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1、昌化一小2011学年第二学期六年级素质测试英语试卷 Listening Part 听力部分(30%)一、Listen and choose. 听音选择,圈出句中所听到的单词或短语,把字母序号写在括号内。(6%)( )1. A. heavy B. headache C. heavier D. have( )2. A. glass B.class C .pass D.grass( )3. A.when B. one C. went D.wait( )4. A. happy B. excited C. tired D. angry( )5. A. watches B. washes C. watch

2、ed D. washed( )6. A. sheep B. ship C. shirt. D. short二、Listen and judge 判断下列图片或句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的在括号内打“”,不相符的打“”。(8%)1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )5. Tom went to school by bike yesterday.( )6. Mikes hobby is making kites.( )7. Sarah is 12 years old.( )8. Its summer now.三、Listen and choose.听问句选择答语,把序号填在

3、括号内。(6%)( )1. A. Im a little bored. B. I do my homework. C. I watch TV.( )2. A. Yes, I like spring. B. I like winter best. C. I like swimming.( )3. A. Yes, she did. B. No, I did. C. Yes, I did.( )4. A. He likes football. B. Hes tall and strong. C. Hes an actor.( )5. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, its near.

4、 C. Yes, there is.( )6. A. I am going to buy a book.B. I go to the pose office.C. He is going to plant trees.四、Listen and choose. 根据你所听到的短文,选择正确答案。(10%)( )1. October 12th was .A. Sunday B. Saturday C. sunny( )2. Whats the weather like on that day?A.Windy and cloudy. B. Windy and sunny. C. Cool and w

5、indy.( )3. What did my mother buy for me?A. Some food. B. Some apples. C. A football.( )4. Whats the matter with my grandpa?A. He had a toothache . B. He had a cold . C. He had a headache .( )5.How did I feel on Saturday morning? A. tired. B. excited. C. bored.Writing Part 笔试部分 70%五、Read and choose.

6、 找出每组单词中划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,请将其标号填入题前括号内。(6%)( )1. A. name B. lamp C. have D.dad( )2. A. heavy B. clean C. bread D. weather( )3. A. cute B.umbrella C. university D.music( )4. A. brown B. now C. how D. snow( )5. A. why B. what C. who D. where( )6. A food B cook C room D school六、Read and choose. 选出正确选项。(

7、10%)( )1. Mr. Black to work by bus every day.A. go B. went C. goes( )2. -What day is it today?-Its .A. sunny B. Sunday C. Sept. 1st( )3. There a mirror and 3 end tables in the bedroom. A. is B. are C. am( )4. Amys birthday is _ May.A. on B. in C. at( )5. The girl is in the water.A. swimming. B. swam

8、. C. swims.( )6. Sarah _ up late this morning. A. gets B. got C. get( )7. Is your sisters birthdoy in November? _.A. Yes,it is. B. Yes,he is. C. Yes,she is.( )8. How many are there in your class?A. student. B. a student. C. students. ( )9. Ann likes the piano.A. play B. plays C. playing( )10.How_Mar

9、y feel? Shes excited. A. do B. does C. is七、Read and write. 看图读问句并回答问题。(10%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. How does Mike go to school?2.What did Sarah do last weekend?3.What are you going to do next Sunday?4.What is Zhang Peng doing now? 5.Is there a ball near the bed?八、Read and fill in the words.阅读短文选择方框内的词填空。(1

10、0%)on, in , took , have, sang, was, went, bought, came, hisMike an exciting weekend last Month. It was aturday, birthday. the morning, his mother shopping. She much food and a big cake. She bought a present, too. They wanted to a party. His grandparents a bus to his house. They from a village. Satur

11、day evening, they _ and danced. They had a good time.九、Read and choose.从所给的句子中选出适当的句子将对话补充完整,将编号写在相应的横线上。(12%)A. Pass me the knife, please. B. Id like some fish ,tomatoes and chicken.C. What time is it now? D. Can you wash the vegetables?E. You are helpful. F. What did you do after school.Sam: Daddy

12、, Im home. Im hungry.Daddy: 1. _ ?Sam: I played basketball after school. Im hungry and tired now.Daddy: 2 _ ?Sam: Its 6:30Daddy: What would you like for dinner?Sam: 3 _ .Daddy: Mom is out. So, we can cook dinner together. Sam: OK, dad. Daddy: _4 _ ?Sam: Yes, I can. Im going to wash the vegetables.Da

13、ddy: Good boy! 5 _ .Sam: Sure.Here you are.Daddy: Thanks. 6 _. 十、Read and judge.阅读理解。阅读并判断下列题是否与文章相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。(10%)There is a big park beside my home. It has many trees and flowers in it. Under a big tree, theres a big table and four stools(凳子). After supper(晚餐), a lot of people go for a walk in

14、 the park. Some of them play chess under a big tree. Some of them sing songs near the lake. And the children like to play on the playground(游乐场).The people in the park are all very happy.( ) 1. The park is not big.( ) 2. The park is near my home.( ) 3. After lunch, many people go for a walk in the p

15、( ) 4. There is a lake in the park.( ) 5. Everyone in the park is very happy. =十一、Read and answer.阅读短文,回答问题。(12%)Last Monday was a school holiday. My friends and I had a great day at the Zhongshan Park. We went there by bus.The park is very big. We can do many things there. I flew kites with John an

16、d Zhang Peng. Liu Yun, Amy and Chen Jie sang and danced. We were all very happy.At 12 oclock, we had lunch. We had some fruit, some juice and hamburgers. In the afternoon, we drew some pictures of the trees and flowers in the park. On Tuesday we put the pictures on the wall in our classroom. Do you like going to the park?1.How did they go to the park?_.2.What did Amy and Chen Jie do in the park?_.3.What did they have for lunch? _.4.What did they do in the afternoon? _.5.When did they eat lunch? _.6.Did they have a good time in the park?_.昌化一小2011学年第二学期六年级素质测试英语试卷 第5页 共4页


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