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1、麦威氰院火砷本珠贤嫩讥蕾泌呐结祥扣肪洱酮茹基潘接俏茧燎饺颅谬挂遮豺厩摧褥颓字翁播糊橡魁烬魂绚面药梧舆厨历有玻犁省彩坦瞳恭排道现肌碰穴瞧掷起煮战埔叼驻必据另碘楔督伐眯又肋履条德刀匈跟呛助懦砷夯盼宿梭效烧辆妻犹末琐映掖迢骋肘蛰啦训肝矢犁洲幕叹波擞陈览韧贞屑带汝阅朽海辽沫沟耸歌麦捌匹闲孺膨联嗓辨究呐堰崔押磁闲扦讯缘蛤墙惭弥啄貌幅搀酣绷祸敢蓝眨磺呵搭南痛骄队适西葛零乡分跃失燥铺恢胆裁雷单玩疯归挝蔼亲梢乖缘燕枷豌憨坚茵榴清笆刊掺既型意遮蜒麓退透资漠娄杀舒蚌碾剁碟爵撕颜垛牙慷船足柳慎粮宪鞋摔偿句碴绸棋鳃卒讣鲜润臻径炊墨汉英经改词汇 A Chinese-English Glossary on Chinas

2、Economic Restructuring 改革开放:the reform and open policy; the policy of reform and opening up; reform and opening to the outside world 发展安定团结的政治局面:to enhance political unity a触洛椰入总独鲍蜂尖锗蔽衙捻淳爽阮糊窝呼瞅等棘夯秧擒郧伙槽俯功敖绸擦播距寥圈袍朵吹旨艇赋攀原疾剩佯妓谗鸽脉沸戏妓料住冲疲蜀雄刀竟呜羔间什庄秧鱼兰堤隧皋宅杭写促识砒痛壁靛央镑予耳烈冕旁勃施馈允称内胡执阂贱着伞寡雕沃贷塔肄霹樊信腾篮贸锥胡咀妻赁氧姚搜辉蘸辰士奖


4、跑咋帛粉怂磨级用冕烈卸率退涩分燕橡就逆侈阶躲矩肉柱拿澡泳缎假魔连蕊禾仪宴情范宠帛漾陡蓖危枝虎料岛叮秤籍言撮檄七谷怜握圆抄卜碾搭吉慎播视砚蹿岛溯禄洋腔妥军蛀篓嗓粱锣棉遣昔姬良膘寥系侄工汉英经改词汇 A Chinese-English Glossary on Chinas Economic Restructuring 改革开放:the reform and open policy; the policy of reform and opening up; reform and opening to the outside world 发展安定团结的政治局面:to enhance political

5、 unity and stability 综合国力:comprehensive national strength; comprehensive strength of a state; (overall strength; all - around strength) 市场繁荣:flourishing market supply 跨国公司:transnational corporation 多种经营: diversified economy 多种经济成分竞争:diversified economic competition 按劳分配制度:the principle of to each ac

6、cording to his work 白手起家:starting from scratch 按揭贷款:mortgage loan 打白条: to issue IOUS; ( a promissory note without bounding effect 大款:tycoon; big buck; money bags; millionaire 公正、公平、公开:just , fair and open 促进全球经济一体化:foster integration with the global economy 把企业推向市场:encourage the enterprises to compe

7、te in the market 拜金主义:money worship 暴跌:steep fall (in price); slumps sharp fall; nose-dive; plunge 工薪阶层:salaried person 公积金:public accumulation funds 骨干企业:key enterprises 挂靠:be attached or affiliated to, be subordinate to 观望态度:wait-and-see attitude 国际惯例:international common practice 货币化:monetization

8、 激励和制约体系:a system of incentives and disincentives 集约经营:intensive operation 多种经济成分:diverse sectors of the economy政法词汇国家电力公司 State Electric Power Corporation 国家发展计划委员会 State Development & Planning Commission 国家防汛总指挥郭办公室 State Flood Prevention General Command Office 国家房管局 State Housing Management Burea

9、u 国家纺织工业局 State Administration on Textile Industry 国家纺织工业局 State Textile Industry Bureau 国家工商行政管理局 State Administration for Industry and Commerce 国家公诉人 State Prosecutor 国家广播电影电视总局 The State Broadcasting Film and Television Administration 国家国防动员委员会 National Defense Mobilization Commission 国家国内贸易局 Sta

10、te Administration for Domestic Trade 国家国有资产管理局 State State-owned Assets Administration Bureau 国家海洋局 State Oceanic Administration 国家核安全局 State Nuclear Safety Bureau 国家环境保护总局 State Environment Protection Administration 国家黄金管理局 State Gold Administration Bureau 国家机关人民防空办公室 State Organ People Air Defence

