When the earth first came into being,it very likely lacked what we would today call an ocean.战国时期的齐国位于现在的山东省.Qi State in Warring States Period is in what it is now Shandong Province.,This is wh

14、at we usually call population explosion.这就是我们通常所说的人口爆炸.这种致命疾病就是后来众所周知的非典.This fatal disease is what is later known to all SARS.,About the author,David H.Rosenbloom,David H.Rosenbloom,David H.Rosenbloom David H.Rosenbloom is Distinguished Professor of Public Administration in the School of Public Aff

15、airs at American University.He was the 2001 recipient of the American Political Science Associations Award honoring the recipients lifetime of exemplary scholarship in the joint tradition of political science and public administration.,He was also awarded the American Society for Public Administrati

16、ons 1999 Dwight Waldo Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Literature and Leadership of Public Administration.He is considered an expert on constitutional practice related to public administration.,His authored and coauthored books include1.Personnel Management in Government(1978,1981,1986,199

17、2,2001)2.Public Administration and Law(1983;1997),3.Public Administration:Understanding Management,Politics,And Law In The Public Sector(1986,1989,1993,1998,2002,2005)4.Building A Legislative-Centered Public Administration(2000)5.A Reasonable Public Servant(2005)Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia.,Dr.D

18、avid H.Rosenbloom Distinguished ProfessorB.A.Marietta CollegeM.A.University of ChicagoPh.D.University of Chicago Ward 330(202)885-2361 School of Public AffairsAmerican University,Washington D.C.,Key to Exercises,I.Vocabulary,Aponents 2.phenomenon 3.feature 4.waging 5.augmented,6.manipulation 7.autho

19、rizes 8.recognizing 9.reinforced 10.tranquility,Vocabulary,B.1.into 2.to 3.to 4.up 5.in,6.in 7.in 8.to 9.in 10.to,II.Reading Comprehension,A.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B,II.Reading Comprehension,B.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T,II.Reading Comprehension,C.1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A,6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C,Unit 2 Text B Public Management in Developing Countries,Unit 2 Text C Public Administration in America:Why Our Uniqueness Is Exceptional and Important,


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