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1、2 Nature of Translation,2.1 Definition of translation2.1.1 语言学派的定义:强调翻译是一种语言活动,追求的是等值、等效。Translation is the faithful representation in one language of what is written or spoken in another language.(把一种语言表达出来的东西用另一种语言准确而完整的表达出来。)(范存忠:“漫谈翻译”翻译理论与技巧中国对外翻译出版公司,1985,p.80),Translation is across-language a

2、nd across-cultural communication(翻译是跨语言、跨文化的交际活动。)翻译是以符号转换为手段,意义再生为任务的一项跨文化的交际活动。(许钧,2003:75)Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source language message,first in terms of meaning,and secondly in terms of style.(Eugene Nida&Taber,1969,p12)

3、(从语义到文体在译入语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现源语的信息。)(等效论)(dynamic equivalence),翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言在内容与形式不可分割的统一业中已表达出来的东西准确而完全的表达出来。(费道罗夫,1987:19)(等值论:翻译的等值,就是表现原文思想内容的完全准确和作用上、修辞上与原文完全一致)翻译:把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。辞海(1980)翻译:把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来(也指方言与民族共同语、方言与方言、古代语与现代语之间一种用另一种表达);把代表语言文学的符号或数码用语言文字表达出来。现代汉语词典(1978、1983

4、、1996),2.1.2 文艺学派的定义:强调翻译是艺术活动,追求的是再创造,翻译是美化之艺术。(许渊冲,2001:4659)文学翻译不是一种语言活动,更是一种文学活动。(爱德蒙.加里 Edmond Gray,1986,p.6),文化学派的定义:强调文化对翻译的制约作用。,“翻译是征服。”“翻译是妥协。”“翻译并不是一种中性的、远离政治及意识形态斗争和利益冲突的行为;更不是一种纯粹的文字活动,一种文本间话语符号的转换和替代,而是一种文化、思想、意识形态环境里的改造、变形或再创作。”“翻译是再生”,2.2 Nature of translation(许钧,翻译论,6775),2.2.1 翻译具有

5、社会性 2.2.2 翻译的文化性 2.2.3 翻译的符号转换性 2.2.4 翻译的创造性 2.2.5 翻译的历史性,2.3 Classification of translation,2.3.1 In terms of what to be translated intralingua translation(语内翻译)interlingual translation(语际翻译)intersemiotic translation(符际翻译),2.3.2 In terms of how to be translated oral translation、interpretation(口译)wri

6、tten translation(笔译)machine translation(机器翻译)machine-aided translation(机助翻译)2.3.3 In terms of the style of translation literary translation 文学翻译(翻译小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧等)specialized-subject translation 专业性翻译(翻译法律、科技文献、专业学术论著、因特网语言等)general translation 一般性翻译(翻译各种应用文和新闻报道)2.3.4 In terms of the way to be transla

7、tedabsolute translation(全译)selective translation(摘译)translation with reconstruction(编译),2.4 What to be translated:,2.4.1 Content:truth expounded facts narrated scenes described characters portrayed writers intention implied writers attitude,views conveyed,2.4.2 Form:diction structure rhetoric device

8、s phonologic patterns images,2.4.3 Style tone types of writing national color particular writer different school,The three constitute an organic whole closely interrelated and inseparably interacting.They cant be isolated from each other.The content must be represented exactly to the life.The form m

9、ust be transformed without transfiguration.The style must be kept intact as it actually is.,Key to Exercise One:,(1)我要教训他一顿,看他还敢不敢欺骗人。(2)这篇论文很不理想。或:这篇论文有很多地方可以改进。(3)洪水退了以后,有点恢复宁静的迹象。(4)我们不能不顾及我们的邻邦;我们如果不顾及他们的安危,就只能陷于自身难保的境地。(5)“不过,在天亮时谈个人的往事,真扫兴。我走以前,谈点别的吧。”(6)德国侵略者屠杀了该城的无辜平民,无一幸免。这种残暴的行为受到了全世界人民的谴责