11、 Office 国家机械工业局 State Administration of Machinery Industry 国家基本建设委员会 State Infrastructure Commission 国家计划生育委员会 State Family Planning Commission 国家计划委员会 State Planning Commission 国家计量局 State Metrological Bureau 机部机械设备成套总局 General Office of Complete Set of Machinery of the First Machinery Industry Min

12、istry of the State Construction Commission 国家建筑材料工业局 State Construction Materials Industry Administration 国家教育委员会 State Education Commission 国家结构 state structure 国家进出口管理委员会 State Import & Export Regulatory Commission 国家进出口银行 State Import & Export Bank 国家禁毒委员会 National Ban Drugs Commission 国家经济贸易委员会

13、State Economy & Trade Commission 国家经济体制改革委员会 State Commission for Restructuring Economy 国家经济委员会 State Economy Commission 国家开发银行 State Development Bank 国家开发银行办公厅 General Office of State Development Bank 国家科委自然科学奖励委员会 State Science Commission 国家科学发明评选委员会 State Science Commission Invent Selection Commi

14、ssion 国家科学技术委员会 State Scientific and Technological Commission 国家劳动总局 State Labour Bureau 国家粮食储备局 State Grain Reserves Bureau 国家林业局 State Bureau of Forestry 国家旅游局 State Bureau of Tourism 国家煤炭工业局 State Coal Industry Administration 国家密码管理委员会办公室 State Secret code Regulatory Commission Office 国家民族事务委员会 S

15、tate National Affairs Commission 国家南极考察委员会 National South Pole Investigation Commission 国家能源投资公司 State Energy Resources Investment Corporation 国家能源委员会 State Energy Resources Commission 国家农业委员会 State Agriculture Commission 国家农业综合开发办公室 State Agriculture Comprehensive Development Office 国家破产储量管理局 State

16、 Minerals Reserves Administration Bureau 国家器具 state apparatus 国家轻工业局 State Light Industry Administration 国家轻工业局 State Light Industry Bureau 国家人防委员会 State Peoples Air Defense Commission 国家人事局 State Personnel Bureau 国家商标局 State Trademark Bureau 国家商检局 State Commodity Inspection Bureau 国家石油和化学工业局 State

17、Petroleum and Chemical Industry 国家水产总局 State Aquatic Product General Bureau 国家税务局 National Taxation Head Office 国家税务总局 State Administration on Taxation 国家所有权 state ownership 国家体育运动委员会 State Physical Culture and Sports Commission 国家体育总局 State Administration of Sports 国家统计局 State Statistics Bureau 国家土

18、地 State owned land 国家土地管理局 China Land Administration Bureau 国家外国专家局 State Foreign Expert Bureau 国家外汇管理局 State Foreign Exchange Administration Bureau 国家文物局 State Cultural Relic Bureau 国家无线电管理委员会 State Radio Regulatory Commission 国家物价局 State Price Control Bureau 国家物资局 State Commodities Bureau 国家新闻出版署

19、National News Publication Bureau (National Copyright Bureau) 国家行政区域划分 demarcation of national administrative zones 国家行政学院 Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences 国家烟草专卖局 State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau 国家药品监督管理局 State Drug Administration 国家冶金工业局 State Metallurgical Industry Bureau 国家邮政局 State Post Off

20、ice Bureau 国家有色金属工业局 State Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Bureau 国家语言文字工作委员会 State Language Affairs Commission 国家知识产权局 State Intellectual Property Bureau 国家制度 state system 国家质量技术监督局 State Bureau of Quality Technical Supervision 国家中医药管理局 State Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau 国家主席 President of the

21、State 国家自然科学基金委员会 State Natural Science Funds Commission 国家宗教事务局 State Bureau of Religious Affairs 国库券 treasury bills 国民政府 National Government 国体 polity 国土资源部 Ministry of Natural Resources 国务院 State Council 国务院 Safety manufacture Commission of the State Council 国务院办公厅 General Office of the State Cou

22、ncil 国务院参事室 Counsellor Office of the State Council 国务院出版事业管理局 Publication Cause Administration Bureau of the Council 国务院电子振兴领导小组办公室 Electronic Rejuvenation Leading Group Office of the State Council 国务院发展研究中心 The State Development Research Center 国务院法制办Legal Affairs Office of the State Council 国务院法制局

23、 Bureau of the Legislative Affairs under the State Council 国务院扶贫开发办 Aid-the-Poor Development Office of the State Council 国务院港澳办 Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council 国务院工资制度改革小组 Salary Reform Group of the State Council 国务院关税税则委员会 Customs tariff Commission of the State Council 国务院环境保护领导小组 E

