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1、unit5复习,key words:cola,ice,potato chips,hamburger,fish,a glass of.,a bowl of.,a plate of.,a bag of.in the north of,get together,go to reataurant,on important festival,on weekends,a way of/to do,become more and more popular,in fact,too much,be good for,people,different,country,Englishman,eat,Amercian

2、,hot dog,fried,chicken,Italian,pizza,Japnese,north,dumpling,important,festival,especially,member,together,during,couple,reataurant,order,save,become,cream,potato,health,think,useful expressions:,寻求帮助-Excuse me,would you please do me a favor?/Will you lend me a hand?-Certainly./Yes,please./No problem

3、./With pleasure.提供帮助-What can I do for you?/May I help you?Can I help you?Anything I can do for you?-Yes./Certainly.表达及回答感谢-Thank you./Thank you very much./Thanks a lot./Its very kind of you.,-You are welcome./Thats OK./Not at all./Its my pleasure.,key sentences,1.In the north of China,the most popu

4、lar food is dumplings.2.Some kinds of American food have now become more and more popular in China.3.Ordering food from a restaurant is a way to save time.4.We have to tell our children not to eat too much fast food.,5.Many people think this kind of food is junk food.6.In fact,it is not good for you

5、r health to eat much fast food.,定冠词的用法,1 表示特定的人或物 这种用法可以表示上文提到过的或谈话双方明确的人或物。特指某人或某事物,以区别于同类中的其他人或事物。Is this the book that you are looking for?2 表示某类属的全体:the 常用于单数名词前,代表一类人或事物。Do you know who invented the computer?The cat,is liked by many people.,3 表示地球、宇宙中的独一无二的事物 世界上独一无二的东西很多,这里所指的独一无二主要是指各种天体及世界上比

6、较有影响力的物体。The sun is bigger than the moon.4 表示具体的地点、方位,具体的时间或某天的一部分等 on the right in the east in/at the end in the afternoon in the center in/at the beginning We have friends all over the world.,5 用于比较级、最高级所修饰的名词和序数词前,常用the,表示特指 Which story is the more interesting(story)of the two.He is always the fi

7、rst to come and the last to leave.,6 用于“越.越”结构中,the必不可少 The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make.The more we get together,the happier well be.7 用于形容词或分词前,表示一类人或事物 The rich should help the poor.The old are easy to catch cold.8 用于乐器前,在演奏的乐器前加the Shall we dance to the guitar?9 用于集体名词、物质名词

8、、专有名词前(,1)用于集体名词前:定冠词用于集体名词前,表示复数概念 The museum is open to the public.The people in this country are kind and ready to help.,定冠词的用法,(2)用于物质名词前:定冠词可用于不可数的物质名词前 The iron is harder than the stone.We dont want the air to be dirty.(3)用于专有名词前:普通名词构成的专有名词前往往要加the The Thames runs through London.Every day many children go to the London Zoo.,10 定冠词的习惯用法(1)用定冠词的地名、组织名 the US,the Great Wall,the UN,the Taiwan Straits,the Himalayas,the History Museum(2)常用定冠词的习惯短语 与时间相关的短语:in the day,in the middle of,at the same time,at the age of,all the year around,


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