10、。,.4.3(1)门口放着一把雨伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。(2)书房的窗户有三扇,每扇嵌的都是老式的小块玻璃,每块玻璃上都有裂痕。(3)他们讨论着这个问题,由于他迟迟未归,所以他们此时几乎产生了一线希望认为他不会很快就到,而这时他们突然听见他上楼的脚步声。(4)北边的山岭披上了铁青色的亮装,西边的天空还残留着朦胧的夜色。(5)他用诗歌来写散文。,3 Criteria for Translation,3.1 What do criteria mean?A criterion is an established standard,rule or principle on which

11、a judgment is based.As a plumb-line for measuring professional level of translation.As a good set for translators to strive for,3.2 What are criteria for adequate and acceptable translation?,Buddhist Scripture translators(Daoan in the Han,Xuan Zhang in the Tang Dynasty):Accuracy in words and content

12、 文与质诤Yan Fu 严复 in the Qing Dynasty:faithful,expressive,elegant(信、达、雅)lexically succinct,universally acceptable,historically influential,Faithful:precise conveyance of the content loyal to the writer-keep the general spirit convey the original ideas reflect the writers intention and attitude follow t

13、he original style keep the organic relations no distortion(misinterpretation)complete conveyance(no loss)careful analysis of the original content,form and style,Expressive:translate in an explict,smooth and popular language avoid ambiguity,obscurity equivocation organize in logical order:inherent in

14、 meaning cohesive in wording no improper diction no syntactic slips,Elegant:graceful,figurative and florid in diction Words should be well chosen,well-collocated and well-ornamented Controversial ideas about“elegance”Vary with the time and places Vary with individuals Based on the original style and

15、 form Not spoil the aesthetic effect of the original,Liu chongde 刘重德:faithfulness:to be faithful to the content of the original(信);expressiveness:to be expressive as the original(达);Closeness:to be as close to the original style as possible.(切)Lu Xun(鲁迅):“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两方面,一当然是其易解,二则是保存原作的丰姿)Faithful and

16、 smooth(rather faithful than smooth”)(宁信而不顺),Fu Lei:similarity in spirit(comparing translation to picture-copying,emphasizing the similarity in spirits rather than in form)(神似)Qian Zhongshu:Sublimation(化境)(出神入化)(adapting the SL to the TL,aiming at the original flavor rather than the form only),Alexa

17、nder Fraser Tyler(professor in Edingburg university),Three fundamentals:1)A translation should give a complete transcript of the idea of the original work.译文应该完全传达原文的意思。2)The style of manner and writing should be of the same character as that of the original.译文的风格与笔调应与原文一致。3)A translation should hav

18、e all the ease of the original compositions.译文应像原文一样流畅。,Nida(an American professor in translation),General points:1)true to the original 2)vivid 3)smooth and natural 4)equivalent in response(dynamic equivalence)Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalen

19、t of the source language message,first in terms of meaning,and secondly in terms of style.The most popular criteria for translation is:equivalent value(等值),equivalent effect(等效),functional equivalence(功能对等),Criteria for translation learners:.,faithfulness(忠实),smoothness(通顺):faithful to the content,s

20、mooth in language,Assignment:English-Chinese Translation Practice Seeing People Off(1),I am not good at it.To do it well seems to me one of the most difficult things in the world,and probably seems so to you,too.To see a friend off from Waterloo to Vauxhall were easy enough.But we are never called o

21、n to perform that small feat.It is only when a friend is going on a longish journey,and will be absent for a longish time,that we turn up at the railway station.The dearer the friend,and the longer the journey,and the longer the like the absence,the earlier do we turn up,and the more lamentably do w

22、e fail.Our failure is in exact ratio to the seriousness of the occasion,and to the depth of our feeling.,4 Principles of Translation,4.1 the source-language-oriented principle以译出语为取向的原则 literal translation(直译):word-for-word translation,line-for-line translationIt can borrow some of the source langua