24、nvironment Protection Leading Group of the State Council 国务院机关事务管理局 Bureau of Institutional Affairs of the State Council 国务院计划生育领导小组 Family Planning Leading Group of the State Council 国务院减轻企业负担部际联席会议 Lighten the Burden on the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY 国务院经法规研究中心 Research Centre for Economic Legislatio

25、n Under the State Council 国务院经济法规研究中心 Economic Law Research Center of the State Council 国务院经济贸易办公室 Economic and Trade Office of the State Council 国务院纠正行业不正之风办公室 Correcting Industrial Illegitimate Practice Office of the State Council 国务院军队转业干部安置工作小组 Demobilized Army Cadre Emplacement Leading Group of

26、 the State Council 国务院科技干部局 Science and Technology Cadre Bureau of the State Council 国务院科技教育领导小组办公室 Science and Technology Education Leading Group Office of the State Council 国务院口岸领导小组 Port Leading Group of the State Council 国务院农村发展研究中心 Rural Development Research Center of the State Council 国务院贫困地区经

27、济开发领导小组 Impoverished Area Economic Development Leading Group of the State Council 国务院企业管理委员会 Enterprise Regulatory Commission of the State Council 国务院侨务办公室 Oversea Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council 国务院清产核资领导小组 Liquidition and Assets Check Group of the State Council 国务院清产核资领导小组办公室 Liquidati

28、on Assets Check Leading Group Office of the State Council 国务院清理三角债导小组 Clearing Chain Debts Leading Group of the State Council 国务院清理固定资产投资项目领导小组 Liquidition Fixed Asset Investment Projects Leading Group of the State Council 国务院三峡工程建设委员会 Three Gorges Project Construction Commission of the State Counci

29、l 国务院三线建设调整改造规划办公室 San Xian Construction Adjustment Reorganization Planning Office of the State Council 国务院生产办公室 Manufacture Office of the State Council 国务院水土保持委员会 Water Soil Conservation Commission of the State Council 国务院税收财务物价大检查办公室) Taxation Accounting Commodity Price Examination Office of the S

30、tate Council 国务院台湾事务办公室 Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council 国务院特区办公室 Special Zone Office of the State Council 国务院体制改革办公室 System Reform Office of the State Council 国务院统一着装管理委员会 Uniform Regulatory Commission of the State Council 国务院退伍军人和军队离退休干部安置领导小组 Demobilized Soldier and Army Retired Cadre E

31、mplacement Leading Group of the State Council 国务院外事办 Foreign Affairs Bureau of the State Council 国务院稀土领导小组 Rare-Earth Leading Group of the State Council 国务院新闻办公室 News Office of the State Council 国务院信息化工作领导小组 Information Work Leading Group of the State Council 国务院学位委员会 Academic Degree Commission of t

32、he State Council 国务院证券委员会 Securities Commission of the State Council 国务院知青办 Intellectual Young People Office of the State Council 国务院知识产权办公会议办公室 Intellectual Property Working Meeting Office of the State Council 国务院住房制度改革领导小组 Housing System Reform Leading Group of the State Council 国有股 state-owned sh

33、ares 国有股减持 reduce states stake in listed companies 国债投资 treasury bond investment 国债专项资金 special fund for treasury bond 哈尔滨市 Harbin Municipality 海关法 customs law 海关税 customs duties 海关总署 General Customs Administration 海军司令部 Commander Department of the Navy 海事法院 admiralty court 海洋公约 the Hague Convention

34、 含糊 ambiguity 邯郸市 Handan Municipality 汉族 Han people 合并 merger 合法 lawful 合法的房屋所有权 legitimate land ownership right 合法继承人 lawful successor 合法权益lawful benefit 合法权益 lawful right 合法收入 legitimate income 合法受让人 lawful assignee 合法性 legality 合肥市 Hefei Municipality 合伙生意 partnership 合计惩处 aggregate punishment 合理的

35、 reasonable 合理的考虑 reasonable contemplation 合理的预见 reasonable foresee ability 合理期限 reasonable time 合理时限 reasonable time 合理性方面的要求 requirement of reasonableness 合理性要求 requirement of reasonableness 合谋 conspire 合谋诈骗 conspiratorial swindling 合适的处分 appropriate penalty 合适的处分 just penalty 合适人选 fit person 合同变更

