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1、Section Grammar&Writing,语法专题突破,Section,写作专题突破,语法专题突破,品味语法1He is reading a cookery book.2The woman holding_a_baby_in_her_arms is waiting to see the doctor.3Please get me a pen to_write_with.4People all like those who_have_good_manners.,自我探究(1)句1中cookery是名词,在句中作定语修饰book;(2)句2中holding a baby in her arm

2、s是现在分词短语,作定语修饰woman;(3)句3中to write with是不定式短语,作定语修饰pen;(4)句4中who have good manners是从句,作定语修饰those。,一、定语定语用来修饰名词或代词。单个词常放在被修饰的词前,短语或句子放在被修饰的词之后。充当定语的有形容词、名词、代词、数词、副词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、从句等。,二、定语从句定语从句一般都紧跟在它所修饰的名词后面。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫做“先行词”。引导定语从句的词叫“关系词”。关系词有两个作用:1引导定语从句;2代替先行词在其引导的定语从句中充当一定的句子成分。,关系词的基本用法表一,

3、表二,.单句改错1I work in a business when almost everyone is waiting for a great chance._,whenwhere,2He is waiting for a bus in that he can go to Beijing._3There were two buildings,the larger which stands nearly a hundred feet high._,thatwhich,which前加of,4I have many friends,of who some are businessmen._5Au

4、stralia is the only country which is also a continent._,whowhom,whichthat,.合并句子1Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs.They are paid in cash for the performances._,Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs,for which they are paid in cash.,2Jim passed the driving test.This surprise

5、d everybody in the office._,Jim passed the driving test,which surprised everybody in the office.,3He was educated at a local grammar school.After that he went on to Cambridge._,He was educated at a local grammar school,after which he went on to Cambridge.,4The manager left the meeting room.The manag

6、er made it clear to us that he didnt agree with us._,The manager,having made it clear to us that he didnt agree with us,left the meeting room,5Talks between the two countries are making progress.This is reported in the newspapers._,As is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are

7、 making progress.,.完成句子1这个白色小木屋闻起来好像好多年没人住了。The _ house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years.,little white wooden,2(2010年高考湖南卷)我和去年在英语演讲比赛中遇到的我校的几个同学成了好朋友。Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech contest last year.,who,3(2010年高考重庆卷)In C

8、hina,the number of cities is increasing _(城市的发展得到了世界的公认),whose development is recognized across the world,4(2010年高考大纲全国卷)我拒绝接受因别人的错误而对我进行的指责。I refuse to accept the blame for something _ was someone elses fault.,that,5(2010年高考课标全国卷)孩提时代,杰克在一所乡村学校学习,该学校以他祖父的名字命名。As a child,Jack studied in a village sc

9、hool,_ is named after his grandfather.,which,6(2011年高考大纲全国卷)Ted仅穿着短裤和T恤来过周末,在这种天气下这样做真愚蠢。Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a Tshirt,_is a stupid thing to do in such weather.,which,7(2011年高考四川卷)这个学校商店,其主要顾客是学生,因为放假暂停营业。The school shop,_ customers are mainly students,is closed for

10、the holidays.,whose,8(2011年高考山东卷)这座老城镇拥有狭窄的街道和坐落在一起的矮小的房子。The old town has narrow streets and small houses_ are built close to each other.,that/which,9(2011年高考安徽卷)任何剩下的东西也许都可以放进冰箱,在那里可以保存两到三周的时间。Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator,_ it will keep for two or three weeks.,where,10(20

11、11年高考天津卷)体力是你赖以生存的唯一手段的日子已一去不复返了。The days are gone _ physical strength was all you needed to make a living.,when,写作专题突破,【写作内容】根据下列提示用英语写一篇短文,介绍关于东西方餐桌礼仪的差异。,【写作要求】1只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【要点词汇】1吃的习惯_2邀请_3分享_4传统地_,eating habits,invite,share,traditionally,【句式结构】1中西方饮食习惯的主要差异是在西方每个人使用自己的餐具,而在中国

12、大家共用一套餐具。_between Chinese and western eating habits is _.,The main difference,that everyone has their own plate of food in the West;while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares,2在中国,你一口气喝干是礼貌的;而在西方,你最好只喝一小口。In China,_ is polite _,while in the West,youd better take only a si

13、p.,it,to drink all at once,3对于中国主人来说,客人不把盘子里的菜吃完意思是主人准备了足够的菜。For the Chinese host,_ means that he has served plenty of food.,leaving some dishes on the plates,【连句成篇】_,【佳作欣赏】The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that everyone has their own plate of food in the West;while in

14、 China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.If you are invited to a western family,you should come on time;while to a Chinese family you have to be there ahead of time.,Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only in China,while the left hand takes the fork,the right h

15、and uses the knife to cut in the West.In China,it is polite to drink all at once,while in the West,youd better take only a sip.For the Chinese host,leaving some dishes on the plates means that he has served plenty of food;but for the western host that means the guests dont like the dishes.,【类文点津】这是图表式作文。图表作文着重说明事实,常常通过对图表中所反映的具体数据的说明、分析、比较,对某种事物或现象的事实或变化情况等加以说明,并得出结论或看法。写图表式作文时,要遵循以下步骤:,1认真分析图表的含义,弄清图表中所含的信息及不同信息间的关系;2确定文章的主题思想,构思出文章的基本框架;3编列文章的提纲;4根据文章的提纲,将各段的提纲内容扩展成段落,然后将各个段落组成文章,注意段与段之间的衔接与过渡;5检查与修改。,


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