23、ge expressions,and thus enriches the expression of the target language,but it may be unacceptable in translation practice.,The Milky Way(银河)(直译:牛奶路)the apple of my eye(珍爱物;珍爱之人,宝贝)(直译:我眼中的苹果)He always lives ahead of his salary.(他的生活开销总是超过他的工资收入)(完全直译:他总是生活在他的工资之前)老虎(直译:old tiger)他们对我们的工作没有多大意见。(直译:T

24、hey have no great opinion of our work),4.2 the target-language-oriented principle以译入语为取向的原则,adaptation(归化)free translation(意译):it is often used when there is no equivalence in the target language,but it may lose the source cultural images or mistranslate the source text meaning.,And yokels looking u

25、p at the tinseled dancers and old rouged tumbles.(Vanity Fair)意译:乡下佬们盯着瞧那些穿着俗艳的跳舞者和人老珠黄还涂脂抹粉硬撑门面的老杂耍演员。原文说的是舞台上演戏,所以提到跳舞的身上穿着缀着箔片、闪闪发亮的(tinseled一词的基本意思)衣服,老杂技演员脸上涂着胭脂(为了演出),但译文却未扣紧原文,在tinseled条下看到一个引申义“俗丽的”,就用在译文里;看到old和 rouged 就想到“人老珠黄还涂脂抹粉硬撑门面”。,由此可见,把“直译”和“意译”作为翻译原则提出来,是会造成很多误解、带来种种弊端的。,4.3 the a

26、uthor-and-reader-oriented principle 以作者和读者为取向的原则,This principle is more widely accepted by translators,which shows that most of the translators have comprehensive understanding of translation.Here are some typical principles which are author-and-reader oriented.,Alexander Fraser Tyler(professor in E

27、dinburgh University),Three Principles:1)A translation should give a complete transcript of the idea of the original work.译文应该完全传达原文的意思。2)The style of manner and writing should be of the same character as that of the original.译文的风格与笔调应与原文一致。3)A translation should have all the ease of the original com

28、positions.译文应像原文一样流畅。,Lu Xun(鲁迅):“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两方面,一当然是其易解,二则是保存原作的丰姿)Yan Fu 严复 in the Qing Dynasty:faithful,expressive,elegant(信、达、雅)Such principles are correct in theory,but are hard to adhere to in translation practice.,4.4 the aesthetics-oriented principle 以美学为取向的原则,This principle is advocated by so

29、me literary translators such as Ezra Pound、Fu lei(傅雷)、Qian zhongshu(钱钟书)、Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲)(see textbookP10)。Many literary translation works are produced guided by such principle,but it is too abstract and hard to achieve.Whats more,it is unsuitable for non-literary works translation.,4.5 the sociose

30、miotics-oriented principle 以社会符号学为取向的原则,This principle emphasizes that semiotic meanings and functions should be taken into consideration in translation.,Semiotic meanings conclude:designative meaning or referential meaning(指称意义)、linguistic meaning(言内意义)、pragmatic meaning(语用意义)。,指称意义是语言符号所代表的事物的基本特征

31、的抽象概括,它的核心内容是区别性特征(distinctive features),例如:father(父亲)的区别性特征就是:男性,比本人高一辈,直系。指称意义也被称为“概念意义”和“认知意义”。,言内意义是语言符号之间的关系,它具体体现在语音、词汇、句法和语篇等层次。音系意义主要见于下列现象:头韵(pretty as a picture;dead as a doornail);半韵(The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain);和音(The splendor falls on castle walls);尾韵(Downy lips make tho

32、ughtless slips.“嘴上没毛,说话不牢”);格律(如汉诗的七律、五律、七绝、五绝以及英诗中最常见的抑扬格五音步诗)。语法意义:语法意义是言内意义中最不突出的一种意义,因为语法形式大多是强制性的,因而可以预见;可以预见的东西自然没有突出的意义。,词汇层面的言内意义,:词汇层面的言内意义有谐音双关、一语双叙(syllepsis)、词语的前后呼应等。If we dont hang together,well hang separately.(Benjamin Franklin)(pun)What is mind?No matter.What is matter?Never mind.(R

