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1、Module 7,Unit 1 she asked if I was practicing too much.,传话游戏,you like China?,A:Do you like China?B to C:?C to D:?D to E:?E:He/She asked if I liked China.,1.Do you like bananas?,2.Can you fly in the sky?,3.Can you dance on the table?,He/She asked if I liked bananas.,He/She asked if I could fly in the

2、 sky?,He/She asked if I could dance on the table.,4.I like playing computer.,5.The moon goes around the earth.,6.Where is he?,He/She said he/she liked playing computer.,He/She said the moon goes around the earth.,He/She asked where he was.,学 习 目 标,1.流利朗读对话2.掌握课文中知识点3.进一步学习“直接引语转换间接引语”,Look at the ph

3、oto and listen.What does the conversation say about the photo?,e.g.Its very clear in Beihai Park today.Its a lovely park.You can climb up to Baita.The view should be good today.,Activity 1,Listening and vocabulary,Answer the questions.Use the words in the box to help you.,air army clear climb hand h

4、ardly help hurt,Activity 2,1.Is Sally speaking to Mrs Styles?2.What does the other person suggest doing in Beihai Park?,Yes,she is.,Climbing up to Baita.,3.Why is Sally calling?4.What does the other person ask Sally and tell her to do?,Because she wants to say that her hand and arm hurt,and cant pla

5、y in the final practice.,She asks if shes practicing too much,and tells her to get some rest.,图片欣赏,Listen and read.,1.Lingling and Sally are in Beihai Park to_.a)relax b)protect the environment c)listen to the birds,Activity 4,2.When Sally spoke to her teacher,she_.a)told her what was the matter b)t

6、old her the truth about her hand and arm c)was not being honest about her hand and arm,3.Sallys teacher told Sally _.a)to relax b)not to worry c)to do some more practice4.For May Day,Lingling and Sally _ to Wulingyuan.a)have already been b)are making plans to go c)wont go,1.time off2.hardly 与 hard 区

7、别3.climb up4.hurt,Language points:,Language points:,1.time off time off 意思是“休假,放假”。e.g.If you are feeling tired,you should take some time off.放三天假,take 3 days off,2.I can hardly hear the traffic in the streets and no one is shouting.,hardly adv.表示否定意思“几乎不”e.g.I havent seen him for years but he has h

8、ardly changed at all.,我已经很长时间没有见到他了,但是他几乎没有什么改变。,注意:Hardly 否定副词,变反义疑问句时,短句要用肯定形式。,Adv.,意思是“几乎不”,与seldom等词一样,本身含有否定的意思,所以在句中不能另加否定词。,Adj.,意思是“艰难的,困难的”,也可作adv.“拼命的,努力的”,困难的工作,hard work,辛勤工作,work hard,她几乎什么都没吃。She _ eat anything.,hardly,did he,他去年几乎没工作,对吗?(反义疑问句)He hardly worked last year,_?,练习:填空,3.cl

9、imb up,意思是“爬上”同义短语:爬上长城,walk up,walk up the Great Wall,4.hurt,e.g.The tight shoe hurt my foot.There was a hurt look in her eyes.,What did she/he ask?,Are youlistening to me?,Jim,Tony,Tony asked if Jim was listening to him.,Are we smart?,boy,He asked if they were smart.,Is he dead?,girl,She asked if

10、he was dead.,当堂检测,一、词汇,A)根据句义和首字母填空The t_is very busy in the morning,so wed better drive slower.I have p_you more than three times.Standing on the top of the mountain,we can see the w_city clearly.,一、词汇,B)选择括号内恰当的单词填空1.She could _(hardly,hard)write a word because she was ill badly.2.I was told to lo

11、ok after_(me,myself)last weekend.3.Wulingyuan Scenic Area is famous_(as,for)the strange shape of its tall rocks.,二、单项选择,1.Look!The boys are trying to climb_the tree to pick some apples.A.with B.off C.of D.up2.Come a little earlier next time,_youll miss the best part of TV play.A.and B.but C.or D.til

12、l3.You dont look well today.Jenny.Whats the matter with you?-My grandmother is ill.I am_her health.A.interested in B.surprised at C.worried about D.pleased with,二、单项选择,4.She asked me_.A.what was the matter B.what the matter wasC.what is the matter D.what the matter is5.Lingling could hardly hear the traffic,_?A.couldnt she B.cant she C.could she D.can she6.Tony asked_he could help me with my English.A.as if B.if C.that D.what,参考答案,一、A)1.traffic 2.phoned 3.whole B)1.hardly 2.myself 3.for二、1-6 DCCACB,谢 谢 观看谢 谢 观看,


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