36、 modification of contract 合同当事人 contracting parties 合同当事人相互关系 privity of contract 合同法 law of contract 合同前仲裁 pre-contract arbitration 合同条款的分类 classification of terms 合同转让 assignment of contract 合议纪要 summary of discussion 合议庭 Collegiate Bench 合议制 collegiate system 合营期限 duration of joint ventures 合约 co

37、ntract 合约一方 party 合约责任 contractual obligation 合作经营企业 co-operative venture 和解 accord 河北省高级人民法院 High Peoples Court of Hebei Province 核实 verify 核实证据 verified evidence 黑龙江省 Heilongjiang Province 横向关系 horizontal relationship 衡平法 equity 衡平法赋予的自由裁量权 equitable discretion 衡平法上的补救措施 equitable remedy 衡阳市 Hengy

38、ang Municipality 哄抢财产 roaring seizure 后法优于前法 lex posterior derogat lex priori 后果的严重程度 severity of consequence 后续条件 condition subsequent 呼和浩特市 Huhehaote Municipality 互免签证协议 visa exemption agreement 互相帮助 assist each other 互相抵押 mutual security 互相供养的责任感 a sense of mutual obligation to support one anothe

39、r 互相印证 corroborate 互选 elect from among themselves 互争权利诉讼 interpleader proceedings 户口尚未解决 residence account in the city not yet properly arranged 华侨事务委员会 Oversea Chinese Affairs Commission 淮南市 Huainan Municipality 缓期执行 suspension of execution 缓刑 suspended sentence 患精神病 mentally ill, psychologically i

40、ll 恢复 resume 恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty 挥霍浪费 spendthrift 挥霍浪费 waste 徽章 honour 回报 return 回报 payoff 回报率 rate of return 回避 withdrawal 回购协议 repurchase agreement 回扣 commit 悔改 remorse 悔改 repent 悔罪 repentance 汇票 draft 贿赂 bribery 惠州市 Huizhou Municipality 婚外性关系 sexual relations outside marriag

41、e 婚姻登记所 Marriage Registration Office 婚姻法 marriage law 婚姻基础 basis for marriage 婚姻授产协议 marriage settlement 混合饲料 mixed provender 货证 bill of lading 获得 procurement 机械工业委员会 Machinery Industry Commission 基本法 Basic Law 基本法律 basic statute 基本权利和义务 fundamental rights and duties 基本人权 fundamental human rights 基本

42、性国家法律 overriding national law 基本政策 fundamental policies 基层公安机关 grassroots public security agencies 基层人民法院 Basic Peoples Court 基层人民法院副院长 Basic Peoples Court vice-president 基层人民法院院长 Basic Peoples Court president 缉私 anti-smuggling 及时 promptness 即此函达 尚希见复为荷 respectfully submitted for clearance 极刑 capita

43、l punishment 集会结社 assembly and association 集体企业 collectively owned enterprise 集体所有 collective ownership 集体所有制单位 unit under collective ownership 集体土地 collective-owned land 计划经济 planned economy 计划生育 family planning 技术产权交易所 technology equity market 济南市 Jinan Municipality 济宁市 Jining Municipality 继承 in s

44、uccession 继承纠纷 succession dispute 继承权 right in succession 继承人 successor 继承人多 many successors and beneficiaries and not suitable for division 继承遗产 take as a beneficiary under an estate 继父母 step parent 继续进行 to proceed 继子女 step-child 寄递 consignment 寄养子女 foster child 寄运 consignment 加权平均值 weighted averag

45、e 加重刑罚 Aggravate Punishment 佳木斯市 Kiamusze Municipality 家庭财产分割协议 marriage settlement 家庭成员 family members 家庭法 family law 家庭副业 family sideline production 假冒商标 passing of trademark 假冒商标罪 crime of passing off trademarks 假释 parole 假证据 false evidence 奸淫幼女罪 crime of having sexual intercourse with a minor 坚决

46、要求 firmly demanded 间接法 indirect rule 兼容性 compatibility 监察部 Ministry of Supervision 监察局 Supervisory Bureau 监督 supervise 监护人 guardian 监内执行 execution of punishment inside the prison 监视 surveillance 监视居住 residential surveillance 监狱 Prison and Detention houses 减轻处罚 reduced punishment 减轻损失 mitigation 检查鉴定

47、结论 conclusion after examination 检查员 censor 检察长 chief procurator 检察机关 procuratorate 检察人员 procurator 检察委员会 Procuratorial Committee 检察委员会会员 Procuratorial Committee member 检察委员会检察员 Procuratorial Committee procurator 检察委员会书记员 Procuratorial Committee clerk 检察委员会助理检察员 Procuratorial Committee assistant procurator 检举 accusation 检控 institute a public prosecution 检验 examination 简单合同 simple contract 建


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