33、obert Russell)(pun)His temper is as short as his coattails.(syllepsis),The senator picked up his hat and courage.(syllepsis)参议员捡起了帽子鼓起了勇气。如果我们不团结一致,我们将会被一个个地绞死。第一个hang意为“团结在一起”,第二个hang意为“被绞死”,整句话意为:我们必须共赴沙场,否则就得分赴法场。什么是心灵?不管。什么是物质?没关系他的脾气就像他的燕尾服短。,6)他是我们这里有名的一个泼辣货。南省俗称“辣子”,你只叫他“凤辣子”就是了。(红楼梦)Shes the

34、 terror of this house.In the south theyd call her Hot Pepper.Just call her Fiery Phoenix.(中国外文出版社译本)译文未传达出原文“辣子”一词的前后照应关系,Fiery Phoenix叫法的引入显得突兀。试比较David Hawkes 的译法:Shes a holy terror this one.What we used to call in Nanjing apeppercorn.You just call her“Peppercorn Feng”.,句子层面的言内意义有组合关系、排比、倒装等。,Read

35、 not to contradict and confute;nor to believe and take for granted;nor to find talk and discourse;but to weigh and consider.(读书时不可存心诘难作者,不可尽信书上所言,亦不可只为寻章摘句,而应推敲细思。(排比),篇章层面言内意义有句式的变化、段落的安排和衔接、粘连等。,The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes.The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the wi

36、ndow-panes.黄色的雾在窗玻璃上擦着它的背。黄色的烟在窗玻璃上擦着它的嘴。(查良铮译),语用意义,是语言符号与语言符号使用者之间的关系。它包括表征意义(indexical meaning)、表达意义(expressive meaning)、社交意义(social meaning)、祈使意义(imperative meaning)和联想意义(associative meaning)。,表征意义指揭示发讯人的身份、性别、年龄、阶级和教育背景以及在交际中的态度等等的成分。(如:美国英语,女王英语,黑人英语,街巷英语等等)2)表达意义指语言符号的情感内容及其表达发讯人个性或个人创造性的成份。(


38、义:,指发讯人企图改变收讯人行为或心态的影响,具体表现为命令、敦促、说服或乞求,5)联想意义:语言符号唤起的联想以及它所暗示的、或者作为它一部分的概念或印象。不同语言里指称意义一样的词语,联想意义尽可以不同,例如:他壮实得像头牛。He is as strong as a horse.他犟得像头牛。He is stubborn as a mule.Alices girl friends were green with envy when they saw her new dress.爱丽丝的女友们看到她的新装时,心中充满了忌妒。汉语中的“害了红眼病”(green-eyed)医学上的红眼病“pin

39、k eyes”You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people.She is only eighteen and as green as grass.你不能指望玛丽同这样的人做生意,她只有十八岁,还毫无经验。“戴绿帽子”(to be a cuckold),4.5.2 According to Peter Newmark,language has the following social functions: informative function(信息功能):语言传达信息,影响他人认知的功能。例如:Look,that

40、is a newly-built residential area.,expressive function(表情功能):是语言表达言者或作者,即言语始发者的思想感情的功能。例如:I love you,my hometown! interpersonal function(人际功能):语言帮助人确定和保持自己社会地位的功能,也是维系和协调人际关系的功能,称呼语、寒暄语、道别语具备这种功能。例如:President Li,Professor Zhang,Mom,Dad,Good Morning!Have a nice trip!phatic function(酬应功能)也可看作是它

41、的一个方面。, vocative function(呼唤功能):使读(听)者作出文本所期望的反应,即行动、思考或感受。这一功能有好几种别称,如行动功能(operative function)和语用功能(pragmatic function)。例如:Excuse me,could you please show me the way to London Railway station? aesthetic function(美感功能):是语言用语言形式及其传达的内容使感官愉悦的功能。例如:Time is precious.一寸光阴一寸金, cogniti

42、ve function(认知功能):人必须用语言进行思考,用语言“进行分析、综合、抽象、概括等思维活动,形成思想,表达思想。” metalingual function(元语言功能):解释语言的功能,是指语言解释,命名和批评自身特点的功能。例如:汉语是声调语言。Chinese is a tonal language.,4.5.3 the semiotics-oriented translation principles:,在译语句法和惯用法规范以及具体接受者能够接受的限度之内,采取适当的变通和补偿手段,以保证特定上下文中最重要的意义优先传译为前提,尽可能多和正确地传递源语信息的多

43、重意义,以争取原文和译文最大限度的等值。,在译语句法和惯用法规范以及具体接受者能够接受的限度之内。Literacy class 扫盲班(不译:读写能力班)Im too old a dog to learn new tricks.我上了年纪,学不会新道道儿了。(不译:我是条太老的狗,学不会新道道儿了。)冒冷汗 break out in cold sweat(不译:sweat cold sweat),采用适当的变通和补偿手法。(各种翻译技巧)以保证特定上下文中最重要的意义优先传译为前提。例如:“Ive told you hundreds of times,”said Johnny,slowly,“

44、Thats Id forgotten that girl,havent I?”“About three hundred and seventy-five,”admitted James,the monument of patience.,“我已经跟你说过几百遍了”,约翰尼慢吞吞地说,“我早已经忘记了那个姑娘,是不是?”“大概讲过三百七十五回啦”,堪称耐心表率的詹姆斯回答说。(在这里,monument 最重要的意义是它的联想意义,而不是它的指称意义,所以不译“纪念碑”,而译出“纪念碑”的喻义“表率”。,这里特别强调的是:三类符号学意义(指称意义、言内意义、语用意义)中的任何一种都可能成为某一上下

45、文或情景中最重要的意义。例如,在寒暄中,社交意义就远比指称意义重要。在以下一段话里,言内意义非常重要,如果不译出来,整段话的讽刺意味就会完全丢失:,Some kind person has sent me Chawcers poems.Mr.C had talent,but he couldnt spel.No man has a right to be a litrary man onless he knows how to spel.It is a piy that Chawcer,who had geneyus,was so unedicated.Hes the wus speller

46、I knew of.(Artemus Ward:Chaucers Poems)译文:有个好心人送给我乔瘦的诗。乔先生挺有才气,可是不会乒写。谁不会乒写,旧不配当文人。乔瘦挺有天材,可所受的教玉却如此之差,真教遗憾。他是我所知道的拼写最遭的人,这里说话人自己拼写错误百出,却指责乔叟不会拼写。译文试用同音字来译原文中拼写错误的词,以求传达文中突出的言内意义复制原文中的讽刺效果,尽可能多、尽可能正确地传递源语信息的多重意义。以争取原文和译文最大限度的等值。例如:“Maude Louise Squirewell,heh,heh.Boy,you people really have some names

47、,dont you?”(,1972年六月号)“莫德路易斯斯夸尔韦尔,嘿嘿。小伙子,你们这些人真的也有名字,是吗?”“莫德路易斯斯夸尔韦尔,嘿嘿。好家伙,你们这号人居然也有名有姓,嗯?”上述两种译法中,第二种译法传递的意义比第一种多,除了译出政府官员说话的指称意义外,还充分译出了他歧视黑人斯夸尔韦尔的语气(表达意义),因而比第一种译法好。,Assignment:English-Chinese Translation Practice Seeing People Off(2),In a room,or even on a doorstep,we can make the farewell quit

48、e worthily.We can express in our faces the genuine sorrow we feel.Nor do words fail us.There is no awkwardness,or restraint,on either side.The thread of our intimacy has not been snapped.The leavetaking is an ideal one.Why not,then leave the leavetaking at that?Always,departing friends implore us no

49、t to bother to come to the railway station next morning.Always we are deaf to these entreaties,knowing them to be not quite sincere.(此段未完),The departing friends would think it very odd of us if we took them at their word.Besides,they really do want to see us again.And that wish is heartily reciproca

50、ted.We duly turn up.And then,oh then,what a gulf yawns!We stretch our arms vainly across it.We have utterly lost touch.We have nothing at all to say.We gaze at each other as dumb animals gaze at human beings.We“make conversation”-and SUCH conversation!(此段未完),We know that these friends are the friend


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